The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 573 The King of the Underground

As soon as Xu Lai said this, everyone present fell silent.

Only Jilong's eyes became brighter and brighter. He said to Xu Lai:

"That's right. The underground queen Moril not only wants the dungeon tribe to pay tribute, but also wants them to provide soldiers to fight for her.

You only need them to provide a little money and resources, which is very kind to them."

"If you are sure you want to do this, then please let me talk to them." Elvi frowned and stood up.

Xu Lai knew why they didn't agree to negotiate with the underground city. In the final analysis, they didn't bring many people this time and were worried about safety issues.

However, Xu Lai had seen Moril's territory map. The map was too large, and it was definitely impossible to see it all clearly.

But most of the resources and buildings that were helpful to the Empire camp, Xu Lai had seen them once.

Although the resources of the underground city were not rich, compared with the Empire, it had a wider territory after all, although most of the territory was not habitable.

The gems, crystals and other resources needed by the Empire are not in great demand in the Dungeon. The crystal mines and gem lakes in the wild are almost uncollected.

In addition, there are countless wild buildings in the vast wilderness, among which the Dungeon camp has the most related buildings, but there are also many buildings in other camps such as the Empire, the Barrier, and the Tower.

Xu Lai has the Angel Alliance. The greatest function of this artifact is not to automatically release the ultimate prayer when the war starts, but to exempt the morale loss caused by multiple camps.

Therefore, Xu Lai does not need to focus only on the buildings of the Empire camp for recruitment, and can also choose the troops of other camps.

The characteristic troops of the Empire are knights, but the Barrier has powerful long-range troops, which have stronger defense than heavy shield infantry, and can also entangle the enemy's meat shield tree spirit.

Not to mention the tower, the strongest wizard and the strongest long-range shooter Titan Giant are all in the tower.

The swamp has the Hydra, which is unparalleled in melee, and the Barbarian Bull that Xu Lai is afraid of. Elemental creatures can be temporarily skipped because they can be summoned by spells.

But spells cannot summon the fastest undead phoenix in the world.

It is a stronghold, and there are also powerful flying creatures such as thunderbirds, and the most powerful physical warrior Behemoth.

These special arms and ultimate arms can all find corresponding outdoor buildings in the vast space underground.

However, Xu Lai cannot send troops to occupy these outdoor buildings.

Even if he occupies them, he cannot recruit them every month. With such a vast territory, even if he is fast, it will take at least several months to run through all these outdoor buildings.

After all, he can't fly, so he can only go around some places. No matter how well the route is planned, it is impossible to run through them all.

But the people in the underground city are different. Their nobles and heroes are distributed in various corners and regions.

If they help, they only need to recruit these soldiers and then gather them in one city. Xu Lai can collect them once a month.

Although these recruitment buildings in the wild do not have any bonuses, they are too numerous.

In addition to the relatively few recruitment buildings for top arms, the number of mid-level arms such as barbarians is not small.

Xu Lai thought about it for a long time, and he couldn't bear to let these soldiers go away every month.

Since Moriel could become the queen of the underground, why couldn't he, who defeated Moriel and only needed the people of the underground city to pay tribute to them, become the king of the underground city?

It is not an easy task to unify the underground city, because there are many tribes in the underground city, and there are several tribes of the Minotaur alone.

In addition, there are also the Medusa tribe, the Poison Eye tribe and the Harpy tribe, which are also considered large tribes.

It is not an easy task to make so many tribes obedient and submit to Xu Lai.

For others, even if they are strong enough, it would take a few years to wipe out these tribes in the underground.

However, Xu Lai has another advantage, which is speed.

His predecessor, the underground queen Moriel, set a good example for him, and he only needs to follow it.

Xu Lai smiled and waved his hands, saying, "I want to negotiate with them, but we don't have to condescend to talk to them. We have to make them beg to talk to us."

"Beg to talk to us? They don't even dare to see us now, so how can they come to us to talk?" Elvi asked puzzled.

