The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 550 Inspection and Reward

When Xu Lai saw Elvie's new attributes, his mouth opened wider than a duck egg.

With this attribute, if it is equipped with a set of artifact equipment, Xu Lai doesn't know who else can beat this Seraphim leader in a single duel.

Looking at Elvie, even Xu Lai felt a sense of oppression.

Elvie's 7 characteristics are too much of a bonus to angels. Most of the low-level and mid-level heroes may not have as strong a bonus as hers.

Especially the last characteristic, it is almost clear that His Highness the God of War gave Elvie a special treatment.

Although the 250-point Radiance Shield cannot resist physical damage, it can resist any form of spell damage.

This is equivalent to an additional 250 points of health for oneself and the angel troops when facing mage heroes and mage troops, which is a huge improvement.

Moreover, this improvement is not only useful when facing mage heroes and mage troops. There are many physical heroes who also master some spells.

For example, the demon lord Selron, otherwise Xu Lai now.

Even some arms have a lot of spell damage, such as the dragon fire of the black dragon, the flame of the fire phoenix, the lightning of the Titan, etc.

These are not magic arms, they have stronger physical combat capabilities, but they take into account spell damage.

Especially this time, when facing the black dragon, the Seraphim are immune to fire damage and are not afraid of dragon fire.

But the archangels still need this brilliant shield to help resist some fire damage.

Dragon fire is a kind of energy accumulation. No matter how strong the dragon is, it cannot spit indefinitely.

As long as it can resist the first wave of dragon fire and give the archangels a chance to approach, no matter how strong the dragon scales are, they can't stop the angels' swords.

In addition to the characteristics, Elvy herself has also improved a lot.

Elvy did not directly comprehend the four elemental secrets like Dier, but only improved some attributes and increased a little life value.

Well, not a little, but an exaggeration, an increase of nearly a thousand points of life value.

Although a large part of it comes from the Archangel's Glory, which has no attributes when he was a Seraphim.

Elvy knelt on one knee devoutly in front of Xu Lai, one hand on the sword, the other on her snow-white knee, and her forehead against the back of her hand.

"I will protect you with my life, my knight."

Xu Lai moved his mouth, wanting to tell her that she had said the opposite, but thinking that he probably couldn't beat Elvy, he didn't even know how to refute.

So Xu Lai stretched out his sinful big hand and gently stretched it out.

Covered Elvy's beautiful and resolute face.

"Get up, my beautiful angel, this is not the way to do it in our family."

Outside, Elvy and the others are Xu Lai's subordinates, but inside, they have long become Xu Lai's relatives.

Xu Lai spent this sleepless night in the dungeon.

He didn't go to accompany Su Ya, and he also restrained the intense impulse in his heart. He didn't do anything to Elvy. Even Giselle, who had only bullied her once, just accompanied her for dinner.

Xu Lai didn't know how to apologize to the women. If he gave them gifts, Xu Lai's own treasure house would be open to them.

All his things belonged to these women, so he didn't know how to compensate them, so he had to give Yu Lan more warm nights.

Lying in Xu Lai's arms, Yu Lan said frankly that if she could get such compensation every time, she would rather not give her all the orders from Xu Lai in the future.

In Yu Lan's arms, in his own home, Xu Lai could finally put down his vigilance in Conaston for a while, as well as all the tedious affairs that he needed to worry about.

After a good night's rest, Xu Lai was busy again the next morning.

As the city lord who had not appeared for a long time, Xu Lai spent two days, starting from the underground miner town, inspecting his territory one by one.

And his inspection was not an ordinary inspection, he sent gifts to all his subjects.

The miner town has been rushing to increase production in order to expand the city wall of Qingfeng City, so Xu Lai sent them a lot of wine and meat.

On average, everyone in the Miner Town can get at least 5 kilograms of beef and mutton and at least 3 bottles of fine wine.

A family of three horse thieves can harvest 15 kilograms of meat and 9 bottles of fine wine at a time, which is the most rewarded among all the territories.

This is an extra reward, that is, a reward in addition to wages.

