The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 579 God-level Expertise

When the statue of the god of war was erected, the morale of all the imperial armies increased by 5 points.

Don't underestimate these 5 points of morale. Only primary treasures can increase 1 point, intermediate treasures can increase 3 points, and at least advanced treasures can increase 5 points of morale.

If you use specialization to improve, you also need at least advanced leadership skills, but advanced leadership skills will have additional special effects.

For all the imperial armies in this world, it is equivalent to everyone carrying a high-level treasure with +5 morale.

In addition, all imperial armies also enjoy a +1 to all attributes, a total of 5 points of attribute increase.

Magical armor has the effect of +1 to all attributes, but not all treasures are magical armor. Generally speaking, most of the 5-point attribute increase are also advanced treasures.

After the statue of the god of war was erected, it was equivalent to adding two high-level treasure effects to the imperial army, and the overall improvement brought was very huge.

Of course, if it comes to individuals, the effect will be much worse.

And some of Xu Lai's troops, because of their subordinate relationship, have a morale increase of 10 points.

The morale of the Paladin Guards, which he and the Seraphim had mixed together, had already exceeded 100, and was probably around 120 or 130.

Reina's legion also had a 10-point morale increase because it was affiliated with Qingfeng City.

The new legion established by Xu Lai in Conaston was at a disadvantage. Because it was affiliated with Conaston, it did not enjoy the 10-point morale bonus, but only 5 points of morale and +1 effect for all attributes.

+5 for all attributes, for Xu Lai's guards, there is an improvement, but it is not so exaggerated.

After all, Xu Lai's guards are at least 7th-level Paladins and 8th-level Archangels, and their basic attributes are already very high. +5 for all attributes, the improvement is only about 15%.

But even if Reina's Qingfeng Legion has dragon meat, after returning from the dungeon, the average level should only be around 5th level.

The basic total attribute of a level 5 recruited warrior should be around 100 points. All attributes plus 5 increase a total of 25 points, which is equivalent to a direct increase of 25%, a full quarter.

Especially the improvement in physical attributes, which is equivalent to 5 basic armor points. Combined with Rena's defensive skills, Xu Lai doesn't know how many levels higher others have to be to beat him.

Xu Lai originally had 4 pieces of God of War components, which could automatically earn 2,000 gold coins every day. Now that the complete God of War statue is formed, the gold coins have also increased to 5,000.

5,000 gold a day, the God of War statue alone can bring Xu Lai an income of 150,000 gold coins a month, which is 1.8 million a year, almost equivalent to the tribute of the dungeon.

In addition, the God of War statue can double the basic growth rate of Qingfeng City, which is equivalent to a Qingfeng City with the recruitment qualifications that only two top cities have.

All hero buildings are only allowed to be built in one city.

Qingfeng City currently has a large manor with a basic growth rate of 20. Because a wild manor has also been included in Qingfeng City, the basic growth rate is 20+1.

After Su Ya used the Queen's Scepter to specify the growth rate of Qingfeng City +1, the basic growth rate of the peasants increased to 22.

The effect of the God of War statue is to double the basic growth rate, which is equivalent to increasing the basic growth rate of the peasants to 44.

The base camp increased by 50%, and the castle increased by another 50%, which is also exactly doubled, allowing Xu Lai to recruit 88 peasants per month.

But in fact, Xu Lai can recruit 93 peasants per month, because the 5 peasants in the wild manor can also be recruited.

In addition, Mingyue City, which has been upgraded to a base camp, can also provide 30 peasants per month, as well as some other affiliated villages and towns.

These villages and towns will not be given to Xu Lai in full, but will provide half of the recruited soldiers, including peasants, according to the agreed 50% share.

If it is farther, it will be near Conaston, where the village chief is equivalent to a custodian, and all the quotas are Xu Lai's own.

It is too troublesome to just transport the soldiers there. Even if Xu Lai, who has the blessing of super speed and ultimate logistics, comes to transport them personally, it will take at least 4 or 5 days.

There is no way. The basic attributes of the peasants are too poor. Super speed plus 20% is not even 1 point of basic speed improvement.

Therefore, unless there is a chance to build the Cloud City, Xu Lai will definitely let Jimmy recruit nearby and organize them into the legion, and there is no need to calculate again.

Calculated in total, after the statue of the god of war is erected, the peasants nearby can recruit about 150 people every month.

The 2nd-level infantry can be directly promoted to the 5th-level swordsman, but sometimes there is a demand for shield infantry.

