The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 548 Black Dragon Tactics

"I wasn't very clear about Moriel's level 50 years ago. We elves actually have very little contact with the outside world.

But unlike the peaceful living environment of us elves, Moriel is in a dungeon, a place where battles can happen at any time.

Thinking about it, Moriel's level is not too low. She should have been at least level 30 more than 50 years ago.

Now, I'm afraid there are already level 40, or even more, and level 50 is not impossible.

If she had reached this level, then all of her specializations should have been upgraded to their ultimate form.

When I fought with her before, I could only be sure that she must have the ultimate wisdom, ultimate fire spell, ultimate offense, ultimate defense, ultimate logistics and ultimate resistance.

Well, she has obtained the Dragon Blood Bottle, and she has successfully transformed into a dragon form. It is not clear whether specialization will have an impact.

She was a mage hero before, and she should have mastered ultimate intelligence and ultimate magic power, two essential specialties for mage heroes.

It's just that after transforming into a dragon, she should prefer the physics department.

So looking at it all together, I'm still not sure what specialization she has.

The only thing I'm sure of is her fighting style.

Her fighting style was already famous in our time, and even demons had to learn from her. "

Xu Lai quickly asked: "Oh, how did she fight?"

Reina gritted her teeth and said: "That cunning woman is best at sneak attacks and harassment.

Her most common way of fighting is to lead a group of black dragons and run to the enemy's territory to unleash the Doomsday Judgment.

Because the black dragon is immune to level 5 spells, there is no obstacle to this kind of large-scale spell that does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

But in the past, she still had a weakness, and this weakness was herself.

The underground creatures are not very fast, even with the blessing of ultimate logistics, it is easy for people to catch up.

In addition, black dragons cannot be regarded as qualified bodyguards. Their breath damage is area-based. As long as the enemy can stick to Moriel, she will probably be burned to death by her own bodyguards.

Therefore, in the past, she did not dare to provoke too powerful enemies, and this tactic was mostly used for sneak attacks.

Once she gets it, she will look for an underground passage to hide like a mouse. "

Speaking of this, Reina smiled bitterly again and said: "But now, this can no longer be regarded as her weakness, because she can already transform into a dragon."

The dragon can fly. As long as it flies, ground troops will never be able to get close to Moriel.

Similarly, the dragon is fast enough. Even if the enemy sends flying troops to besiege, only a few creatures such as phoenixes, angels, and demons can get close.

Dragons may not be qualified bodyguards on the ground, but they are passable in the air.

Therefore, Moriel, who can transform into a dragon, has indeed eliminated one of her biggest weaknesses.

In addition, the dragon's physical defense and vitality are unparalleled. I believe that Moriel, who can transform into a dragon, will also inherit this characteristic.

If she had some good equipment and treasures, the queen's life might even exceed Xu Lai's.

Xu Lai is just lucky, but she has been an underground queen for at least 50 years. She has a set of luxurious equipment and luxurious treasures. Isn't that easy and enjoyable?

Xu Lai felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity with Moriel's tactics.

Before Moriel, the demon lord Sellon used the Doomsday Blade to unleash the Doomsday Judgment everywhere.

And he is more convenient than Moriel, because demons can move instantly, and their huge bat wings are not often used.

In the beginning, Sellon relied on this move to make the heroes and nobles of the Northern Empire suffer a lot.

And Xu Lai also took advantage of the Doomsday Judgment, allowing him to solve a lot of troubles without much effort.

This is also an important reason why Xu Lai always carries the Doomsday Blade with him.

But I didn't expect that such a tactic was actually invented by the Dungeon Queen. No wonder she only likes to carry the dragon army in action.

According to Reina's description, if Moriel still retained her legal specialization, her power of Doomsday Judgment would be much stronger than Xu Lai's.

Not to mention compared to Xu Lai, even Demon Lord Sellon is not comparable to him.

The Demon Lord is a physical profession. It is not easy to reserve a few specialization positions to learn wisdom, fire magic, etc. Specialties such as magic and intelligence are basically not touched.

The effects of these two specializations are also very simple and crude. Intelligence specialization increases mana by 25% at the first level. Upgrading to the final level can increase the mana by 125%, which is equivalent to more than doubling.

Putting aside the special effects of intelligence specialization, if you are not a hero with high intelligence, this specialization will not bring much benefit, because it only increases the mana value brought by intelligence, and the mana value brought by equipment is not counted.

