The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 563 Large-scale advancement

"Hiss, you guys think, is there something missing from Moriel?"

After stripping Moriel naked, Xu Lai asked with a frown.

"I also think something is missing. That's right, it's weapons and equipment. She has already turned back to human form. Logically, the weapons should also turn back."

Xu Lai no longer counts on the helmet, but the weapons are not. They have always been the most valuable things among the weapons and equipment.

Moreover, a good weapon can often determine the outcome of a battle at a critical moment.

However, I don't know if it's a requirement for the dragon transformation, or Moriel rarely takes action herself, so she doesn't even bother to equip herself with weapons.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, Xu Lai and his team studied Moriel for a long time.

Including the place where Moriel fell after her death, they searched for a long time, but still couldn't find Moriel's weapons.

Fortunately, Moriel's warehouse has several kinds of weapons, from two-handed swords to two-handed canes, one-handed canes, all kinds of them, and they can all be considered top-notch.

[Dragon Slayer Sword]: Artifact, two-handed sword, attack power +80, normal attack has a 15% chance to cause 2.75 times critical damage.

Dragon Slayer: Causes 200% damage to giant creatures (dragons, Titans, Cyclops, Behemoths, etc.). If the giant creature has dragon blood (red dragons, flying dragons, hydras, etc.), the damage is increased to 300%

It is unknown how long Moril has not used this dragon slayer sword.

Several weapons are placed on a shelf alone, but this dragon slayer sword is covered with dust.

The Dimensional Warehouse Ring is bound to a warehouse, so it is not completely isolated like other space rings.

It is obviously impossible for Moril's warehouse to be entered and exited casually, so no one comes to clean it.

Xu Lai extracted the dragon slayer sword from the ring. After blowing away the dust on the surface, he could still see mottled blood stains on the sword that was emitting cold light.

This is a two-handed sword specifically for large creatures, especially dragons.

A warrior with enough strength, holding this sword and appearing on the battlefield, should be invincible.

Even if the opponent is not a giant creature, 80 points of attack power is considered quite high among sword weapons, not to mention the 15% critical hit chance.

Moreover, a normal critical hit can only cause 2 times the damage, while the critical hit of the Dragon Slayer Sword is 2.75 times the damage.

If the attack power is tripled when slaying a dragon, and another critical hit occurs, I am afraid that even the natural king of the dragon clan, such as the Holy Dragon, will not be able to bear it.

Back then, Moril probably dared to attack the four dragon kings because of this dragon sword.

Maybe the blood stains on this sword that have not been eliminated so far came from the four dragon kings.

Fortunately, angels, demons and the like can only be regarded as large creatures, slightly larger than normal people, but not giant enough.

The Dragon Slayer Sword is a physical profession's artifact, and there are many professions that can control two-handed swords, such as swordsmen, knights, berserkers, etc.

But unfortunately, among Xu Lai's confidants, there is no one who is good at using a two-handed sword.

Xu Lai put away the Dragon Slaying Sword. Even if no one on his side can use this kind of artifact, Xu Lai would rather keep it for himself.

Moreover, it is not really impossible for his side to use it. Xu Lai can use it himself, and Lena can use it, but Lena is better at using a one-handed sword.

In addition, Dill Rogers was promoted from an archer to a general.

The Empire's long-range units have two characteristics. Archers use two-handed weapons, crossbowmen wear heavy armor, and Dill Rogers's secondary weapon is a two-handed sword.

There is an auction house he built in Qingfeng City. If the Dragon Slaying Sword is to be sold, it can not only increase the popularity of the auction house, but also not worry about not being able to sell it for money.

It's just that Xu Lai has too much money now and has nowhere to spend it. Unless someone offers Xu Lai a condition that he cannot refuse, it would be so uncomfortable if this kind of artifact is leaked and used against him.

In addition to the Dragon Slaying Sword, the two-handed staff is also a divine weapon.

[Queen's Scepter]: Universal treasure, artifact, two-handed scepter, attack power: 60-120.

After holding, you can specify a city to increase the basic output of all recruited creatures by +1, and can only be equipped by women.

[Withered Vine Staff]: Magic equipment, increases the power of all attack spells by 25%, and increases the duration of status spells by 25%.

