The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 565 Black Dragon Banquet

Xu Lai did not publicize the news of killing Moril.

Even the soldiers of the Qingfeng Corps only knew that they were dealing with giant dragons, and had no idea that among these giant dragons, there was also a dragon queen.

Killing the dragon queen was a major event that changed the world situation. This battle alone gave Xu Lai more than 10,000 reputations, which shows how important this underground queen is.

Reina is the highest commander of the army, so she has the most experience and the richest experience, but Xu Lai is the leader of the forces, so naturally he has added more reputation.

Xu Lai only publicized that he killed a giant dragon army, and there are two major concerns.

One is that if other forces know that he killed the dragon queen, will they come to share a piece of the pie.

The dragon queen plunders everywhere during wars, and like the Pixiu, she only takes in and never gives out. Her wealth is so high that even the big-eared monsters in the stronghold have heard of her.

If other people knew that Xu Lai, an unknown soldier, killed the underground queen who ruled the entire underground world, they would come to trouble him.

Although after killing the Queen of Dragons, no one should regard Xu Lai as a nobody anymore.

But it is precisely because of this reason that Xu Lai has a second and most worrying concern.

Xu Lai has a grudge against the Great Demon King Kerrigan for killing his son. Before, this cold-blooded Great Demon King still valued the land of the Western Empire.

Now, the Temple and the noble coalition have almost completely withdrawn from the Western Empire in defeat. If the Pope had not personally gone to support them, the Temple coalition would have been completely destroyed in the Western Empire.

Although the demon army needs to rest and the land occupied by the Western Empire also needs to be transformed, after all, the Great Demon King Kerrigan is now in a state without an opponent.

Xu Lai was a nobody before, and he could ignore it and wait until he was free.

But if Xu Lai has grown to the point where he has even killed the Queen of the Underground, Xu Lai has reason to doubt whether the six months mentioned by the Temple are still reliable.

Elena has returned from the temple. According to Xu Lai's instructions, she copied almost all the intelligence information of the temple and gave it to Xu Lai.

She also brought with her maps of the underground city from various periods, spanning a thousand years.

Of course, the map of the temple is still not complete. Even if it can be pieced together, some maps have been around for a thousand years, and the topography recorded has changed a lot.

The obelisk map has the ability to change according to the topography, but this kind of self-drawn map does not have this ability.

But it doesn't matter. The map of the temple is just a supplement to Xu Lai, not a necessary factor.

During this week, Jian Yuan has been studying the underground world maps collected by Xu Lai, plus the missing parts of the temple map, which have filled a large part of the underground world.

The most important thing is that Xu Lai killed Moriel, and Moriel's warehouse has several detailed maps of his own territory.

Muriel's map is large and detailed, and the key is that it is divided into several versions, some of which are dedicated to drawing topography, some are dedicated to marking wild buildings, and some are dedicated to marking wild resources.

As the ruler of the underground world, Muriel certainly needs these maps with detailed content, otherwise she doesn't even know how much territory she has, so what kind of underground queen is she.

However, although Muriel's map is clear and detailed enough, it only marks the scope of her own territory, and does not map those unknown areas.

For example, Muriel's map only draws the maze area, and the land outside the maze is all foggy.

Perhaps, more than 50 years ago, when Muriel imprisoned Reina, she had already come to the edge of the underground world, so she just arranged a maze for guarding.

But 50 years later, due to changes in topography, part of the underground world was connected to the former edge, which caught Muriel off guard.

Before coming, Muriel should never have expected that she would overturn in such a small place.

This also gave Xu Lai a warning. War shackles are not artifacts after all. Although they are extremely rare, they should not be unique.

If one day, he is so careless and only leads a small number of troops to be trapped by war shackles, the end is probably not much better.

Let alone magic, even if Xu Lai and his men are invulnerable, they are not really gods.

No matter how powerful the artifact is, it has durability. No matter how brave Xu Lai is, his physical strength is not infinite.

Being surrounded by endless enemies, no matter how powerful Xu Lai is, there is a high probability that he will be worn to death.

Of course, this probability is not high. In most cases, Xu Lai can still run away if he can't win.

But just like Moril, if you think you can go wherever you want by leading the dragon army, you may be ambushed one day.

But that's all for later. The only thing Xu Lai wants to do now is to compare the map as soon as possible and dig out the last part of the golden statue of the god of war.

With so many maps to complement each other, Xu Lai still locked himself in the room and forgot to eat and sleep for a whole day.

