After about ten minutes, the smoke gradually dissipated and the movement on the tower gradually disappeared.

The specific appearance of the two corpses was also revealed from the tower. One was a man and one was a woman. They looked very ordinary, and there were no iconic marks or objects on their bodies.

Xu Lai later asked someone to identify them, but unfortunately, even the captured Thieves Guild members could not recognize these two people.

The corpses of these two people were relatively complete. The unlucky ones who attacked in the first wave had long been chopped into pieces by the Holy Light Knights.

In addition, the assassin fell from the city wall and was already dead.

Xu Lai deliberately sold a flaw and endured great pain. In the end, he only killed 6 assassins, and the most important one escaped.

The key is that none of these assassins can be identified yet.

If they could recognize them, Xu Lailai would have no choice but to cause trouble for their family members. There is no such thing as harming their families in this world.

Mainly because Xu Lai has been in this world for so long, and this is the first time he feels so disadvantaged.

In fact, apart from the pain he suffered, the paladins around him didn't lose anything. It was equivalent to zero for six, so they should have made a profit.

But in Xu Lai's heart, even killing the entire thieves guild couldn't make up for the pain he suffered.

There was no loss on his side, but the losses suffered by Jimmy and others were quite serious.

The mercenaries joined forces with the Thieves Guild and caused great chaos in the city.

Even though Xu Lai arranged for small mercenaries and security teams to protect him, and sent out all his angels, the chaos in the city still led to the death of many people.

Most of them were civilians, and a small number of low-level mercenaries, as well as some administrative officials were quietly assassinated by the killer in the chaos. They were all officials who had surrendered to Xu Lai from the beginning.

On the contrary, the large force led by Jimmy killed at least a thousand mercenaries head-on, but lost less than ten of their own. They were all killed by sneak attacks during search and last-ditch attacks.

These mercenaries do have some skills. With Xu Lai's bonus, even 3rd and 4th level soldiers have the defensive capabilities of 6th and 7th level soldiers.

But these guys have a way, either using armor-breaking weapons or fixed damage skills that ignore defense.

The battle was basically over at noon, but the commotion caused by this operation did not stop until the evening when the troops were completely suspended.

Fortunately, the strategic goals Xu Lai wanted to achieve have basically been achieved.

The locations of several mercenary regiments have all been sealed off, and tens of thousands of people have confiscated countless boxes of supplies from these places.

In addition to the residences of these mercenary groups, all shops under Aini's name and places related to Aini were also cleaned up.

Including the slums of Conaston, they also took this opportunity to completely overhaul it.

The dungeon could no longer hold so many people, so Jimmy had no choice but to use military law and beheaded hundreds of felons on the spot.

The handling of petty theft is simpler, the younger ones watch the punishment, and the older ones have their hands chopped off directly, it is simple, clear, clean and fast.

Of course, such crude handling methods may lead to many unjust, false and wrongful convictions.

But it is true that neither Jimmy nor Jilong and others have time to deal with such trivial matters slowly. They must restore calm to the city as soon as possible.

After coming down from the city tower, Xu Lai led Elvi and others to personally preside over a resurrection ceremony.

Those officials who had died once, the mercenaries who had a higher rank and had surrendered earlier, and then selected some innocent people involved to be resurrected.

These people were lucky, their bodies were at least intact.

Moreover, the time Xu Lai chose was at night, which was equivalent to being able to release the resurrection spell twice in a row. Most of the people resurrected were civilians, and their health points were all within 100 points.

Under the leadership of Elvi and others, a group of seraphs and archangels were resurrected twice, bringing together more than 500 people.

The collective resurrection of more than 500 people was quite a spectacle.

At least the temple is not willing to give the precious resurrection slots of archangels and seraphs to civilians.

As for Xu Lai, the most resurrected people were civilians. The number of officials and mercenaries who were assassinated was less than 100 in total.

The mercenary Xu Lai is the least resurrected. Only those who have actual records and performance will be resurrected by Xu Lai.

Those who are really unlucky, Xu Lai will only provide an additional pension on the basis of what the respective mercenary groups give.

There is no way, mercenaries are all professionals and have higher physiques. Often, resurrecting one mercenary can resurrect two civilians.