Increases mana recovery speed by 100%, with the spell "Natural Entanglement".

Natural Entanglement: Spend 20 mana points to summon a magic root with 100 strength points to entangle the designated target.

The magic root reduces 1 strength point per second. The strength of the designated target must be greater than the magic root before it can break free.

Note: The entangled target cannot move, attack, or defend, but can cast spells.

Although the Withered Wood Staff is not an artifact, its attributes are not bad. Of course, the staff that can be collected by Moril still has its merits.

The Withered Wood Staff is more comprehensive, and it enhances all attack spells and status spells, regardless of the element type.

It also has an excellent buff that doubles the mana recovery speed, and also gives a relatively powerful control skill.

You know, even if Xu Lai replaces the Knight's Gloves with the Hand of the God of Fire, the strength value is only more than 50 points.

That is, if this entanglement spell is released on Xu Lai, it can control him for at least more than 40 seconds.

Although this control is not a hard control like stun, more than 40 seconds is still a very scary time.

However, the withered vine staff is an equipment that is obviously suitable for mages.

Xu Lai does have mages here, Yu Lan is a female mage, and Anna is a female priest, but unfortunately they can't use the equipment.

But Xu Lai is not short of money now, so he will keep this treasure for now.

In case there are any adventures in the future, not to mention upgrading Yu Lan and others to heroes, but there should still be hope for them to advance to generals.

After all, the number of heroes sent from heaven is not small, and the empire is the largest among the nine major camps. He doesn't believe that there is no chance to get a few more orders to call generals.

This auction, which has been brewing for a long time, may be a more promising opportunity.

As for the Queen's Scepter, it is not only an artifact-level treasure, but also the most widely used universal one.

The treasure is also very powerful. It can directly specify the recruitment of creatures in a city, and the basic output is increased by one.

It doesn't matter if it is placed in an ordinary city, but if it is placed in a super city at the capital level, it can increase an ultimate soldier, and it is still the basic output.

Basic output means that it can be blessed with various effects, such as the base camp, castle, and the sword of the god of war.

The only pity is that the name of this full-length scepter is called the Queen's Scepter.

This is actually a very rare treasure that can only be equipped by women.

Xu Lai is still relatively indifferent to this, anyway, there are still many women on his side.

Even if it is not a universal treasure, it can also be equipped by Lena. Anyway, if you want to specify the target, it must be Xu Lai's Qingfeng City.

But now, it is naturally more appropriate for Su Ya to equip it.

The Queen's Scepter is like treasures such as Aber Crystal and Golden Capsule. When it is refreshed, it must be equipped on the body to be effective.

The Queen's Scepter is even more special. When it is refreshed, the wearer must be in the designated city to be effective.

If it is equipped by Lena, if she can't get back in the wild, or attack the city in other places, then the recruitment quota will be lost.

Su Ya will not have this worry. Although it is very unfair to her, it is basically difficult for Su Ya to leave Qingfeng City now.

These three weapons were placed on the other side by Moriel. In addition to the Dragon Slayer Sword, the other two must be her daily equipment.

There are obviously more than three weapons in the warehouse. Xu Lai only took a rough look and found several magic equipment with good properties.

There are also various types, but there is no trace of use on these equipment.

Xu Lai now seriously suspects that Moriel's dragon transformation is still defective and cannot transform weapons into dragons.

The entire ring is a huge treasure house. Xu Lai just looked around and found a lot of useful good things.

For example, in this battle, Xu Lai scattered 2 groups of healing guards, but he found two dozen in this warehouse. How many groups and how many roots, it is impossible to count for a while.

The black dragon is a flying unit, and the healing guard is inserted into the ground, which obviously cannot reach the distance.

Moreover, the black dragon is immune to 1-5 level spells, and the healing effect of the healing guard is estimated to have no effect on the black dragon.

In addition to the healing guards, there are several dozen scout guards and combat guards in the warehouse.

The effect of the scout guard is similar to that of the scout eye, but the difference is that the scout guard itself is invisible and can detect invisible targets.

The combat guard is a guard that can remotely spray magic arrows and is also immobile.

Both types of guards are very practical, but the disadvantage is that they cannot move and can only last for a period of time.

