Xu Lai must bear the cost of recruiting soldiers to advance.

However, other nobles had to bear the cost of recruiting soldiers to advance by themselves.

But Xu Lai waved his hand and announced that he would bear the cost of advancing for everyone.

After all, those who have the ability to advance, in addition to excellent talents, must at least fight bravely.

The more damage they cause to the black dragon, the more experience they will get in the end, and they will have more opportunities to advance.

Xu Lai's bearing of their advancement costs is also a reward.

However, he bears the cost, but he doesn't want to be a sucker.

Otherwise, if the warriors who advance here run away, he will lose a lot.

Therefore, although Xu Lai bears all the advancement costs, the service period of these recruited soldiers must be extended.

Those who are unwilling to sign and are unwilling to do so will be responsible for their own advancement like other noble soldiers, and Xu Lai will not force them.

It is easy to form a conscripted legion, and it is easier to use. There are more things that can be done, and the upper limit of combat effectiveness is also higher.

Moreover, if the discipline is strict and the rewards and punishments are appropriate, even the reliability will be better than the recruited army.

At least when the morale is zero, such a conscripted army will not retreat casually, and it is not surprising that they will fight to the death if the treatment is good enough.

The disadvantage is that the price is too expensive. The price of forming is not expensive, and even if Xu Lai is a little bit black-hearted, it can be free.

However, the maintenance cost of the conscripted army is too high, and the combat effectiveness is proportional to the investment. If you want the combat effectiveness to exceed the recruited army, the investment may be more than ten times that of the recruited army.

Accompanied by the golden light, Xu Lai walked out of the city.

There were rows of corpses lying at the broken gate outside the city. Xu Lai took a rough look and thought there were about a hundred people.

There were only their bodies on the ground, and their heads were all hanging on the city wall.

After the baptism of war, the city wall was severely damaged, the bricks were burned black by the dragon flames, and there were huge stones crushed by dragon claws everywhere.

In this background, nearly a hundred heads were hung on it, which gave a sense of solemnity.

However, the morale of the troops did not decrease after the nearly 100 people were killed. Not only did it not decrease, but it was slightly improved.

Xu Lai's victory speech, which was rewarded with a large sum of money, restored a lot of morale, and these nearly 100 heads successfully made the morale of the Qingfeng Corps break through 90 and become high again.

When Reina killed people, it was impossible not to make clear the guilt.

Because these dozens of people disobeyed military orders and did not abide by military discipline, hundreds of people were killed. Even their former colleagues hated them.

Now killing these people can not only have a deterrent effect, make others vigilant, but also give survivors an emotional catharsis.

The troops with high morale restored, it is estimated that only Reina needs to adjust for another day or two, and the combat effectiveness will be greatly improved immediately.

After all, the gains from this battle are too great.

Not counting those cavemen who were just playing soy sauce and exploring the way, just counting the nearly 5,000 8th-level dragons, it is an extremely terrifying result.

5,000 level 8 dragons, half of which are wild dragons with richer experience. The death experience of each dragon can at least allow ten or more level 4 and 5 soldiers to advance.

This is not the key point. The key point is that the commander who led the team this time is unprecedentedly high.

Xu Lai only knew from the battle report that Moriel was actually a level 52 superhero.

You know, Xu Lai is only level 40 now. In the past six months, he has defeated countless people in the next level, but he still doesn't know when he can upgrade.

It is said that each level after level 50 is not much different from the total experience of the previous 40 levels, and it will not be much less.

After level 60, it is even more exaggerated. Each level is equivalent to the sum of the experience of all the previous levels, that is, from 60 to 61, the total experience of levels 1-60 is required.

At that level, it is really no longer possible for human power to improve. Even if Moriel can transform into an immortal species like a dragon, she may not reach this level in her lifetime.

The experience points brought by the death of a high-level hero are too rich.

The protagonist of this war is not Xu Lai, but Reina, the legion leader.

She is the one who enjoys the most experience and can share part of it from the soldiers.

Xu Lai can only enjoy a little bonus from his own Paladin troops and angel troops.

However, Moriel's death came from Elvy, so Xu Lai got less experience from other dragons, but got more experience from Moriel.

