The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 584 New Year Oracle

There are no fireworks and firecrackers in the other world, but they have their own way of celebrating.

Today is the eve of the Chinese New Year. Except for the Qingfeng City Legion who are still far away in the underground city, everyone else can get 3-7 days of rest after the last day of work today.

Of course, some important positions cannot be given a holiday.

For example, the security team, the more they can't rest at this time.

Not only can they not rest, but they have to send more people to avoid any accidents during the celebration.

Jimmy is not at home for the New Year this year. He has successfully captured the base camp city guarded by only a few soldiers with the new legion.

They are destined to celebrate the New Year in the new city. As the heir of the Martell family, Jilong has to rush back to Martell City.

It's good for him to go back, because Jimmy puts the focus on Conaston Castle, and his own Martell City, but it has not been able to connect with Qingfeng City.

After rushing back home, Jilong needs to open up the trade route from Martell City to Qingfeng City.

This work is not difficult. There are more than ten post stations within a hundred miles around Qingfeng City. What Jilong has to do is to find a way to connect to a post station.

The road does not need to be built for the time being. It is only necessary to clear the weeds that are one or half a person tall, and clean up the wild buildings and resource points near the trade route.

Make sure that there are no buildings that naturally gather wild monsters near the trade route at the beginning of each month.

Then learn from Qingfeng City and build one or two outposts or post stations along the road of dozens of miles to provide some food and drinking water to the caravans and pedestrians along the way, and then point out the way.

By the way, if there are enough people, you can also drive away the surrounding wild creatures, wild monsters, etc. to ensure the smooth flow of the trade route.

If conditions permit or time is sufficient, it can also be built into a stone or slab road.

First, there is a clear road, second, it can keep the ground dry even in rainy and snowy days, and third, it can speed up the travel speed.

As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, you must build roads first. Caravans will inevitably carry a large number of transport vehicles.

It's not that you can't walk on the grass, but you can only walk on it when the weather is good. Otherwise, a slightly heavier vehicle will easily get stuck in the mud pit, causing great inconvenience.

Jilong is responsible for the city of Martel, and Jimmy needs to continue to sweep the cities and territories of other viscounts and barons after the New Year.

Xu Lai asked him not to touch the other two large castle-level cities for the time being.

Both cities belong to Earl Aini.

Although his army was severely damaged in the wild, because of the rapid replenishment during this period, and the fact that these two cities still have a lot of garrison troops.

Even if the garrison troops are not of high level, they are supported by the hero Aini.

Although Jimmy also recruited some heroes from the sky to join the army, they are not legion commanders, and secondly, there is a huge gap between them and Aini in terms of level and expertise.

Therefore, if you want to launch an attack on the two castles of Aini, Xu Lai or Reina must take action.

And the two of them have to wait until a month and a half later, and finish the first auction before they have time and energy to take action.

Therefore, let Aini jump around for another half a month. Anyway, he has only accumulated two months of troops at most, and it is impossible for him to replenish them faster than Xu Lai.

This is Xu Lai's first New Year in the other world. Although it is not the Spring Festival, it is also commemorative.

But now that he is a lord, it is not easy for him to lock himself in the castle and enjoy this rare love with his wives.

Many celebrations require Xu Lai to come forward in person to start, such as New Year's speeches and the distribution of New Year's gifts.

In other cities, the distribution of New Year's gifts is basically a ritual program.

The lord or the lord's wife, the lord's lady and other characters symbolically distribute some bread and cakes.

Those who are lucky and come early may get some, but most people don't have this hope.

To put it bluntly, most of the so-called New Year's activities are just a show to show off their noble status as noble lords.

Xu Lai is a more pragmatic person. He doesn't like to be in the limelight or the feeling of being surrounded by people.

The New Year gifts still exist, and are scheduled to start at 2pm on New Year's Eve and end at 5pm.

However, it is not Xu Lai who distributes them, but rather the city halls, the Ministry of the Interior, the council halls, the village offices and other institutions at all levels.

All the families who have settled down have firewood, meat, oil, salt, rice, noodles, sauce, vinegar, tea, and even precious raw silk, brocade, and sugar shipped from the Southern Empire.

