The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 569: Draw a circle to make a prison

Ding-ding-dang-dang-dang, Xu Lai and his men were too lazy to move.

Even if the opponent had a 7th-level Queen Medusa, the petrifying ray could not hurt them within the maximum range.

As for the physical damage of the arrows, at such a long distance, let alone Xu Lai wearing a divine suit, even if he took off his clothes and armor, they would not be able to shoot through his skin.

Xu Lai was like this, and the Paladin, who was known for his defense, was even more so.

However, unlike Roland, a full-time guard, Xu Lai did not even need to move.

Other Holy Light Knights still consciously raised their shields to protect their heads and faces.

It was not that they could not withstand these arrows, but that was their instinct.

After hurriedly climbing up the tower, the underground hero's brows were twisted into a rope. These nearly 20 knights completely ignored his long-range attacks.

This was already an attack with the bonus of the guard tower and his own archery bonus.

If this was ineffective, it meant that if Xu Lai and his men did not get close, he would never be able to hurt Xu Lai and his men.

However, from Xu Lai's tone, it seemed that he had to pass through, so he just didn't approach for the time being.

"Are you really not afraid of death? If you don't leave, I will come for real."

In order not to lose his own momentum, the underground hero didn't have the nerve to admit that he couldn't beat him, and only said that he didn't take it seriously.

Xu Lai snorted coldly, and also responded loudly: "What means do you have, please use them quickly and let us see them."

Xu Lai was not afraid at all. At this distance, except for the super-large-range spells such as the Doomsday Judgment, this guy couldn't hit him even if he cast a spell.

But what other means can he use? At most, he can push out the few crossbow carts at home.

Crossbow carts can't get on the guard tower. Even if the range is greater than that of Medusa, the damage is not much different.

Unless the crossbow carts are pushed in and pushed into the range of the straight arrows, relying on the high damage of the crossbow carts and the archery bonus, these dozen knights may be killed.

The problem is that unlike archers, crossbow carts are not naturally high in hit rate.

In addition, he was controlling a group of cavemen, and his opponents were a group of knights on horseback. He only had two crossbows, and he didn't know if he could hit the enemy once before the ammunition ran out.

"Hmph, don't be complacent. If you have the ability, just force your way in. You'll be finished if I don't do it!"

No matter how weak he was in his heart, he couldn't show weakness in his mouth. The underground hero continued to shout with his neck stiff.

Xu Lai really couldn't see where the person was hiding, he only knew the approximate source of the sound.

But it didn't matter if he didn't find this guy. It would be the same if he found his troops and killed them together.

Xu Lai silently waved his hand, and the Seraphim above his head flew towards the underground town.

If the distance was too far, even Xu Lai, who had night vision, would not be able to see where these angels were.

But obviously the underground hero on the opposite side had much better vision than Xu Lai.

The Seraphim in the sky had just landed when the underground hero on the opposite side suddenly shouted, "Where did these birdmen come from?"

Elvy frowned. Although they all had wings, their wings were used for protection, not to represent that they were a combination of human and bird.

On the contrary, the halflings and half-eagle harpies flying from the underground city were the real birdmen.

Elvy's long sword burned with a fierce flame, which was a sacred flame as red as gold.

The long sword burning with sacred flames directly lit up the dim underground space, and also made the harpies blocking in front of him helpless.

This lord has some strength, but this strength is really not enough in front of 30 Seraphim.

The flames burning on the long sword illuminated the entire underground city.

The underground hero who hid in the guard tower with these flames and dared not move at all was witnessing the massacre of the Seraphim with his own eyes.

But he was already trembling at this time. Not to mention going down to rescue his precious troops, he didn't even dare to open his mouth to speak.

"I can go now, right?"

After killing hundreds of guards on the ground and in the air, Elvy controlled the Seraphim and stood at the entrance and exit of each guard tower.

Medusa's petrification ability is a rather troublesome thing, and Xu Lai does not intend to take risks with his precious Seraphim.

Anyway, according to the current situation, the underground hero is holding his breath when blocked by Xu Lai's Seraphim, let alone showing up.

Sure enough, Xu Lai's question did not get any answer.

And he led the knight into the town and was not attacked by Medusa again.

Until the crisp sound of horse hooves went away, the underground hero came out of the guard tower with a face full of resentment.

