The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 554 The battle that determines fate

Unlike the cavemen who had passed through before, the dragon that Xu Lai was staring at looked back as if it had sensed something as soon as Xu Lai stared at it.

Xu Lai was not surprised. If this dragon was really transformed by Moriel, then Moriel, who was good at magic, might have a higher spiritual value than him.

Such a terrible spiritual value brought an extremely sharp perception.

Although the two sides were thousands of miles apart, Moriel still sensed Xu Lai's prying.

Through this perception, Moriel also easily found the reconnaissance eye that Xu Lai had arranged here.

Moriel was too lazy to slowly search for the camouflaged reconnaissance eye among a group of spore mushrooms. She opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blazing thick flames.

Immediately, Xu Lai lost the reconnaissance eye at the maze, and there was no way to know how many dragons came out of the maze.

"Ring the bell, prepare for battle!"

Taking a deep breath, Xu Lai issued the first formal order after arriving in the dungeon.

The alarm bell on the fortress was rung, and the dull sound could be spread farther underground.

Reina, who was commanding at the front, changed her expression, knowing that the enemy who had imprisoned her for more than 50 years had appeared.

The flag was raised, and this time there was no need for the messenger officers to convey the order. All the infantry soldiers who heard the alarm bell gathered their shields and retreated to the rear in an orderly manner.

The archers behind the infantry did not need to be so troublesome. Under the leadership of Giselle, they collected their bows and arrows, turned around and lined up to trot away.

Giselle pushed the supply cart and followed behind these archers.

Mingyue City was also in constant motion. The infantry who had been stationed in the city for a long time, under the orders of their officers and commanders, put on their armor and picked up their weapons as quickly as possible.

Those who should go up the city wall went up the city wall, and those who should block the city gate blocked the city gate.

Even the recruited peasants, led by Wang Chao and the logistics officers, climbed up the city wall with a large number of crossbows.

Although Giselle has not returned yet, the highest commander of the archer unit, Dill Rogers, has led all the phantom archers to move into the arrow tower behind the city wall.

A standard arrow tower can accommodate about 4-5 people, and it is allowed to be built at the town level.

Although Xu Lai has been acquiring castle hearts, unfortunately, he has only raised one castle heart that is enough to upgrade to the fortress level.

This means that Mingyue City cannot be upgraded to the base camp for the time being, and Xu Lai cannot build the main arrow tower, which is also the ultimate form of the arrow tower.

However, fortress-level cities can already upgrade arrow towers to enhanced types, with better defense, higher durability, and more bonuses.

The bonus of the main arrow tower is 100% power, range, and vision, but the number is limited. Two secondary arrow towers are required to allow the construction of a main arrow tower.

The enhanced arrow tower that Xu Lai is building now is the secondary arrow tower, with a bonus of 75% for the three major attributes, which is stronger than the arrow tower and weaker than the main arrow tower, and allows 6-8 people to move in.

There is no limit on the number of secondary arrow towers, so when Xu Lai asked Yu Landuo to build them, she upgraded all of them to secondary arrow towers and increased the number of arrow towers to 25.

Mingyue City spent all its main city defense construction on the side where Moril attacked.

The other three walls are just ordinary walls for the time being, and the arrow towers are just ordinary arrow towers, and there are not many of them.

Only this side has reinforced walls and reinforced arrow towers, and the arrow towers are densely packed, with less than 3 meters between each other.

25 arrow towers, if each tower is equipped with the maximum number of people, can accommodate 200 people.

However, Xu Lai asked 10 people to squeeze into each arrow tower, even if the shooting port can only accommodate a maximum of 8 people attacking at the same time, the other two can only serve as backup and assistance.

In addition to the arrow towers, a large number of archers were also stationed in various towers.

Dier set an example by leading more than 100 explosive archers to climb the tower.

The rest of the archers and magic archers also climbed up to the corner towers at the edge of the city wall.

The treatment of the crossbowmen was slightly worse. They could only stand behind the city wall and rely on the battlements on the city wall for protection. There was no protection above their heads.

Black dragons are flying soldiers, and the role of the city wall is not very big, so the city wall cannot only arrange crossbowmen. Dill's swordsman corps and Brandi's shield infantry were also arranged on the city wall.

The knights with the strongest combat effectiveness are not very useful on the city wall.