Moreover, the construction requirements of 2nd-level infantry, 3rd-level spearmen and archers are relatively low. They can be built when they reach the town level. There are already two towns around that can supply them.

After the Queen's Scepter and the statue of the god of war, about 28 5th-level swordsmen can be recruited each month, plus the base-level Mingyue City, the monthly output is 35.

Like the Heavy Crossbow Camp, the Spear Guard Tower can provide about 50 Tier 4 Heavy Armored Spearmen and Tier 4 Heavy Crossbowmen per month, plus the 15 from Bright Moon City, which is 65.

The Longbow Camp is more special, with the same basic growth rate as the Heavy Crossbowmen, both 10, but because there is a Field Archer Tower within the sphere of influence, the basic growth rate is increased by 1 point.

Adding the 1 point from the Queen's Scepter, the total basic growth rate is 12, plus the supply from the surrounding towns, Bright Moon City and the Field Archer Tower, it can provide about 75 Longbowmen per month.

Going up, there are 5-level combat griffins.

The basic growth rate of the advanced griffin fortress is still 5. There are no other griffin fortresses in the wild. Other towns have neither the qualification to build nor the extra construction drawings.

After the blessing of the Queen's Scepter, a total of 24 combat griffins can be recruited, but the 3 quotas provided by the God-given Body must be added, a total of 27.

Unfortunately, the quota provided by the God-given Body cannot be doubled, but with the 5 griffins from Mingyue City, 32 can be provided per month.

The Holy Church does not have any additional bonuses, and even Mingyue City does not have the same building, so there are only 24.

Finally, there are knights and angels.

The knights are divided into two parts, one is the 4-level knight training camp, and the other is the 6-level champion hall.

The basic growth rate of both is 5, but because they are two buildings, they can both enjoy the blessing of the Queen's Scepter, so the total basic growth rate is 12.

With the blessing of the God of War Statue, the knights can provide 48 per month, plus the 5 in Mingyue City, a total of 53, which is equivalent to forming a hundred-man team in two months.

Angels can also be divided into two parts. One part belongs to Qingfeng City, with a basic growth rate of 1. After being blessed by the Queen's Scepter, the basic growth rate doubles to 2.

2 doubled to 4, 4 doubled to 8, that is, a Qingfeng City can provide 8 little angels per month.

If a cloud city can be found within the sphere of influence of Qingfeng City, Xu Lai will be rich.

The other part is the advanced cloud city in the capital Lionheart City. Although this cloud city does not belong to Xu Lai, the recruitment qualification has been granted to Xu Lai by the temple.

Now the temple is the capital's mainstay. The Crimson Archbishop has spoken personally, and the members of the Congress dare not stop it at all.

The capital can produce 5 archangels per month.

However, if Xu Lai has enough time, he can also go to the wild Cloud City near Lionheart City and recruit the little angels produced there.

Counting this, that is 6 per month, plus the 8 in Qingfeng City, which is equivalent to 14 archangels per month.

According to the rough statistics from the dungeon, the number of knights and the like has not increased much, but the number of low- and medium-level soldiers has increased a lot.

Especially infantry, spearmen and archers, Xu Lai can bring them back to upgrade them, and at least 500 mid-level infantry and mid-level archers can be added every month.

High-level angels can also be guaranteed to have one per month, so if added up, it is 15 archangels and several barriers and tower troops.

The archers of the barriers are just left for Giselle to train into phantom archers. Under the same species and origin, the training difficulty of barrier archers is much lower, and the time, experience and gold coins consumed will be less.

The human archers will continue to watch, and they can be trained into phantom archers if there is time, otherwise they will be thrown to Dier.

With the statue of the god of war, the number of recruits in Qingfeng City alone has become extremely considerable.

But this is not the final number of Qingfeng City. After Xu Lai shouted out 3 times the price, the supply in the market is the bulk.

Especially the reputation of Qingfeng City is spreading farther and farther, and more and more merchants are coming to Qingfeng City.

In order to spread the reputation of Qingfeng City, Wei Yihong also asked Su Ya to borrow a few artifacts for exhibition.

In addition, in the past two weeks, teleportation points in several important cities in the Northern Empire have been opened one after another, plus the most important Lionheart City, there are enough passages to Qingfeng City.

Not only merchants, because of the collapse of the Western Empire and the severe damage to the Northern Empire, the capital Lionheart City has fallen into an isolated and helpless situation.

Therefore, a large number of dignitaries and wealthy people are scrambling to flee to the Southern Empire.

Although the Southern Empire is constantly harassed by the underground city, it is relatively safe.