Of course, the latter are not for ordinary people, but for municipal officials, the Aboka brothers, Aaron and others.

A world where everyone is equal cannot exist, and Xu Lai has no intention of creating such a world.

The celebrations start on the eve of the New Year and last until the third day after the New Year.

In previous years, there would be various large-scale activities, performances, and banquets during these days.

This year, there is obviously not much New Year atmosphere. In addition to the lights and decorations in every household, there are only a few more people in the tavern than usual.

This year, not many people are interested in participating in the activities of archery, horse racing, and wrestling in the grassland in the past.

Hancock, the newly appointed president of the Mercenary Guild in Qingfeng City, originally wanted to take advantage of this good time to make a name for himself, but no one was enthusiastic.

There was no other way. After the second half of this year, the grassland had a few days of peace.

Especially in emerging cities like Qingfeng City, the people who can come here are either unable to bear the exploitation, or their families have been destroyed when the orcs invaded.

The closer it is to the New Year, the more sadness comes into my heart.

Relatively speaking, Qingfeng City is relatively good. At least there are officials taking the lead in organizing various activities, and residents who are not interested will come to support them.

People like Hancock, who are newly appointed, are not given much respect, but Xu Lai is represented in official activities.

The residents of Qingfeng City are quite grateful to Xu Lai, so they are more supportive of Xu Lai.

In other cities, let alone celebrations, there are not many people walking on the streets.

But even so, compared with other places, the grassland area is already considered to be very good.

In many places in the Northern Empire, because they were so severely massacred by demons from hell, almost every family was living alone, and there was no time left to celebrate the New Year.

Not to mention that the Northern Empire has ten houses and nine empty houses, but at least half of the land in the Northern Empire has been slaughtered by hell demons, and the population of these lands is almost non-existent.

This is true for the Northern Empire, not to mention the Western Empire.

The Western Empire is completely enemy-occupied territory. The temple is still there and the noble coalition has not been dispersed. There is still some chance of escape.

Today, there are only sporadic resistance forces left in the entire Western Empire, and the main ones are still Advent Heroes.

The aristocratic coalition had long been beaten to pieces. If the power of the temple had not been for the Pope's intervention, I am afraid that even a complete structure would not have been left, let alone an intact retreat.

The entire land of the Western Empire was filled with mourners, and it was impossible for anyone to be willing to celebrate or even remember this New Year.

Even the once most prosperous imperial capital, the temple that used to hold grand celebrations every time, has completely stopped moving this year.

The priests only prayed for the upcoming New Year in the middle of the night, for the Pope who was still seriously ill in bed, and for the God of War.

At the beginning of the new year, Xu Lai didn't know if there was a custom of keeping the year old in this world.

But that night, Xu came to invite all the heroes he could find whose names he knew and felt somewhat familiar with.

There were also some subordinates with relatively close relationships, such as Aaron, Urdora, the village chief Lacy, Elena and others, who all called into the castle and attended the dinner together.

They exchanged glasses of wine, exchanged cups, and chatted happily over wine.

Xu Lai did not force the others to watch the New Year's Eve together, but everyone present had no intention of leaving.

First of all, it is rare for everyone to see so many of their own people here in Xu.

Secondly, I haven't seen Xu Lai for a long time. Although he said at the beginning that he could leave on his own after three rounds of drinking.

However, Xu Lai may not know who comes first. After all, he is the last one to enter.

But whoever leaves first must do so in full view of everyone.

Therefore, Xu Lai did not leave, and even if the rest of the family's house collapsed, no one would be willing to leave.

Xu Lai also rarely indulges himself. He doesn't usually drink, and his drinking capacity is extremely average.

However, in this life, my physique is really too high. Even if I have an average amount of alcohol, I can sober up very quickly.

But as a dignified lord, there is no way to drink less wine.

Besides, all these guests present were invited by him.

It should be the most basic thing for him to drink once and for others to drink again.

Of course, as the person with the highest status present, if Xu Lai didn't want to drink, he meant it, or even just held the glass, which would have already given him enough face.

But he is not a person who likes to show off. After all, it is only once a year. Anyway, no matter how late he drinks or how drunk he is, he will have nothing else to do tomorrow.

