The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 551: Confidential, I can only tell you

Mineral resources are not so difficult to deal with. In the underground city discovered by Xu Lai, there is not an inexhaustible supply of mineral resources, but at least there is no shortage of mineral resources in the short term.

However, wood resources are not enough for Xu Lai himself.

There is no way. There are too few forests on the grassland. Xu Lai needs to travel a long way to collect them in the few places he knows.

Fortunately, he has a group of tree spirits led by Xiao Baiyang at home, who can help him maintain those small forests.

However, this is still not enough for Xu Lai, and he still needs to buy from merchants.

So, Xu Lai smiled bitterly and told Luo Mingru that he could let some wood resources come out at a fair price, but he needed to send someone to Qingfeng City to get them.

Xu Lai was willing to give up some wood and not make a profit by reselling it. He has done his best.

If he sent someone to deliver it again, I don’t know how much shipping costs he would lose.

His current space backpack is big enough, and there are also some supply vehicles in his home.

But these are military supplies, and it is impossible to take them out as ordinary items.

Luo Mingru was already satisfied to get Xu Lai's agreement, and he didn't dare to ask for anything else, so he quickly agreed with a smile.

After inspecting Luo Mingru's place, Xu Lai rushed to his own ranch without stopping.

It's not right to say that it's his own, because it all belongs to Qingfeng City.

With the villagers of the original Gram Village as the backbone, the grassland resources around Qingfeng City are raising more and more livestock.

On average, there are more than a dozen herdsmen in each ranch, and there are constantly transport teams coming and going.

Therefore, the ranch is relatively peaceful, and wild creatures such as prairie wolves rarely approach.

But if they are extremely hungry, they will still secretly hunt some cattle and sheep, which is an inevitable loss.

After all, the grassland is too large, and a dozen herdsmen plus a dozen shepherd dogs can't take care of it.

Prairie wolves cannot be avoided, but fortunately the loss is not serious. These guys only secretly hunt some occasionally, and don't kill them indiscriminately, and can even help drive away some wild monsters that fall from the sky.

Sometimes, the herders would deliberately leave some leftover sheep bones and mutton for the prairie wolves.

The herder dogs they have been using were domesticated from prairie wolves in this way. They are not weak in combat power and are protected by spiked neck guards.

The reproduction rate of animals in the magic world is only slightly faster than that of the earth, but the growth rate of plants is at least ten times that of the earth.

Therefore, after selecting a suitable pasture, the herders do not need to move and change pastures frequently.

After inspecting all the territories, everyone was delighted by Xu Lai's gift.

Farmers wish they could harvest twice a day, and brick movers and miners were so tired that their arms were smoking.

The herders did not complain about the lack of manpower, even when Xu Lai proposed to give them year-end bonuses based on the year-end breeding performance.

The herders said that they could try their best to breed another batch of cubs.

The merchants who seemed to have not gained any benefits in this grand carnival were also smiling happily.

There is no other reason. Xu Lai wants to purchase their goods in bulk as rewards, and the soldiers, civilians and their families who have received money should spend the money happily.

The more goods the merchants sell, the more they earn. Who would be unhappy with more profits?

Xu Lai, who suffered the most losses, did not lose much if he calculated carefully.

Because the people were inspired to work, and most of them rented land, which was equivalent to increasing Xu Lai's income in the next few months in disguise.

In addition, the merchants' shipments increased, and the taxes paid also increased. Although it could not offset Xu Lai's losses, it at least recovered part of it.

And such results will also be publicized by these merchants, so as to attract more caravans to Qingfeng City.

Finally, the motivated soldiers will participate in training more actively, improve themselves faster and harder.

After such an improvement, in the upcoming dungeon battle, even if they can kill one more enemy, they can increase their chances of winning a little more.

As long as this war can be won, the underground queen Muriel, who is bound by the shackles of war, will no longer be a threat.

On the contrary, if he loses in this battle, he, who is also bound by the shackles of war, can only end up dying in battle.

From this point of view, Xu Lai is the one who will make money, and a lot of money.

Because he only used a few gold coins to buy countless warriors who were willing to sacrifice their lives for him.

In the next two days, Xu Lai was very low-key and did not continue to show up in public.

But he just didn't show up, not staying in the castle to enjoy himself.

