The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 552 Half a Year

Whether he wanted it or not, Xu Lai already knew such a secret.

"Then does His Majesty the Pope have anything else to tell me? Don't worry, I can't guarantee it, but I will do what His Majesty has told me seriously."

The God of War had given him such great benefits, especially when he was using the General Order, and he might have secretly used his identity as an angel to grant him gifts.

The Pope is not bad either. He gave Xu Lai the map of the last component of the Golden Statue of the God of War.

Since ancient times, there has been no free lunch in the world.

Xu Lai has always believed that, except for his parents, whatever others give him, they must take something from him.

The old knight glanced at Xu Lai silently, shook his head and said: "He didn't tell me what I wanted to order you to do. Your Majesty just told me that if you ask, I will tell you directly.

Don't put any burden on you. His Majesty never sees the wrong person. Since he dares to tell you, it means there must be nothing wrong with you. "

Xu Lai: "..."

He was inexplicably involved in the secrets of the temple. The key was that Xu Lai had no interest in such secrets, which made him very depressed.

In addition, the pope's secret departure also gave Xu Lai a bad feeling.

The Pope is powerful, but also fragile.

It is powerful because as the only ninth-level professional in the empire and the favored one by the God of War, the Pope has a strength that even the great devil Kerrigan is afraid of.

The fragility lies in the fact that the Pope has advanced from the profession of Crimson Bishop. No matter how high the Pope's physical constitution is, a Pope who can only wear cloth armor has extremely poor physical defense capabilities.

Not to mention that even a child with a dagger could be stabbed to death. It was almost impossible to survive when encountering those assassins who almost made Xu Lai stumble.

If a powerful priest who was even feared by the Great Demon King was casually killed in the hands of a low-level assassin, it would be a terrible blow to the entire empire and the temple.

And Xu Lai was sure that as long as the news was leaked, countless people would be watching the Pope for assassination.

The fact that so many heroes can be born in a ghost place like hell has a lot to do with their ability to confuse people's hearts and constantly attract heroes of other races.

There are even countless spies from hell hidden in the temple.

There are also priests who are on the verge of depravity or have already degenerated, who may report news to the bosses in hell at any time.

Otherwise, the Pope would not have left the First Knights behind.

Taking such a big risk to go to the Western Empire, Xu Lai guessed that the Western Empire might have reached its final critical moment.

After saying goodbye to the old knight, Xu Lai turned around and left silently.

After meeting Elena and the others outside the square, they headed back to the building.

This building is similar to an office building on Earth, with more than a dozen floors, all filled with offices, activity rooms, and chapels of different sizes.

In the building, Xu Lai met the person in charge of Holy Angel City at this time and one of Xu Lai's acquaintances, Crimson Bishop Neil.

Neil was originally responsible for presiding over the capital cathedral, and the war in the Northern Empire had basically ended. Xu Lai was not surprised that he appeared here.

To his surprise, Neil was recalled not from the Northern Empire, but from the Western Empire.

Seeing Xu Lai, the crimson bishop first sighed heavily and then waved away the waiter.

But instead of talking to Xu Lai in the office, he chose to leave Elena in the office and invited Xu Lai to go out for a walk.

Xu Lai naturally had no objection, so he accompanied Neil to climb another flight of stairs to the highest floor of the building.

This floor also has a long corridor.

But unlike the corridor full of angels that Xu Lai had seen, this corridor was empty and empty.

There are two paladins guarding both ends of the corridor. On one side is a semi-enclosed protective wall that is more than one meter high.

On the other side are dedicated worship rooms, which are specially used by archbishops and paladins to pray.

“This floor, let alone being overcrowded, most of the rooms are in use at most times.

However, in the past six months, the rooms here have been used less and less. In the past few days since I came back, not even a single person has come up. "

Xu Lai frowned and said: "Every archbishop, everything happened for a reason. I don't think His Majesty the God of War will blame you."

The prayers of pastors are like daily homework. From the Pope to the believers, not only praying every day, but also praying at least once a week.

