The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 580: Invincible

Unfortunately, Xu Lai couldn't see the specific effects of these god-level specializations.

If he could see the specific effects, Xu Lai would undoubtedly be able to make a better choice.

According to the regular effects obtained after other specializations are upgraded, the god-level defense should be able to reduce 60% of the physical damage received.

However, there must be special effects, but I don't know how much the special effects can improve the defense.

At present, the biggest improvement of the defense is still in its own ability, not the special effects.

For others, a 10% improvement may be enough.

But for Xu Lai, after enjoying Rena's 70% physical damage reduction, a god-level specialization only has a 10% improvement, and he is obviously not satisfied.

Of course, the special effects of specializations are always more powerful as time goes by.

The special effects of god-level specializations may be stronger than the first four special effects of defense combined, but it is hard to say whether they can make up for this 10% gap.

Even if it can be made up, in the case of already having Reina, the effect of the god-level defense is obviously not very effective, which is a big loss.

According to this idea, in fact, choosing god-level resistance will be much less effective, because Reina has a very powerful treasure in her hand, the magic ball.

If even magic cannot be released, then the effect of god-level resistance is almost equal to nothing.

Using spell scrolls to release spells is too costly, and secondly, spells are not affected by the hero itself, and it is useless no matter how high the magic expertise and spirit are.

Considering this, the two options that Xu Lai originally liked have become inappropriate.

Xu Lai fights alone most of the time. These two expertises cannot be said to be of little use, but only that they are not that useful.

In some important battles, Xu Lai must gather into a legion to fight, such as the battle with Moril.

And such battles are often related to life and death and the future.

In such a life-and-death situation, if a rare god-level specialization cannot play a big role, it is somewhat unsatisfactory.

Thinking about it, Xu Lai put the focus on god-level archery and god-level offensive skills.

The Empire is a relatively balanced camp with strong strength in all aspects.

In terms of melee, the infantry has heavy shields, crusaders, paladins who can resist, and brave knights with extremely strong charging ability.

In terms of spells, the Empire has fewer mages than the Tower, but the Empire also has priests and priests, and the magic power is only slightly inferior to that of the Tower and the elements.

In terms of long-range, the Empire has long-range archers, armor-piercing crossbowmen, and the best-performing crossbow carts and catapults.

In such a camp, no matter whether Xu Lai chooses archery or offensive skills, the effect is very large.

The long-range seems to be inferior to the Rampart, but Xu Lai has Giselle who can train a stronger archer than the Rampart archer.

But he himself is not very good at leading soldiers with poor mobility. If it is a large-scale battle, he is unlikely to occupy the position of legion leader.

This means that even with god-level archery, he cannot cover too many shooters, at most Giselle and her phantom shooters.

It is unlikely to accumulate 1,000 phantom shooters in half a year. Even if it can be accumulated, Lena will take some of them.

The paladins and angels led by Xu Lai are all outstanding in close combat, and it may be more appropriate to choose offensive tactics.

Xu Lai's heart is full of contradictions, but in this golden light, only his mind is turning rapidly, and others are obviously imprisoned and cannot communicate at all.

If you can't even communicate, naturally you can't provide reference.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for improvement in the whole world, and Xu Lai can't consider it seriously.

But after all, he still has to make a choice. In the end, Xu Lai gritted his teeth and chose the god-level offensive technique considering his identity as the god of war.

[God-level Offensive Technique]: A god-level offensive technique that incorporates the power of the God of War, increasing the damage caused by melee physical attacks of the entire army by 65%, and activating the god-level special effect "Invincible".

Invincible: When the melee attack of the troops under your command is enough to break the defense, the final damage is increased by an additional 50%;

When the melee attack of the troops under your command cannot break the defense, 25% of the damage of this attack will be converted into true damage.

True damage ignores defense, armor, and damage reduction (including defense techniques), but can be blocked and dodged.

The improvement of the god-level offensive technique is greater than that of the ordinary level. This level increases the melee attack by 15%.

Equivalent to 100 melee attacks, the ultimate offensive technique can be increased to 150, while the god-level offensive technique can be increased to 165.

