The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 574: A Show of Strength

The underground nobles expressed their willingness to surrender, so Xu Lai's idea of ​​becoming the king of the underground has been half completed.

The other half depends on whether the conditions of both parties can be negotiated.

After the underground city conveyed the proposal of surrender to Xu Lai through Reina, Xu Lai stopped beside a main city he had just arrived.

This is the underground city camp, one of the twelve famous main cities, the Never-Sleeping City, and also one of the top three economic cities in the underground city.

It is precisely because of Xu Lai's movement route that the underground nobles believe that this is the next target selected by Xu Lai, so they can't wait to beg for mercy.

Among the twelve main cities, the cities where Queen Moril lives all year round must be the most important.

However, Darkhor has been ravaged, and Reina's army is also heading straight for Darkhor.

If the Never-Sleeping City is also ravaged by Xu Lai's Doomsday Judgment, the entire underground city camp will be greatly affected, which is an unbearable loss for the underground city camp.

Xu Lai stopped and told the underground nobles through Lena that he was waiting outside the city for them to come and visit him, and that they would only have 12 hours at most.

The people who came were even faster than Xu Lai expected.

There were many races in the underground camp. Under Moriel, there were also tribal leaders and powerful nobles such as the lords of the twelve main cities.

Xu Lai originally wanted the people in the underground city to call all these guys and deal with them at once.

However, the people in the underground city were much more urgent than he thought.

There was no way, Xu Lai didn't even get close to the city along the way, and only set a fire near every city he met.

Therefore, Xu Lai didn't know at all what kind of damage the two or three fires a day on average in the two weeks before and after had brought to the underground city.

Although the underground nobles looked down on low-level creatures such as cavemen, they couldn't stand the death of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands every day.

In addition to the cavemen, there were also many dignitaries and their relatives who died inexplicably in a fire.

Not to mention, Xu Lai's Doomsday Judgment brought terrible losses to the economy and support system of the underground city.

Almost as soon as Xu Lai set up the camp and sent out the Fiery Element and Jian Yuan, Ji Long and others were responsible for patrolling and guarding, a senior official of the underground city came to ask for an audience.

The visitor was a representative of the Never-Sleeping City not far away. The city lord did not dare to come in person, and sent out his two deputy city lords, an evil eye and an eagle-like witch.

Of course, Xu Lai had no time to pay attention to them.

If one of them came, he would be annoyed to death if he received one.

Roland, on behalf of Xu Lai, stopped them directly and told them to get out.

By the way, Roland also told them that they were not qualified to see Xu Lai with their identities.

Even if it was their city lord, unless he could make the decision, he should not come.

After hearing these words, the two deputy city lords looked particularly ugly, especially the eagle-like witch.

Unlike the harpy witches in the recruited troops, the queen and witches in the harpy tribe are both of extremely high status.

Especially the queen, there is only one in the entire tribe, and other harpy witches cannot use this title even if they reach the level of queen.

The harpy witches, who are only one level lower than the queen, may not be very strong, but as spellcasters, they are considered to be the smartest people in the dungeon.

These people can get a good position anywhere as long as they leave the tribe.

Since becoming the deputy city lord of the Never-Sleeping City, when has she ever been so angry that she was not even allowed to enter the door.

But there is nothing she can do about being angry. People in the dungeon don’t have much contact with the outside world, but at least Xu Lai has been wandering underground for two weeks.

In addition, the intelligence around Xu Lai from the last time he came has long been explored.

Xu Lai is surrounded by top-level troops, either top knights or top angels. In addition to the recruited fire elements, any one of them can kill them on the spot.

They are arrogant, and they have the capital to be arrogant.

Now, the top leaders of the entire underground camp have been forced to make peace, and even after making peace, they still can't beat Xu Lai.

Although both of them are deputy city lords, they are not qualified to participate in the major events that concern the life and death of the underground camp.

After sending the two away, the knights and angels in the camp all moved into the tents that had been set up.