In Xu Lai Lai, either he has made a real contribution and is definitely one of his own, so he will naturally be given priority.

Otherwise, all human lives are equal. I can resurrect two people, but I will never resurrect just one.

Even if the compensation Xu Lai gave to the civilians was much less than that of the mercenaries, he would rather resurrect two civilians. Losing a little money was nothing.

The cash collected today from the mercenary stations and major shops alone amounted to millions of gold coins.

We haven't had time to count and organize the remaining supplies. Just sorting out these things will take at least three or four days.

As for this cash, Xu Lai divided two million gold coins into the city hall and gave it to Jimmy to handle with full authority.

Xu Lai had asked him to do so many things before, especially forming legions, launching new wars, and stocking up on war supplies, all of which required large sums of money.

Although there is money in the municipal warehouse, after all, we may not receive much new money for some time in the future, so we need to reserve it first.

Xu Lai didn't take away any of the remaining money. He first took out more than one million gold coins to compensate families and organizations that had suffered losses in the chaos.

It also includes rewards and pensions for the mercenary group, as well as special rewards for Jilong, Mohan, Hancock and others.

Xu Lai is stingy, but he is only stingy with himself and is relatively generous to others.

Especially since he has experienced it, he knows that those bosses who only draw big pie every day and advocate wolf culture will only end up letting out a bunch of lazy sheep.

Don't let people eat meat, drink alcohol, and talk about bullshit wolf culture.

The Aini family has ruled Conaston for so many years. Why did so many people surrender directly after Xu came to occupy the city with only a few hundred people?

Even if there are some loyal subordinates, most of them are people like Hancock who have enjoyed the benefits before and are considered vested interests.

Mercenaries can be spent with money. They don't hang their heads and hang on their belts just for the money.

Lin Qiu and others, Xu Lai also prepared positions for them, which can be regarded as remuneration and help Xu Lai check and balance Jimmy.

In the end, Xu Lai left a few hundred thousand gold coins in the castle.

This part of the money was left by Xu Lai and used specifically to recruit soldiers.

Not only the heroic buildings in Conaston Castle, but also the archers and spearmen in nearby towns, as well as the knights, archers, infantry, etc. in the outdoor buildings.

This is not a small amount of money. Just a level 6 knight in the knight training camp costs 1,800 gold.

After Xu Lai takes away the God-given body, the number of places in the knight training camp will be reduced to 14.

You can add the two cavalry training camps in the wild. After recruiting a level 4 trainee knight and upgrading it through the knight training camp, the cost will be the same.

Therefore, these knights alone need to consume 25,000 gold coins a month.

In addition, there are level 5 swordsmen, level 4 heavy crossbowmen, level 4 longbowmen, heavy armored spearmen and the griffon fortress built after Xu Lai arrived.

Although the unit price of these arms is not as expensive as that of knights, they are superior in their large numbers.

Not only wild buildings can increase their output, but all affiliated villages and towns affiliated with Conaston Castle can increase their output as long as they have corresponding buildings.

Therefore, recruiting all the soldiers in the city and in the fields would cost at least a hundred thousand a month.

In addition, Xu Lai also requested that soldiers be continued to be recruited in the market and that the wages of castle workers, craftsmen, gardeners, chefs, etc. should be paid.

More than one million gold coins may seem like a lot, but it can only last for a year at most, and that's because Xu Lai has no other additional expenses.

Xu Lai entrusted Lin Qiu to keep the money for him, and he also entrusted the other party with full authority for these matters.

Xu Lai is a person with a clear sense of grudges. The man in her family had some thoughts about her, so Xu Lai forcibly disbanded the other party's mercenary group and confiscated most of Lin Qiu's soldiers.

A group of 12 crusaders was left by Xu Lai to Lin Qiu for self-protection.

The number of 12 people is not large, but they are elite enough. The most important thing is that Lin Qiu is a high-level hero, and there are some elite backbones left by the Rainbow Mercenary Group.

With such a protective force, even if the thieves guild's killers and assassins want to assassinate, they will have the strength to protect themselves.

After all, Xu Laigang had just turned over the entire ghetto, causing the Thieves Guild to suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, under Xu Lai's generous policies, the slums will gradually be transformed, leaving the Thieves Guild completely without the soil for growth and reproduction.

