The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 585 Qingfeng City's First Auction

The three-day holiday was over very quickly.

The month of mourning at the beginning of the year cast a shadow over the whole year.

The people of the Empire, who were not in the mood to celebrate, were even more lazy to do it now. Many people simply treated it as an ordinary day.

Especially those whose families were allocated fields, they were reluctant to rest for a day and refused to come back after going to the fields.

In such an atmosphere, even Qingfeng City was greatly affected.

On the contrary, after the three-day holiday, except for a few people who continued to rest, most people returned to their jobs.

Only by devoting themselves to passionate work did everyone's pent-up mood get relief.

Even the most miserable and tired miners, whether they were miners in the crystal cave or workers in the miners' town, only felt at ease when they picked up the mining drafts to work again.

The refugees from the Western Empire had actually fled to Qingfeng City.

You know, Qingfeng City is not on the border of the grassland. From the border of the Western Empire to the grassland, it is definitely a thousand, eight hundred miles, not to mention 108,000 miles.

When they completely conquered the Western Empire, the news came that the entire Western Empire, which originally had tens of millions of families and hundreds of millions of people, was now even less than one million.

Everyone was shocked to realize that although the orcs in the stronghold had been repelled, peace was far from coming.

A large number of buildings in the Western Empire were either flattened or directly transformed into cities of hell, and hell gates connecting to hell were being built everywhere.

The originally good farmland was transformed into a magma pool, and there were man-eating demons everywhere.

All the way to escape, there were bones everywhere, and the land was completely soaked with blood.

All the scenes were like purgatory returning to the world. Ordinary people were either fleeing and avoiding being hunted down, or being enslaved or slaughtered by demons.

Such news made the punished miners feel fortunate that a powerful hero like Xu Lai was born on the grassland.

At least now, they only need to finish their daily work to get a salary that is not much, but at least there is some.

In addition, the construction site provides food and accommodation, and sometimes even alcohol. The salary they receive can only be spent on holidays.

And although the work on the construction site is hard, as long as they have redeemed their sins, the rewards they can get are also very amazing.

But even if there is no reward, they can at least have a stable job, at least have food and drink, good conditions, and can sleep peacefully.

Unlike those poor people in the Western Empire, who are enslaved by demons, let alone being able to eat enough, even being able to drink some thin soup every day, they probably only dare to think about it in their dreams at night.

Not to mention the big fish and meat, they even tasted the taste of dragon meat some time ago.

The deeper the suffering of the people of the Western Empire, the more sad the news they brought, and the more active the residents of Qingfeng City and the grasslands worked.

The most obvious thing is that the residents of Qingfeng City spontaneously acted as transport workers after completing their daily work, helping to transport the ore from underground or from Conaston.

With the help of these people, the construction of the city wall of Qingfeng City has doubled in speed.

Xu Lai did not hire too many civilians before, because he mainly wanted to develop farmland and store more food to deal with the war.

Although there were many young and strong people who fled to Qingfeng City, they were not enough.

With the increasingly developed trade, the demand for young and strong labor has increased exponentially.

Xu Lai also recruited a large number of soldiers, security guards, municipal workers, expanded pastures, farms, built roads, fisheries, built post stations, etc.

Almost every job requires a lot of young and strong people.

Ordinary women and children can only do some not-too-heavy work such as feeding cattle, sheep and horses, handling fur, and helping to prepare meals.

This is also an important reason why men need to be treated preferentially by society, because they pay more, and if they cannot get more rewards, it is obviously unfair.

With the support of the Heart of the Castle, the construction speed of the city wall should have been very fast, but the farther the distance, the more time wasted in the process of transportation.

No one was responsible for the construction work, and ordinary people could not get involved.

The recruited farmers have an inherent advantage in this regard, just like a program module, as long as they join in, they can greatly increase the work efficiency.

This month is still a rare month of hope. The recruitment quota has doubled directly, and more than 300 farmers have been in place one after another.

These 300 farmers were put in, plus countless people voluntarily helped with transportation. In less than ten days, the city walls on all sides have already taken shape.