"That's because they are not in enough pain. When they are in great pain, they will naturally come to us." Xu Lai said firmly.

Everyone heard Xu Lai say this, and naturally understood what Xu Lai meant. He had already made up his mind.

However, in fact, before Xu Lai brought up this topic, Xu Lai was actually hesitant.

Although this underground trip achieved the set goals, it was generally not smooth.

Before entering the underground city's sphere of influence, there were all kinds of twists and turns.

After entering the underground city's sphere of influence, Xu Lai had to be even more cautious.

He summoned so many fire elements along the way, wasn't it because he saw the special items of the dungeon heroes in the underground city at the entrance?

Xu Zi believed that his attack power must be far superior to those of Huaying, but he had not seen the upper limit of the dungeon's durability.

In his heart, he was still very afraid of this thing.

Although this thing did not directly control them, it would greatly restrict their actions. If there were more bone dungeons, it was unknown how long they would be restricted.

Even if there are only one or two of these things, the time limit for Xu Lai is enough to delay the high-level sorcerer to cast a spell.

If such a situation really occurs, Xu Lai will be in danger, so he keeps hundreds of fire elements around him at all times.

Even if the existence of these fire elements will slow down his speed.

But after all, walking underground, you need to explore the way first, and it won’t take much time.

The underground camp should not be popular, and there should not be many heroes descending, at least not compared with camps like the Empire and the Barrier.

But in a camp, tens of thousands of heroes dare not be imagined, and there must be hundreds of thousands.

If Xu Lai really wants to take the initiative to attack, the risk is still very large.

But without taking risks, where can you get any gains.

Rather than saying that Xu Lai is asking Elvy and the others, it is better to say that he is persuading himself.

He had already rested enough before, so this time, he just took a simple rest, ate some hot meals, and immediately took action.

Xu Lai never had enough time. He was always busy doing things, always trying to split a minute into two.

This time, Xu Lai changed his mind temporarily, so he couldn't leave too much time for it.

Before the end of the month, he had to return to Qingfeng City and connect the hands of the God of War to the Golden Statue of the God of War.

At the same time, after he made up his mind, he didn't forget to inform Su Ya and Rena.

He would definitely inform Su Ya first if he didn't go home for a long time.

And notifying Rena was to let Rena cooperate with his actions.

If you want the dungeon race to surrender, it's far from enough to just hurt them.

You must let them know that you have the ability to deal with them, to occupy their cities, and to demote them all to slaves.

Just slaughtering some civilians can't make the underground nobles feel pain.

Only by making these ruling classes feel afraid can they surrender.

Like them now, every time Xu Lai arrives in a city, these dungeon races either hide or run away.

Xu Lai's Doomsday Judgment is like throwing eyebrows to a blind man.

Under Xu Lai's instructions, Rena raised her own Sea King flag, Xu Lai's Knight flag and the flag representing Qingfeng City.

Of course, the latter two have no magical abilities and cannot bring any blessings.

The purpose of raising these two flags is just to tell the underground species who see these two flags that Rena's troops are in the same group with Xu Lai.

In addition to raising the flags, Rena also changed her previous combat strategy and directly destroyed the city of the underground city after conquering it.

Originally, in order to facilitate the occupation of the underground city, Rena occupied the city first, then closed all the city gates, and killed all the underground species in the city.

Because if they are not killed, when they escape to the city behind, they will not only leak the intelligence of Rena's troops and key expertise attributes.

They themselves will also become the guards of the next city.

The more people you let go in the front, the greater the difficulty you will add to yourself in the future.

Of course, it is also possible that the people who escaped in front spread panic and morale to the rear, making it possible for the rear to surrender without a fight.

But anyway, it can increase experience and reduce trouble. Generally speaking, Reina simply kills them all.

As a native resident of this world, she has experienced the sneak attack of the underground city and has been imprisoned by the people of the underground city for more than 50 years.

Reina's anger towards the underground city even exceeds that of her old enemy, the undead.

