The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 594 Street Patrol

The two-handed sword in Aini's hand had a cold light, and it looked like it was no ordinary equipment.

Although Aini himself has never personally charged into battle, the weapons and equipment equipped for him are really not bad.

And just because he doesn't go to the battlefield, it doesn't mean that Aini doesn't fight against others.

Relatively speaking, the nobles on the grassland are less corrupt than those in other places.

Because here, horseback riding and archery are skills that every grassland noble must master, otherwise they are destined to be laughed at by everyone else.

As for the nobles of the Northern and Southern Empires, they always traveled in luxurious carriages and had servants and entourages. They were corrupted at such a speed that it was jaw-dropping.

Aini admits that he is very experienced in dueling with others, especially using melee weapons to attack from a distance. If many people are not familiar with it, they will easily suffer.

Xu Lai didn't expect that there would be such a thing as sword energy. The speed of this thing was as fast as thunder and lightning.

With his agility, if he could detect the sword energy in advance before it was released, he might still be able to avoid it.

But once the sword energy is released, no matter how fast Xu Lai is, it will be too late to dodge.

However, Xu Lai didn't bother to hide. He just wanted to try Aini's ability.

The damage of the sword energy is pretty good, with a full 350 points of damage, and it's also magic damage.

In the past, Xu Lai might have cared about it, but now that he has put on the Triumph Skirt, 350 points of non-attributed sword energy is nothing.

After replacing the rune pattern trousers, after the ultimate resistance and anti-magic cloak reduced the spell damage, there was only 227.5 damage left.

The resistance and magic resistance of the anti-magic cloak have the same effect, and the skirt of triumph and the mysterious belt have the same effect, both of which reduce magic damage for a single person.

Adding the two together, it is two-thirds of the magic damage reduction. After the reduction, it only causes 75 points of magic damage.

It's a pity that Xu Lai didn't have an amulet with a magic shield, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to withstand the 75 points of damage.

75 points of damage, compared to Xu Lai's current exaggerated health value, is like a drizzle.

Not to mention healing spells, Xu Lai only needed to activate the Hand of Destiny in his backpack, and the 75 points of life lost would not take long to recover.

Seeing Xu Lai walking forward as if nothing had happened, Aini was stunned.

But soon, a smile appeared on Aini's face. In his eyes, Xu Lai must have replaced all the equipment with defense and life equipment.

Indeed, a qualified commander should do this.

Only if the commander survives long enough on the battlefield can he achieve final victory, or at worst, have a chance to start over.

Aini's own equipment has a similar number of options, and it is also focused on defense.

Equipment that focuses on defense has much lower attack power, so Aini doesn't have to worry about Xu Lai being able to kill him quickly.

Of course he didn't know that Xu Lai was now covered almost entirely with artifacts. With his huge financial resources and the fact that he had killed so many high-level opponents, his equipment was beyond what ordinary people could imagine.

Coupled with the terrifying level and attributes, Aini can easily be killed even without any attack equipment on his body.

However, Xu Lai did not take action casually. Although Aini withdrew the hidden guards in front of him, he deployed at least 3 or 40 level 7 assassination masters between the guards behind him and his own back.

However, once the assassination master takes action, he will immediately act.

Aini was also not sure whether these assassination masters could kill Xu Lai who was fully defensive after he restrained Xu Lai with a trap.

Therefore, he planned to use his own abilities to exchange waves with Xu Lai, trying to get him into a moderate or even seriously injured state.

In this case, not only will his trap be able to restrain the opponent for a longer period of time, but the assassination master will also be able to kill the opponent faster.

However, as soon as the two sides met, Aini immediately changed his mind.

His whole body flew out under Xu Lai's terrifying power. Fortunately, the swords of both sides collided with each other, and each of them was considered a block, thus reducing a lot of damage.

But even so, the gap in strength also caused Aini to fly out.

The assassination masters are just invisible, but they can still be encountered.

As soon as Aini flew, he immediately bumped into these assassination masters.

There was a human cushion, and Ani didn't fly very far.

But the strange figure that stopped immediately made Xu Lai realize that there were a large number of invisible enemies behind Aini.