Of course, the Eye of Detection and the Eye of True Vision had already been set up near the camp.

In addition, the few waves of fire elements summoned by Xu Lai filled the area, and there was no need to worry about someone sneaking in.

There were only a few days left until the end of the month, and Xu Lai wanted to reach an agreement with the underground tribes as soon as possible.

However, the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't show it.

Otherwise, if others knew that he, Xu Lai, was so anxious, they might not agree to some conditions.

During this period, although he locked himself in the tent, he was not having a good time with Elvy, but thinking seriously.

On the map, which territories should he allocate to himself, and which wild buildings should the people in the underground city help him occupy and recruit.

It is not an easy task to count the number of these wild buildings and the people who can be recruited.

In addition to wild buildings, Xu Lai also needs to roughly estimate the output of wild resources.

Of course, this is definitely impossible to estimate accurately, after all, the only stable thing is minerals, and the resources carried by wild monsters are extremely unstable.

In addition, Xu Lai was very unfamiliar with the cities in the underground city. He didn't know how much their cities of all levels could produce every month, nor did he know whether there were any cities that were hiding the existence of Moril.

Xu Lai couldn't even find a reference, because even the people in the underground city didn't know how much assets they had to pay to Moril every year.

There was no way. The people in the underground city, except for witches and sorcerers, could calculate the accounts clearly. The rest of the people who could read were already the best.

The only valuable information the captives could provide was that Moril would take away most of the harvests of the major tribes.

However, the specific figures of this majority of the harvest could not be verified.

The only thing that could be verified was the record in the temple data that the underground city camp had paid 2 million gold coins and 50,000 units of gems + crystals and other rare resources to the empire every year.

Needless to say, this amount of money was completely insignificant compared to what Moril collected.

Moreover, the data clearly recorded that the Supreme King of the Empire at that time levied a light tax on the underground city in order to show his benevolence.

At that time, not only the underground city, but also the nobles and civilians of the entire empire had a good life.

But as the empire decayed, nobles from all over the country gradually appeared, and they levied their own private taxes on the underground city through the underground passages in their own territories.

This is also an important reason why Moril was able to rise in the underground city in the future, and quickly rule the entire underground camp with a hundred responses.

After the underground city was unified, they not only turned against the empire, but also continued to plunder the resources of the empire in turn, allowing the undead and demons to see the weakness of the empire.

Therefore, this number is not very useful for Xu Lai.

Anyway, Xu Lai is not very satisfied with the collection at this level, at least it is not worthy of his self-proclaimed title of the king of the underground.

After thinking for a long time in the tent, holding Moril's territory map and repeatedly looking at it, memorizing all the information on the surface, Xu Lai has a lot to do.

But only half a day later, a large group of dungeon species in the underground city came to Xu Lai's camp in a mighty manner.

Roland narrowed his eyes, one hand on the hilt of the sword, and the other hand took off the spear stuck on the horse.

There were many people coming from the dungeon, and everyone was armed. Roland would never let these people get close to Xu Lai.

Just when Roland had gathered the guards and was about to charge these guys, Elvy stopped him and said:

"Don't do that, let me do it.

If you just rush over, the dungeon people will probably think it's a trap. It will be difficult to negotiate with them in the future."

After saying that, Elvy flapped her wings and flew out like a cannonball.

Elvy's actions scared the dungeon people.

But fortunately, Elvy went alone, and the dungeon people who came were all elites of the underground camp, so they were not afraid of a seraph.

After landing, Elvy scanned the area and frowned, saying, "There are too many of you. Leave all the guards and weapons outside."

A tall minotaur suddenly said, "There are only a few of us. Besides, we are going to your territory. What if you want to harm us?"

Elvy sneered and said to the minotaur with disdain:

"Don't use words like yours. If I want to harm you, I can kill you all by myself."

The minotaur seemed very unconvinced, but Elvy calmly took out the dragon head that could not be transformed back from her space backpack.

"You all know this head, right? She died under my sword, and she was guarded by tens of thousands of black dragons.