In fact, after so many days back, he only saw the little blue dragon he raised a few times.

This little guy was only more than one meter long before, and if he coiled up, he could lie on his head or shoulders.

It's only been more than a month since I last saw him, and this little guy has become a little dragon with a body length of nearly 3 meters.

The blue dragon's body became increasingly blue. Su Ya said that when she released the blue dragon, few people could notice it against the backdrop of the sky.

And now the blue dragon has the ability to hunt on its own.

Su Ya only needs to feed it one unit of mercury every two or three days when it wakes up, and it will fly out to hunt on its own.

But maybe Xu Lai had fed it before. Even if it succeeded in hunting, it would not eat it directly. Instead, it would take it back to the castle and let the chef in the castle cook it.

At the beginning, it only needs to be cooked simply, and it will taste delicious with at least a little salt sprinkled on it.

But as Xu Lai's pet, this little guy is extremely popular in the castle.

Whether it's Yu Lan underground or Giselle at the training ground, she always brings delicious food to her when she comes back.

Over time, ordinary barbecue can no longer satisfy it.

Su Ya also doted on it. Even if she ate simply, she would send a cook to cut the meat into pieces with expensive spices and cook it for it.

Fortunately, the only thing that hasn't changed about this little guy is that he is still sleepy, sleeping for two or three days at a time.

After Xu Lai came back, the little guy hadn't woken up yet.

When it woke up, Xu Lai was no longer in the castle.

He took the 18 little angels from Elvi and the 3 little angels he had just recruited this month, a total of 21 little angels, to Lionheart City.

This time I went to Lionheart City, and I was only accompanied by Roland, the Holy Light Knight, and Elena, who is also the Bishop of Kaunaston Castle.

Lion Heart City is relatively safe, and Xu Lai does not need to bring too many guards.

Because he had already said hello to the temple, Xu Lai left the space magister Roberto in the Lion Heart City teleportation hall. After opening a new teleportation route, he followed Elena to Holy Angel City. .

Xu Lai has already been to Holy Angel City and even visited the Pope. In addition, he is now considered a lord of the same place, so his mentality is not bad.

On the contrary, Elena seemed a little uneasy returning to the place where she had lived since childhood.

Of course Xu Lai knew the reason. This time the temple asked Elena to come back together, obviously to punish Elena.

No matter what Elena's reasons are, it is an undisputed fact that she chose to stand with Xu Lai against her superiors.

Elena did this entirely because of Xu Lai's request.

It was precisely because of the efforts of Elena and the temple priests to comfort Xu Lai that he could take over the power relatively smoothly after Xu Lai occupied Conaston.

Without Elena, although Xu Lai would have a military advantage, as long as Aini's supporters stood up and shouted loudly, Xu Lai would definitely be in trouble.

Like the city guards, mercenaries, dignitaries, and bewitched civilians, if these people all started making trouble at once, Xu Laitou would explode.

Of course, it was impossible for Xu Lai to let Elena bear the punishment of the temple alone, so he couldn't help but reach out and hold the little hand that Elena squeezed tightly into a fist.

Being wrapped by Xu Lai's big hand, Elena's little face turned red instantly.

Xu Lai was stunned. He stretched out his hand. Originally, he just wanted to tell the other party that as long as he was here, everything could be shied away from him, and he would shoulder all the responsibilities.

Anyway, the temple owes him an explanation. The worst he can do is reveal some of his interests, and he will definitely not let the people who follow him feel cold.

But it seems that the other party has misunderstood something.

Just when Xu Lai was thinking about whether he should let go.

Elena took the lead in releasing her small fist, but not to shake Xu Lai away, but to hold Xu Lai's big hand firmly with her backhand.

At this moment, of course Xu Lai would never let go.

At the gate of Holy Angel City, Xu Lai and Elena were led by a waiter to a tall building.

After all, Xu Lai had been to Holy Angel City once. He remembered that he had never been there before, so he said:

"Hello, I would like to visit His Majesty the Pope first."

When you come to Holy Angel City, it is really unjustifiable not to pay a visit to the owner of this inner city.

The waiter paused, hesitated for a moment and then said: "After the Crimson Bishop asked me to see you, I will take you to see him immediately."

Xu Lai frowned and said, "It would be rude not to meet with His Majesty the Pope when I get here. Please take me to see His Majesty the Pope first."