Subconsciously, Xu Lai threw out a True Vision Guard from his space backpack.

It was also the delay in this action that failed to allow Xu Lai to escape the trap set by Aini.

The True Vision Guard landed, and the hunters hiding behind Aini immediately revealed themselves.

Elvi in ​​the sky, Roland and Yu Lan behind her, Giselle and others below the city were all very angry.

Roland immediately rushed forward, raised his sacred armor, and protected Xu Lai.

Yu Lan did not hesitate and used the spell on the withered vine staff to directly cover Aini's body.

Natural entanglement: Spend 20 mana points to summon a magic root with 100 power points to entangle the specified target.

Even Xu Lai's strength value is not 100 points. Aini is an artifact that adds strength to the whole body, so it is impossible for it to be 100 points.

Not surprisingly, Aini was entangled with the withered vine staff on the spot.

The entangled target cannot move, attack, or defend, and can only cast spells.

Countless vines tightly wrapped around Aini's body, but they did not affect his ability to maintain the trap.

Coincidentally, Aini's trap is also a entanglement type, but it is not made of vines, but a golden magic rope.

This thing is much more powerful than the natural entanglement released by Lan temporarily.

Only this time, there are not many traps set, and only Aini is releasing them.

When it was set up as a super-large trap, tens of thousands of thunderbirds and tens of thousands of rocs were shackled together.

Xu Lai's power is extremely terrifying, but this magic trap was prepared in advance, and he can't get rid of it no matter how he struggles.

"It's really you, this trap has been set for several months."

Aini sneered and said, "It's nothing more than your own stupidity, haha."

Before Aini's sneer ended, a dense rain of arrows flew from the city, and the assassins who rushed out from behind Aini were all hit without exception.

Giselle, equipped with an artifact-level longbow, the only 9th-level ranger, showed a terrifying side at this moment.

Her hands flew, the bowstring was constantly plucked, and in three or two seconds, dozens of arrows with countless phantoms were shot out.

In order to be on the safe side, Giselle did not expect the phantom arrows to kill people.

But in fact, the phantom arrows, with the blessing of the artifact, are extremely powerful.

Assassins are good at attacking, and their defense and life are extremely fragile.

The overwhelming rain of arrows instantly covered Aini's front, back, left and right.

No matter what posture the killers rushed out, whether they were rushing forward, jumping up, or on their eyebrows or temples, there was always a fatal arrow inserted.

Arrows with a sure-hit effect, it can be said that as long as Giselle is staring at them, they can't run away.

The most correct thing Xu Lai did was to throw down the True Vision Guard in time.

Otherwise, even with the True Vision Gem, Giselle, who was very far away, would not be able to provide timely support.

The wall that was full just now was directly cleared in less than two seconds, and this was when there was only one shooter.

The sudden appearance of a large number of assassins also frightened Giselle, so that she had no time to give orders to other Phantom Sword Saints and Phantom Archers.

Seeing the field being cleared in an instant, Aini was stunned, looking around him blankly and helplessly.

Except for some recruited soldiers, whose morale had not completely collapsed, they could still be seen.

Most of the remaining people had already run away without a trace.

Mercenaries do things for money, but the premise is that they have to live to take the money.

A shooter cleared half of the city wall in less than two seconds, and he was able to accurately avoid Aini.

With such a horrible scene, only a fool would stay here and wait for death.

Xu Lai waved his hand and called out to Elvy who rushed down in time, otherwise, before Aini woke up from his confusion, Elvy would have cut off his head with a sword.

"Heh, to kill you, I only need to blink my eyes.

A duel is the last chance I leave for you. It's ridiculous that you think I'm stupid."

Xu Lai was very angry, but the angrier he was, the less he wanted to kill the other party so easily.

Aini wanted to run, but countless white rays shot from behind. It was the mages that Yu Lan had ordered long ago, who released the enhanced freezing rays in time.

The white light on Aini's body flashed continuously, and the amulets and equipment with magic shields were triggered one after another.

It's a pity that if one or two mages cast spells, they might be able to resist it.

But these dozens of rays hit, and the damage was instantly full. Only Aini had a few magic equipment to protect his body, otherwise he might be blown up instantly.

