The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 583 Urban Security Law

Outside the carriage, there were shouts and screams, but as long as the window on the carriage was gently closed, the sound outside would be instantly blocked.

The carriage with the soundproof barrier could not transmit any sound inside or outside.

"Even if they were all killed, others would not give up the fat piece of Qingfeng City, especially since you have erected the statue of the God of War."

Xu Lai did not send Jilong to deal with the problem, and even did not let her, the city lord, go, but sent a general in charge of security to go.

What is Roland's current status? He is Xu Lai's personal defense officer.

It can be said that the outside world has turned upside down, and it has nothing to do with Roland. His mission and responsibility is to protect Xu Lai's safety.

Therefore, when Roland and this group of people with swords dared to block Xu Lai, he would not be polite at all.

Su Ya saw further than Jilong. When Xu Lai sent Roland to go, Su Ya knew that Xu Lai had the intention to kill this group of guys.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for both sides to quarrel and draw their weapons.

Roland drawing his weapon was nothing, but if others drew their weapons in front of Xu Lai, it would be impossible for him to escape unscathed unless Xu Lai didn't care.

As soon as the quarrel started, Xu Lai closed the window on his side.

Su Ya knew what this meant.

"Then let them come over, let's see whether their heads are harder or my knife is harder."

Su Ya shook her head helplessly, moved Xu Lai's head to her thigh, and said with a smile:

"Of course your knife is harder, but once the killing starts today, you will be a thorn in the eyes and flesh of the nobles in the future.

We probably have no chance to cooperate with the existing Northern Empire and Southern Empire.

They are afraid that they will try their best to make trouble for us and hold us back.

Perhaps, several of the existing teleportation arrays will be closed tomorrow."

Xu Lai became silent instantly, and helplessly ordered: "Tell Roland to keep more people alive and lock them up first."

Su Ya's words also gave Xu Lai a headache.

No matter how dissatisfied Xu Lai was with these dignitaries, they could still enjoy privileges in other cities.

Xu Lai went through a lot of hardships to open up teleportation arrays in one city after another, and these people might go back and say a few words, and the teleportation arrays that were finally opened might be closed.

He offered a recruitment price three times the average. Not to mention the merchants, even the nobles were tempted.

The market has been very good recently, and many people sent by the nobles came directly to sell by teleportation array.

If it were all transported by caravans, except for some merchants from the Western Empire and the Northern Empire close to the grassland, who would come to do business thousands of miles away.

Although it is expensive to take the teleportation array, the price offered by Xu Lai is enough to cover the cost of transmission, and there is still a lot of profit.

Besides, Qingfeng City has many specialties, including a kind of energy stone with a good price, which can save a lot of costs when used to supply the teleportation array.

Qingfeng City also makes a lot of money. Just by using the teleportation array so frequently, the teleportation fee can earn several thousand gold coins a day.

In addition to commercial taxes and the profits from the sale of other goods, although it costs a little more to recruit soldiers, it can cover the recruitment price and at least make a surplus of tens of thousands of gold coins a day.

The surplus is after deducting various costs and the wages of market employees.

It is equivalent to Qingfeng City, where the extra income from trade alone is tens of thousands of gold coins every day.

If you add the food handed in by the residents, the gold coins provided by the recruited farmers, and the horses provided by the herdsmen.

And the half share provided by the newly erected statue of the god of war, the magic gold coins provided by the parliament, the gold bags, the gold capsules and other treasures.

Adding up all kinds of income, after the opening of the teleportation array, Qingfeng City can earn at least tens of thousands of gold coins a day, and more than 100,000 gold.

Of course, Xu Lai has not deducted the expenses of supporting the army from this money.

Moreover, Qingfeng City is Xu Lai's capital, and it is the city he built with the most care.

If there is no way to accumulate wealth here, it is even more impossible in other cities.

Once the teleportation array is closed, Xu Lai is equivalent to using the resources of a small area to fight with other forces. The difficulty level has increased by many times.

"Think open-mindedly. I have seen those people outside. If I remember correctly, most of them should be from the imperial capital.

