The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 547 Good News and Bad News

Cavemen are commonly known as blind men.

To sum it up very simply and clearly, if you stand in front of these guys, they can't see anything.

However, being blind doesn't mean they can't do anything. In places like underground cities where the environment is inherently dark, most underground creatures don't use their eyes to find enemies.

In addition, these blind men also have a very important characteristic, that is, just like the big-eared monsters in the stronghold, their numbers are astonishingly large.

As long as Moriel is willing to spend money and invest millions of blind people, you can clearly explore all the underground passages.

Even the underground world is equally dangerous. Not to mention the natural traps everywhere, without pathfinding skills, even underground creatures are often easily trapped.

Next are the wild monsters. The warning range of wild monsters is 100 meters.

Due to the special environment of the underground city, most underground creatures cannot detect wild monsters within 100 meters.

Including Xu Lai, not to mention that he has dark vision, even if he shines brightly on the ground, he still can't find it even if he shouldn't.

Because you are likely to turn around a hole and encounter those wild monsters directly.

However, if someone explores the path in advance, the threat of wild monsters can still be avoided.

It's just impossible for this group of cavemen, because they are used to explore the road.

With the physical quality of cavemen, as long as the wild monsters are not the same cavemen, they can basically bully them.

Therefore, if there is no one to lead the team and you just scatter the cavemen, you must be prepared to suffer heavy losses.

Cavemen are different from big-eared monsters. Even if big-eared monsters die, they can also be used as food reserves for the orcs.

The cavemen are the growers of underground mushrooms. Without the cavemen, there would not be so many mushrooms, and it would not be able to support many underground creatures. Even the carnivorous manticores and giant dragons would starve to death.

Just like the imperial camp, civilians basically have no fighting capacity, but they are the most important foundation of such a huge empire.

Moriel is a woman, and a very petty woman.

After suffering such a big loss at the hands of Xu Lai, she couldn't just give up.

Xu Lai had also been mentally prepared to be found by the other party, but according to his plan, he originally planned to kill Aini directly in one go.

Giving Aini a chance to recuperate will inevitably make future sieges more difficult.

In the current situation, it should be impossible for Aini to abandon the castle and run out again, and would not give Xu Lai the chance to capture a city with a small number of troops.

Fortunately, Xu Lai did not impulsively attack the city this month.

Instead, he spent a lot of time and money, first with land policies and tax policies, to stabilize people's hearts and merchants.

Secondly, through the bounty incident, the entire city was reshuffled, and the mercenaries, thieves, assassins and dignitaries who were capable of resisting and causing chaos were cleared first.

After such actions, in addition to the more than 15,000 men currently commanded by Jimmy, a new legion will soon be expanded to 20,000.

Xu Lai also left a security team in the city, as well as a castle guard composed of recruited soldiers, in charge of Lin Qiu.

The security team is responsible for suppressing people's livelihood, and the castle guards are responsible for guarding and monitoring the servants left in the castle.

In the villages and towns outside the city, Xu Lai also changed all the leaders, and by the way, he cleaned up the troops of the original village and town chiefs.

Xu Lai didn't dare to say that he just promised some benefits to those heroes who came from heaven, and they would definitely be loyal to him.

But at the very least, Xu Lai actually gave them benefits, and their current status was snatched from Aini.

If Aini wants to bribe them, he must at least pay a much higher price than Xu Lai.

Even so, those heroes who descended from heaven still murmured in their hearts.

They have been in contact with Aini for a while. Now that they are willing to give him benefits, they may not be sure how to deal with these traitors in the future.

Therefore, although he failed to follow his vision, after stabilizing the rear, he could conquer the entire grassland with peace of mind.

But his work this month should be effective, and no matter how bad it is, Aini will not be able to recapture Fort Kaunaston.

Of course, if he and his Qingfeng City were destroyed by Moriel, then the heroes who had followed Xu Lai in the rebellion, Mohan, Hancock and others, would probably not end well either.

But at that time, Xu Lai himself was gone, so how could he care about their life and death.

With the teleportation array cleared, it would be easy for Xu Lai to return to Qingfeng City.

