The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 561 Two Artifact Rings

After killing so many heroes, the capacity of Xu Lai's space backpack is no longer small.

He has obtained many space equipment before, but the largest capacity among them is less than half of his space backpack.

However, at this time, compared with Moriel's two space rings, Xu Lai's space backpack could only be regarded as insignificant.

These two space rings, with this capacity alone, can reach the level of artifacts, but they each have good attributes.

[Ring of the Endless Void]: A void ring with unlimited capacity. However, this ring can only store items with natural energy, such as natural gold coins, crystals, gems, sulfur, mercury, mithril and other resources.

[Dimensional Warehouse Ring]: This ring can be bound to a warehouse. The warehouse capacity is the ring capacity. Through this ring, items in the warehouse can be retrieved at any time. Items can also be retrieved and stored at one end of the warehouse at any time.

Two different space rings, the former has unlimited capacity, but can only store gold coins, crystals and the like.

And it must be the natural kind, the ones guarded by wild monsters dropped from the sky, and the ones dug out of natural caves.

Artificially refined gold coins, such as the gold mine Xu Lai cooperates with the Deep Sea Nagas, no matter how pure the gold coins are smelted, cannot be stored even if they can be used directly to purchase and recruit soldiers.

Because at the human level, the purity cannot be 100%. It is beyond human and belongs to the rules.

If it is just used to buy and recruit soldiers, at most it is something that 1,000 gold coins can buy. I spend 1,001 and use extra gold coins to make up for the one thousandth or one ten thousandth of the impurity.

But to be put into the Ring of the Void, it must be 100% pure.

This requirement is difficult to achieve even on earth. Even if 100% pure gold can be extracted or produced in a laboratory, the quantity will not be large.

But in this world, these natural gold coins are commonly used, and Xu Lai doesn't even have to look for them.

On the contrary, it may take some time and effort to form a certain amount of unnatural gold coins.

The Ring of the Void has infinite energy, and with Xu Lai's strong mental power, he can only sense that there are many things stored in it.

As for the specific number, Xu Lai really couldn't find out.

After thinking about it, Xu Lai found a clean open space in Mingyue City and released part of the inventory.

After being swept away by the black dragons, especially after a large amount of dragon breath was breathed out, there were not many complete buildings in Mingyue City, so the fortresses with high defense and durability were still relatively intact.

However, Mingyue City is very big, so finding a clean open space is always no problem.

He found an open space at random, so Xu Lai did not dare to release all the resources in the ring, but only released a small part very carefully.

However, just this tiny part almost buried Xu Lai in it.

The gold coins poured out like a small mountain, and the small open space was simply not enough.

Almost as soon as it was released, it immediately piled up into a mountain, and then immediately collapsed to both sides.

Being buried under piles of gold coins can be regarded as a happy trouble.

Fortunately, Yu Lan and Su Ya were both there, and they quickly dug out Xu Lai who was buried in the pile of gold coins.

Xu Lai, who was dug out, smiled bitterly and said: "I already expected that there would be a lot of gold coins, but I didn't dare to release even one thousandth of the amount. I didn't expect there to be so many.

Come on, help me quickly, let's count this pile of gold coins clearly, otherwise I won't know how many gold coins are in the ring. "

Xu Lai not only released less than one thousandth of the amount, but also only included the amount of gold coins, rare resources such as crystals, gems, etc. He hadn't even calculated it yet.

Moreover, although the amount in the ring is large, they are all gold coins, crystals, gems, fine gold, mithril and other precious resources.

Resources such as sulfur and gems, which are used a lot in dungeons, are not in the ring.

However, Xu Lai didn't think that Moriel had used up all these resources, but thought that Moriel, a woman, might only be interested in such shiny things.

After all, she was once a woman, and now she is a woman who can transform into a dragon.

Due to the superposition of double genes, this woman should have no immunity to such shiny things.

Roland and Elwe were not around, and Reina was training troops and working outside the city. Xu Lai really had no other helpers around him except for a guard composed of recruited soldiers.

Roland and the paladins of the guard were all seriously injured and were rushed to rest by Xu Lai.

After Elvi briefly recovered her health, she took the still-living Seraphim and Archangels to prepare for the resurrection ceremony.