The god-level offensive technique also has a god-level special effect, invincible.

This special effect should be viewed from two aspects. The first is the environment that can break the defense.

Since Invincible increases the final damage, it must be increased after breaking the defense and causing actual damage.

Let's take the 100-point melee attack as an example. After defense, armor and other reductions, if it can still cause 100 points of damage, then the final damage will be increased by 50%, and a total of 150 points of damage can be caused.

But if, after breaking the defense, it can only cause 1 point of damage, then even if it is increased by 50%, it is only 1.5 damage.

Obviously, this is an effect where the higher the damage, the greater the increase.

On the other hand, there is a situation where the defense cannot be broken. In this case, as long as it is not blocked or dodged, the real damage will be triggered.

In fact, it doesn’t matter even if it is blocked, because blocking cannot completely offset the damage, it can only greatly reduce the damage.

In most cases, the damage after blocking can no longer break the defense, so it is the same as no damage.

But as long as the power is strong enough, it can penetrate the shield, weapon, etc. that blocks and cause damage.

After the real damage is triggered, the armor, including the physical defense and defense brought by the physique, basically loses its effect.

The same 100 points of damage, if it fails to break the defense in the end, then it can cause 25 points of real damage if it is not blocked or dodged.

In some cases, this effect is more than the damage caused by barely breaking the defense.

The troops led by Xu Lai, even if they include the combat griffins and royal griffins that he may bring with him, will not have low attack power.

With full morale, war statues, prayer bonuses, and finally upgraded offensive skills, it is unlikely that there will be troops that he cannot break through.

After going through the information in the temple, he knew that there was also a powerful hero in the fortress and tower, who had the same talent as Reina and was good at defense.

Their levels are not clear yet, but they are all representative heroes of their respective camps, especially the latter, who came from the mage camp.

If they are level 40, it just offsets 70% of the damage. Even with so many bonuses, Xu Lai is not sure of breaking the defense at the same level.

The attribute of true damage will probably have to be used on these two heroes. For the rest of the heroes, the effect of the former is only needed.

Speaking of which, Xu Lai's Seraphim and Archangel troops can basically kill instantly.

The final damage is increased by 50%, and its value can only be revealed when encountering powerful enemies, such as Moril.

After making a choice and successfully upgrading to the god level, the golden light in the sky finally retracted to the sky bit by bit.

The residents of Qingfeng City, awakened by the golden light, also went back to rest under the persuasion of the security guards and municipal staff.

Although Qingfeng City is becoming more and more lively, it is still relatively empty after the expansion. Many sharp-eyed people can see the tall golden statue standing outside the castle.

The face of the golden statue may not be clear, but the posture and equipment of the golden statue are clearly the patron saint of the empire.

Ordinary people like them are not qualified to get close to observe.

However, the priests of the temple, led by Elena, came to the golden statue of the god of war at the first time and knelt down to pray.

At the same time, far away in the capital, under the cover of the Pope himself, several knights and crimson bishops of the temple also gathered together.

The moment the golden statue of the god of war was erected, the highest believers of the temple of the god of war almost felt the will of the god of war at the same time.

Therefore, they all came to the Pope's residence at the same time, but the Pope was still meditating at this time, and everyone just gathered together and did not dare to disturb him.

"If you all have perception, then my guess should be correct. The will of His Highness the God of War just now came because the statue of the God of War was erected."

An acquaintance that Xu Lai had not seen for a long time spoke first and asked again:

"I remember that our temple has collected the three major parts of the statue of the God of War, but I don't know who received it?"

Dur could naturally see the task list and reward list issued by the temple, but only the manager of the corresponding treasury knew the record of receiving it.

And they only knew that the treasure was taken away. If they did not have the authority, they would not know who received it.

Crimson Bishop Light said: "The recipient, Bishop Dur should be familiar with him?"


Light nodded and said: "Yes, it was you who recommended him to us."

Dur was stunned and said in surprise: "You are not talking about that kid Xu Lai, are you?"

Light smiled bitterly and said: "That's him. You just withdrew from the Western Empire. Maybe you haven't had time to read the battle report from the Northern Empire in detail.