But obviously, because of the war, even Holy Angel City sent out a large number of priests.

It is said that the pastoral college has stopped teaching, and even the teachers and trainee priests in the school have to be sent out. After all, even the dean of the pastoral college has gone to the front line.

Neil then explained: “Pray only from the heart, and the heart will be spiritual.

The empire and the human race have reached such a dark moment of life and death, so His Majesty the God of War will naturally not pursue it.

What I mean is that the human race has reached the edge of life and death. At this time, we should unite all the forces around us that can be united.

I am not afraid to tell you that the temple and the nobles of the Western Empire suffered a huge defeat in the Western Empire and suffered heavy losses.

There was a chance that the worship room on this floor would be full, but now, I am afraid that I will never be able to see even half of the people who can sit here in my lifetime. "

Xu Lai understood now that the temple still did not approve of his actions and was even dissatisfied.

Xu Lai did not come up with the same rhetoric as before. Although the temple suppressed the evidence that Count Aini had colluded with the orcs, it actually helped him stabilize the situation in Conaston.

The archbishop failed to return. For the magic guild to be so cooperative, these crimson bishops must have contributed.

"Sir Neil, maybe if I say this, you will think that I am quibbling.

Occupying Conaston, I will even occupy more prairie cities in the future.

Of course I have my own selfish motives for occupying these cities, but if you still place your hopes on nobles like Aini, then I can only say that the empire will fall sooner or later.

Even if they have power, they will never sacrifice their own interests for others.

Do you know what is the scariest thing? "

Neil was stunned and asked in confusion: "What is it?"

"They are too weak. Their combined strength cannot even defeat me. Do you expect them to destroy the big devil?

The territory they own and the troops they control cannot exert even one percent of their energy in their hands.

In my humble opinion, we should indeed unite all the forces that can be united now, but what we should do more is to concentrate all the forces we have.

The Northern Empire and the Western Empire were invaded by demons, while the grasslands, ocean islands, Southern Empire, and Eastern Empire remained motionless.

The grassland was invaded by orcs, the south was harassed by underground cities, and there was no help from other places.

These forces are fighting on their own like a piece of loose sand. The more power they control, the more they will be destroyed in the hands of the enemy.

If you and the temple cannot gather their strength, I advise you to give up on them as soon as possible. "

Neil looked at Xu Lai in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face.

At this point, Xu Lai rarely spoke the truth.

"These guys, it might be unfair for me to say they are idlers. I also saw many noble knights who fought bravely and never flinched.

But there is no doubt that they have a narrow vision and are selfish, and such people still account for the vast majority among them.

Don't look at it. I occupied Conaston and seemingly lost many of Earl Ani's troops.

But when the aliens invade again, maybe my two cities will be able to burst out with the energy that Count Aini had before three, four, or even a dozen cities.

What you see is only a loss in numbers, but what I see is an increase in combat effectiveness. "

Neil stopped, turned around and stared at the sky outside the wall, and after a while he said:

“There’s no way to prove it now.

With this defeat, millions of square kilometers of land in the Western Empire may all fall into the hands of the devil.

The good news is that Wright led the army of the Northern Empire to wipe out Hell's teleportation array, and Kerrigan temporarily lost the support of Hell's reinforcements.

But with the Western Empire's millions of square kilometers of land, tens of millions of people, and endless resources, it was only a matter of time before one or even several teleportation arrays could be built.

There is no news about many of my old friends. His Majesty the Pope is trying to figure out a way to bring out the remaining living forces from the Western Empire. Whether he can succeed or not is still unknown.

Even if he succeeds, once Grigen stabilizes the situation, he will definitely launch another attack on the Northern Empire.

You also know very well what is going on in the Northern Empire.

The temple is now thinking of ways to transfer all the refugees to the Eastern Empire, hoping to preserve the last seeds of human civilization. "

Having said this, Neil turned his head and said solemnly to Xu Lai:

"There is not much time left for you. Kerrigan will reopen the passage to hell and gather troops. It will not take more than half a year at most.