In the imperial capital, an earl is nothing, and he is not qualified to control the teleportation array of Lionheart City."

Su Ya comforted.

Xu Lai smiled bitterly and said, "It can be regarded as good news."

Whether it is good news or not, Xu Lai can only endure it for the time being. Who told him that he has not yet been able to take over the other cities for his own use.

He doesn't want too much, as long as all the cities in the grassland are unified, relying on the resources of the entire grassland, at least he can have a fighting force.

If a part of it can be extended outward, let alone the territory of an empire, even if only half of the empire is conquered, the resources will be enough for Xu Lai to grow stronger.

"In my opinion, let's use the name of public security punishment tomorrow, fine them a sum of money and drive them out."

Xu Lai frowned, and couldn't help but say, "If they are released like this, they will definitely talk nonsense when they go back."

Su Ya smiled slightly and said, "What should we do? Imprison them until they die? Wouldn't the influence spread out be even worse?

Besides, with their character, they won't talk nonsense after they go back, and they might turn our place into a devil's cave.

If they say it normally, others may still believe it. But once they exaggerate, how much can others believe it?

Of course, it will definitely have an impact on our reputation, but this impact should not affect other cities. After all, this is a special period.

Besides, even if word gets out, after making so much money from doing business with our Qingfeng City, will they be willing to let it go easily? "

Merchants pursue profit, and the nobles are no better.

Under the circumstances that Qingfeng City is profitable, let alone some bad rumors, even if the people killed today have their family members, they may not be willing to part with it.

"That's true.

However, with the opening of Qingfeng City, this kind of thing is expected to happen in the future.

Why don't we give in a little bit? "

"This is not possible. The nobles and businessmen all have the character of "Long Wang Shu".

As long as we give in a little today, we will give in even more later.

Once they develop on our territory and become entangled, it will be very difficult for us to clean them up. "

Xu Lai smiled and said: "It's so complicated, right? I won't give them this chance."

Su Ya smiled and said, "If you don't give it to me, won't others give it to you?

What nobles are best at is exploiting various loopholes and looking for various opportunities.

These officials in your city hall are all old people who have been with you for a long time, and most of them come from poor backgrounds.

Can they withstand the temptation? If a noble wanted to marry them, would they refuse?

These are just officials from the city hall. What if Wei Yihong, Urdola, and the Eboka brothers are all being solicited?

These people have also made great contributions to Qingfeng City, and now they all hold high positions of authority.

If they are married to nobles and wealthy businessmen, do you want to sell this face?

After all, they were still clean, and if they had any connections, it would be a matter for the future.

What about the surrendered nobles of Conaston? Including the current lord of Conaston Castle, how many noble families has Martell's family been married to? Do you know? "

Su Ya asked Xu Lai a lot of questions in a row, which confused Xu Lai. It wasn't that he hadn't thought about these questions before, but he really didn't go into it that deeply.

In his own impression, he had always been just a lord of a small city, but now he suddenly grew stronger and even became the king of the underground, which was considered a time of satisfaction.

However, he had just returned to his city and suddenly encountered so many embarrassing problems.

But Su Ya was telling the truth. Unless Xu Lai could stay alone, no one would be able to control the city or even the whole world.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to prevent the people under his command from slowly connecting and eventually forming a huge group.

"Then what should we do?"

Xu Lai couldn't help but ask.

Su Ya smiled bitterly and said, "If you ask me, I don't know who to ask.

The only advice I can give you now is not to make things bigger, but you also can't give in casually.

I don’t have much experience in how to handle it. "

This is Xu Lai's most fatal weakness. The ruling team are all novices, and some questions cannot be answered or explained at all.

Just as Xu Lai was thinking deeply with his pillow on Su Ya's soft thigh, the carriage finally started to move slowly again.

Xu Lai's words were quite timely. In the pool of blood on both sides of the carriage, there were a row of men and women kneeling.

They were lucky, and they survived thanks to Xu Lai's lack of accountability.

But the innocent guards who followed them all fell into a pool of blood because they drew their swords.

However, Xu Lai could only deal with those who were relatively innocent and let go of the masterminds.