However, Qingfeng City's teleportation array has just been set up, and Mingyue City's teleportation array will definitely not have time to set up.

For such a large teleportation array, Xu Lai did not provide any assistants for the mage.

Ordinary mages are simply looked down upon, and space-based mages are really hard to find.

Mages also need to rest, especially for this large-scale teleportation array project, which is still done alone.

The consumption of physical strength, energy, and even mana is extremely huge. If you don't take a good rest for a while, you may die suddenly in the teleportation array of Mingyue City.

Next is Mingyue City. Xu Lai wants to keep it a secret for the time being. After all, this magister was invited by someone from the Aini family.

Xu Lai still needs to continue to observe and win over.

Furthermore, Moon City is really not far from Qingfeng City.

A few miles out of the city is the underground passage, which takes only 3 or 4 minutes at the speed of Xu Lai and others' horses.

After getting off the underground passage, you have to walk a little longer, and the underground environment is not good. Even with pathfinding skills, it will take a little more time.

But just those few extra minutes of walking are nothing.

For such a short distance, there is really not much difference whether there is a teleportation array or not.

After hurriedly saying hello to Su Ya and the others, Xu Lai didn't even bother to take a look at the soon-to-be-completed luxury auction house and the new trading market outside the city.

The main frame of the auction house has been built long ago, but the internal decoration alone took a full month, and only most of it has been completed so far.

The construction workers in Qingfeng City can at most help build the house, such as plant pruning and gardening, marble sculpture carving, and so on.

The decoration from the outside to the inside was handled by the so-called masters invited by Wei Yihong and the businessmen who had invested in it.

It is said that the decoration is very luxurious, at least it is much more comfortable than a castle made entirely of huge rocks.

Xu Lai was quite interested, but he just didn't have the time.

After saying hello, Xu Lai only gave two instructions.

One is to take the trophies brought back from Conaston and ask Su Ya and others to help arrange them.

Among them were the God-given body and the trophies plundered from the Aini family's castle. The valuable batch came back with Xu Lai in the teleportation formation.

The remaining ones will return with the Qingfeng City transportation team transporting stone and wood, under the protection of Qingfeng City's caravan guards and mercenaries.

For example, gold coins and rare resources should be put into storage and used when needed.

Treasures like the God-given body were placed in the Griffin Fortress.

Xu Lai's angels are very powerful in combat, but their numbers are somewhat unsatisfactory.

What he is worried about now is not Count Aini and his noble men. What he is worried about is the orcs who have been coveting the grassland.

There is still a flying legion on the orc side.

Even if that legion cannot move, they can still use the entire strength of the wilderness to quickly replenish new flying troops.

When the time comes, he will be beaten to death by the orcs. No matter how strong his angel is, he will still be dragged to death by the orcs.

Therefore, it is necessary for Xu Lai to increase the number of flying troops. Even if they are to serve as scapegoats for the angels, there must be enough numbers to support them.

The second thing was to ask Jian Yuan to summon all the scouts and cartographers with map drawing abilities to put together several boxes of dungeon maps that Xu Lai brought from Conaston.

There must be many duplicates among these boxes of maps.

But before collecting these maps, Xu Lai had already checked them. There were definitely no identical maps.

Moreover, these maps are not necessarily accurate, especially some small maps. Without important cities and unique landmarks, no one can be sure where they are.

However, with these large boxes of maps, plus those collected by Jian Yuan, Su Ya and the others in Qingfeng City, there must be some clues.

Although this work is not physically demanding, it is particularly mentally demanding and requires a large amount of relevant information to be consulted to verify the map.

Therefore, this is not a task that can be completed in the short term.

The good news is that as the reputation of Qingfeng City spreads, there are more and more talents in Qingfeng City.

There are not only many learned mages, but also knowledgeable scholars, as well as special talents such as cartographers.

With these people, although this job is difficult, it can still be completed.

After explaining these two things, Xu Lai took Elvie, Giselle and the others to the underground city together.

If Moriel wants to attack Qingfeng City, she cannot get around Mingyue City no matter what.