The remaining work is nothing more than the construction of crossbow towers, arrow towers, and the installation of towers and gates, as well as the arrangement of city defense equipment such as catapults.

This is not a short-term job, but undoubtedly, the most complicated and time-consuming work of building the city wall has been completed.

The only thing left is to repair a few gates, which is nothing more than a problem of the number of defense facilities, and it will not delay the normal use of the city wall.

The most important thing is that as the date of January 10 approaches, more and more dignitaries, heroes, wealthy people and lords appear in Qingfeng City.

So many people, especially those with status and position, appear in Qingfeng City.

If Qingfeng City fails to build a city wall, it will affect the image of Qingfeng City too much, and it will soon spread everywhere.

Xu Lai doesn't care much about his image, he is a pragmatist.

However, sometimes, when you reach a certain status and position, your image becomes something you have to pay attention to.

Apart from other things, just letting those refugees know that Qingfeng City is a city without even a city wall will inevitably reduce their willingness to come to Qingfeng City.

Because Xu Lai attaches great importance to the auction, the entire Qingfeng City also attaches great importance to this auction.

It just so happens that the lanterns and decorations hung during the New Year have not been removed yet, so everyone can plant some flowers and plants, make some decorations, and make some fireworks, etc., so that it looks good.

The residents of Qingfeng City also acted as enthusiastic guides today.

Those who come and go are either powerful or wealthy. Just a little bit of money leaking out of their fingers is enough for these common people to eat for several years.

The auction will not start until 10 o'clock, and those who come early are naturally unwilling to wait foolishly.

Moreover, the reputation of Qingfeng City has spread widely. These people came to participate in the auction and actually to inspect Qingfeng City.

After all, for many dignitaries, in addition to the artifacts, they have accumulated wealth for hundreds of years and have seen all kinds of treasures.

In peacetime, they may be willing to spend a lot of money to buy all kinds of top-level goods.

However, in this precarious time, they are more willing to concentrate their wealth in their hands, and buy hard currency such as food and soldiers.

It’s just a pity that they walked around the trading market in Qingfeng City and found that an ordinary 2nd-level infantry here can be sold for 500 gold coins.

Such an exaggerated price scared the lords who wanted to buy more soldiers back so much that their eyes almost popped out on the spot.

There is no way. The recruitment price of a 2nd-level infantry is only 50 gold coins. The price has directly doubled 10 times. Who can afford it?

But not long after, a strong man came to the market, followed by a dozen crossbowmen and archers.

"500 gold coins, you are asking for too much because there are too many people in the market, right?

400 gold coins each, I will take them all. If you don't like it, you can continue to wait in the market. I will report to the market manager later and ask him to at least increase the rent by 20% or 30%. "

The owner of the stall took a look at the man who came. The man was wearing a Qingfeng Corps uniform and was quite famous. He was in charge of logistics in the Qingfeng Corps.

This guy appeared in the market, and he must have come to recruit soldiers for the Qingfeng Corps.

With the identity of the man opposite, if he told the market manager, not only might the rent be increased, but he might even drive him out of the market.

"Haha, you're joking. I haven't seen you for a long time. You don't know that the market price has risen sharply recently."

"It's risen sharply, bullshit, I just bought these archers from the front, and other ranged troops haven't risen as much as yours."

The vendor smiled bitterly and said, "You buy these infantrymen back and put them in the swordsman training camp. Add some gold coins and they can all be exchanged for 5th-level swordsmen.

When the time comes, you can bring them back to the market. I don't know how much you can make."

"Bullshit, if I can bring them back to the market to sell, do I need you to teach me?

Stop talking nonsense, this month is the month of hope, and you have increased the number of soldiers tenfold. If the lord hadn't personally instructed me, I would have overturned your stall long ago."

"Hehe, okay, okay, a total of 20, you just pay 8,000 gold coins."

The field soldiers of the Moon of Hope have also doubled, but although the soldiers have doubled, the demand has increased several times.

Let alone other places, the nobles on the grassland alone have raised the price countless times.

There is no way, Jimmy is too fierce, and he never stops during the New Year.

Everyone thought that they could take a breath during the New Year and connect with each other, and maybe they could stop Jimmy's offensive.