When he came out of retreat, his eyes were frighteningly red. Su Ya quickly brought a hot towel and wanted to give Xu Lai a hot compress.

However, Xu Lai sniffed and said, "What a nice smell! This fragrance must be all over the city."

In order to avoid misreading the map, Xu Lai specially lit incense in his retreat room to calm his mind.

This thing is made by mages for their own meditation. One stick costs one gold coin and only lasts for an hour.

Fortunately, this thing can at least match the version and the effect is really good.

Xu Lai used his brain for a whole day and was still refreshed.

"According to your instructions, two large carts of dragon meat were sent to the military camp.

The dragon meat was too hard, so we started cooking at noon. More than two hours ago, the fragrance slowly drifted to the city. I guess when the pot is boiled later, the fragrance will drift to the villages downstream."

Xu Lai hadn't eaten for a day, and he was really hungry when he smelled the fragrance.

"Then let's go to the military camp and have a meal of dragon meat."

Including the logistics personnel and the families who came to visit the wounded, Su Ya estimated that there might be many officials who would like to taste the taste of dragon meat. This dragon meat banquet is estimated to have about 30,000 people.

For this reason, Acid Rain specially sent all the chefs in the castle to help.

Two carts of dragon meat, that is, two whole dragons. If a dragon is bled, skinned, scaled, and gutted, it would weigh at least 40-50 tons.

There were only 30,000 people in the camp, so even if there were only 90 tons of meat from two dragons, each person could get 3 kilograms.

What's more, Xu Lai was just estimating. No one knew how much meat could be taken out of a dragon, and no one weighed it. Anyway, it was at least 40-50 tons.

There were only two dragons, but the fragrance spread all over the city. Many merchants were also very curious about dragon meat and were asking around about how to get a share.

The only one who was dissatisfied was the little holy dragon raised by Xu Lai. This guy ate all kinds of meat, but the only thing he didn't eat was dragon meat.

Xu Lai drove to the military camp outside the city with his carriage in a big way.

This was the first time Xu Lai used the luxurious carriage that Su Ya prepared for Xu Lai.

It was also the first time for a serious trip. There were Paladins in front and behind to open the way and guard the rear; there were Holy Light Knights on the left and right to guard, and there were angels in the sky.

Six tall white horses with snow-white color without any other colors pulled a luxurious carriage across two lanes and walked leisurely out of the city.

In the past, Xu Lai never cared about pomp and circumstance. He believed that money should be spent on meaningful things.

Today, he did this to show his strength to the outside world, and secondly, he was too excited and didn't want to spoil the fun of others.

Su Ya and the others' biggest hobby is Xu Lai. Making him happy and comfortable is what they are most willing to do.

In this world, there is no such thing as dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the ground.

But Xu Lai ate dragon meat for the first time today.

How to say it, the meat is a little old and feels hard to chew, but it is rich in energy.

With Xu Lai's current physique, if he really wants to eat, his appetite can be much more exaggerated than that of beasts such as lions, tigers and leopards.

What Xu Lai and his men ate was, of course, not the big stew that the soldiers ate, but the meat that the cook specially brought from the castle cut into one centimeter thick and fried on both sides until golden brown before serving.

The aroma was very strong, but not very juicy, but after eating a piece of meat, Xu Lai actually felt a little full.

A whole piece of meat, about one or two pounds, was just enough to whet the appetite in the past.

Those sitting below Xu Lai were all officers in the barracks, and the officials from the city had another table and did not mix with these people.

Although dragon meat was eaten freely today, only a small amount of wine could be drunk. Each soldier was given a glass of wine, which was considered a celebration of everyone's escape from death.

However, no officer in the big tent drank because Xu Lai took the lead in refusing to drink.

Xu Lai, the leader, refused, so no matter how greedy others were, they had to bear it.

The soldiers could be more unrestrained, but Xu Lai was very strict with these leaders.

"Is it enough to rest for another day tomorrow?"

Another great gift that Elena brought back from the Holy City was a team of more than 100 priests.

These were not recruited priests, nor were they priest apprentices, but official priests, priests and bishops who could preside over villages and towns.

At a time when the temple was so short of manpower, so many priests could be sent to Xu Lai, which was enough to prove that Bishop Crimson did not lie to him and really bet on Xu Lai.

Each of these more than 100 priests has the ability to treat minor injuries, and priests and bishops can treat serious injuries and regenerate broken limbs.

With Xu Lai's support, most of the lightly and seriously injured soldiers have returned to normal after today.