However, the people in the Miner Town are all laborers transferred from horse thieves. They are punished and their salary is only half of that of normal workers, but everyone's reward is the same.

This will stimulate the enthusiasm of these horse thieves and strive to work harder so that they can become good citizens as soon as possible.

You know, in order to increase the enthusiasm of these people, Xu Lai told Bello that one horse thief can be released every month to make them free civilians.

The condition for release is, of course, to pick the one with the best performance from the one with the lightest crime.

The rest of the territories did not have any outstanding performance, so all families were treated equally.

However, during the time when Xu Lai was away, they had been actively producing and living, and did not cause any trouble to Xu Lai, so Xu Lai was willing to share the benefits with them.

This time, it was divided according to household registration. All residents who settled in Qingfeng City and its affiliated cities could get a bag of rice or a bag of noodles per household.

Heavy manual laborers, such as lumberjacks, builders, and crystal miners, could receive an additional portion of beef or mutton or a barrel of oil or a barrel of wine based on their professional certificates.

After the people were rewarded, the most important people still needed to be rewarded.

During his inspection, Xu Lai also announced that all public officials could receive a gold coin reward on top of a bag of rice and noodles and beef and mutton.

Among the public officials, those affiliated with the security team, the security station, and the newly joined recruits would receive an additional gold coin on top of a gold coin.

These people were considered their own people, so they had to focus on rewards to make them follow Xu Lai more wholeheartedly.

Finally, and most importantly, all soldiers who participated in the frontline battles were rewarded according to the standard of 5 gold coins for ordinary soldiers and 10 gold coins for officers.

Since this reward was extra, Su Ya had rewarded them according to Xu Lai's instructions after the Qingfeng Corps returned.

Therefore, Xu Lai simply did not make a detailed distinction for this money, and only used two standards for ordinary soldiers and officers.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that the new recruits recruited by Lena from the captives are of course not eligible for the extra reward of 5 gold coins.

However, Xu Lai still gave them one gold coin each. These guys didn't even have the resettlement allowance for normal recruits, and giving them one gold coin was also to reassure them.

The morale of Qingfeng City was originally high, and the tax revenue was low. Xu Lai also made sure that everyone had a field to plant and everyone had a job to do.

It can be said that as long as they don't slack off, everyone can support their families and even save a little money.

There are actually very few daily necessities on the grassland. Except for fur, beef and mutton, food cannot be eaten freely. Salt, iron and other things are all imported.

The residents of Qingfeng City and its vicinity have a high demand for various materials.

Now that they have money and confidence in their future lives, they are willing to consume rather than save, which can drive the business atmosphere.

Therefore, although the business scale and population scale of Qingfeng City are not as good as those of Konaston Castle, the business environment and potential are much better than those of Konaston.

Of course, Konaston is also undergoing new transformation, and it is hard to say what the future will be like.

After inspecting Qingfeng City, Xu Lai continued to inspect the trading center and villages outside the city.

These villages under Qingfeng City have a higher degree of freedom. In addition to paying 30% of taxes to Xu Lai, any excess profits can be divided in half with Xu Lai.

Inspecting along the upper reaches of the river, there are a total of 5 villages nearby, and the owners of two villages have other ideas and plan to only do livestock business.

The space along the river is always limited, and Xu Lai does not allow the villages to be too dense, because he needs to make some space for upgrading and expansion.

Xu Lai promised land, funded gold coins, and helped them buy the heart of the castle. The investment is not small.

Compared with those in Conaston Castle, the village chiefs here are much happier.

However, when Xu Lai was inspecting, there were still village chiefs complaining to him that the conditions given by Xu Lai were too harsh.

Because he only allowed 30% tax and did not allow civilians to be taxed, it was either too difficult or too little for them to make money.

For example, they can develop the tertiary industry. Most of the villagers on the grassland can raise cattle and sheep.

The transactions of milk, goat milk, beef, mutton, fur, etc. can all be taxed.

