The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 570: Passes and Passes

Xu Lai did leave. He was not interested in hiding in the dark and watching the caveman's monkey show.

Not only did he leave, he also left far away, and he also replenished food and water in the middle.

Unfortunately, he was blocked on the road again, but this time he knew he would be blocked.

Because there is this place on the map. It is clearly recorded on the territory map of Moril. There is a pass of the underground city, which represents the boundary of Moril's territory.

The changes in the underground terrain also have certain rules.

Like Xu Lai, the dragon lich who built the city, he may not know much about the underground terrain rules, but the dungeon tribe who have lived underground for a long time still have some summary.

They can roughly guess which places may be closed in the future and which places will be reopened.

Therefore, in order to prevent their own cities from being buried underground, they will build passes in dangerous areas where they think there may be accidents, including areas that are extremely vulnerable to human harassment.

Xu Lai originally planned to force the pass, otherwise he would not need to bring so many Seraphim out.

But the pass encountered this time was more troublesome.

It was not that the troops were not sure, but this pass was special, and it had no guards.

For a pass in a marginal area like this, sending garrisons here would not only make the garrisons unable to move, but also require the continuous transportation of supplies.

The key is that if there are too few garrisons, it will not be effective. If there are too many, generals or even heroes will be stationed, otherwise they will be treated as wild monsters and be beaten.

If there were only one or two borders, it would not be unacceptable with the strength of the underground city.

The key is that the underground is complicated, and Moril was reluctant to invest, so she simply built this unmanned pass.

There are only a small number of garrisons at the pass, responsible for controlling the organs, arrow towers, turrets, magic towers, traps, etc. on the pass.

Just now, Xu Lai took a look and saw ten advanced arrow towers, ten advanced turrets, and four wind, fire, water, and earth, four-element towers.

If Xu Lai forced his way in, his troops would be slowed down by the earth tower, frozen by the water tower, and damaged by lightning from the wind tower and fire from the fire tower.

In addition, the ten advanced arrow towers are all equipped with large crossbows. They do not require human control, but are driven by spells and mechanisms. They aim and shoot automatically. The damage is terrible, and the hit rate is not low.

On the contrary, Xu Lai does not care much about the turrets that are more terrible to ordinary people.

This thing can fire hundreds of stone balls the size of a baby's fist at a time. It is used to deal with clustered infantry. For advanced units like Xu Lai, it can't even break the defense.

Single, spell, plus group attack, and it is a pass with extremely high durability, and there is almost no manpower stationed, and there is no need to store too many supplies.

It is equivalent to taking it down without any gain. If you want to fight, you don't know how much troops will be lost.

Xu Lai did not bring a catapult, and he didn't even have a long-range unit. Once he got close, he would be attacked.

Even if a dozen holy knights can give the Seraphim two or three minutes of invincibility, it is not easy to destroy these high-end arrow towers and spell towers with extremely high durability or city armor.

And he just tried it. The crossbows of the advanced arrow towers are enough to break the defense of the Seraphim and the Holy Light Knights.

In addition, there are lightning and fire spells. If you can't break through the level in a short time, you may suffer unnecessary casualties.

Therefore, after a little attempt, Xu Lai gave up, mainly because there was no need to fight with a pile of broken stones and mechanisms.

Not only is there no benefit in winning, but it also wastes time. If there are casualties, it will be a huge loss.

There is another important reason why Xu Lai doesn't plan to force his way in.

There are not many resources nearby, and the underground town he encountered is obviously well developed.

Xu Lai can basically be sure that the owner of the underground city should have a pass to enter and exit this level.

The only advantage of recruiting soldiers is that they will not be lazy, they are serious and responsible, and there will be no slackness.

Recruiting soldiers will not be like ordinary people, who can take shortcuts through bribery, threats, etc.

The bad thing is that recruiting soldiers only recognizes orders, which is extremely rigid and there is no possibility of any compromise.

Therefore, as long as you get a pass to the level, anyone can pass directly.

So, after a round, Xu Lai came back to get the pass again.

The caveman sent out all the Medusas, and there was no one on the guard tower, so he could not find Xu Lai and others coming out from behind.

Xu Lai rubbed his ears helplessly and pulled the royal warhorse, which was also frightened.