There are simply countless good things like this in the warehouse.

Xu Lai estimated that it might take a week or two to study these treasures of various uses in the warehouse.

He naturally does not have enough time to spend on this matter now.

The soldiers outside the city were harvesting black dragons in full swing, and Yu Lan also led the farmers to repair the destroyed gates, houses, warehouses and other buildings.

Even the miners in the neighboring mining town were called over by Naru. A large group of people carried water from the underground well and kept washing the bloody city.

The battle report of the battle settlement finally came after a busy half day.

At the same time, the appearance of the battle report also means that the black dragons and cavemen who participated in this battle have already fled to a safe area.

Although the area around Mingyue City is not safe, there will be no units that participated in the battle before.

The battle report did not show that this was a brilliant victory, after all, the casualties on their side were also very large.

But in Xu Lai's heart, this battle was more brilliant than any previous brilliant victory.

After the battle report was over, there were countless golden lights that represented the ability to advance.

The surviving recruited troops almost collectively advanced once, and a few units were even able to advance continuously, such as the phantom shooters who were the main output.

Almost every one of these phantom shooters has a record of killing black dragons. Some of them are lucky and have more last hits, and one even killed dozens of black dragons.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for them not to upgrade, and it is normal to upgrade two levels in a row.

All of a sudden, Xu Lai had more than 200 Phantom Archers and more than 60 Phantom Archer Saints. Some of them did not get the chance to shoot and missed this large-scale upgrade.

The second is the angel troops. As melee units, they fought passionately and obtained a lot of advancement qualifications.

Before the battle report was settled, Elvi had held a mass resurrection ceremony. Under the influence of her own expertise and mass resurrection characteristics, the resurrection rate of each archangel was increased to 150%.

The units that Xu Lai needed to resurrect first, the archangels, seraphim and griffins, were almost all resurrected.

There were only two unlucky griffins, probably because they accidentally rushed into the dragon's mouth and were bitten to pieces. Even the corpses were not found, and they could not be resurrected.

The rest included Crusaders, Swordsmen, Paladins and other units with kill records, and many of them were advanced.

The heavy shield soldiers and heavy armored spearmen, who failed to kill the black dragon, also relied on the kills of the crossbow carts, holy light knights, and seraphim to get a lot of experience.

However, compared with those who had kills, the number of advancements was much less.

The archers and crossbowmen on the city wall also killed a lot of people, and because of the archers and crossbowmen, the number of deaths was also high. Although a few high-level units were resurrected, they had already reached the top and could not continue to advance.

Therefore, all the surviving crossbowmen and archers were qualified for advancement.

As for these recruited soldiers, Xu Lai was worried about where to spend the money, so of course all those who could be advanced were directly advanced.

Except for those archers, Xu Lai only advanced them to level 5. Those above level 5 continued to advance, and those below level 5 could only be advanced to level 5 at most.

Phantom archers are really too easy to use. Those who have already met the experience should be able to directly advance to phantom archers with a little training under the effect of crystals.

There is no need to think about which of the two archers has greater potential. Except for those who have reached level 6 and cannot be helped, the remaining archers must be suppressed.

The Seraphim, which Xu Lai cares about the most, suddenly increased by more than 60, and the number of Holy Light Knights was a little less, only more than 30.

However, there are also many advanced knights, and Xu Lai still chooses to advance most of them to Paladins.

In this way, Xu Lai's Paladins are increased to 250 people, and the total number of Holy Light Knights is more than 160. Not counting the Holy Light Knights assigned to Lena, Tahan and others, the number remains at 150.

The number of the 400-man Guard Knights is still not large, and there will be opportunities in the future, and it will be increased to 500.

And the number of Seraphim has increased by more than 60 people, and the number plus Elvi has increased to 104.

With this scale, it can be said that the combat effectiveness of the angels has increased by nearly 3 times without changing the total number.

Compared with recruiting soldiers, the number of advanced soldiers of the Qingfeng Corps is obviously much less.

First, they have more people, but they have less gains.

Secondly, they need more experience to advance, and some warriors have poor talents. The intermediate warriors of level 3 and 4 are already the limit. No matter how much experience points are poured in, they cannot be promoted to a high level. (End of this chapter)

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