Unexpectedly, they were not the only ones who had this idea. Several families that were related to Jimmy by marriage directly changed sides.

Jimmy's Knight Wind Corps not only did not lose its troops because of the capture of the city, but also annexed more than 5,000 troops.

Instead of leaving the property to Jimmy and his people to confiscate, it is better to use it to buy soldiers and food, and maybe it can last until the day when Aini said it would turn around.

It's just a pity that this group of people are used to being stingy, and they don't know Xu Lai's Qingfeng City at all, and they have already called the price three times.

This has led to that even if the price of recruiting soldiers has risen sharply now, everyone is more willing to pull people to Qingfeng City to sell.

At least in Qingfeng City, Xu Lai is not the only buyer. Those small lords and heroes who rely on Xu Lai for their livelihood will also be eligible to buy.

In addition, the reputation of Qingfeng City has spread. Apart from other things, there are countless lords and heroes who come to admire the statue of the God of War every day.

Therefore, the price in Qingfeng City is relatively more exaggerated.

When the nobles of Aini reacted and raised the price to 4 or 5 times, the current offer of Qingfeng City has reached ten times.

Of course, ten times is really too exaggerated, but Xu Lai has no time to manage it now.

Otherwise, Xu Lai will definitely deal with these profiteers who raise prices one by one.

Due to the imbalance of supply and demand, it is inevitable that the price will increase, but the highest increase in the surrounding areas is only 5 times. Isn't it obvious that the price is ten times higher in Qingfeng City?

However, even with such an exaggerated price, the logistics officer of Qingfeng City only slightly bargained for the price and took all the goods away decisively, without giving others a chance to react.

When Wang Chao led the recruited soldiers to the next stall, a nobleman with simple clothes and a calm and restrained temperament said to the vendor:

"Is the situation in your grassland area so tense now?"

The vendor shrugged and said in a rather helpless tone:

"If I were a grassland person, everyone with a discerning eye would know that the hero Xu from Qingfeng City would definitely be able to unify the grassland.

I heard that the herdsmen in many places are no longer willing to pay rent to the local lords, and are just waiting for the troops of Qingfeng City to attack.

Maybe the hero Xu is also guarding against the demon army, after all, Qingfeng City has erected a statue of the god of war.

As long as the statue of the god of war does not fall, the strength of the entire imperial army will be improved by a few points. The demons want to occupy this world, and they will come to the grassland to fight sooner or later."

The noble's eyes lit up when he heard it , said to the merchant: "I didn't expect that a small merchant like you would have such insight."

The merchant sneered and said: "What kind of insight do I have? The nobles of the Western Empire wanted to unite and call themselves a country, but they were directly shaken away by the demons.

Now the grassland and the Northern Empire are actively preparing for war, and the shadow of war is hanging over everyone's head.

Only merchants like us from the Southern Empire are still doing business desperately, sending precious soldiers thousands of miles to the grassland."

"Are you also from the Southern Empire? No wonder the price is so expensive, the freight on the road is very exaggerated."

The merchant smiled and said: "Actually, it's not bad. Take a sea ship to land in the Naga territory, and it's only a few hundred kilometers to transport it here. Some people make money, some people make money."

"Naga?" The nobles obviously didn't know that Qingfeng City had a connection with the Naga clan.

The merchant frowned and said, "Don't you know that the Naga tribe on the coast is an ally of Xu Yingxiong.

Recently, many merchant ships from the Southern Empire have docked at the Naga territory.

With the help of the east wind from Qingfeng City, a super-large trade transit city is being built on the territory of the Naga tribe.

Look, the one guarded by the team of eight-armed Nagas should be the little princess of the Naga tribe."

With Xu Lai's current status, there are very few people who need him to greet in person.

Bishop Dur just gathered his men and set off a few days ago. They have to walk thousands of miles away. Even if most of them are priest apprentices, it will take at least one or two months.

In addition to those in the temple who can be regarded as friends.

The only outsiders who need him to greet in person are the crown prince of the Northern Empire, Hausen and his party, and the two teams of Naga Princess Emilia. (End of this chapter)

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