But if you include the special effects of intelligence specialization, which accelerates mana recovery, props can restore more mana, excess mana can be stored, and mana can be converted into health according to a certain ratio.

As soon as these four special effects appeared, they became a must-learn specialization for almost all legal heroes.

The magic specialization is even more terrifying. It is used to increase the spell damage of all attack spells, by 5% at the first level and 25% at the ultimate level.

The effect is definitely not as good as a certain magic specialization. Whether it is a defensive spell, an offensive spell, or an auxiliary spell, there is an effect bonus.

Magic specialization only increases the lethality of spells, which is equivalent to only having an effect on offensive spells.

But the good thing about it is that it has a bonus for each system of offensive spells.

Combined with the four special effects of magic specialization, shortening the casting time, increasing the spell range, increasing the range of range spells, and reducing the spell cooling time, it is also one of the specializations that magic heroes must learn.

The spell of Doomsday Judgment is really powerful and has a large coverage range. It is very useful.

Xu Lai believes that Moriel will definitely not abandon this tactic. Instead, she will thoroughly carry forward this tactic after the dragonization.

Therefore, he judged that the four major specializations of magic, intelligence, wisdom, and fire magic must be her must-learn items.

Combined with the previous offensive, defensive, logistics, resistance, etc., Moriel's basic abilities have been analyzed almost.

In the past, Xu Lai always went around judging others with the Doomsday Blade.

Now that he knows that he is going to be judged by others, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

"What do you think the power of Moril's Doomsday Judgment will be? Should we use the Forbidden Magic Ball to restrict her?"

If someone in the legion is equipped with the Forbidden Magic Ball, all the people on the side and the enemy will also be unable to cast spells.

Not to mention the people on the side and the enemy, even if there is a third-party hero nearby, they will still be unable to cast spells.

The effect of the Forbidden Magic Ball is only related to the location of the Forbidden Magic Ball, and has nothing to do with who uses it between the enemy and us.

Therefore, once Lena is equipped with the Forbidden Magic Ball, Xu Lai will not be able to cast spells.

He is now a person who has mastered all the level 5 magic. If he cannot cast spells, he must evaluate whether it is worthwhile.

"The Forbidden Magic Ball must be equipped. If nothing unexpected happens, once we are discovered here, Moril will only lead the Black Dragon to attack us.

The Black Dragon is immune to spells from level 1 to 5. Even if we don't equip the Forbidden Magic Ball, only the auxiliary spells against ourselves will work.

And the auxiliary spell with the largest bonus and the best effect is prayer, and prayer does not require casting."

Xu Lai patted his head and smiled bitterly: "It's me who was confused and forgot the characteristics of the Black Dragon.

In this case, there is really no need to consider it. You have been equipping the Forbidden Magic Ball with you these days, just in case."

Since the Forbidden Magic Ball is equipped, Moril's tactic has been invalidated and there is no need to consider it anymore.

However, when in the Northern Empire, in order to consider the face of the Northern Empire and the Temple, no special publicity was made for Xu Lai.

Most of the nobles and heroes did not know that the most critical person to win this battle was him, Xu Lai.

Even the people on the Empire side were not very clear. Moril, an enemy of the Empire camp, was also an enemy who had been underground for a long time. She was even less clear about Xu Lai, and it was even more impossible for her to know what treasures Xu Lai had.

The opponent might at most judge that someone had rescued Reina because the Hero Prison was empty, and it was very likely that they were in the same group as the people who attacked Darkhor.

This was something that could be used. Knowing nothing about the enemy was very deadly.

Moril was not clear about Xu Lai's strength and treasures, and it was very likely that she would only bring the Black Dragon Legion as Reina said.

Moril was in charge of the entire underground world. If someone really gathered the whole family to push over, even if Xu Lai concentrated all his forces, it would be difficult to compete.

But if he only brought the Black Dragon, although it was flexible and fast, it also gave Xu Lai and his men a chance.

After all, the Black Dragon was a top-level soldier, and after the Black Dragon was upgraded to the Poison Dragon, it would lose the ability to be immune to spells, so Moril probably wouldn't bring it.

Therefore, it can be inferred that Moril's Black Dragon Legion would definitely not be too many.

If Xu Lai had taken advantage of Moriel's carelessness the first time and directly captured the thief first and killed Moriel, he would not have to worry about the threat from the dungeon.

On the contrary, if Moriel could not be killed this time, even if her black dragon army was annihilated, it would not have any effect.

