The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 556 Snowball Tactics

The Phantom Archer is a Tier 6 ranged unit that can be trained from Human Archers and Elven Archers.

However, it doesn’t matter if the Archers are at a lower level. Even if they are Tier 2 apprentice Archers, they only need more experience and spend more coins to upgrade.

However, after the level exceeds Tier 5, Tier 6 Master Archer and Tier 6 Explosive Archer have no chance to become Phantom Archers.

After all, if they are at the same level, they cannot be upgraded.

The Phantom Archer has two extremely important and powerful characteristics.

One is the Phantom Arrow, and the other is the Phantom Heavy Bow.

The former allows Phantom Archers to generate a random number of additional Phantom Arrows for each attack.

The minimum number of Phantom Arrows is 3, and the maximum number is no higher than the level, which is 6.

On average, each attack can be accompanied by 4.5 Phantom Arrows, plus one arrow from the main body, which is 5.5 arrows.

The Phantom Arrow has 50% of the damage of the main arrow, does not inherit special effects, and does not consume additional ammunition.

The most important thing is that the phantom archers, with the blessing of Xu Lai and Ye Ye, have a terrifying attack speed. For every shot by the sharpshooter, the phantom archers can shoot at least twice.

Another important feature is the phantom heavy bow that ignores distance and obstacles.

This allows the phantom archers to deal full damage as long as they can attack the target. Even the phantom arrows are equivalent to half the damage of the same-level or even high-level archers.

Adding the 75% damage bonus of the arrow tower, basically, these 200 phantom archers are equivalent to 4,000 archer masters of the same level.

The arrows in the sky are endless, and the black dragons rushing in front are constantly falling.

Although the damage of a single arrow is not high, it can't withstand the terrifying number.

Only these black dragons are quite fast with the blessing of Moril, and can approach at a very fast speed.

If they are a little slower, the speed of these black dragons coming out will not be as fast as the speed of the long-range troops, let alone approaching.

Before Moriel had time to appear, her black dragon troops had already suffered heavy losses just by approaching.

Black dragons are creatures and are also affected by morale.

Moriel did not team up with the cavemen, so although these cavemen eventually belonged to Moriel, their morale did not affect the black dragons.

The black dragon troops led by Moriel have won many battles. Although their morale is not full, it is also within a high range.

In addition, the number of her black dragon army is also huge. Losing a few hundred is equivalent to a few percent loss.

The morale is at most 3 or 4 points, which is not a big impact.

But this is unacceptable to Moriel. The sky is densely packed with giant dragons. No matter how good Xu Lai's eyesight is, he can't see Moriel behind through the layers of black dragons.

Moriel is extremely angry, but she dare not fly over rashly with such a terrifying long-range force of the enemy.

In the past, in order to maximize the damage, she came to the center of the city under the cover of the black dragon army and cast spells.

In that case, with the blessing of her ultimate fire magic and ultimate magic power, a doomsday judgment can cover the enemy to the greatest extent.

But this time, she did not dare to rush up rashly.

The enemy's strength was a little stronger than she imagined. The power of long-range attack was very terrifying. There were also a large number of fire elements and a few black dragons.

The fire elements were certainly not enough in front of the black dragons, and the number of the opponent's black dragons was even more pitiful.

However, there were so many of them that half of the sky was blocked by these fire elements.

It just so happened that these fire elements were still difficult to kill. With the addition of Moril, the damage of the black dragon was actually very terrifying.

Just like the fire elements, which could not hurt those black dragons with fire, the fire elements, which were immune to fire, were also not afraid of the fire breath of the black dragons.

To hurt these fire elements, the black dragons could only scratch them with their claws and bite them with their teeth.

Although the black dragons were level 8 creatures, they had high strength and physique, but their agility was not high.

Because of the large wings, they have a high basic movement speed, and they can still maintain a bit of the face of high-level creatures in terms of speed.

However, its poor agility makes its attack speed relatively average. It is okay when using fire breath, after all, it takes time to accumulate energy for the breath.

It is just that in the experience of hand-to-hand combat, if the opponent cannot be killed in one second, it may take a longer time to fight.

Reina is good at defense, and after she became the leader of the legion, this specialty was also accumulated on the Fiery Element.

All physical attacks hitting the Fiery Element will be weakened by 69%.

The physical attack of the 8th level black dragon is extremely high, and there is also Moril's talent and treasure bonus, and finally there is morale and ultimate offensive skills, which can easily break through 200, or even up to 300 points.

However, after being weakened by 69%, the damage caused by the black dragons only hovers between 80-100 points.