This little guy is no longer the little lord he was at the beginning.

You and Aini led him at the beginning, but some time ago, the kid you mentioned has already taken Aini's Conaston Castle away."

Duel also smiled bitterly and said, "I have heard about the Northern Empire, but I really don't have time to inquire about the facts on the grassland.

Xu Lai is a brave, responsible, and kind boy.

The most important thing is that it seems that this boy has some uncanny luck. I am not surprised at all that he has gathered the statue of the God of War."

"Now it's not a matter of whether you are surprised or not. If the golden statue of the God of War really falls on his territory, will the two Grand Dukes of Aled in the north and south let him go?"

Although the golden statue of the God of War is not an inherent symbol of the Supreme King, it has only appeared once in the Empire for thousands of years.

The Tears of Asha are a divine object that can only be condensed by relying on the entire world. When combined with any camp, it can prosper a camp.

But over thousands of years, the Tears of Asha have gone through several cycles and have appeared in almost every camp.

But the forces that possessed the Tears of Asha at the beginning and were able to hold on to the end seem to be the Aled family in the Empire camp.

The Tears of Asha are bound to the camp, and the generated statues are also bound to the city, but not to the individual.

Just like the current statue of the God of War, now that it has appeared in Qingfeng City, no one can move the statue before the statue moves on its own, even if Qingfeng City is destroyed.

However, the fact that the idol cannot be moved does not mean that the city cannot be occupied. If the idol cannot be taken away, just occupy the entire city. The powerful ability brought by the idol will naturally be transferred to that force.

Before the city walls of Qingfeng City were completely surrounded, no matter the scale or size, it was incomparable to the Emerald City, not to mention compared to the Imperial Capital Lion Heart City.

But as long as the golden statue of the God of War is there, this city will be a hundred times more important than the Emerald City.

Even the imperial capital, without the protection of other big cities, is still one level below Qingfeng City.

"No way. Are they going to start another civil war at this time when the empire is in turmoil and humanity's survival is at stake?"

"Humph, what's a civil war? When have those nobles and congressmen ever cared about the country and camp? Don't they always have their own little ideas?"

Just as the other crimson bishop was about to retort, he heard footsteps coming from His Majesty the Pope's retreat room behind him.

Everyone hurriedly looked for a way out, but did not see the Pope, only the Knight Commander of the First Order of Knights who protected the Pope.

After the knight commander saluted the crimson bishops, he said in a heavy voice:

"His Majesty the Pope has received the oracle, but he is temporarily unable to convey it to you."

After hearing this, everyone looked solemn, especially the crimson bishops and knight captains who had left the Western Empire.

They knew very well that the Pope became what he was now solely to protect them.

"The pope ordered Crimson Archbishop Duer and Crimson Archbishop Wright to immediately organize the congregation and priests to lead them to Qingfeng City in batches.

Knight Commander Lina and Knight Commander Pierce led their respective knights to escort them in batches. "

When Duer heard this, his expression changed and he said, "Is His Majesty the Pope going to give up even the City of Holy Angels?"

The First Knight Commander shook his head and said: "Of course not, Holy Angel has been inherited for thousands of years, and we should live and die together with Holy Angel City.

However, Qingfeng City is a newly granted holy land under the God of War. We, the believers under the God of War, are naturally obliged to go to Qingfeng City to protect and preach for the God of War.

So when you get there, you don't have to go back again and build a new temple on the spot.

Also, His Majesty the Pope asked me to remind you in particular.

Your Excellency Xu Lai has established contact with His Majesty the God of War. Qingfeng City is also Your Excellency Xu Lai's territory. I ask you to follow Your Excellency Xu Lai's opinions after arriving in Qingfeng City. "

After listening to the knight commander's words, Duer and Wright both smiled bitterly.

They were still discussing Xu Lai just now, but unexpectedly, when they turned around, the Pope directly assigned the two of them to Xu Lai's place.

Even judging from the tone of voice, the two of them had to listen to Xu Lai.

The two crimson bishops could not afford to lose face, but the sister and brother Lina, who was also named, obeyed without hesitation. (End of chapter)

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