The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 560: Terrifying Harvest

The death of the commander of one side means that the battlefield controlled by the shackles of war has been released.

Because of the death of the commander, the morale instantly dropped to zero, and the black dragons, who had lost the restraint of leadership, almost scattered, no longer willing to stay in this terrifying place.

Xu Lai, who was covered in blood and had already exhausted his physical strength, laughed loudly and simply lay down in the blood.

The entire Mingyue City can no longer be seen as a city. It is either stained with blood or burning with flames.

Among the dozens of battles that Xu Lai fought, this one was undoubtedly the most thrilling and exciting.

Elvy's potion has entered the cooling period. If Moril finds an opportunity again and takes out a terrifying spell scroll, Elvy may really die.

Once Elvy dies, the combat effectiveness of the Seraphim troops will drop a lot.

And Moril cannot escape the battlefield, which does not mean that she cannot avoid the battle.

Just like Xu Lai's knights and swordsmen retreated to rest and restore their health.

If Moriel had not been deceived by the name of the war shackles, she could have gone to other underground passages.

Although their speed was not as fast as the angels, except for Mingyue City, the rest of the place was pitch black. Even if the Seraphim could catch up, Xu Lai would not feel at ease.

Therefore, as long as Moriel was smarter and avoided the battle in time.

If she continued to use her own powerful spell scroll reserves to launch large-scale spell attacks on Xu Lai and his troops, the victory would definitely be hers.

Unfortunately, Moriel gave up the idea of ​​escaping after she found that she could not get rid of those angels and could not leave the battlefield.

Fighting with dragons is an extremely physically demanding thing.

At the beginning, it was okay to just fight those summoned black dragons, which did not take much effort.

Later, it became that kind of wild black dragons, each of which was very tricky, difficult to fight, and laborious.

It happened that these guys also had strength bonuses. Even if Xu Lai had amazing strength, he could not suppress these dragons without using all his strength.

Xu Lai, who was exhausted and fell to the ground, was too lazy to pay attention to the black dragons that were fleeing.

Anyway, the black dragon troops belonging to Moriel fled because their morale was zero. They would most likely become wild monsters in the future and would not return to the dungeon.

And those wild black dragons with their own opinions were completely oppressed by the dragon queen Moriel.

There was no way. This woman absorbed the genes of the four dragon kings, which had a strong oppressive effect on the dragons of these four races.

With Moriel's stinginess, after she turned into a dragon, she continued to absorb the genes of the dragon clan's love of treasure, and it was even more impossible for her to share with these black dragons.

This great opportunity, these black dragons did not take the opportunity to run away, but ran to someone else's dungeon to be dogs for others. That was really a brain squeezed by the door.

And it is said that Moriel has no offspring. Anyway, after turning into a dragon, Moriel cannot give birth.

Besides, even if Moril had an heir, and Moril, the queen, died, would the oppressed underground nobles under her be able to accept and obey?

Xu Lai, who fell in a pool of blood, began to think about what to do the moment Moril fell.

He originally just wanted to unify the grassland area during the last six months of the Western Empire.

But thinking back, the troops and resources that could be accumulated by relying on the grassland area alone were too few.

And since the queen was gone from the underground city, maybe they could take this opportunity to occupy a lot of underground cities.

The resources underground were not rich, but relatively stable, and although Xu Lai didn't want the troops in the underground city, he could directly destroy the city in exchange for a large number of castle hearts and resources.

He didn't want much, just to occupy Mingyue City and all the areas near Darkhor.

If there were more, even if he could occupy it, he really didn't have the manpower to collect and dig.

After all, underground is not suitable for human survival. Apart from recruiting farmers, no other normal people are willing to stay underground for a long time.

Suppressing bandits is one idea, but the big bandits with names and surnames on the grassland have already stayed in the miners' town. The rest are mostly small characters who can't catch too many people.

"Master, why are you lying like this? Get up quickly."

Without saying anything, Su Ya helped Xu Lai, who weighed hundreds of pounds, up with difficulty.

Like Xu Lai, Su Ya didn't rest much, but her level was low and her attributes were relatively poor.

Fortunately, she had a set of top-quality equipment, and ordinary black dragons couldn't do anything to her, and she could rely on the Vulcan Armor to be immune to fire damage.

Xu Lai smiled bitterly and said, "It's finally over. I just want to lie down now."

Su Ya shook her head and said, "This battle has caused great damage to morale, but fortunately we won. Now is the time for you to boost morale.