There would not be too many black dragons. Conservatively estimated at one or two thousand, optimistically tens of thousands, no more.

Fighting tens of thousands of 8th-level flying black dragons, even if they were imprisoned by magic, would not be so easy.

The good news is that black dragons do not have the ability to break armor and ignore defense.

If it was just a melee, with Reina's talent for defense, she would have taken a big advantage.

But even with the magic-forbidden ball, it would not be able to stop the black dragon's breath. Fortunately, the breath is only a few dozen meters long at most, which is not as good as the javelin of the wind knight.

Xu Lai took out the war shackles and said to Rena, Dier and others: "I think I don't need to introduce this thing to you.

If Moriel uses the power of the dungeon to deal with us, we will definitely lose, so my opinion is that we must not let her get away.

Coincidentally, I have such a treasure here.

But once equipped with this thing, Moriel can't run away, and we can't run away either."

Xu Lai directly showed the war shackles.

Dier and others knew about this treasure, and Rena had also heard of this famous treasure and knew its specific function.

"My dear, I don't think it's necessary. We should be able to repel Moriel with the help of the walls of Mingyue City.

No matter how many black dragons she has, it's not worth it to exchange them with our ordinary soldiers.

With Sister Reina here, I think our swordsmen and knights are fully capable of fighting the black dragon.

Her black dragon is a flying creature. If she wants to take the initiative to attack us, she must land. "

Yu Lan was the first to object. She thought it was too risky. Once equipped with war shackles, there would really be no choice but to fight to the death.

On the contrary, under the premise that Moriel cannot use spells, her specialization bonus is definitely not as good as her own. With the blessing of the power of prayer, her own side will definitely be able to fight the black dragon across levels.

Even if a level 5 swordsman and a level 6 knight were exchanged for a level 8 black dragon, Moriel would definitely be reluctant to part with them and would not want to fight to the death.

Even after returning, Moriel will regroup the army and come back again.

First, due to the special terrain of the underground city, large-scale armies cannot be deployed.

Secondly, it still takes a long time to dispatch the army, and at the same time, sufficient supply of food and grass must be ensured.

The distance between the two parties is not too close, and it will take at least a few more months to go back and forth.

In these few months, Xu Lai will be able to accumulate more strength. It's hard to say who will win and who will lose.

Xu Lai knew that Yu Lan was worried about his safety, but Xu Lai was unwilling to give up this opportunity.

“I founded a new legion called the Chivalry in Conaston.

It is impossible to dispatch these people here, but with this legion here, no matter how heavy the Qingfeng Legion suffers, we will not return to before liberation.

My Guards Regiment, plus the Mingyue City garrison and the Qingfeng City garrison, plus the Qingfeng Legion.

Are you sure you can defeat Moriel? "

Xu Lai ignored Yu Lan and asked Reina directly.

Whether fighting as a legion or fighting individually, it is obvious that Rena and her defensive talent are the key factors that determine whether the battle is successful.

On the contrary, it is Xu Lai. The prayer ability that comes with the Angel Alliance does not require him to be the commander of the army. It can also be released to friendly forces.

Therefore, Xu Lai is ready to give up the dominant position in this battle to Reina.

In this attack, the Qingfeng Legion not only experienced actual combat experience, but also received special training after the battle, which also made the Qingfeng Legion look like a regular army.

The most important thing is that thanks to the generosity of Count Aini, the Qingfeng Legion has grown from less than 10,000 people before, and with the new recruits that Qingfeng City continues to recruit, as well as a large number of prisoners, the total number has quickly increased to more than 30,000 people.

This is without counting the logistics troops. Including logistics, Rena plans to expand to about 50,000 people.

The remaining spots are reserved by Rena for recruiting soldiers. These soldiers are not afraid of death in battle, obey orders, and work in unison. Their role in the legion is also very huge and indispensable.

As the leader, Lena's opinion is the top priority.

If she wasn't sure, it would be too dangerous for Xu Lai to do this, and it would easily put herself and everyone on her side to death.

But if Leina agrees, it means that the chance is indeed great. Xu Lai has always liked taking risks.

Reina shook her head, and just when Xu Lai was disappointed, she just heard her say:

“I don’t know the number of black dragons in Moriel, so I’m definitely not 100% sure.

But we have the advantage of defending the city, we have the advantage of treasures, the gap in troop strength is not too big, and we still have one week to one month to prepare for the war.

In my opinion, the certainty should be above 60%. "(End of chapter)

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