After all, he accepted everyone who came and had a drink with everyone.

It was approaching midnight, except for Elena, who brought a few priests and Anna whom Xu was familiar with, and borrowed a room in the castle to pray.

The rest of the people were basically drunk and staggering around, especially heroes like Wei Yihong who were at a lower level and had poor attributes.

As soon as 12 o'clock arrives, all recruitment quotas in all recruitment buildings inside and outside the city are refreshed.

At the same time, the oracle of the first month of the new year also arrived as scheduled.

“At the beginning of the new year, this month will receive a double magic moon effect bonus.

During the Moon of Sorrow, all empire, barrier, and tower creatures will have their morale reduced by 10 points and their luck reduced by 2 points.

In the Moon of Hope, all empires, fortresses, and towers recruit buildings and their base growth rate is doubled. "

As soon as the oracle came down, Xu Lai felt an unspeakable sadness in his chest and felt that he was not interested in anything.

Not only him, after the oracle fell, the cheerful atmosphere in the banquet hall dimmed in the blink of an eye.

The people who were still pushing glasses and changing glasses before were just picking up their glasses silently, looking at each other in silence, and no one was willing to speak again.

The Moon of Sorrow affects not only the morale of the recruited soldiers, but also the entire Alliance of Light.

Xu Lai has a record of winning many battles, powerful Seraphs and Holy Light Knights, the only ninth-level knight, as well as leadership skills and the blessing of the God of War statue.

Even so, morale declined at 10 points, and the side effects were so obvious.

A 2-point weakening of the luck attribute is equivalent to the fact that every person in the light camp has been weakened by at least one high-level treasure.

Xu Laidu is like this. The other troops in the Light Alliance, especially the major empires, basically have more losses than wins. Those who can maintain morale at 70 points are considered elite.

With this reduction, if there is a slight disadvantage on the battlefield, they will immediately scatter.

If it weren't for the fact that the heroes of the empire basically have leadership skills as standard, the leadership level of heroes with slightly higher levels is not low, which can effectively prevent the loss of high-level creatures.

This alone is a fatal blow to the Light Alliance, which is already on the verge of collapse, not to mention the lucky collateral losses.

But fortunately, after the blow, it gave the Light Alliance a glimmer of hope. The reward of doubling the basic growth rate is not small.

Especially for a city like Qingfeng City, if the basic growth rate is doubled, 16 angels can be pulled out of the Cloud City alone.

Moreover, the growth rate of the Cloud City in the wild is also doubled. The underground city can provide two, and the imperial capital Lionheart City plus the wild can provide 12.

Under the bonus of this special month, only top creatures can recruit 30 at a time, and soldiers of other levels have to start at a minimum of hundreds.

Before Xu Lai finished calculating in his mind, the statue of the god of war erected outside the castle gate suddenly flashed with golden light.

It was not long after the oracle came down, and the prayers of the priests had ended.

The god of war could not change the rules, and it was impossible to weaken or erase the effect of the Moon of Sorrow, but the statue of the god of war had the function of blessing morale.

Under the flashing golden light, the morale blessed by the statue of the god of war just offset the Moon of Sorrow.

For everyone in Qingfeng City, except that their luck will be worse this month, the impact is not really big.

And with Swan Lake behind them, everyone drinks a cup of Swan Lake water, and they can still maintain good luck until the next battle.

Xu Lai and others, even without relying on the bonus of the statue of the god of war, have full morale.

The golden light of the statue of the god of war just drives away the sad effect brought by the Moon of Sorrow.

"It's getting late, everyone go back and have a good rest.

Tomorrow, those who should celebrate will celebrate, those who should be on duty will be on duty, everything will be the same as before.

I just hope that I can still see you in this banquet hall on this day next year."

After saying that, Xu Lai stood up and left the table first.

Only Xu Lai left first, and the others dared to leave.

Harris, the castle steward, personally carried a magic lamp and sent off the guests on behalf of Xu Lai.

Everyone left in a line, and after leaving the castle, without exception, they saluted the statue of the god of war.

Even those heroes who came from heaven, the former atheists, did not dare to show the slightest disrespect when approaching the statue of the god of war. (End of this chapter)

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