As a killer, Elvy, who was promoted to a general, had the highest level increase, which was 3 levels at once, from 49 to 52, and gained 3 more attributes.

These 3 attributes were all added to strength by Elvy, probably because the previous damage to Moriel was too scratchy.

As a general, Elvy's total experience value is very different from that of a hero.

Therefore, although Elvy increased by 3 levels, Xu Lai only increased by a little more than one and a half levels.

The previous 40% experience at level 40 was increased to 50% at level 41, and the strength attribute was increased by 1 point. At the same time, the intermediate earth element and advanced wisdom were obtained.

Among the two specializations, Xu Lai chose advanced wisdom.

[Advanced Wisdom]: Allows the hero to directly copy and learn level 4 strategic spells, and activates the additional effect of Wisdom 2, Spirit +2.

Not only Xu Lai, but also Su Ya has been upgraded several levels because of this.

Su Ya's level is relatively low, and the upgrade is relatively large.

Rena gained the most experience, with more than two levels of experience, plus more than 80% of the original experience, and directly upgraded 3 levels to level 41, the same level as Xu Lai.

However, Xu Lai is 55% more than level 41.

Level 3 adds 3 attributes, which are added to the three items of strength, agility and body.

The three specializations brought by these three levels are added to archery, logistics and resistance.

After the upgrade, Rena has ultimate archery, ultimate logistics and master-level resistance.

Although the upgraded specializations are repeated with Xu Lai, this is also Xu Lai's requirement.

When the Qingfeng Legion was first established, Xu Lai hoped that this legion could go out independently, and there were not many opportunities to form a legion with Xu Lai himself.

Since he was going to go on an independent expedition, the more comprehensive the commander's expertise, the more reassured Xu Lai would be.

The increase in Rena's level also meant that her defensive specialty was more powerful. The increase of 3 levels allowed Rena's defense to increase her damage reduction by an additional 1.5%.

That is, as long as there was physical damage, the soldiers led by Rena would automatically reduce damage by 70.5%, a very terrifying number.

At this level, even if Xu Lai had artifacts such as the Angel Alliance, and both sides led exactly the same recruited soldiers, Xu Lai felt that he had little chance of winning.

Of course, this was after the shielding spell. There were too many spells in this world that could determine the outcome of a war.

Upgrade what should be upgraded, and upgrade what should be upgraded.

It was not difficult to upgrade the recruited soldiers. Xu Lai only needed to prepare enough gold coins and rare resources. With one thought, he could upgrade all the recruited soldiers.

And the recruited soldiers were a little more troublesome.

Besides, they didn't have enough time to upgrade now.

It was winter now, and things like dragon blood and dragon meat could be stored for a longer time.

Qingfeng City and Mingyue City did not have ice cellars yet, but Xu Lai had enough mages under his command to build an ice-covered warehouse on the spot.

Su Ya returned to Qingfeng City first, mobilized the mages, and prepared the freezing spell.

Afterwards, he mobilized the civilians in Qingfeng City to go to Mingyue City and transport the materials on the black dragon back and forth.

The black dragon itself was huge and there were many of them. The civilians organized by Su Ya went back and forth in waves.

In fact, if a supply truck was used, it would only be necessary to divide the dragon blood, dragon meat and other materials, and they could be put into the supply truck.

But Xu Lai did not do so, but only put important materials such as dragon tendons, dragon scales and the heart of the black dragon into the supply truck.

The rest of the dragon skin, dragon blood, dragon meat and the like were all placed on large carts.

The soldiers of the Qingfeng Corps, led by officers at all levels, escorted the transport convoy to Qingfeng City, and after crossing half of the city, they were delivered to the warehouse.

Xu Lai's purpose of doing this was, of course, to attract attention and create topics and public opinion.

When the sun rose the next day, the merchants and caravans coming and going all saw large carts carrying full dragon materials.

Some merchants with extensive social connections tried to stop one or two familiar officers and ask about the specific situation.

Xu Lai did not ask for confidentiality about yesterday's battle.

Except for some military secrets that were not allowed to be disclosed casually, there was no need to conceal such a brilliant victory that could greatly enhance the morale and confidence of the people.