"Did you hear something?"

Xu Lai suddenly asked.

Su Ya was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said: "I heard some, but they are all based on rumors, and they are less than 10% true.

I won’t tell you for now, so as not to make you angry and maybe hurt your feelings.

If there is anything to verify, I will report it to you. "

Xu Lai comes back rarely, and Su Ya doesn't want to upset Xu Lai because of those missing things.

If it were someone else, no matter how true the rumors were, Xu Lai would still have to answer whenever he asked.

But Su Ya and Yu Lan are different.

They are not only Xu Lai's subordinates, but also his women. Of course Xu Lai must satisfy them for this little willfulness.

Xu Lai thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's wait until you verify it.

Humans are social animals, and no one can stay the same.

They can marry whoever they want to marry. If I'm not at home, you don't have to worry about it.

However, the laws of the empire are no longer suitable for us to continue to use them.

Tomorrow you invite some people to come over, study together, and formulate a new law in the name of the city's public security law that is applicable to our situation.

Didn't you just say that if you can't find the middle level, then the new public security law will be the measure?

Anyone can do whatever is not prohibited by law. No one will show mercy to those who break the law, how about that? "

Imperial law is a naked privilege law. The rights of the nobles are too great, but their obligations are too small, and there is almost no restriction on them.

However, it is impossible for Xu Lai to abolish the imperial law. Unless he one day leaves the imperial camp, the imperial law that symbolizes the empire can never be abolished.

Therefore, Xu Lai could only be creative and replace it with a public security law that only applied in the city.

Even if the public security law is used instead, Xu Lai will not abolish the privileges, but will let Su Ya grasp the middle level.

This is not a world where everyone is equal, nor is it a peaceful world.

If a strong person cannot obtain privileges, then who will be willing to follow him?

Xu Lai himself would not even be willing to do it without anyone else.

Take the simplest law of killing a person to pay for his life. Would he, Xu Lai, be willing to pay with his life for killing a civilian?

This is obviously impossible, if he really wants to promote equality.

In addition to recruiting soldiers and die-hard loyalists, others are afraid that they will immediately become alienated from him and betray him when they find the opportunity.

But the existing imperial laws were too privileged. How could Xu Lai be willing to let a group of unrelated people enjoy the world he had worked so hard to conquer?

How to measure the middle degree is a big problem and a very thorny one.

Xu Lai's approach was to ask Su Ya to find someone to study together. He didn't want to have a headache anyway, so he could just finalize and make a decision.

Xu Lai no longer knew how much trouble he was given, and Su Ya agreed without thinking.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Ya responded, Xu Lai's frown relaxed a lot, and he was even in a mood to laugh at himself:

"It seems that I'm really not suitable to stay at home. If I'm not at home, they can't find me and there's nothing they can do to you.

If I were at home, I'm afraid they wouldn't stop. "

Hearing this, Su Ya frowned and said: "The day after tomorrow is the New Year's Day, you won't miss it even after the New Year, right?

Moreover, Mr. Wei put countless efforts into the first auction in Qingfeng City. Just displaying the artifacts every day and arranging security required a lot of effort.

It would be too disrespectful for you to leave at this time.

Besides, no one knows how many good things will appear in this first auction. I heard from Mr. Wei that at least two artifacts have been sent to the auction for appraisal.

If you don't do it anymore, people may not be willing to take out the artifact and take pictures. "

Although Xu Lai didn't know, his presence or absence had anything to do with whether they could sell the artifact or not.

But he knew that he really had to be present at this first auction.

Because not only Wei Yihong, but also the city lord Su Ya and the lord Xu Lai, the entire Qingfeng City has been preparing for this auction for a long time.

First there was nearly half a year of construction, decoration and publicity period, and now there is a full month of artifact display period.

When he saw the final acceptance results, how could Xu Lai leave at this time.

"Don't worry, even if I want to leave, I will definitely wait until the Qingfeng Legion returns to defense.

I don’t know how many people are watching Qingfeng City now. How could I dare to leave at this time? "(End of chapter)

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