Moreover, the South has always been rich, and most of the dignitaries have industries and manpower in the South, so they will not be left with nothing if they flee there.

But recently, due to the rise of Qingfeng City, some wealthy people and dignitaries have transferred their industries to Qingfeng City.

Although the grassland area is not rich in resources, it is also the target of all hostile forces for this reason.

As more and more wealthy businessmen and dignitaries migrate to Qingfeng City, it will make Qingfeng City more chaotic.

But inevitably, more resources are transferred to Qingfeng City.

This is why the market in Qingfeng City has more and more supplies and more and more soldiers can be purchased.

Xu Lai has understood the first four special effects of the God of War statue, but the last one, the power of the God of War, is unclear.

But soon, Xu Lai, immersed in the golden light, understood what kind of power the last effect of the God of War statue is.

"As the builder of the statue of the god of war, you can draw some of the god of war's power from the statue.

You can choose any one of the specializations you have currently obtained to upgrade one level. The specific upgrade effect is related to the god of war's power."

The so-called god of war's power is still placed on the last effect of the statue of the god of war. If it is only upgraded by one level, Xu Lai feels that it is a bit thunderous but not rainy.

'You only upgrade one level when it is the last reward. Do you have the nerve to do that? Not to mention an ultimate specialization, at least you have to upgrade it by two or three levels. '

Xu Lai thought to himself, and then silently opened all his specializations.

First, exclude those specializations that have already reached the ultimate and cannot be upgraded. He has not upgraded to the ultimate specialization now, but has intermediate earth magic and intermediate pathfinding.

In addition, there are advanced diplomacy, advanced wisdom, master-level tactics and master-level fire magic.

After thinking about it, the advanced and intermediate specializations can be excluded first. If the master-level specialization is upgraded once, the improvement will be more obvious.

Between fire magic and tactics, Xu Lai hesitated. After all, he would have to fight against the great demon of the abyss, Kerrigan.

Kerrigan himself is immune to fire magic, and the abyss lords and great demons under his command are also immune to fire magic.

More powerful demons, such as fire elves and fire demons, are also immune to fire magic.

The rest of the demons, even if they are not immune, have stronger resistance to fire, and the damage caused will be much less.

Undoubtedly, choosing the ultimate tactics will be more advantageous when fighting against demons, especially after having the +5 improvement of all attributes of the war god statue.

However, just when Xu Lai wanted to determine the ultimate tactics, he found that the two specializations above and below the tactics were also shown as upgradeable.

Below the tactics is the fire magic, which can be upgraded, but above the tactics, it is the logistics that has been upgraded to the ultimate.

Xu Lai, who didn't know what was going on, immediately checked it out.

"This specialization can absorb the auxiliary power of the God of War and upgrade to the god-level logistics."

Xu Lai was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't wait to check the ultimate specializations that he had ignored before.

As expected, all specializations were shown as upgradeable, including those that were upgraded to the ultimate.

Xu Lai needs to choose one from the god-level archery, god-level resistance, god-level leadership, god-level logistics, god-level defense, and god-level offense to upgrade.

As for those specializations that have not been upgraded to the ultimate, let them be, the power of God represents the power of rules.

Which of the two is more important, do you still need to consider it?

The only headache for Xu Lai now is which of the six ultimate specializations he should choose to upgrade.

There is no hint about the specific effect of the god-level specialization. The only thing Xu Lai can refer to is the power of the god of war mentioned in the introduction.

Logistics is an auxiliary ability, archery is a combat power, defense is a defensive power, offense is a combat power, and resistance and leadership are defense and auxiliary abilities.

Undoubtedly, Xu Lai used the power of the god of war to improve. The two auxiliary abilities are not even considered as divine power, so they must have been abandoned by Xu Lai at the first time.

The rest are archery, offense, resistance and defense.

Xu Lai has already felt the powerful effect of defense from Reina. Although he does not have relevant specialties, raising defense to the god level will definitely bring more improvement than specialties.

Secondly, what Xu Lai wants is resistance, because with Reina's blessing, it is basically difficult to kill him with physical damage.

But if it is magic, Moriel almost used magic to kill Elvy last time.

Going back further, Xu Lai has also encountered death threats from the dragon lich.

Especially since the dragon lich is impossible to kill, Xu Lai doesn't know when it will be resurrected.

When the dragon lich comes, he doesn't know if he will have the same luck as before.

But if he has the god-level resistance to protect his body, even if he encounters the finger of death again, he will not be afraid with the divine power to protect his body. (End of this chapter)

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