Of course, it is impossible to eliminate them. After all, even Qingfeng City, a city built by Xu Lai, cannot eliminate these people.

Lin Qiu is also willing to hand over these people. After all, the position she is currently engaged in is considered a civilian position, and it is not appropriate to have hundreds of elite guards around her every day.

Moreover, Xu Lai gave her millions of gold coins to take care of, and she also served as the castle manager, spending most of her time enjoying the castle on Xu Lai's behalf.

Even Jimmy can only choose one at random among the rich men who were confiscated, but she can live in the castle.

It is these more than a hundred level 5 marksmen, more than a hundred heavy armored halberdiers and more than a hundred swordsmen, all of which she has spent a lot of effort to train.

Money may not be worth millions, but feelings are certainly worth more.

And because of Hancock's presence, Lin Qiu's order has not been used until now.

Lin Qiu also handed it over, which was regarded as Lin Qiuna's certificate of surrender, which represented her complete abandonment of military efforts.

Giving him a favor and repaying him with a favor, Xu Lai not only returned most of the property of the Rainbow Mercenary Group, but also arranged a good position for Hancock.

Xu Lai asked him to go to Qingfeng City and serve as the president of the Qingfeng City Mercenary Guild.

Logically speaking, Xu Lai is not qualified to make the decision as the president of a city's mercenary guild, even if he is the city lord. That is the mercenary guild's own business.

But that's only logically speaking. If a mercenary guild wants to be established, can it still be established without the master's permission?

Besides, how can a mercenary guild in a city carry out its work if the relationship with the city owner is not good?

What Xu Lai was most worried about was that the leaders of the mercenary guild felt they had lost face because of the scene he made in the mercenary guild, so they deliberately made things difficult for Xu Lai.

Even though he has now reached a friendly and cooperative relationship with Mohan, the lost face will not be regained.

However, the General Assembly finally agreed to Xu Lai's request.

In fact, if the General Assembly disagrees, Xu Lai plans to drive the mercenary guild directly out of his city, and then set up another organization by himself.

He even thought of a name, but the mercenary guild had existed for thousands of years. It was easy for Xu Lai to offend others, and if he wanted to ban them, it would be difficult for even the king to do so.

Xu Lai brought Hancock to Qingfeng City not for some evil purpose, nor simply to restrain Lin Qiu.

After making this decision, Xu Lai sent a box of deep-sea crystals to someone's home, so that they could take the teleportation array back and forth every day without any problem.

Therefore, the so-called problem of being in another place does not exist.

Anyway, if they don't want to run when the time comes, that's their own business.

Moreover, Xu Lai was not forced, but clearly told Hancock that he had promised all of Conaston's mercenary forces to the Evernight Mercenary Group.

Even if the old leader resigns, he will ensure that the Evernight Mercenary Group is the most powerful and powerful mercenary group in Conaston.

As the first mercenary group to defect to Xu Lai and not accept the reward, Xu Lai gave them the greatest care.

Hancock was not willing to accept it, so Xu Lai provided him with another platform.

He went completely voluntarily, Xu Lai was not forced in the slightest, and he even picked up a box of deep-sea crystals.

However, after reaching an agreement with the Naga tribe, the transaction volume between the two parties is getting higher and higher. Unless there is a problem with Naga's production, they can get as much as they want.

When the teleportation array was opened, Xu Lai did not leave immediately, but sent Hancock to take office first.

He himself stayed in this city for about a week.

He personally presided over and supervised the return of all the houses that had collapsed or been damaged due to the war to the citizens who were still waiting.

I personally witnessed the demolition of the Conaston city wall, personally visited every village and town, and witnessed how the heroes who came to govern and develop these villages and towns.

He also met with the transportation team coming from Qingfeng City, and even trained with the soldiers in the newly formed "Knightly Wind" Legion for two days.

If Reina hadn't asked Su Ya to call Xu Lai, Xu Lai would have stayed in this city that was in ruins for at least another month.

His tax reform policies, land re-inventory and distribution policies, and policies to encourage business were all just issued and have not been in operation for long.

Xu Lai was really worried about being left behind at this time.

But he couldn't do it without leaving, because Su Ya told Xu Lai that the reconnaissance eyes he deployed underground discovered a large number of cavemen. (End of chapter)

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