With this great victory, we can at least raise morale to a high level, not to mention restoring all morale immediately.

And the dragon corpses on this ground are all top-quality treasures and materials. If you don't collect them now while they are fresh, you will regret it when they go bad later."

The treasures on the dragon's body, from dragon blood to dragon meat, from dragon scales to dragon skin, to dragon bones and dragon tendons, are all top-quality, whether it is for making high-end supplements or weapons and armor.

Just like the crossbow cart this time, if it is made entirely of dragon tendons, the power can be increased by at least 50%, and I don't know how much pressure it can relieve.

Dragons were dead everywhere. Xu Lai glanced at them and said helplessly: "Let's wait until those black dragons run away and the battle is settled.

With so many corpses piled up together, it will be useless to clean them up later. "

At the end of the battle, the corpse and blood stains of the recruited black dragon will inevitably turn into white light and fly away. After that, the long time to clean up will be nothing but joy.

But what Su Ya said is right. If you don't take advantage of such a big victory to boost morale, a lot of the flavor of this victory will be lost.

Xu Lai is not a very eloquent person. When Reina gathered the troops, Xu Lai didn't know what to say.

In such an occasion, it would be a disgrace if you stopped and didn't speak.

After thinking for a while, Xu Lai cleared his throat first, then leaned on the bloody long sword and said:

"You are brave enough to kill the enemy, and I should stand before you.

This battle is a great victory. Anyone who is injured or disabled can receive a bounty of 100 coins, and the city lord's palace, that is, myself, will fund the treatment.

For those killed in this battle, the family members of the deceased will receive a pension of 500 gold per person. If there are elderly people over 50 years old, children under 18 years old, and women who do not want to remarry, the city lord's palace will also fund their care.

The elderly provide for them until they die, and the children allow them to attend school.

Those who have no family or family will also be sent to a specially built cemetery after thorough purification. I will personally erect a monument for them for everyone to worship and nourish.

Here, I assure you that as long as Qingfeng City remains, all those who died in the war and their families will receive the best care.

All the injured will also receive the most appropriate care and strive to leave no sequelae.

Finally, for all the brave warriors here today, you will receive a reward of 50 gold coins each to reward your bravery today.

Now, please work harder. We have dealt with these giant dragons. When we go back, I will treat everyone to a feast of dragon meat! "

Xu Lai didn't know what to say, and he didn't know how to boost morale. Although leadership skills had encouraging effects, he felt that cold skills were not as useful as substantial rewards.

Xu Lai, who was once a social creature, was no longer moved by a few words of praise and encouragement.

In his heart, the most appropriate behavior to recognize the other party is to reward the other party for his efforts.

The casualties in this battle were not small. Xu Lai lost 9 Archangels and one Seraph.

If you include the black dragon summoned by Reina, dozens of high-level troops were killed.

In addition, the heavy shield soldiers who were too late to leave, the gryphons who died in a dying counterattack, the pikemen who fought bravely, and the crossbowmen who were focused on the attack.

After the war, more than 1,000 soldiers were killed in the recruitment alone, and more than 3,000 soldiers of the Qingfeng Legion, including the logistics soldiers who controlled the crossbows, were killed.

According to Xu Lai's promise just now, the pension for these 3,000 people alone is as high as 1.5 million gold coins. If the subsequent support of their families is included, it will probably be doubled.

Of course, there is no need to pay for the money immediately. The only things that need to be paid immediately are the rewards for the more than 20,000 remaining soldiers of the Qingfeng Legion and the more than 1,000 disabled people.

For ordinary injured people, after the battle, it is basically possible to remove the forbidden magic ball and call in the priest army from Qingfeng City for treatment.

These are not the disabled. The real disabilities are those whose limbs and limbs were severed during battle, and which cannot be treated by ordinary priests, and require high-level priests to regenerate their limbs.

Of course, Xu Lai couldn't let those priests work in vain. Some high-level magic also required casting materials, and their treatment cost must be more than 100 gold coins.

After escaping with these millions of gold coins, even though Xu Lai was not short of money, he was still bleeding heavily.

But it's all worth it. You must know that the Qingfeng Legion faces today a black dragon legion led by a very high-level hero equipped with several artifacts.

Today they dare to fight bravely against the Black Dragon Legion and will not retreat until death. Tomorrow they will have the courage to face any enemy, even the Burning Legion led by the Demon King of Hell.