Therefore, except for Roland and the paladins he led, they were left outside the city wall by Xu Lai.

Tahan and his cavalry regiment, including the knights recruited by the Qingfeng Corps, were all left in the city.

Mingyue City was built very large from the beginning because it had to block the entire passage and was close to the mining field, so there was no shortage of ore resources.

However, in the huge Mingyue City, apart from the manor, the city wall and various buildings for recruiting soldiers, there were almost only some houses for rest.

Therefore, Mingyue City has a large space and is spacious enough.

The walls of Mingyue City have already occupied a lot of space. Xu Lai doesn't know how many dragons Moriel has, but his more than 100 angels alone occupy a large corner of the sky.

Moriel's black dragons must not be fully deployed.

She can't stop the black dragons from rushing into the city to cause damage. These knights will lose a lot of combat power if they climb the city walls anyway. When these black dragons enter the city, they may be able to give them a little surprise.

The spearmen were arranged by Xu Lai behind the city gate.

Although the city gate may not be of much use to the black dragon, Moril is at the front line, and there are still a lot of cavemen.

Maybe Moril will consider destroying the city gate first and letting the cavemen rush into the city first.

Xu Lai did not consider the priests, priests and mages at all, and let them stay in Qingfeng City.

Once these units cannot cast spells, they will be very restricted.

The high priest and the high mage can be arranged as a supplement to the long-range force.

These two have the ability to not reduce damage in close combat, so there is no need to worry too much even if they are approached by the black dragon.

As for other troops, some of the higher-level ones will stay under the walkway of the city wall as a reserve team, ready to provide support on the city wall and the city gate at any time.

The lower-level ones are either responsible for operating the crossbow carts on the city wall like farmers, or responsible for carrying ammunition and protecting the craftsmen who repair the city wall.

After assigning tasks to everyone, Xu Lai rubbed his head and asked Su Ya beside him:

"Is there anything I missed?"

This was the most stressful battle Xu Lai had ever experienced.

When it was the most dangerous before, someone accompanied him to bear it together, but this time he had to face it alone.

"No, your current arrangement is the most reasonable."

Xu Lai's family knew his own affairs, but Su Ya had not fought with him for a long time, and he could not expect her to ask anything.

Fortunately, the actual commander of this battle was not Xu Lai, he just made some preparations for her before Rena returned.

The road in the dungeon was not easy to walk, Xu Lai also walked for several days and nights, even if Moril and others flew from the sky, it would take at least several hours.

After arranging the tasks, Xu Lai took out the spell book and started to cast spells.

When Rena was equipped with the forbidden magic ball, Xu Lai had a lot of mana left, which was useless.

The Doomsday Blade could not be used, and Xu Lai was equipped with the Angel Alliance suit.

With the blessing of the Angel Alliance, Xu Lai's spirit value is as high as 47 points.

If he summons fire elements, he can summon 47*2 fire elements at a time, which will last for 24 hours.

But in fact, Xu Lai also specially equipped the Fire Spirit Ball, and he also has advanced fire spells.

Advanced fire spells can allow him to summon 47*3 Fiery Fire Elements (or 47*5 Fire Elements) at a time, but the mana consumption will increase due to the improvement of fire elements.

Fortunately, the primary and intermediate levels each subtract 5 mana points, so it only takes 40 mana points to summon a Fiery Fire Element.

Fiery Fire Elements can fly, while Fire Elements can only fight in close combat. The difference between the two is not to say that there is a world of difference, but when used to deal with flying units, the difference is very large.

Xu Lai must choose to summon 47*3 Fiery Fire Elements, 40 mana points at a time, and need to wait at least 5 minutes.

He summoned 12 times in a row, and summoned a total of 47*3*1.5 (Fire Spirit Ball)*12=2538 Fiery Fire Elements.

More than 2,500 level 5 combat units only took Xu Lai an hour and 480 mana points, and even failed to use up his mana.

And these level 5 Fiery Elements, with the blessing of Xu Lai, Lena and others, will also have terrifying attributes, and the level 7 units led by ordinary people may not be their opponents.

If it is a wild monster, except for some characteristics that counteract each other, I am afraid that level 8 and level 9 wild monsters are not their opponents.