This damage, after deducting the basic defense, defense skills, prayers, and additional defense increased by morale and its own defense added by the Angel Alliance, is only a dozen points.

The Fiery Elemental is a Tier 5 unit after all, so its HP should be at least 100-200.

Even if it doesn't have that, after the bonus from Xu Lai's Holy Blood Bottle, it will have that.

In other words, a Fiery Elemental can at least withstand a dozen attacks from the Black Dragon.

Level 8 black dragons are even more terrifying, because their basic defense is high, and with the additional 40% of prayer and morale, the black dragons have almost no way to deal with their brothers.

Unless they happen to trigger the critical hit of the ultimate offensive technique, or trigger the lucky hit of the rainbow, otherwise they can't even break the defense.

"I knew it was you, Rena Memphis, you have been locked up by me for decades, you must be very resentful!"

Xu Lai looked up, and there was nothing to see in the vast sea of ​​dragons.

Rena answered loudly without anxiety: "Moriel, you are about to die, don't you know it?"

"Hehe, I don't know where you got the forbidden magic ball, but do you think you can defeat me with the forbidden magic ball?

This time, I won't lock you up again, I will peel your skin and pull out your tendons, and let you become the nutrients for the cavemen to irrigate mushrooms!"

After saying that, Moriel tore open a scroll unwillingly.

After confirming that her opponent was Rena, she knew that it would be difficult to be the opponent of this woman relying only on her talent and the basic attributes of the black dragon.

As the most famous warrior of the Barrier Elves, Meng Gangban's reputation spread throughout the nine camps. Among the troops of the same level, no one can defeat the opponent in physical battle.

Although I don't want to admit it, I was able to catch Reina before by sneaking.

Now, the opponent has thousands of fire elements and several black dragons that can't be beaten at all, and our black dragon can't even rush over to cut off the head.

Ultimate [Light of Destruction]: Reduce the basic defense of all enemy troops by 7 points, and it will always exist until the end of the battle. It cannot be dispelled and cannot be resisted.

The light of destruction is not an advanced spell. It is only level 2, but it is a spell that has no effect on resistance.

And the ultimate light of destruction can directly cover all troops. Except for the black dragon and the holy dragon that can resist 1-5 level magic, the basic defense of all others will be reduced by 7 points.

7 points of basic defense is useless in normal times, but under the influence of multiple effects such as prayer, morale, and defense, it can actually exert at least 12 points of defense.

This spell is equivalent to increasing the damage caused by the black dragons to the fire elements by at least 12 points.

This is more fatal. The fire elements that could withstand more than ten attacks can only withstand 6 or 7 attacks at once, and the rate of casualties has doubled.

The most important thing is that the spell of Light of Destruction is generally used continuously because it does not reduce defense much.

After all, the Light of Destruction cannot be dispelled. Once used, it will continue to take effect in battle.

And although the black dragons are not affected, the archangels will still be affected.

Originally, with the blessing of Lena, the archangels should also be immune to the attacks of the black dragons, but now it is hard to say.

At this moment, Xu Lai also took out a scroll from his space backpack.

Scrolls are generally used as preparations. Moriel may not have several Lights of Destruction, and even if she does, they may not all be ultimate.

Therefore, Xu Lai still chose not to dispatch the angel troops to avoid becoming the target of the Light of Destruction.

The black dragon is not afraid of magic, so Xu Lai's choice is extremely limited. He can only choose to strengthen his own troops.

The scroll was torn open, and a green whirlwind swept every troop on the battlefield.

This is Xu Lai's only ultimate version of "Attack Acceleration".

After occupying Conaston Castle, Xu Lai learned the spell of Attack Acceleration from the Magic Guild.

Of course, no one charged him this time.

But Attack Acceleration belongs to the Air System spell, and Xu Lai does not have Air System magic, so Attack Acceleration has only ordinary effects.

However, the one in his hand is a precious ultimate version of Attack Acceleration, which can be directly granted to the entire army.

The ultimate attack acceleration increases the basic movement speed and basic attack speed of the entire army by 5 points.

But considering Xu Lai's talent for speed, this spell actually increases the movement speed by 6 points and the attack speed by 6 points.

With the addition of 6 points of movement speed, the original speed advantage of the black dragon no longer exists.

As a flying unit, the basic movement speed of the Fiery Element is not low, but it has no wings.

After the black dragon has the speed advantage, if it finds the fire element troublesome, it can completely avoid the opponent.

Of course, that is after cleaning up these fire elements.