Xu Lai believed that as long as he did what he promised, even if his morale was lost during the battle, at least there would be many people willing to fight to the death for him.

"Long live, long live!"

The effect of encouraging without activating the inspiring ability may be much better than Xu Lai expected.

After he announced his decision, he didn't know who took the lead. It should be people like Fang Chao, otherwise ordinary soldiers wouldn't shout like this.

Xu Lai waved his hand again, and all the soldiers kept up with the clockwork motor and rushed towards the outside of the city tirelessly.

The battle is over, and the corpses of the black dragons recruited have turned into light and disappeared. In addition to leaving behind a loot of one or two hundred gold coins, each black dragon also left behind many high-end weapons, armors, etc.

These are all level 8 black dragons. Either leave nothing, or at least a few hundred gold, or level 8 equipment.

Level 8 equipment, even a blank slate, is worth several hundred gold. If it is a magic equipment or weapon, the value is at least ten times higher.

The recruitment of more than 2,000 black dragons alone saved Xu Lai from at least 500,000 gold coins, and the real big deal was the corpses of the black dragons that had not turned into light.

Take dragon meat, draw dragon tendons, peel dragon skin, and pour dragon blood.

Each soldier, under the leadership of their respective commanders, did all this tirelessly and enthusiastically.

Soldiers who are not professional dragon slayers certainly cannot be perfect.

When taking the skin, it is inevitable to tear it, and when scraping the scales, you may accidentally hurt yourself.

Dragon blood may accidentally stain it, and some dragon tendons may even be broken.

But in the face of such a huge number, these small imperfections are completely unimportant.

The dragon is so big, and I don’t know how many clothes and cloaks can be made from peeling off a piece of skin.

After the black dragon died, the dragon skin may have lost its original 1-5 level anti-magic effect, but the anti-magic attribute must still be there. It just depends on the tailor’s ability to preserve how much.

With such a large number, Xu Lai certainly can’t process it into finished products. Anyway, it still needs to be cut separately according to quality and sold in batches.

The best piece of skin, that is, the dragon skin that protects the heart of the dragon, and the reverse scales in the transmission, are the most refined materials on the dragon.

It just so happens that the auction house in Qingfeng City is still being promoted, so Xu Lai plans to let the soldiers bring these dragon skins and dragon meat and divide them in public.

Xu Lai said that he would treat all the soldiers to dragon meat, and it was not false.

Everyone knows that dragon meat is a great tonic. Qingfeng City has never asked about the background of soldiers, so it is impossible for soldiers to get enough nutrition from a young age like nobles or wealthy families.

This collective dragon meat supplement will definitely greatly improve the soldiers' physique, improve their qualifications, and get the opportunity to further upgrade.

Even if Xu Lai doesn't know much about the market, he knows that the sale of dragon materials of such a giant dragon will inevitably cause price fluctuations in the market.

But Xu Lai can still easily calculate that the profit from the sale of dragon skin alone can cover all the expenses he promised just now.

Moreover, such a unique opportunity will definitely not come again.

Even though there are still red dragon legions and poisonous dragon legions in Moril's city, some black dragons have escaped.

But the next time they encounter, the enemy will probably never be of this scale again.

If more precious dragon blood, dragon bones and other materials are taken into account, it will be difficult for Xu Lai not to get rich.

If Xu Lai is willing to wait, maybe even the undead in the cemetery will come to Qingfeng City from afar and find ways to get some black dragon bones back.

And even if they are not sold to those undead wizards, grinding the dragon bones into powder and soaking them in water to drink is also a high-level supplement that can greatly enhance personal physique and ability.

This thing, as long as Xu Lai controls the quantity, judging from the huge size of more than 2,000 black dragons, as long as Qingfeng City is not destroyed in the next few decades, there will never be a lack of merchants coming.

The additional profits that can be brought in these decades alone are far beyond the measurement of hundreds or tens of millions of gold coins.

The only pity is that after Moriel was beheaded by Elvy, no dragon corpse was left, only a dragon head was left.

Moriel's body, however, turned into a human form again.

But this is good news for Xu Lai, because it also means that he can directly strip the other party's equipment and easily remove the other party's two extremely large space rings.

There is another good news, I don't know if Moriel is afraid of trouble, or if these two artifact-level space rings are special.

Anyway, these two rings are all unlocked.

This means that a large part of Moril's collection over the past decades has fallen into Xu Lai's hands.

This is a truly terrifying harvest. (End of this chapter)

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