Xu Lai wants to set up defenses, and if he wants to fight Moriel, Mingyue City must be more suitable.

There were no livelihood buildings there, and even if the entire city was destroyed, as long as he won, Xu Lai would only lose some materials and supplies.

These things can be bought with money.

Unlike Qingfeng City, the population, commerce, and agriculture here all took nearly a year to slowly accumulate.

If there were losses due to the war, the losses would be immeasurable.

It was not enough to bring only his own bodyguards and the two batches of phantom shooters that Giselle had trained so hard. Even if the city was exposed, Xu Lai could only ask Reina to drive the Qingfeng Legion underground.

In addition to the troops, Xu Lai also asked Bello to stop transporting stones to Qingfeng City after entering the underground city.

All the ore resources for the time being must be transported to Mingyue City. Firstly, they will be used as reserve materials for repairing the city wall. Secondly, they will be used to make stone bullets and prepare ammunition for catapults.

"What's going on now?"

Xu Lai hurriedly hurriedly, he had to explain to the leaders and persons in charge at all levels in the two cities.

By the time he arrived at the dungeon, it was already afternoon.

Compared with the information he obtained in the morning, more than half a day had passed.

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" Yu Lan blinked and asked playfully.

In this month, Su Ya has to manage Qingfeng City, and Giselle will occasionally come over to accompany her at night.

Yu Lan and others have been stationed in the dark Mingyue City for a long time, and it is really boring.

But seeing as she was still in the mood to joke, I guess the situation wasn't particularly bad.

Xu Lai couldn't bear to ruin Yu Lan's mood and asked cooperatively: "Let's hear the bad news first so that I can be mentally prepared."

Yu Lan pouted, although she was not satisfied, but still replied: "The bad news is that through the eyes of investigation, we discovered a huge number of cavemen, at least tens of thousands.

This is just a rough guess. There are too many things, and it’s not like there are magic lamps arranged in the tunnels in the city. We really can’t count them, so we can only make rough estimates.

With such a huge number, Reina, Dill and I all agreed that the existence of Mingyue City would inevitably be discovered by these cavemen. "

"This is an inevitable war, and I've been mentally prepared for it, so it's not bad news."

Xu Lai didn't pay too much attention after hearing this. Instead, he smiled and comforted a few people.

Sure enough, after Xu Lai finished speaking, Reina, who had been looking tense, relaxed a little.

She stood up and saluted: "This is my fault. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have offended Moriel.

You have such a beautiful and excellent city. I should not encourage you to offend Moriel because of my personal grudge. "

Reina regretted it a little. Of course she and Moriel were at odds with each other, and Xu Lai had to pay an appropriate price to gain her sincere loyalty.

However, this has affected a prosperous city like Qingfeng City, where countless civilians who have lost their land and survival materials have gained a new life.

Reina always felt regretful and guilty, and she was also a little worried that Xu Lai would be angry.

Xu Lai smiled and shook his head at Reina: "No, this is not your fault.

If you had concealed something from me and had the consequences now, then I might think it was your fault.

But you told me both the good and the bad, and you didn't hide anything.

Well, this is the decision I made after careful consideration and has nothing to do with you. "

After saying that, Xu Lai didn't give Leina a chance to continue speaking, and said to Yu Lan: "So what's the good news?"

Yu Lan blinked her eyes and said with a smile: "The good news is that we made calculations based on the speed at which those cavemen were discovered by our investigative eyes.

It would take these cavemen a week at the earliest to discover Mingyue City. If they were slower, it might take more than a month.

After all, there are so many forks in the middle, many of which you have never explored before. "

"A week to more than a month? That's really plenty of time, which is good news."

Xu Lai nodded and continued: "Since this battle is inevitable, we should go all out for this battle. Moriel is not an easy opponent to deal with.

The so-called knowing yourself and your enemy means you will be victorious in any battle. The first thing we need to know is Moriel’s specific information.

Including her level, specialization, treasures, abilities, troops, etc. "

After saying that, Xu Lai turned his attention to Reina.

Among everyone present, Reina was the most familiar with Moriel, although she was familiar with Moriel more than 50 years ago. (End of chapter)

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