This little thing may be considered powerful among the cavemen, but it is not as tall as Xu Lai's horse legs.

The royal warhorse is an 8th-level warhorse. Even among a group of holy light knights, it is particularly conspicuous, and it stands out among ordinary horses.

Even if this little thing is not as tall as a horse's leg, it is actually nothing. After all, even among ordinary people, few horses have such high legs.

But the appearance of this terrifying warhorse raising its front legs is too terrifying.

The caveman was already screaming with fear. As soon as the horse's legs were raised, the caveman fell directly to the ground, and was scared to shit and urinate.

Xu Lai looked at all this with disdain, and asked while suppressing his nausea:

"The checkpoint behind you is unguarded, you have the pass, right?"

The caveman rolled his eyes, and just as he was about to say something to threaten this hateful human, a long knife fell at this moment.

With a click, the caveman was a hero after all. The equipment and treasures on his body were not top-level, but they were mainly for defense and life.

Jilong also had Xu Lai's ultimate offensive technique, but unfortunately this attack neither triggered a critical hit nor a lucky hit.

"Ah..." The caveman rolled on the ground in pain.

Xu Lai frowned in dissatisfaction. The caveman's eyes turned, and Xu Lai knew that the other party was not holding back, so he simply signaled the more clever Jilong to kill him directly.

Anyway, if the caveman really had a pass, it would probably be hidden in his space backpack, and it would definitely burst out after he died.

But if you kill someone with a knife, the dead can't talk, and it's a bit embarrassing to make him look half dead like this.

Xu Lai waved his hand, signaling everyone to quickly kill this guy.

But I didn't expect something more embarrassing to happen. The Holy Light Knight is a warrior with much greater defense than attack. Usually he uses a lance to charge, and the speed bonus is not visible.

At this time, slashing with a knife, the damage is low and the attack speed is slow.

Even with Xu Lai's help, the other side also had advanced defense skills, just like a blunt knife cutting meat, and the scene was bloody for a while.

Fortunately, there were many people participating in the attack, and each person had a knife, and finally the caveman was killed before the group of Medusas approached.

Xu Lai and his men were not afraid of Medusa's arrows, but there was a pile of stone statues standing not far away, and Xu Lai really didn't dare to let these Medusas get close.

For this reason, he didn't even send the Seraphim over, just because he was afraid that if he was not careful, the Seraphim who could only fight in close combat would be petrified by Medusa.

After killing the caveman, the Medusas instantly became wild monsters, and the kind of wild monsters whose morale was about to return to zero.

"A group of Medusa archers, shocked by your powerful strength, want to surrender to you, do you agree?"

After hesitating for two or three seconds, Xu Lai chose to refuse, and once again refused to chase these Medusas, letting them flee to the rear.

Killing other people's people, robbing other people's things, occupying other people's cities, and even recruiting other people's troops.

These things sound very cool, but these half-human, half-snake creatures are too slow.

It is impossible for Xu Lai to slow down for these Medusas.

Moreover, bringing these Medusas will not increase his combat power much.

If he lacks long-range output, wouldn't it be better to bring the phantom archers at home, or even the phantom arrow saints?

And if these Medusas are left behind, when they meet those who are chasing Xu Lai, these Medusas without Xu Lai's blessing will most likely only become other people's experience points.

The dead Medusas can only lose his morale. Even if they survive by chance, Xu Lai's morale will be lowered when he receives these Medusas.

Even if he has the Angel Alliance, it is useless. The Angel Alliance only protects friendly units and neutral units. Medusas belong to the hostile camp.

"Pick up the things on the ground. The heart of the dungeon, we don't have time to dig it. Let's pack up and get ready to leave."

The caveman had a big explosion, and things exploded everywhere, but at a glance, it seemed that there was nothing valuable.

Xu Lai picked up a blue key-like object, confirmed that it was the passage prop to the rear pass, and left the other sundries to Jilong and the others.

He did not leave, but urged the horse, walked quickly to the stone statue of the woman, and sprinkled a bottle of anti-petrification potion on her head.

The woman was not permanently petrified, and Xu Lai's bottle of anti-petrification potion successfully rescued the woman.