He, a waiter with no profession, dared to stop him from meeting the Pope, so he had no choice but to turn around and take Xu Lai to the interior of Holy Angel City.

The further they walked, the more familiar Xu Lai became. After reaching the big square, the waiter suddenly stopped and said to Xu Lai:

"Your Excellency Knight, Bishop Elena and I are not allowed to enter here anymore. Please go on your own."

Xu Lai was stunned and glanced at Elena.

Elena smiled bitterly and explained: "I have not applied in advance, and I am indeed not qualified to disturb his old man."

Xu Lai shrugged. Since the people from the temple were not lying, he could only tell Elena:

"Then just wait for me here, I'll be out soon."

Xu came for a courtesy visit and did not want to ask the Pope for anything. In terms of friendship, he only met with him once and gave him a map.

This is inside Holy Angel City. When Xu Lai came here before, he saw many holy knights guarding it.

This time, no guards were found outside.

It wasn't until he walked about a few hundred meters that Xu Lai saw the old knight from before.

The old knight stood at the door, his sword and scabbard poking at the ground.

The old knight pressed his hands on the hilt of the sword and lowered his head, as if asleep, motionless.

If it weren't for the fact that there were several holy knights standing conscientiously behind the old knight, staring at Xu Lai's every move with wide eyes, Xu Lai would have suspected that the old knight had been killed.

When he came closer, Xu Laicai made a knight's salute and said: "Knight Commander, I want to pay a visit to His Majesty the Pope."

After Xu Lai finished speaking, the old knight opened his eyes. His slightly cloudy eyes glanced at Xu Lai, then immediately closed them and said:

"Go back, the Pope won't be here these days."

Xu Lai handed over his hand and walked back immediately. He didn't really like this kind of red tape.

It was only after he took two steps that he suddenly woke up and hurried back to ask: "What do you mean when you say that His Majesty the Pope has not been here these days?"

The old knight glared at Xu Lai and said, "You are so young, can't you understand people's words?

Absence naturally means absence. If you want to see him, come back after a while. "

Xu Lai ignored the old knight and asked again: "When you say absence, do you mean that His Majesty the Pope is not in the City of Holy Angels?"

The old knight looked at Xu Lai and said impatiently: "Yes, he is not here. If it is quick, he will be back in two days. If it is slow, it will be difficult to say.

By the way, I forgot to tell you. This is a secret. If you reveal it, Holy Angel City and even the Imperial Capital may encounter mishaps. "

Xu Lai swallowed and said, "Is it because of the Western Empire and Kerrigan?"

The old knight nodded expressionlessly, but Xu Lai didn't know which question he answered.

In the former case, he asked where the pope had gone; in the latter case, he asked about unexpected events.

But obviously, in the eyes of the old knight, these two questions have the same answer.

"Since there will be unexpected events, why did you tell me the answer so casually?"

The old knight said angrily: "Isn't that what you want to ask? If I don't tell you, what will you do if you continue to pester me?"

Xu Lai was speechless and wanted to say that he didn't really come to see you. As long as you said that the Pope was unavailable, he would immediately turn around and leave without saying any more nonsense.

But if you really say this, you might get beaten easily.

"I mean, how can you reveal such confidential information casually?"

Xu Lai still has half a sentence left to say, and the other half is to say that his relationship with your temple has not reached this point yet.

The old knight raised his lips slightly and said:

"I did not disclose it casually. In the entire Holy Angel City, apart from some members of the First Knights where we are responsible, so far, you are the only one who knows the whereabouts of His Majesty."

Xu Lai was dumbfounded and immediately asked: "What do you mean by this?"

The old knight said: "It doesn't mean anything, His Majesty asked me to tell you.

He said that if you want to ask, he will tell you, saying that there is no need to hide it from you. "

Xu Lai instantly felt like crying. Why is there no need to hide it from him? You should hide it better. I don't want to know.

This knight commander revealed such important news to only him.

This does not mean that if something unexpected happens in the City of Holy Angels, or if something unexpected happens to His Majesty the Pope, it will have nothing to do with Xu Lai.

Xu Lai doesn't have such a big face, nor that much curiosity. He doesn't want to take on this unprovoked responsibility at all. (End of chapter)

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