The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 555: Continuous long-range attacks

Pah, pah, pah.

Xu Lai looked for the sound, but saw that some soldiers on the wall dropped their weapons and shields, while others fell to the ground.

The recruited soldiers were slightly better, and no one behaved so badly, but there was always one person among ten people, staring at the sky with lifeless eyes, as if sluggish.

If Xu Lai used his mental power at this time to bypass the commander to control these soldiers, he would immediately find that he had temporarily lost control of them.

It was not that they betrayed Xu Lai, but that their souls were trembling.

Xu Lai couldn't help but think of an attribute of his baby blue dragon:

Due to the powerful strength of the holy dragon, when it appears on the battlefield, the enemy will sometimes be unable to act due to fear, and the probability of fear is 10%. (Currently in the juvenile form, this effect cannot take effect)

Although Xu Lai's baby blue dragon has grown a lot, it is still a juvenile form, and this attribute still cannot take effect.

However, the owner of the dragon roar just now has not appeared on the battlefield yet, and the sound alone has made 10% of his warriors fall into fear.

Fortunately, Xu Lai carefully counted them and found that almost no high-level creatures were frightened.

I don't know if it's because their morale is too high or for some other reason.

Among the recruited soldiers, nearly 10% of them fell into a state of fear.

But among the recruited soldiers, there are not many people who are afraid, probably only about 2% or 3%.

As if seeing Xu Lai's doubts, Rena explained: "Life must first have its own will, otherwise it cannot be called a complete life.

Although our army was established not long ago, we have always won battles. Lord, you are generous and you are on the front line with the soldiers.

It is said that a soldier will die for his confidant. With you, the soul of this army is here.

As long as you are not affected, they can rely on their own will to overcome this external influence."

Xu Lai didn't know if Rena was flattering him. He was about to talk, but the blue dragon beside him was completely enraged by the dragon's roar just now.

They are now standing on the gate tower, which is the highest point on the entire city wall except for the arrow tower.

All the people standing around were archers, and those guarding these archers and Xu Lai were Xu Lai's personal knights.

When the dragon roared, Xu Lai was busy observing the situation on the wall, but ignored the changes around him.

The enraged blue dragon even grew in size, from more than three meters long to more than five meters long.


It was also a dragon roar, but compared to the dragon roar that had a very wide range and a sharp sound, the little blue dragon's roar was much rougher.

And it was obvious that the roar did not spread far.

Without getting a response from the opponent, the blue dragon roared again and again, and tried to rush out many times, but Su Ya held one of its dragon claws tightly.

Although the blue dragon was angry, it was still rational. It glared at Su Ya who was pulling its legs, but did not dare to kick her away.

When Xu Lai was not around, Su Ya and the others had been feeding it, and the little blue dragon was really reluctant to use force.

The holy dragon has always been the king of the dragon clan, naturally above all other dragons, and there is a description of the dragon king in the characteristics.

However, Xu Lai and others, who are outsiders, did not understand the meaning of the dragon roar just now, but the little blue dragon could understand it. It was the roar of commanding and controlling the dragon.

What is the king? The supreme ruler.

Although the blue dragon is not yet an adult, its bloodline has awakened. How could it tolerate other dragons giving orders in front of it?

Under such stimulation, the little blue dragon relied on its daily energy reserves and evolved directly to the juvenile form, trying to fight with its opponent.

However, not to mention that the little blue dragon is not yet an adult, even if it is an adult, Xu Lai thinks it will not be a match for Moriel.

Although Xu Lai's dragon was hatched from an egg instead of recruited through the nest, it should have many unique abilities of the dragon clan.

But Moriel is also an old goblin who has lived for who knows how many years, and has countless treasures and equipment on his body.

Even with Xu Lai's attribute bonus, if this little guy rushes over, he will most likely die.

"Stop it, recover your strength, you will have a better fight later."

Unlike other giant dragons, the holy dragon can accept beneficial spells, so the prayers of the angel alliance teacher also work on it.

With the advantages of rank and dragon king, it may play a role in the battle with the black dragon later.

If it is said that the little blue dragon only respects Su Ya and others and dares not be presumptuous.

But facing Xu Lai, it has no temper at all.

Just like Wang also has parents, he can dominate a place outside, but when he returns home to face his old and frail father, he can only fight without fighting back and scold without refusing.

So, as soon as Xu Lai spoke, the little blue dragon was honest and lay on the ground to drink mercury obediently.

I don't know if it was because of growing against the laws of nature or because he was angry with Xu Lai.

Although the little guy lay on the ground obediently, the speed of eating mercury was exaggerated to an astonishing degree. In just one or two minutes, at least 20 or 30 units of his mercury were killed.

This thing, up to now, has not worked at all, so he will spend hundreds of thousands of gold coins on it first.