"I have arranged that everyone will rest in the camp for half a day tomorrow morning, start light training in the afternoon, and officially take action the day after tomorrow."

It's not that Xu Lai is unwilling to give the Qingfeng Corps more time, but time is running out.

Muriel's death will inevitably cause chaos in the underground world.

If he doesn't take this opportunity to rob the underground city and resources, will they come to him for revenge after the chaos ends and a stable order is reestablished?

Moril underestimated the enemy and advanced rashly. Would the other forces in the underground city underestimate the forces that even killed the Dragon Queen?

If Xu Lai does not take action at this time, the next time he will encounter the underground city coalition forces that can flatten him with only catapults.

Xu Lai nodded and said: "You have been to Darkhor last time. After our last disturbance, Darkhor's military strength should be the weakest.

We will use it as the dividing line. At most, you must return after destroying Darkhor.

If you really think there is an opportunity, wait until you return, rest for a while, and quickly build the elf city for me before sweeping the dungeon.

Elena should have told you the relevant information. If things are not optimistic, we will have to fight with the great devil Kerrigan in half a year.

Before that, we must accumulate enough strength. It will be too late to just destroy without building. "

Reina nodded and said, "Don't worry, even if we bring logistics troops, our transportation capacity is limited.

I think the Qingfeng Corps should be able to come back to participate in the construction within a month."

Xu Lai smiled and said, "Build and practice at the same time. Ed and Silver Wing are all elves. After you build the city, you can let them do the follow-up construction.

I want to advance the overall strength of the Qingfeng Corps to a higher level within this half year. ”

The Qingfeng Corps, after all, is mainly composed of new recruits. After two large-scale battles, the soldiers' advancement speed is very fast.

But even with the recruitment of soldiers, the average level is still hovering around level 4-5.

This advancement speed is already very exaggerated, but Xu Lai still thinks it is not enough.

Half a year later, Xu Lai required the Qingfeng Corps to have a minimum level of 5, an average of 6, and high-level warriors above level 7 must be formed.

Leina licked her lips and said, "I don't have any other questions, but can I borrow Giselle and her phantom shooter?"

Xu Lai looked at Lena and shook his head, "I can't give them all to you. I can only give you those who have not been advanced and the level 7 phantom shooters.

Phantom Sword Saint, I have to keep them to guard Mingyue City. "

After the Qingfeng Corps left, Xu Lai must transfer the Swordsman Corps led by Dill to come up, otherwise Qingfeng City may cause some trouble if there is no physical professional soldiers patrolling for a long time.

And most of the original Swordsman Corps have now advanced to Crusaders. Even if Xu Lai takes half of them, the combat effectiveness will not be reduced much.

At the same time, after obtaining countless wealth, Xu Lai once again raised the price of recruiting soldiers in the market.

After this price increase, even long-range archers and crossbowmen have been sold.

Archer Xu Lai has a chance to be trained by Giselle to become a phantom shooter, so Xu Lai raised the price of the shooter by 20%.

It just so happened that the Qingfeng City Auction House, by taking advantage of the promotional opportunity of selling a large amount of dragon meat, dragon skin, and dragon scales, could attract merchants from all over the country through the capital's teleportation array.

Once Xu Lai posted this demand, it is estimated that many people would find ways to recruit soldiers to Qingfeng City.

Just as Xu Lai and Lena were discussing the marching route and various siege matters.

Outside the main account of Xu Lai and his team, countless soldiers also After drinking bowl after bowl of dragon meat soup, the soup contained only dragon meat and coagulated dragon blood, and there was almost no steamed buns that usually go with the soup.

Today, Xu Lai wanted all the soldiers to eat as much dragon meat as they could.

As these new and old soldiers ate dragon meat and dragon blood, the restrictions on their bodies were also released as the energy of the dragon meat was released.

Xu Lai's central army tent was open, so he could see from time to time a brilliant golden light rising from the camp.

Xu Lai, who had already inquired clearly, knew that it was during the previous battle settlement. Soldiers who have accumulated enough experience points but cannot advance due to physical limitations.

Originally, the current level should be the upper limit for those with low talents or hidden diseases.

However, this dragon meat feast changed the fate of these people.

Civilians on the grassland may not be able to fill their stomachs, not to mention that most of those who come to Qingfeng City to join the army have their homes destroyed, or were hired farmers or even slaves.

These people cannot be without hidden injuries. Without the help of priests to repair and regulate, generally level 3 or 4 is their limit. (End of this chapter)

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