In such a situation, it is not good for herself to kill all these underground species.

Even if there is no benefit, as long as Xu Lai does not mind, Reina would rather spend more time to kill all these guys.

However, this time, in order to cooperate with Xu Lai's overall strategy and to repay Xu Lai's various favors, Reina chose to restrain her emotions.

In the next few days of siege, she adopted the method of surrounding three sides and missing one side, deliberately leaving an escape route for the underground species.

Even if there are those who do not have time to escape, after being caught, she will no longer kill them directly, but deliberately let them go.

These underground species will spread the idea that Xu Lai just wants the residents of the underground city to surrender, not to deprive them of their right to rule.

Even, according to Xu Lai's instructions, Reina told these underground species that they had no need to fight against Xu Lai.

Xu Lai attacked the underground city, firstly to avenge her, Reina, and secondly because their queen Moril took the initiative to attack Xu Lai, so they came to retaliate.

As long as the residents of the underground city are willing to pay a certain price, Xu Lai is willing to forgive the past.

Even this price does not need to be too high, at least it will not affect the interests of the underground nobles.

As for whether the underground nobles believe it or not, it is none of her business.

She just did what Xu Lai ordered, whether they believe it or not, it has nothing to do with her.

Even Reina would rather they don't believe it, so that she can have the opportunity to wipe out all these underground bugs.

With the continuous fighting, the combat effectiveness of the Qingfeng Corps not only did not suffer any losses, but increased more and more.

On the one hand, it is because of the continuous experience gained and the dragon meat that improves the qualifications, leading to the improvement of the level.

On the other hand, it is to train these new recruits who join the army at the fastest speed by fighting instead of training.

The improvement of rank, the fading of awkwardness, the increase of tacit understanding and practical experience will naturally make this army stronger and stronger.

From this perspective, Reina hopes to have continuous battles, preferably enough battles for her to train the Qingfeng Corps to the top corps.

Anyway, Xu Lai will not be stingy with the money for upgrading.

Even if Xu Lai cannot supply her for a while when she goes out to fight, Reina can use the looted resources first, and Xu Lai will not mind it.

Reina is just playing cooperation, and Xu Lai's idea of ​​becoming the king of the underground must be realized by himself.

What Xu Lai did was also very simple, that is, strolling, strolling to the vicinity of the big city, and then a doomsday judgment.

In small cities, there are not many people and nobles. If they must hide, Xu Lai really has no good way.

But in big cities, even if some top nobles can hide, what about their families, relatives and friends? Can they all hide?

Even if they can all be hidden, how many cavemen are needed to support a big city, and how many warriors are needed to guard it.

Xu Lai was indiscriminate, and did not even approach the city, and cast spells outside the range of others.

The dungeon either chose to fight in the wild to prevent Xu Lai from approaching the city, or it could only use its flesh and blood to bear the consumption of Xu Lai's mana.

Xu Lai was not in a hurry at all. Even if his plan failed this time, he could come again next time.

But if he made a mistake and fell into the trap of the dungeon, there might be no chance next time.

Therefore, he would rather waste a lot of range than approach these cities.

Moreover, he only released one round of Doomsday Judgment in each city, and ran away after releasing it, and changed places after firing a shot.

He was forcing now, not to clear these cities.

Xu Lai wanted to make these underground nobles feel the real pain, but he couldn't defeat them completely at once, lest they would rather die than surrender, and die together.

With Moril's territory map, Xu Lai didn't get close to those heavily defended military fortresses, and even walked around the twelve major cities.

On the one hand, he was cautious, and on the other hand, he was constantly putting pressure on these underground nobles until they were completely crushed.

What Xu Lai didn't know was that his practice of shooting and moving to another place gave these underground nobles a headache.

Because they had been defeated long ago, but they couldn't even find someone to admit defeat and beg for mercy.

In the end, they contacted Xu Lai through Lena and asked Lena to tell Xu Lai that they were willing to admit defeat and surrender. (End of this chapter)

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