In the underground passage on the other side of the corner, the roars of various dragons can be heard from time to time.

But so far, apart from the roar of the black dragon, Xu Lai has not heard the roars of other dragons.

This proves that Moriel really wants to use the black dragon tactics. As for whether the cavemen will be injured by mistake, she probably doesn't care much.

As the dragon roar gets closer and closer, Xu Lai's mood becomes more and more nervous.

Reina has equipped the magic ball and war shackles, which means that once Moriel enters the war range, only one side can survive.

The closer Moriel gets, the more nervous Xu Lai becomes.

But when Reina notifies Xu Lai and tells him that the war shackles have locked the other party, Xu Lai is relieved.

He knows that at this moment, fate cannot be changed.

The only thing he can do is to stand here bravely as Reina said just now, give confidence to himself and his companions, and give courage to his own soldiers.

"Everyone, prepare for battle."

Suddenly, Reina shouted loudly, and the officers and flag bearers who passed the order quickly passed Reina's order to the entire army.

"All crossbow carts start to string up, aim at the No. 1 predetermined position, and prepare to shoot at my command."

Because there was plenty of time to prepare, Xu Lai led officers at all levels to divide all the spaces outside and inside the city into areas.

In this way, when the battle begins, commanders and officers can respond as quickly as possible.

Based on the speed of high-level shooters such as Phantom Shooters, even if they respond one second in advance, they can fire an extra round of arrows.

On the city wall, a crossbow cart is placed every 2 or 3 meters.

The crossbow cart is more than one meter high, just slightly higher than the battlement.

Therefore, as long as they don't rush to the foot of the city wall, the rest of the area can be attacked.

And once the enemy rushes to the foot of the city wall, it means that the city defense equipment such as crossbow carts and catapults are no longer useful.

The crossbow arrows used by the crossbow cart are extremely amazing. Two farmers helped to quickly string up and adjust the target.

The soldiers in charge of shooting, according to the order of the superior, aimed the crossbow cart head at the top of the passage, which is the No. 1 predetermined position.

The attack power of the crossbow cart depends on the material and manufacturing process of the crossbow cart itself, and has nothing to do with the level of the operator.

But Xu Lai's ultimate archery, ultimate prayer, and the attacks attached to the Angel Alliance can all be added to the crossbow cart.

At the same time, this crossbow cart will also be affected by Rena's ballistics, after all, Rena is now the legion commander.

Archery blesses long-range troops, ballistics blesses siege equipment, and the crossbow cart satisfies both and enjoys both.

After adding Xu Lai's Angel Alliance's 26 points of basic attack power, the basic attack power of these crossbow carts on the city wall is about 200 points on average.

High morale and ultimate prayer are 40% bonuses, which is about 80 points.

Xu Lai's ultimate archery increased by 100 points, and Rena's advanced ballistics increased by 60 points, which is equivalent to the attack power of a crossbow cart being increased to nearly 500 points.

How exaggerated is the attack of nearly 500 points? It is equivalent to one arrow, which can shoot through 10 ordinary people, and the damage is enough to kill them all.

The crossbow arrows that didn't hit the black dragons would be nailed directly into the wall, and even the tail of the crossbow arrows couldn't be seen.

The crossbow arrows that hit the black dragons were also very exaggerated, with huge impact force, and they wanted to cut the black dragons in half.

It's just a pity that Moriel did have the ultimate defense. The crossbow arrows with nearly 500 attack points only had more than 200 damage under the reduction of the ultimate defense.

The black dragons are high-level creatures with very high armor. With the addition of the Dragon Blood Bottle and Moriel's talent, the average armor of each black dragon is more than 150 points.

More than 200 points of damage seems to be very high, but after deducting these 150 points, there are only more than 70 points of damage.

But with the blessing of the Dragon Blood Bottle, each black dragon under Moriel has a health value of more than 500 points, and the least one has 540 points of health.

It is equivalent to killing a black dragon, and the crossbow cart must hit about 8 times.

Xu Lai worked hard to build more than 70 crossbows, and with the original reserves, there were only more than 100 in total.

These more than 100 crossbows could not be placed on the city wall, because there was not enough space to deploy crossbowmen, infantry, swordsmen, etc. on the city wall.

More than 70 crossbows, with a sudden volley, caught Moril off guard.

Most of these more than 70 crossbows successfully hit the target.

The first two black dragons that came out, one was hit by more than 20 arrows, and the other was hit by more than 10 arrows, and there was no doubt that they died directly.

Following these two black dragons, more than a dozen black dragons were hit by more than 30 arrows on average.

Except for the two wings that were shot through and seriously injured, the rest were only slightly injured.

With Xu Lai's natural attack speed, as well as the speed bonus in ballistics and archery, the speed of the crossbow to replace ammunition is relatively fast.