The ritual is also limited in scope. If Elvi wants to use the ability of group resurrection to obtain more resurrection energy, she can only resurrect corpses in the designated area.

The greater the number of angels involved in the resurrection, the larger the area.

Archangels and Seraphim are the absolute priority candidates for resurrection, because after they are resurrected, they also have the ability to continue to resurrect others.

Although the health points of archangels are relatively high, it cannot be said that one archangel is earned in vain, but at least half of them are earned in vain.

Therefore, the resurrection ceremony must be done quickly, otherwise the body will turn into light when the light of battle settlement falls.

Xu Lai didn't have time to collect corpses now. Even if he did, there wouldn't be enough space in his backpack.

Moreover, apart from the Archangels and Seraphim, the remaining priority to be resurrected is the Royal Griffin, followed by the Battle Griffin.

The importance of flying soldiers is no longer needed. The key is that this thing is hard to buy even in the market, so they must be resurrected first.

The second is the fallen officers and other high-ranking soldiers. There is no need to rush for these people. After the bodies are properly buried, they can wait until after 12 o'clock to resurrect even if they are not in time today.

As for Reina and the others, they have more things to do.

Xu Lai only announced the rewards before, but it does not mean that a unit really only has rewards.

The so-called reward for meritorious service means that the brave must be the first, and punishment for faults means that the cowardly dare not be the last.

If there is no reward for meritorious service, the enemy will shirk responsibility and not move forward. If there is no punishment for faults, the army will not have the will to die in the face of difficulties.

Xu Lai has achieved the reward for meritorious service, but has not yet achieved the punishment for faults.

Before, he had always led a unit composed of recruited soldiers.

These are strictly speaking machines. Even if they make mistakes, it is a mistake in the program setting. The machine itself is not wrong.

Rewarding them is useless. At most, give them something good to eat to restore morale faster.

Punishing them is even more useless. In addition to losing morale and their own property, there is no other benefit.

Before the Qingfeng Corps was formed, Xu Lai had saved the lives of Ed and the mercenaries who followed him, and they were relatively obedient.

After the Qingfeng Corps was formed, Lena was the Corps Commander. Xu Lai did not intervene in more matters except for appointing officers.

The Qingfeng Corps did not experience many battles. In addition to daily training and clearing wild monsters, there was only one serious battle with Count Aini.

This battle was a big victory with fewer troops defeating more troops. Generally speaking, there were many meritorious people and few mistakes, which were not worth making a big deal about.

But this time, because they were facing a giant dragon, and it was a giant dragon legion with the effect of fear, the Dragon Queen Moril.

Therefore, Xu Lai thought it was normal for some people to tremble with fear, retreat because of fear, or even run away.

But Lena, the Corps Commander of the Qingfeng Corps, disagreed with Xu Lai.

In the eyes of this veteran, no matter what the situation is, even if you can't move because of fear, you can be forgiven, but retreating and not following military orders cannot be forgiven.

Being unable to move due to the effect of fear, it is hard to say whether it is because of disobeying military orders or being affected by the pressure of the dragon queen.

However, the scramble for position during the retreat slowed down the retreat, so many soldiers were burned to death.

Or running away directly due to fear, disrupting the formation, and artificially creating chaos, all of which added a lot of losses that should not have been borne.

For this reason, even if Xu Lai felt that he could understand, he had to respect the opinion of the legion commander Reina.

Reina's opinion was very cruel. Those who disobeyed military orders, retreated without authorization, and disrupted the formation were all subject to battlefield discipline and treated as deserters.

These people will not only not receive the rewards promised by Xu Lai before, but will also be executed in front of all officers and soldiers, and their families will not receive any pensions.

Even according to Reina's intention, their families will be punished jointly.

For example, the school that Xu Lai plans to open recently will not allow the families of those who violate military regulations to enter, and various welfare policies will be deprived, and those who have not settled down will not be allowed to settle down directly, etc.

Xu Lai also understood the principle that kindness is not good for the army. Although he felt sorry for it, he could only turn a blind eye and would not try to change the military law.

But Xu Lai still refused to implicate his family members. After all, one person is responsible for his own actions. Modern rule of law does not involve collective punishment, and Xu Lai is still not used to it.

Everyone was busy, and the spoils on Moriel were extremely precious.