The rescued woman still maintained a look of shock.

Looking at Xu Lai who was so close, the woman was stunned and said, "Yes, you saved me?"

Xu Lai shrugged. Although he saved the person, he had no intention of thanking him. He even said directly:

"The caveman is dead. Without Medusa to continue petrifying, you should all be able to recover. It's just a matter of time."

The woman was stunned, but still said, "But if it were someone else, if they just pushed it, we would probably have to stay underground forever."

"I don't have much potion to remove petrification. You stay and continue to watch them.

There are probably no other people in this city. Medusa and the cavemen have already escaped. You are safe for the time being."

"You, you still want to go forward. Don't you want this city?"

Xu Lai looked at her and said, "There is no time to deal with it. If you want it, go dig it yourself.

But I advise you not to follow me anymore, otherwise you won't be so lucky later."

If Xu Lai didn't say anything, the woman didn't dare to follow him anymore. At this moment, there was no one around her to protect her. How could she dare to go deeper?

But the woman didn't want to let go of the man in front of her.

The woman gritted her teeth and suddenly pulled down the leather armor in front of her, which was already short of cloth, and said:

"My name is Huaying. I can't repay you for saving my life. What's your name, handsome boy?"

Xu Lai frowned and said coldly: "I still have a lot of petrification potions here. I don't know which one will be more powerful compared to Medusa's petrification ray."

After hearing this, Huaying hurriedly pulled up her leather armor.

If she was petrified in this state, she had no idea what the passing mercenaries and adventurers would think of her. She couldn't imagine it.

Xu Lai ignored the woman. He had done his best.

Ahead was the level of the dungeon. Xu Lai had a pass, but he couldn't guarantee that he would pass it.

If this woman dares to follow, she will basically die.

However, the life and death of this woman is none of Xu Lai's business.

Xu Lai took the trouble to pour a bottle of petrification removal potion. On the one hand, it was a little pity for a fellow human being.

On the other hand, he took advantage of this good opportunity to test the functions of various magic potions in his hands.

After cleaning up all the relics of the caveman, Xu Lai threw all these things into the newly added space backpack.

This time, the space backpack has increased a lot, which shows that this guy has killed many heroes.

After a short rest, Xu Lai led the team to continue on the road.

When they approached the pass, Roland, who held up the Holy Shield, rushed out first with the blue key.

With the Holy Shield and the Holy Armor, Roland can be invincible for two minutes. Even if there is a place where negotiation is required in the middle, there is enough time to escape.

Fortunately, although Xu Lai and his team belong to the Empire camp, the guards only recognize the pass and not the camp, and they really let Xu Lai and his team in.

If this guy is not released, it will be really troublesome. Even if the Doomsday Judgment is used, it will not have much effect on the buildings.

In the end, Xu Lai may only be able to summon earth or fire elements to forcibly demolish these arrow towers, spell towers, etc.

After passing this level, there will be basically no obstacles behind.

Although there is still a long distance to the destination, and it is necessary to pass through two or three underground cities on the way.

But now the entire underground kingdom is in a state of chaos. The underground nobles who are fighting for power are seizing the time to divide up the territory left by Moriel.

In other words, no matter what Xu Lai does to the towns along the way, basically no one will come to trouble him specifically.

Therefore, if these cities are sensible, it is easy to say, Xu Lai does not want to cause trouble.

But if they are not sensible, Xu Lai does not mind giving them a Doomsday Judgment to eat.

A large-scale fireworks show every day helps to illuminate the dark environment underground and let them see the light again, which is also a pleasant thing.

Moreover, after equipping the Hand of Fire, his Doomsday Judgment became more powerful, and even the range increased as the fire magic was upgraded to a higher level.

Most importantly, his level, which was difficult to upgrade, was also increasing at a visible speed because of this super-large-range, super-high-damage spell.

After releasing Doomsday Judgment once in three cities, Xu Lai's level was upgraded by one level.

So, no wonder everyone in the game loves to play a mage. This kind of large-scale spell is really the best choice for leveling up monsters.

Xu Lai is a little addicted to it. If it weren't for the extremely high mana consumption of this spell, he wouldn't even want to leave, and would like to walk through all the big cities underground. (End of this chapter)

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