But before the crossbow fired the second round of ammunition, nearly a hundred black dragons had already surged out.

"Heavy crossbowmen, snipers, attack with the crossbow carts." Lena ordered the crossbowmen to start shooting.

The wall of Mingyue City is about 500-600 meters away from the corner of the passage. With the range of the wall, the crossbowmen have no problem attacking these black dragons.

Of course, the attack distance of the crossbowmen is much closer than that of the crossbow carts. All attacks are within the half-arrow range, so the damage is naturally half as much.

In addition, even if it is the basic attack of the 6th-level sniper, it cannot be compared with the crossbow cart, and there is no bonus of ballistics.

Therefore, the damage they cause is much lower.

However, these crossbowmen, with the bonus of the archer Deer Rogers, carry 25%-50% of the defense ignored.

Especially the snipers, their attacks can be aimed at the weak points, but they need to aim for more than 5 seconds in advance.

When the crossbow cart attacks, the sniper has triggered the weak point aiming, and can cause a 100% critical hit after hitting the target.

And because Xu Lai cannot cast spells, he gave up the Fire Spirit Ball and instead equipped a treasure with 1 point of luck, which is not repeated with Lena.

In this way, all soldiers have 2 points of luck and a 20% chance of triggering a lucky hit.

After all, the number of crossbow carts is small, but there are more than 1,000 crossbowmen, which is equivalent to at least 200 people triggering a lucky hit.

Lucky hits combined with critical hits, plus 50% of defense ignored, the damage of individual snipers is even more terrible than that of crossbow carts.

Xu Lai focused on observing the trajectory of the few bullets that triggered the small rainbow, and found that even the crossbow arrows of the 5th-level crossbowmen could penetrate the black dragon's body by at least 30 centimeters.

If it were a sniper, not only would the whole arrow be inserted, but it would also fly out from the other end, bringing with it a large amount of blood rain.

However, the sniper's attack was only exaggerated in the first round, and it was impossible to give them time to find weaknesses from the second round.

The effect of a volley of more than a thousand crossbowmen was not satisfactory.

Some of the attacks were much worse than the crossbow carts, but they could still cause some damage under the effect of ignoring defense.

More than a thousand crossbow arrows were basically all hit, after all, they were at least 4th-level crossbowmen, and the dragon was such a big target.

It was a pity that although most of them could hit, they were mainly concentrated on the black dragons in the front, resulting in some output being wasted.

In general, the damage caused by the crossbowmen was still considerable.

After all, the number is more than ten times that of the crossbow cart, and it ignores defense. A round of volleys can kill at least 5 or 6 black dragons in seconds and seriously injure several of them.

After the crossbowmen's attack, it is the archers, which is also the part that Xu Lai cares about the most.

Unlike the crossbowmen, from the beginning, the archers have been Xu Lai's main training target.

When there were no crossbowmen in Qingfeng City, Xu Lai already had archer generals and a large number of archers above level 5.

After having the phantom archer, Xu Lai invested a lot of resources.

But to be honest, excluding the phantom archer, the performance of the other archers in dealing with black dragons is much worse than that of the crossbowmen.

Needless to say, the flame archers and explosive archers, even if Dier has the talent of magic archers, can only increase their attacks by 15%.

In addition, the magic archers increase their attacks by 10 points and the archer master increases their long-range attack ability by 15%, which is only a little more than 30% in total.

Even the higher-level 7th-level magic archers, who have dozens of more attacks than the crossbowmen, can still only cause single-digit or more than ten points of damage.

First, the half-arrow attack is too deadly, and second, it does not ignore the effect of defense.

No matter how many attacks are stacked, it is already very remarkable to be able to barely break the black dragon's defense. The 5th-level flame archer, the 6th-level explosion archer and the 5th-level sharpshooter do not even have the ability to break the defense.

The archer master can only play 80% of the attack power within the half-arrow range thanks to the sharpshooting skill, otherwise it will not be able to break the defense.

The biggest advantage of the archers is that their attack speed is fast enough.

At a distance of several hundred meters, within a few seconds of the black dragons flying, they can carry out two to three rounds of attacks continuously.

The archers, who are several times more than the crossbowmen, are actually not as good as the crossbowmen in one round.

Only because the attack range is super wide and there is a sky arrow to assist, it can barely cause 3 and a half rounds of output, which can be regarded as saving a little face for the archers.

But no matter archers or crossbowmen, even if the crossbow carts are included, they are really not enough in front of the phantom archers in the row of arrow towers behind them.

Each arrow tower can only output 8 phantom archers, and 25 towers are 200.

The number of crossbowmen and archers on the city wall is dozens of times that of phantom archers, and there are also archer masters with multiple arrows and sky archers who can shoot seven stars in a row.

However, not to mention the damage, the number of arrows alone is completely crushed by the phantom archers. (End of this chapter)

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