Xu Lai obviously wanted to keep Aini, so Yu Lan asked people to release freezing rays instead of fire rays.

The damage of freezing rays is not high, and its greatest use is that it can freeze the enemy.

Although the probability is not high, after Aini's magic shield was broken, at least 4 or 5 hits were made, and he was directly frozen into an ice lump.

Xu Lai smiled and said to Roland who rushed over: "This guy, I leave it to you. After thawing, immediately strip him naked and hang him up.

Pay attention, shave all his hair for me, don't leave a single hair on his body."

The indigenous nobles did not have such things as space backpacks. They could only use space equipment.

However, in this world, there are countless strange equipment. Who knows if there will be space equipment hidden as hair.

Theoretically, this is possible, but of course not in reality, but Xu Lai does not want such a meaningless risk.

What's more, Xu Lai hung Aini up just to humiliate him.

Since it is a humiliation, should he be polite?

The frozen Aini can still hear Xu Lai's words.

His eyes were wide open, and he stared at Xu Lai with endless resentment.

However, this did not work at all, it was nothing more than incompetent rage.

Xu Lai smiled contemptuously and ignored Aini who was taken away.

Hancock had already opened the gate of the new castle with great foresight. Elena led the priests into the city quickly, intending to appease the panicked people in the city.

Of course, the battle was not over. The recruited soldiers who were still loyal to Aini still bravely charged towards Xu Lai and his men.

But as the mercenaries and paladins charged, even the angels joined the battle. Aini's hair had not been shaved yet, and the battle was completely over.

Hancock took thousands of hired mercenaries and swaggered with Xu Lai's orders to take over the mercenary guild in the city and guard the surrendered prisoners.

This was exactly the purpose of Xu Lai bringing them here, as he really didn't have enough manpower.

After being completely stripped naked and hanging Aini on the flag captured by Xu Lai with extremely thin chains that completely pierced his skin, the castle, which still had thousands of soldiers left, surrendered without a fight.

So far, most of the wealth accumulated by the Aini family for hundreds of years has almost all fallen into Xu Lai's hands.

Elvy completely took over the castle, and Yu Lan also moved in with the mages.

Giselle took the phantom shooter and some mercenaries and stationed on the city wall.

The remaining mercenaries became temporary security guards, responsible for maintaining order in the city and guarding the surrendered prisoners.

Roland, on the other hand, left some of the Paladins and Holy Light Knights at the City Hall, and then led his men and horses, holding high the Aini hanging on the flagpole and parading through the city.

As a high-level noble, even if all his equipment was stripped, Aini's strength was not low.

Speaking of which, this flag was temporarily found by Aini, after all, his real flag had been confiscated by Reina in the previous battle.

Therefore, the durability of this flag was not very high. With his strength, he could completely break free even with the help of a thin iron chain.

It's just that the iron chain was too tight, and every time he struggled, the iron chain went into his flesh.

He struggled hard, not only did he bleed profusely, but the key was that the pain was so severe that it was simply beyond the endurance of a pampered noble like him.

But Xu Lai was unwilling to let him die like this, and specifically asked Roland to pay attention to Aini's health.

When it was lower than 30%, Roland would find a Paladin and release a Holy Healing to keep Aini alive.

In this way, Aini couldn't die even if he wanted to.

And this guy was indeed hated. Roland took him to the streets and immediately attracted countless rotten eggs and rotten leaves.

So much so that Roland didn't dare to get too close to Aini, which only made the soldiers who held the flag for Aini suffer. They were thrown all over their bodies without a single piece of good meat.

After patrolling a street, the people on that street felt unsatisfied, and most of them followed the team and turned to the second street.

Being naked, not only did he have to be pointed at, but he also had to be criticized by people, and even had to taste all kinds of stains that he would never approach normally.

After patrolling a street, Aini had already collapsed.

Seeing that Roland was about to walk to another street, Aini collapsed and cried:

"General, can you tell your master?

Tell him that I am still useful, and ask him to come and talk to me. I am willing to help him to the best of my ability.

I don't ask him to spare my life, but only to let him die. Please, General, please inform me."

Aini was probably unable to hold on any longer, and Roland even heard her crying. (End of this chapter)

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