The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 595 Swear in the name of His Majesty the God of War

Roland hesitated for a moment, then called back the few mercenaries who were responsible for clearing the way, and asked them to look at Aini while he went to report to Xu Lai.

After all, Aini's identity and status are here. He said he would help Xu Lai. Roland thought this should be possible.

Diehards like them would always spare no effort to find a way to accomplish Xu Lai's good deeds.

Roland is only responsible for communicating, so whenever possible, he will report it to Xu Lai.

However, Xu Lai frowned. Judging from the grudge between him and Aini, he didn't believe that Aini would help him.

"Did he say anything else?"

Roland said: "Maybe he was afraid that you wouldn't believe it, so he even shared his contact information with the stronghold.

They communicated through the magic communication stone and through the chief mage advisor Parame who was far away from the stronghold.

Moreover, he also said that our raid was very fast, so he didn't have time to notify Palame, and the stronghold probably didn't know the news yet. "

Xu Lai touched his chin and said: "In this case, this guy wants to use information that the orcs don't know yet to trick the orcs.

He also knew very well that only under such conditions could he possibly be able to move me. "

Xu Lai was indeed very moved. You must know that the Gobi Desert where the stronghold is located has too few resources, otherwise he would not be thinking about human land.

If the Beast King wants to make a desperate move this time, he will definitely need help from Aini, otherwise there will definitely be problems with the supply of the army.

Unless the Beast King is still the same as before, only dispatching part of his troops, and then mobilizing the resources of the entire tribe to supply the front line.

It's just that this method has been frustrated once before, and it consumed the soldiers and hoarded resources of the stronghold camp in vain.

If this happens again and fails again, the stronghold camp may not be able to recover for decades.

This is also the reason why the stronghold has already received news of the chaos in the grassland, but there has been no movement.

Although swamp creatures don't like to live on other terrains, it doesn't mean that they can't live in other places.

Besides, the land in swamp areas is always limited.

The reproduction and survival of swamp organisms, as well as the expansion of their populations, require sufficient soil.

If the stronghold camp suffers heavy losses again, Swamp will never give up this opportunity and will take advantage of the situation to transform more territory into Swamp territory.

As for the peace agreement signed by both parties, for the leaders of both parties, it is really hard to wipe their butts.

"Lang Jun, are you really tempted?"

Seeing Xu Lai's hesitation, Yu Lan asked quickly.

Xu Lai frowned and said: "If the stronghold mobilizes the power of the whole country, it will be a big trouble for us.

Moreover, even if we are lucky enough to defeat them again, don't forget that Kerrigan is still eyeing us. "

Not only Cregan, but also the undead are coveting the lands of the empire.

There is no way, human beings are the most ideal consumables and test subjects for the undead, and the human land is also the most fertile.

It's just that the undead don't want to conflict with Kerrigan yet, and elves are also very suitable materials besides humans.

Humans can summon skeleton soldiers, turn them into zombies, vampires, and even summon mid-to-high-level soldiers such as black warriors, dark knights, and lichs.

But in the barrier camp, there are also the undead's top troops, bone dragons, green dragons, golden dragons and fairy dragons, all of which are extremely popular materials for the undead.

Yu Lan sighed. She didn't know that Xu Lai was telling the truth.

But Aini and Xu Lai had such a deep grudge that it was impossible for her to believe Aini.

If something goes wrong in the meantime, and they think the insidious stronghold is not reached, but they fall into the stronghold's trap, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Anyway, this guy is not trustworthy. Lang Jun, you must not trust him easily. I bet that this guy must be holding back his bad intentions and want to harm others."

It was rare that Yu Lan spoke so fiercely, which showed that Yu Lan was really not optimistic.

Xu Lai pondered for a long time and then ordered Roland:

"Bring him here first. No matter what, we must first listen to what he has to say."

In just over a quarter of an hour, Aini returned to his former castle.