Neither Reina nor Su Ya allowed ordinary soldiers or officers to touch them, so Xu Lai and his friends had to deal with them themselves.

Several people worked for most of the day before they counted the pile of gold coins.

In fact, as long as the gold coins are piled up, it is relatively easy to count them.

After all, as long as the height of the gold coins is the same, it means that the number of gold coins placed on the same horizontal line is the same.

They said they were counting gold coins, but in fact they spent several hours piling up the gold coins.

In the end, Xu Lai counted the number of gold coins in the pile, which was about 300,000 gold coins, which was very exaggerated and amazing.

Multiplying 300,000 gold coins by a thousand times means that the number of gold coins alone exceeds 300 million.

Because Xu Lai extracted less than one thousandth of it, Xu Lai had no way of perceiving the exact amount.

Therefore, adding these gold coins and those rare resources together, the value is really unimaginable.

Although Xu Lai knew that Moriel had ruled the underground world for decades and had always been under high pressure, so the accumulated wealth must be extremely large.

But Xu Lai had also gone to Darkhor to plunder before, and Moriel's city had already stored a large amount of resources.

Therefore, Xu Lai could never have imagined that Moriel would carry so many assets with her.

In fact, what Xu Lai didn't know was that Moriel deliberately brought the dragon army to sweep cities one by one in order to more conveniently plunder the assets of the Southern Empire.

Moriel herself did have a lot of property, but she also had the same habit as the dragon, liking to store those shiny things in her own nest.

Therefore, most of the wealth in the Void Ring did not actually belong to Moriel, but came from the southern imperial city that she had just looted.

It’s just that gold coins are not divided by country or region, and are universal in any camp or country.

This huge amount of wealth, which is likely to be worth more than a billion gold coins, will allow Xu Lai to not worry about wealth and resources for a very long time in the future.

The only thing he needs to worry about is that he can’t spend so much wealth in time.

The other dimensional warehouse ring is even more magical. It has no space itself, but it is bound to a warehouse of Moriel, and it is a huge warehouse.

All the materials piled up in the warehouse can be stored and taken anywhere through this ring.

The warehouse bound to Moriel is no longer piled with gold coins, gems and other resources, but a terrifying amount of food reserves, as well as various equipment, props, potions, etc. that Moriel needs.

Food is prepared for the black dragons. It may not be possible to get enough food when marching in the wild.

Therefore, Moriel prepared a lot of food in the ring warehouse to support the black dragon army’s long-term, long-distance raids, protracted wars, etc.

In the corner of the warehouse, there is a shelf specially used by Moriel to store various precious items.

Including the magic scrolls that Moriel took out and threw at Xu Lai and his men one by one.

Although many 5th-level scrolls like Thunder Blast have been used, there are still two in stock.

In addition, there are dozens of various high-level 4th-level scrolls.

Xu Lai was reluctant to use the attack acceleration before, but Moriel has nearly ten ultimate attack accelerations alone.

Although the black dragons are resistant to magic and cannot use attack acceleration, Moriel does not always bring only black dragons to fight.

Like in the Southern Empire, Moriel also needed a large number of cavemen to plunder the city's property.

This time, Moriel also brought a large number of cavemen, but the commander of the cavemen did not enter the battlefield, so he was not locked by the shackles of war.

In addition to various high-quality and astonishing magic scrolls, Xu Lai also found a lot of high-level treasures and equipment in this warehouse.

The most urgent task now is to empty the resources in this warehouse as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Xu Lai doesn't know where the warehouse that Moril is bound to is.

If the garrison at the warehouse gets the news that Moril is dead, they may empty the warehouse before Xu Lai.

Only by moving the things in the warehouse to his own warehouse can he say that these things are all his.

After moving, Xu Lai can directly unbind from this warehouse and bind to his own warehouse.

In this way, when his troops go on an expedition, no matter what they lack, they can ask the city behind to prepare it for him.

In this way, Xu Lai can also walk around with a large number of fast troops like Moril, without carrying logistics troops and logistics supplies.

There are many good things in the warehouse, but undoubtedly, the best equipment is still on Moril.

Because she was beheaded and her head cannot be changed back, Xu Lai can't get the helmet. I don't know if it has been integrated into Moril's head.

But her armor, cloak, jewelry, sundries, etc., all belong to Xu Lai now. (End of this chapter)

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