If you think your head is harder than hers and those black dragons, you can come and try it."

Elvy has her own storage space, and the spoils she obtained alone, such as Muriel's head, are naturally her own collection.

The dungeon people present were basically certain that Moriel must have died, and was killed by Xu Lai.

However, they were unable to personally confirm it, nor could they see Moriel's body.

But at this moment, the dragon queen who was once so high and mighty now only had a head left, and was being held in someone's hand and shown off as a trophy.

They could not have imagined that this female angel in front of them, who looked a little weaker than the average Seraph, was a terrifying existence that could kill Moriel under the protection of tens of thousands of black dragons.

The minotaur who spoke before swallowed his saliva and threw away the golden axe in his hand under Elvy's calm and cold gaze.

Minotaur, minotaur, is the only underground race that Xu Lai admires.

These guys don't know how to be afraid, but this minotaur is obviously very rational and knows that what Elvy said is true.

If they really fight, they may not be the opponent of Elvy alone.

This calmness and confidence are definitely not exaggerated.

Even he could charge with high morale even though he knew he would die.

But he could never be so calm, either in his heart or in his appearance.

Moreover, the head that they dared not forget in their dreams was now exposed in front of them.

Since they did have the ability to kill them, what difference did it make whether they brought weapons or not?

The representative of the force in the team threw away their weapons first, and the others had to throw them away as well.

Only a few sorcerers seemed reluctant to part with their staffs, and said to Elvie carefully:

"Mr. Angel, our staffs have no killing power, can we take them in?"

Elvie's eyes condensed, and she swung the long sword in her hand, and the sword light had passed before everyone could react.

The sword just now was fast and decisive. Even though the dungeon people present were all elites, few of them could react.

The sorcerers were even more so. They had extremely low agility attributes, and even if they sensed it, they would not have time to make any moves.

But fortunately, Elvie did not hurt them, she simply cut off their staffs.

With the power of these sorcerers, it was a bit tiring to hold a wooden staff, and it was impossible to use magic metals such as mithril as a staff.

The durability of a wooden staff could not withstand Elvie's sword.

Several sorcerers who spoke up had their staffs cut off by Elvy almost instantly.

"You can bring them in now. Does anyone else want to bring them?"

Although the staff has no physical damage ability, it can greatly increase the casting speed of the sorcerer.

Some advanced staffs can also seal some spells that can be released instantly, which is a relatively large threat to Xu Lai.

Elvy doesn't even allow them to bring weapons such as swords, so how could she allow them to carry staffs?

Of course, doing so can't stop them from carrying weapons, unless they can also strip their storage equipment clean.

But this is not realistic, unless Elvy has people search them one by one.

But even if they search their bodies, they may miss them, especially Elvy also found that there are heroes who have descended in the crowd, but they have space backpacks.

Although they look similar to the dungeon people, their temperament, equipment and clothes are unique.

Therefore, there is no point in searching their bodies, but if they are asked to throw away their weapons, they will always have to take out the weapons if they want to make trouble.

With this abrupt process, Elvy can respond faster and understand their purpose.

Otherwise, each of them has a weapon by their side, whether it is saluting or moving the body, it is possible that the weapon will move abnormally.

Elvy can't judge whether such abnormal movement is a normal action or the beginning of an attack.

The level of the sorcerers is not low, and the staffs they can hold in their hands are naturally not bad.

Now Elvy cuts off three of them at once. Although they are not completely destroyed, it is not so easy to repair them.

The others are reluctant to part with their staffs and throw them on the ground in a hurry, hoping to pick them up when they come back.

Elvy nodded and said, "Drop your weapons and guards, and then you can go through."

A sorcerer who was probably the leader, not caring about his staff, stammered:

"But they are all the chiefs and important people of the major tribes in the underground city."

Elvy frowned and said in an unquestionable tone:

"I don't care about this, you can discuss it among yourselves, anyway, the number of people who can go in can only be one-third of the people here at most." (End of this chapter)

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