He was very careful and sent his own Medusa out to patrol first, and only showed up after confirming that he had not been attacked or seen any enemies.

Who knew that not long after he showed up, the alarm bell above his head rang again.

This guy was so scared that he immediately went back into the guard tower and ordered all troops not to make any attacks, so as not to completely anger the other side.

However, this time, the person he met was no longer Xu Lai, but the human woman he had driven away before.

The woman chased Xu Lai over. She originally just wanted to follow him to see if there was any bargain to be picked up, but she didn't expect that the dozen knights actually took down the town.

Although the bells on the guard tower rang loudly, they did not suffer any attacks.

The most important thing is that when they approached the town, under the illumination of the magic lights, the ground was full of fallen harpy corpses.

Obviously, the battle here didn't end long enough, so the bodies were still there.

The woman licked her lips and seemed to have seen a city picked up for nothing, waving to her.

This feeling of surprise reached its peak especially when we approached the town and saw hundreds of corpses, including the Poison-Eyed King, the Minotaur, and even two manticores.

"You greedy human woman, are you looking for death when you step into my territory?"

"You're not dead?"

From the shadows, a caveman who was much taller than an ordinary caveman, no, much taller than a hell caveman came out.

This caveman chose the dungeon race because he thought it was safer underground.

However, what he didn't expect was that he would become half human and half ghost.

Because of this, he hates humans extremely, especially those human heroes who can still maintain their normal human appearance.

If it weren't for this human woman, who brought many people with her, he would never have let them leave.

"Why should I die? Why should I die?"

The caveman's whole body trembled with excitement.

Also coming down from the guard tower were more than 60 Medusa shooters. Although the number was not large, if you include the cavemen who worked in the mine.

"Oh, it turns out they are hiding. You said you should hide, so just hide. There are only so many people left, and they actually want to run out and die."

Including the caveman himself, there are only more than 60 in total.

And the woman has hundreds of people in her own bodyguard, plus her carefully selected generals and the hundreds of people he leads. She is not far from the caveman, so how can she be afraid.

The caveman laughed ferociously, licked his lips at the woman, and said coldly:

"Since you have to come here to die, then stay and stay with me forever."

After that, the caveman threw a ball at the woman with great force.

Women have been struggling in this dangerous world for a long time. Although they are not as powerful as Xu Lai, they are still somewhat capable.

She frowned and took two cautious steps back.

The two heavy shield infantrymen beside him quickly raised their shields and guarded the woman behind the big shield.

In order to prevent it from being a range-damage item like an alchemy bomb, the woman also took out a healing potion in advance, just in case of emergency.

However, the caveman, who had terrible eyesight in the dark, saw all the little moves made by the woman, but did not pay any attention to them. The props he threw did no harm.

Sure enough, the ball didn't even hit the woman at all, but fell randomly into the women's team.

When the ball landed, the caveman with a gloomy face said word by word: "Paint, ground, for, prison!"

After that, the ball shattered, but did not cause any harm to the people around it. However, stone pillars as thick as an adult's thigh grew around the women's team.

The stone pillars extended to the tops of everyone's heads, then curved down strangely, and surrounded them with other stone pillars, forming a dome.

When the woman saw it, she said disdainfully:

"Do you think this can trap us? As far as I know, most props in this world will lose their effect after the user dies."

Seeing that they had been locked, the caveman actually smiled and agreed: "You are right, if you have the ability to kill me, this prison of bones will indeed shatter into pieces."

The woman looked disdainful on the surface, but actually she didn't dare to be careless at all. While the caveman was talking, she had her generals concentrate their long-range forces to launch a sneak attack on the caveman.

Hundreds of arrows roared out, and the cavemen had arrow towers and dozens of high-level poisonous eyes, so even if the woman had hundreds of archers, she still couldn't succeed.

But this time, it was really a God-given opportunity. Based on the idea that God would take the consequences instead of taking them, she finally made up her mind to give it a try.

However, the caveman didn't care about the arrows because he knew they couldn't hurt him at all.

Sure enough, none of the hundreds of arrows could penetrate the seemingly weak bone prison.

"Hahahaha, don't waste your efforts. This bone prison is not only used to trap enemies, but it is also a tool for self-protection.

People in prison cannot harm people outside, and people outside cannot harm people inside.