In half a year, he will definitely attack the Northern Empire, and the Northern Empire is already the only hope for the entire empire.

We will give you half a year. During this half year, no matter what you do, we have no choice but to support you.

But we hope that after half a year, you will be able to stand up.

At that time, all the remaining power of the temple will be given to you, and you will become our only hope against Kerrigan.

If the Northern Empire is also destroyed, the empire that has lost its land and resources, and humanity, will no longer have any hope of making a comeback. "

Damn it, this old man dragged him here mysteriously. Was he trying to make a fool of himself?

How many troops could he accumulate in half a year? Why should he stand up?

Even if he could stand up, why would the nobles of the Northern Empire listen to his orders?

"Your Excellency, Bishop, are you trying to force others into something difficult?"

Neil smiled bitterly and said: "Of course this is not an easy task. In order to prove our determination, we will do our best to help you with our remaining strength.

Moreover, this is a hope and a request, but not a command. "

Xu Lai rubbed his eyebrows and frowned: "Your Excellency, Bishop, you are putting me under a lot of pressure."

Neil said: "I'm really sorry, we can only pray that everything goes well for you in the past six months.

Otherwise, Kerrigan will definitely not stop after destroying the Northern Empire.

The grassland is blocked by the Pingfeng Mountains and surrounded by the demons of the two northwest empires. Not even fire can be left behind. "

After Xu Lai was silent for a moment, he said, "Is there any other help the temple can provide?"

Neil thought for a while and said: "We will find a way to convince Congress to see if we can put the troops in the imperial capital under your command.

But the hope may not be great. Even if His Majesty the Pope came forward, the nobles in Congress would not support even half of their troops.

There is not much power left in the temple, so I can only promise you that we will try our best to meet all your needs within the scope of our capabilities.

For example, you can borrow the high-end Cloud City at any time, and from now on, you can also take away all the angels in the Cloud City.

In addition, we will support you with part of your military strength, so consider it as firepower.

The Eastern Empire is also fighting fiercely with the undead, and it is difficult to protect itself.

If I can't leave it to you, I can go over the Pingfeng Mountains and compete with the orcs for food. "

Xu Lai swallowed and thought for a while. The wilderness was a place so barren that no crops could grow. If humans went to live there, they would have to become barbarians even if they did not become orcs.

Xu Lai said: "Forget it, I'm not used to just living on the grassland eating meat every day.

I dare not guarantee you, but if I am still alive at that time, I will definitely contribute my own strength. "

Neil looked at Xu Lai and said, "Don't worry, people blessed by the God of War will not die so easily."

Xu Lai thought about the enemy he was facing, shrugged and said, "Unless he comes down to earth in person, I won't believe it."

Neil nodded and said: “Who knows what will happen in the future.

Okay, it's time for us to go down. "

Neil continued to mention it, and then Xu Lai remembered that Elena's matter had not been resolved yet.

Taking advantage of the people in the temple who were asking for help from him, Xu Lai simply said:

"By the way, Bishop Neil, Elena was entrusted by me to help me go to Conaston to appease the people.

Facts have proved that with her and the priests from Qingfeng City there, there was no turmoil in the entire city, and not many people were killed or injured. "

Neil glanced at him and said, "Really? Are you sure there weren't many casualties?"

Xu Lai shrugged helplessly and said, "We still have to die a lot less."

Neil shook his head and said, “Don’t worry.

I said, during these six months, you can do whatever you want.

The temple will not embarrass Elena. On the contrary, we will send more priests to the grassland, and she will still be responsible for the leadership.

In fact, we recruited her back this time to prepare for her promotion ceremony.

A mere bishop is not qualified to lead the pastors of the entire prairie. "

"Promotion ceremony?"

Neil nodded helplessly and said to Xu Lai thoughtfully: "His Majesty the God of War is very partial to you."

Xu Lai touched the badge on his chest and smiled helplessly. (End of chapter)

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