In fact, the preparations of the Qingfeng Corps some time ago had already attracted the attention of those who were interested.

When the Qingfeng Corps was stationed in Mingyue City, many people asked about the whereabouts of the Qingfeng Corps.

The grassland has not been very stable recently. Xu Lai had just fought a battle with Earl Aini, and now all major cities in the grassland are actively preparing for war and defense.

Many people thought that the disappearance of the Qingfeng Corps was caused by Xu Lai, who took them to attack another city.

But many people also believe that it was the nobles who formed a coalition to attack Qingfeng City, and Xu Lai led his troops to stop them.

In such a large city, not only did the troops stationed here disappear, but the recruited soldiers who patrolled in the past also decreased a lot.

The guards in many places were actually served by mages, and even the city lord Su Ya was often not seen.

All this means that something big has happened in Qingfeng City recently.

Nowadays, there are many businessmen who invest in Qingfeng City, and some have even bet all their wealth on Qingfeng City.

If something unexpected happens, it is okay to lose all the investment, but I am afraid that even my life will be lost.

Therefore, during the week when Xu Lai was preparing for war in Mingyue City, Qingfeng City was not peaceful.

Fortunately, the number of people in the security team has been greatly increased, and Xu Lai celebrated with the city after returning from Conaston Castle.

Xu Lai also used his countless victories and miracles to build strong confidence for his own people, and did not cause any big trouble.

Therefore, when these black dragon materials appeared, smart people had actually guessed what kind of trouble Xu Lai was dealing with recently.

And seeing the endless flow of carriages and horses, some people had already made bold associations.

However, their boldest guess was that Moril, the Queen of Dragons, sent her men to attack Qingfeng City, but was intercepted by Xu Lai.

Xu Lai's underground world has not yet been opened. Even the officials of Qingfeng City, only a few people are qualified to enter, let alone businessmen.

But the underground passage near Qingfeng City is no secret.

No one knows where the Qingfeng Legion went, but when the Qingfeng Legion entered the underground passage, many people saw it.

However, the officers, who originally thought it didn't matter, now allowed the familiar businessmen to greet them. They all turned a blind eye and stood in their queues.

On the other hand, the civilians mobilized by Su Ya, with the encouragement of the person in charge, loudly discussed what they saw underground.

From the mouths of these people, everyone knows a few things.

First, Xu Lai has a huge city underground, which is not surprising. After all, his home relies on underground passages, so he will never give up on underground development.

Second, this city is gradually showing signs of war, and almost no building in the city is intact.

The situation outside the city was even more exaggerated. There were dragon corpses lying everywhere, and blood covered the entire underground world, sprinkling everywhere.

Third, everyone is in full swing, dividing the dragon's body, because there are too many, so they may have to make several trips.

From these chats, although everyone still couldn't guess what happened, they were certain that Xu Lai had a violent conflict with the underground city.

Not everyone knows something about dungeons, but anyone who knows something about dungeons should be able to guess how huge the force that can leave thousands of black dragon corpses is.

You know, even before the empire camp collapsed, there were only two angel legions in the entire empire.

The black dragon is an eighth-level dragon, which is completely equivalent to an archangel.

And being able to leave corpses behind shows that these black dragons are all naturally born beings, equivalent to those high priests in the temple who were promoted to archangels on their own.

It is impossible for there to be two such terrifying forces in the underground city, so we can only judge that the one fighting Xu Lai is the Dragon Queen who rules the entire underground world.

Only the Dragon Queen's unparalleled appeal made it possible to recruit so many dragons.

But judging from the current situation, the Dragon Queen is still the loser.

However, the civilians did not see other corpses other than dragons and cavemen in the underground world, and most of them had heard about it and knew that Moriel liked to lead the dragon army in action.

Therefore, although Xu Lai won, some people were still worried.

You must know that the underground world has never been divided, and the Dragon Queen has always ruled the underground world because of her transformation into a dragon. Her accumulation is so rich that it is probably unimaginable.

Even though Xu Lai defeated the Black Dragon Legion in the Dragon Legion, the queen still had the Red Dragon Legion, the Poison Dragon Legion, the Minotaur Legion, the Manticore Legion and so on. (End of chapter)

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