If people inside and outside the prison want to hurt each other, they can only break the bone dungeon first. "

The woman frowned. After hearing this, she immediately drew out her magic sword and hit the stone pillar hard with the sword.

There was just a click, and there was a slight scratch on the stone pillar, which was not even as durable as her sword.

"I might as well tell you that there are a total of thirty-six stone pillars here. Their durability is calculated individually, but they are a whole.

If you don't destroy them all, you still won't be able to get out of this dungeon. "

The woman snorted and said: "Heh, unless the durability of your thing is infinite, I will definitely be able to break it.

I hope that when I break it open, there will be a few more people around you, otherwise there won't be enough people for me to kill. "

The caveman sneered after hearing this and said, "I forgot to tell you just now. Although this thing can isolate internal and external attacks, it can only protect against one type of energy."

The woman's expression changed, and she looked at Medusa who kept swimming and approaching the dungeon, and said in horror:

"Is it petrified?"

The caveman laughed heartily and said: "Haha, you are really smart.

It's a pity, you are so smart, why do you have to stay and die.

Let me tell you something else, ordinary petrification can be cured after a period of time.

But if it is continuous petrification, over time, your body and mind will feel like a piece of stone, and you will become a stone statue forever. "

The woman didn't know if what the caveman said was true, but at this moment, she was really scared.

The Medusas were getting closer and closer, and they kept firing petrifying rays at the people inside through the bone dungeon.

They were not the Queen of Medusa yet, so they couldn't add petrifying power to their arrows, so they could only get close to release them.

The woman despaired and found that even if she ordered everyone to attack the stone prison together, it would be useless, because there were a full sixty Medusas surrounding a circle, and two to three people would be petrified in one round of petrifying rays.

And it would take at least ten minutes for their side to smash a stone pillar.

The space around the stone pillar was not wide, and it could barely accommodate two or three people. If there were more people, it would be difficult to exert force, and instead they would hinder each other.

The long-range attack could provide some help, but unfortunately the efficiency was less than one-third of that of close combat.

This If this continues, more and more of our people will be petrified, and fewer and fewer people will be able to destroy the dungeon, and there will be even less hope of breaking out.

With a loud bang, after an unknown amount of time, one of the stone pillars that gathered a large amount of long-range firepower was finally destroyed.

The fastest one of the rest still had more than half of its durability left, but the soldiers besieging that stone pillar had turned into stone statues, which affected the people behind them from attacking the stone pillar.

To destroy this stone pillar, you must use long-range troops or smash these stone statues.

Once these stone statues are smashed, it means that these soldiers will never have the possibility of waking up, which is equivalent to killing their own people.

The key is that it is not so easy to kill, because after being petrified, although the body cannot move, the armor on the whole body will be stacked a lot.

What is better than the woman expected is , the energy of the Medusas is not unlimited.

They need to rest every once in a while, otherwise they will not have the opportunity to destroy the stone pillars.

But the bad news is that their ranged troops have no ammunition, and although one of the stone pillars has been destroyed, they still can't get out.

An invisible barrier blocked the way.

It is very likely that, as the ugly caveman said, all the stone pillars must be destroyed before this dungeon can be destroyed.

However, the ugly caveman no longer gave her a chance, and the Medusas who had rested enough rushed over again.

I don't know how long it took, all the units in the dungeon turned into stone statues.

The caveman cancelled the bone dungeon with a distressed look on his face. This thing can trap the enemy and save his life. It is a gift that comes with his reincarnation as a dungeon race. .

As a hero of the dungeon and a caveman, he can easily dig a tunnel from the ground and escape even if he doesn't have a caveman unit with him.

For others, digging a tunnel is easy, but escaping is a long time.

It's a pity that such a powerful item is disposable.

After taking away the Bone Prison, this item has been damaged. Without other special opportunities, it will never be opened again.

But as long as these damn humans can be left behind, this item will not be used in vain.

The caveman walked forward slowly. He wanted to use this caveman body with hell blood to completely destroy these humans in front of him, turning them into stones forever, and there would be no possibility of resurrection.

However, at this critical moment, the caveman heard the familiar and terrifying voice from behind.

"So you look like a ghost, no wonder you blame others."


The caveman's terrified scream made Xu Lai's ears hurt. (End of this chapter)

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