However, Xu Lai has stipulated that the villages along the river must vigorously develop agriculture, so the scale of the tertiary industry cannot be large.

These earned must be shared equally with Xu Lai, and even less can fall into his hands.

Xu Lai arranged security guards and tax officials in each village, responsible for security and tax management respectively, and they could not deceive Xu Lai for the time being.

However, people's hearts are always insatiable. Xu Lai never tolerated such voices, but responded bluntly:

"Don't build a village here. You can collect as much as you want. I don't even bother to care.

You are now using my land, my castle heart, enjoying my early funding, and dividing up the refugees who came to me for refuge. Now you still want to disobey my rules?"

"Look at what you said, we have never violated your rules. If you don't believe it, you can ask. We definitely didn't charge a penny more."

All in all, they have only built the village for more than a month. If they dare to ignore Xu Lai's rules in just over a month, they probably don't have the courage.

But just based on the ideas revealed in their words, Xu Lai knew that this mode of cooperation was still not desirable.

But he really was short of people. Even if he could purchase some low-level castle hearts on the market, someone still had to manage and build them.

There are ready-made towns and villages in Conaston. Xu Lai only needs to let people manage them. If they can't manage them well, they can withdraw at any time.

All these villages in Qingfeng City are built from scratch. If the builders are not given original shares, who will be wholeheartedly working for other people's villages?

Therefore, Xu Lai just kept this matter in mind and did not change his previous decision.

Instead, he patiently told them that Qingfeng City will become bigger and bigger in the future, and the demand for food and workers will increase.

As long as they manage and operate well, they can make a lot of money even if they rent houses to those merchants in the future.

After all, Xu Lai has moved all the large livestock markets outside the city.

In order to save a little money, some caravans may choose to rest in cheap villages outside the city.

As long as Qingfeng City develops, the surrounding villages and towns will not be poor.

It's best if they can realize this, but it doesn't matter if they don't realize it. As long as their greed is put into action, they will be exposed sooner or later.

At that time, Xu Lai would have a legitimate reason to punish them.

Although Xu Lai shared the profits of these villages with the heroes, in terms of affiliation, these villages still belonged to Qingfeng City.

Therefore, Xu Lai did not favor one over the other and gave them rewards as well.

Not only them, Xu Lai also took the paladins to the other two more remote villages and the town that Luo Mingru had developed and grown.

Even the werewolves and lizardmen in Luo Mingru's town, Xu Lai brought them gifts.

Thanks to the good reputation of Qingfeng, Luo Mingru's town has also developed well.

Passing caravans would stop here, and the refugees found by the security team and patrol team would be settled in his town nearby.

There were also many refugees who, after hearing that this town also belonged to Qingfeng City, would not want to continue walking the nearly 100 kilometers and chose to settle here.

When they came, there were probably less than 1,000 people in the city.

Now, this is already a large town with more than 3,000 households, more than 5,000 settled people, and a small town with tens of thousands of people active here.

Luo Mingru told Xu Lai that he was very satisfied with this place. He heard that Xu Lai was forming the Qingfeng Corps, and he was willing to help.

Xu Lai did not refuse this, but Xu Lai did not incorporate Luo Mingru's people into the army because of different ownership and difficult management.

Moreover, Luo Mingru himself did not follow the army, but only sent his generals to lead 100 werewolf warriors and 100 lizardman archers.

Xu Lai simply stopped splitting up the team of 200 people, but organized them into patrol teams to patrol the horse farms and trade routes in Qingfeng City and affiliated villages.

With such an alien army, at the beginning of each month, even if they encounter some monster months, they can open up the road at the fastest speed without affecting Qingfeng City and surrounding towns.

As for the resources guarded by the monsters, Xu Lai has no time to collect those resources now.

Anything he does is more important than collecting these low-level resources.

After contributing his own strength, Luo Mingru also frankly stated his needs.

But it was because the ore and wood resources in the grassland were much more expensive than he had imagined.

Now, let alone upgrading the town, he couldn't even get enough wood to build houses for the settlers, which gave him a headache every day. (End of this chapter)

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