But unfortunately, the best way for fire elements and Fiery Elements to fight is to use fire spells.

The magic ball cannot stop the black dragon's anti-magic skin, but the ball of destruction can, but the ball of destruction will disable the characteristics of all creatures on the battlefield, which is not cost-effective.

Therefore, the spell attacks of these Fiery Elements are still ineffective against the black dragon.

As elemental creatures, they do not wear equipment. If the spell attack is ineffective, the bare-handed attack is completely weaker than the normal level 5 unit.

Fortunately, Xu Lai still has the Angel Alliance's Ultimate Prayer available, plus the full morale at this time, at least 40% more attack and defense than Moril's troops.

In addition, the Angel Alliance has 26 points of attack and defense attributes. Although Moril must have similar treasures, it should not be more than the super artifact of the Angel Alliance.

But according to Rena's introduction, after Moril's dragonization, her original talents will also be transformed into dragon-related, and the corresponding attack and defense will inevitably be improved.

In addition, the dragon's blood bottle will increase the dragon's life, and the dragon, which is originally known for its life value, will become more difficult to deal with.

Of course, Xu Lai also has other favorable conditions, such as he can form a legion with Rena, so that most of the troops can enjoy more bonuses.

Xu Lai's talent can make up for the speed and attack speed of the fire elements, so that these fire elements have the capital to entangle these black dragons.

He summoned these fire elements, but he didn't expect them to cause much damage to the black dragon legion.

I just hope they can block the black dragon's attack and buy more time for the shooter to attack, so that Xu Lai won't use the griffin and angel in advance.

The griffin's air combat capability is very strong, but their ground attack capability is even stronger, a bit like a combination of a fighter and a bomber.

If it is only used for air defense, there are actually more flying creatures with air superiority.

In this hour, Reina, Giselle and others finally returned to the city.

As expected, Xu Lai handed over the command to Reina, letting her Neptune flag stand at the highest point, and Su Ya personally carried the Knight's Wind flag he remade.

After the redeployment, it was a difficult wait.

Before the black dragon arrived, those fearless cavemen appeared first under the city of Mingyue City.

In the past few days, Reina and Giselle and others have slaughtered at least 70,000 to 80,000 cavemen.

But they didn't expect that the morale of these guys would drop much. God knows how many such cavemen there are in Moril's army.

As soon as the cavemen appeared, a large number of crossbows were shot from the city wall.

Reina didn't recruit many crossbowmen, and they were basically recruited heavy crossbowmen.

After the crossbowmen acquired in the past two months and from the market were added, the number of crossbowmen increased to 1,000+.

In addition, a group of snipers were also advanced in the previous war. After this wave of crossbows, the cavemen who emerged instantly fell down in groups like weeds being harvested.

There were not many cavemen, so Lena divided the crossbowmen into three batches for attack.

The crossbowmen's attack speed was not fast, and it took time to wind up. Three waves were just enough to form a nearly continuous wave of attacks.

Mingyue City was just blocking the intersection. Although the passage was spacious, it could only accommodate a few hundred cavemen at most.

This was because the cavemen were small. If they were fatter, there would be less than a hundred.

The cavemen were just appetizers and could not cause any trouble.

But they were still the enemy, and had officially fought with the legion formed by Xu Lai and Lena, even if they were just in a position to be beaten.

As expected, the holy light of prayer enveloped everyone.

And Lena's Dragon Heart successfully summoned 7 black dragons.

The black dragons rushed over with a roar, and all of them spewed out the dragon flames that had been accumulated for a long time.

Seven dragon flames several tens of meters long completely blocked the entrance and exit, and all the cavemen who were caught by the dragon flames were turned into ashes in a very short time.

In fact, many of these dragon flames burned in the open space.

After all, the black dragons did not rush to the cavemen to spray, so this spray only killed one or two hundred cavemen at most.

Who knew that the crossbowmen just now killed hundreds of cavemen without any effect.

After these dragon flames were sprayed, the cavemen fled to the back one by one as if their butts were on fire.

Seeing this scene, Xu Lai and others had not reacted yet, but the little blue dragon that was awakened by Su Ya and forced to be brought to the dungeon became excited and eager to try in the direction of the black dragons.


At this moment, on the other side of the passage, where no one could see, a roar that made people feel fear came! (End of this chapter)

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