Now there are too many of these things, and the black dragon's body is too huge. If it is determined to avoid fighting, it will only be bullied by the fire element.

The fire element without additional fire damage is also unable to break the defense of the black dragon with ultimate defense. It can only use its life as a price to cover the archers on the city wall.

The units on the city wall are all fixed units. The movement speed is not very useful for them, but the attack speed is very important, especially for the crossbowman.

6 points of attack speed, not to mention doubling their stringing speed, for the crossbow cart, it may be more than doubled.

More importantly, the shooting speed of the phantom archer in the arrow tower is already very exaggerated.

The characteristics of the self-characteristics have agility bonus at night, and there are also prayers, morale and speed talent bonuses. Now with an attack acceleration, the phantom archer is about to pull out a phantom with both hands.

Continuous arrows continuously passed through the gaps in the body of the Fiery Elemental, and were nailed into the body of the Black Dragon one by one.

Both sides had finished casting spells, and at least in the next 5 or 6 minutes, there would be no new changes on the battlefield.

However, as the wall of the Fiery Element began to weaken, black dragons had already emerged from the gaps.

These black dragons that broke through the siege were naturally the priority targets of all ranged units.

Especially after they approached, they were completely within the range of the straight arrows, causing higher damage and faster death.

But the most troublesome thing was the number of these black dragons. There was no way to know how many there were. No matter how many were killed, there was still no end in sight.

"Why don't we send out the griffins as well?"

Xu Lai knew that this war would not be like before.

The previous battles were either small-scale or someone sacrificed for him.

The Temple and Duke Anderson suffered heavy losses in the battle against the Demon Legion, but Xu Lai not only did not suffer much loss, but the angels still had the energy to resurrect others.

But this time, no one helped him to play the role of a meat shield, and someone had to take the damage from the black dragons.

In comparison, Xu Lai's griffin troops were at least level 5 combat griffins.

And as professional air combat units, their basic attack and life were stronger than the Fiery Element, which was an elemental creature.

The most important thing is that the combat griffin has a quick counterattack, and the royal griffin has the ability to counterattack infinitely, which is most suitable for this situation of many against few.

"No, although we have more additional attributes, if the sacrifice is too great, morale will drop rapidly.

It doesn't matter if the black dragons fall below the high level, the output capacity will be greatly weakened.

Now is the time for us to fight for our breath, and we can't use low-level units to waste morale."

The fire element is a summoned creature, and it will disappear once the duration is up.

Therefore, no matter how many of these creatures die, it will have no effect on the headquarters.

However, once the death toll of other troops on the side exceeds a certain scale, the morale will immediately drop from 100 points.

The difference between morale and high morale is 10% of the three major attributes of attack, defense and speed, and 5% less chance of critical hit, and the output will immediately drop.

Once the output and defense of the own side decrease, the output of the opponent can increase, and the consequence is that the morale decreases faster and the output is weaker.

Xu Lai was silent for a moment and then said, "You are the commander, you have the final say."

Reina bit her lip, looking like she was about to say something but stopped.

"Do you want to mobilize the angel troops?"

Reina nodded and said, "Based on the output of these black dragons, these black dragons cannot break through the angel troops led by Her Excellency Elvy in a short period of time.

And the damage of the archangels will become very terrifying with many blessings.

In addition, we still have an advantage in speed now. I want to try to suppress the morale of the black dragons in this hour when the effect of the prayer is about to end.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to win this battle."

Reina was not exaggerating. In order to deal with this battle, Xu Lai bought countless ammunition in advance for reserve.

But no matter how much ammunition there is, it will run out, especially for the phantom shooter, which can consume two or three rounds in one second.

What's more, even if the ammunition reserves are sufficient, the soldiers' physical strength is not enough.

After all, most of the units led by Xu Lai were only mid-level units. In addition to their inferior attributes, they were inferior to high-level units in terms of physical strength, health, recovery speed, and almost all other aspects.

Just as Lena said, if you can't take advantage of the prayer to knock down the opponent's morale as soon as possible, you can still maintain the advantage in attack and defense attributes.

Once the effect of the prayer disappears, or the morale is lowered by the mid-level griffin, the consequences will be extremely unfavorable to your side.

"I understand, you can issue orders directly to Elvie. I have already informed her in advance, and she will listen to you."

After hearing this, Lena immediately ordered people to signal with flags.

Elvie, who was hidden in the city by Xu Lai, looked at the newly upgraded Blazing Judgment Sword in her hand and pointed it obliquely to the sky.

Suddenly, dozens of Seraphim and nearly a hundred Archangels flapped their wings together. (End of this chapter)

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