But before, he entered in a luxury carriage, but now he was naked and tied to a flagpole and carried in.

The people serving in the castle are still the same servants and servants as before.

Xu Lai didn't have the time or manpower to replace them, so he just imprisoned the person in charge.

When outside, just seeing those former territorial residents made Aini so ashamed that he died of shame.

Now the servants who once served him are still living well, but his master has become what he is now.

Aini lowered his head as much as possible so that others could not see him clearly.

Of course, this was all in vain. His hands, feet, and head were all tied up. Even if he lowered his head a little while enduring the pain, how could he cover it all?

"Tell me, what do you think?

If you say it well, I may not be able to spare your life. "

Aini, who was forced to kneel in front of Xu Lai, his eyes brightened, but immediately dimmed and said:

"Haha, it's impossible. I would have to be a fool to believe this.

I no longer ask for a way out, I just ask you to give me a happy life for the sake of me helping you. "

Xu Lai stared at Aini, but Aini did not dare to look at Xu Lai, but stared blankly at the stone floor of his home.

Contrary to Aini's own expectations, the question he was thinking about at this moment was not how to get revenge on Xu Lai, or how to survive.

What he was thinking about at this time was why the castles in these two cities were not covered with carpets in the first place.

Xu looked at it for a long time, but didn't see anything interesting at all. He frowned and said:

“I don’t believe what someone who wants to die says.

If you really want to die, there is a pillar over there. If you hit it with a little force, I guarantee that you will not die but will be partially disabled.

Besides, you're just tied up with chains, and you can still bite your tongue.

The worst thing you can do is use your neck to grind the iron chain. Grinding the iron chain into your throat will still kill you. "

Aini finally raised his head, but unlike before, there was finally a trace of dodge and guilt in his eyes.

"That hurts too much. I just want you to give me a good time. It's not difficult to do."

Bang, Xu Lai snapped his fingers and said:

"It is indeed not difficult to do, but why should I do this? You first restricted my development, and then you simply sent someone to assassinate me.

I gave you a chance for a fair duel because of the help you gave me, but you still set up a trap to plot against me.

So, why should I let you die so happily?

Where we come, there is a kind of punishment called Lingchi. To explain it in the words of this world, it means being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

How about it, do you want to try it?

There may not be an executioner with such skill in this world. Maybe you will be dead by the time you cut off hundreds of pieces of flesh without using thousands of knives. "

Xu Lai must kill the other party, but when it comes to hatred, he actually doesn’t hate him much.

After all, although Aini has been targeting him, he has never really caused any harm to him. Instead, he robbed the opponent's city and killed the opponent's eldest son.

Without hatred, Xu Lai had no motivation to do such a cruel thing.

Hanging the opponent on the flagpole was not only to humiliate Aini, but also to shock those nobles who still follow Aini.

The tradition of hundreds or even years ago has made many people stubborn. Even in the two cities that Xu Lai occupied, there are still people who oppose him openly or covertly.

If only Xu Lai could have hung Aini on the flagpole for a tour when he was at Kaunaston Castle.

He can guarantee that there will never be an incident involving the mercenary guild in the future, nor will there be any problems where every village refuses to obey and requires him to clean up one by one.

Aini's body trembled. Just the name of the punishment was already unacceptable to him.

Xu Lai didn't even explain in detail, but simply scared him, and Aini couldn't stop himself.

After decades of pampering, Aini couldn't bear the pain of being killed by a headbutt or cutting his own throat, let alone having his flesh cut off one by one.

"No, please, I am serious, I can help you, and those orcs will only believe in me."

After all, Ani and the orcs had actually cooperated once before.

The two parties have a basis for cooperation and know each other's position. The only thing they don't know is that Aini has become Xu Lai's prisoner.

Xu Lai smiled contemptuously, ignored Aini, but asked another unrelated question:

"Why don't you trust me to give you a way to survive?"

Aini didn't know how to answer, but it seemed that if he didn't answer this question, Xu Lai wouldn't believe him at all.

"Because if it were me, I would definitely not let my enemy live."

Xu Lai smiled slightly and said: "To judge others by yourself, what do you think you are like, so you also think what I am like.

So if I tell you that in fact I don’t really care about your life or death, and I have never executed anyone who has done merit for me, would you believe it?

One of my deputy captains of the knights went to the battlefield with Reina. You may have seen him before. His name is Naru, and he is a young heroic knight.

If I remember correctly, it was you who asked for help when he advanced to become a knight. "

This matter is already a bit far away, but in this magical world, Aini's intelligence is not low, and his memory is naturally not low either.

After thinking for a while, Aini said: "I still have the impression that he is the son of the horse thief king Bello."

Xu Lai nodded and said: "Yes, it's the Bello who I wiped out and took away all the lairs.

His son, who was once my personal knight, is now one of my knight captains. Do you think I killed his father? "

Although he couldn't believe it, he had indeed seen the young knight on the battlefield, and Aini was very impressed with him.

Such a talented knight, if he hadn't been worried that the other party was Bello's son, he would have definitely tried every means to get him to serve as Jerry's retinue.

Since the other party appeared on the battlefield and had such a position, Xu Lai probably did not kill Bello, otherwise he would not have dared to let the other party serve as a bodyguard knight.

"Belo and I are different. The people you killed, Bero, were all just subordinates and had no relatives.

You also killed my eldest son, who is my blood relative and my heir. You can't trust me. "

Xu Lai smiled coldly and said: "Then you think too highly of yourself, you have nothing, and your son has nothing to inherit.

Besides, do people like you still have so-called family ties? "

Aini was silent and said nothing.

Xu Lai ignored him and said to himself: "Listen carefully, if you can help me, help the entire grassland, find a way to kill those orcs.

Not only can I give you a happy life, I can even spare your life and let you die in a more comfortable place.

At the same time, I will not hide any of your achievements and will report them to the temple in full.

At that time, you were at best a loser in the civil war, rather than a traitor or traitor to the entire human race. There might still be hope of preserving the glory of your family. "

Originally, Aini didn't care about what Xu said because he didn't believe it at all.

But what Xu said later had to make Aini's heart flutter.

You know, in this world, the master of the empire can change at any time, but the nobles will always be nobles.

The history of the empire may only be a thousand years old, but the history of some noble families goes back thousands of years.

Aini no longer expects his family to develop under Xu Lai.

But as long as Xu Lai does what he says, then there may really be hope of wiping away the dirty water that Aini poured on his family.

By then, even if his family is still powerless, it will at least retain its title and status as a noble, and there will be hope for a comeback in the future.

Most of those wandering nobles came here, and other nobles were more willing to give these people a chance.

Because even a wandering noble can at least still read and write, and may regain his family's talent and become better and better behaved than ordinary people.

There are many things, the most fearful thing is that there is no hope.

Aini had hope in his heart, but suddenly he didn't want to die anymore. The key is that Xu Lai did promise that he would not die, even if Aini didn't believe it was true deep down, but what if?

Seeing Aini's behavior, Xu Lai knew that he was moved, so he struck while the iron was hot and said:

“The situation I’m talking about is the most optimistic situation.

In fact, I think you may not be able to meet such conditions, but no matter what, I can give you a happy experience. "

"What kind of conditions are necessary to achieve what you just said?"

Before Xu could finish speaking, Aini couldn't wait to ask.

Xu Lai was convinced, thought for a while and said: "If you can let the prairie people repel the orc attack without paying too much, I can spare your life.

If on this basis, the orcs can be severely damaged so that they will not dare to venture into the grasslands in the next ten or even decades, I can consider helping your family restore its reputation. "

"Do you dare to swear in the name of His Majesty the God of War in front of the priest of the temple?"

Aini's longing eyes were staring at Xu Lai. (End of chapter)

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