The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 597 No One Left Behind

Aini's explanation to Xu Lai gave Xu Lai a vague premonition.

Sure enough, Aini continued: "You can prepare some dead soldiers and let them hide the poison somewhere in their bodies in advance.

According to the customs of the orcs in the stronghold, captured ordinary humans, such as farmers and herdsmen, will be kept as slaves and prepared as rations.

But if it is a warrior, it will usually directly become the rations of ogres and Cyclops.

Behemoths generally do not eat ordinary humans and low-level warriors. Middle-level or high-level warriors are the favorites of high-level giants and Behemoths. "

"You mean, using living people as poison and giving them to the orcs as sacrifices?"

The dissatisfaction in Xu Lai's tone was almost ready to be heard.

Aini smiled and said: "This is the safest method. Shamans will never doubt a living person, and it will definitely work."

Xu Lai gently raised his foot, kicked Aini down to the ground and said: "I'm afraid it won't work, bastard!

If you can only offer such bad ideas, then I don't mind sending you to see His Majesty the God of War now to see if he thinks I broke my oath. "

The God of War is the only belief in the empire. You can live in the empire without any faith. If you have any faith, you can only believe in the God of War.

If you want to become a noble in the empire, you must believe in the God of War. Even if Aini is just a believer with little faith, he will be under the control of the God of War after his death.

Aini didn't dare to get angry even after being kicked down by Xu Lai.

As for whether Xu Lai violated his oath by killing him, Aini believes that he definitely did not violate it.

Because his proposal would not be adopted at all, it would naturally not be of any help to repel the orcs.

Of course, Xu Lai couldn't lie to him, because this was a very costly thing.

It can only be said that Aini had no good intentions in offering such a strategy.

On the one hand, he really wanted Xu Lai to defeat or repel the orcs.

Because the orcs were not repelled, the conditions Xu Lai promised him before would definitely not be fulfilled.

Aini couldn't expect the orcs to kill Xu Lai and rescue him at the same time.

He was a prisoner now. Even if Xu Lai died in the battle, there were still ways to kill Aini first.

Therefore, the best ending is for Xu Lai to successfully free himself after driving the orcs out.

But it is necessary to take advantage of the orc invasion to severely damage Xu Lai's power. It is best to defeat both sides, so as to give him a chance to rise again.

According to Aini, if Xu Lai wanted to poison a Behemoth, he would at least need to sacrifice a warrior of level 4 or above.

These are only the 7th-level Behemoth and the 7th-level Cyclops. If you want to feed the 8th-level Behemoth and the 8th-level Cyclops King, what level of warriors must you send?

Based on the food intake of these creatures, how many soldiers must be sent to fill their stomachs.

How much poison do these warriors have to carry to ensure that these giants and beasts with terrifying health values ​​are poisoned?

Moreover, toxin deployment is also a big problem.

Since the poison must be violent, it is best to kill these giants and beasts immediately without giving the shamans a chance to save them.

However, if the toxin explodes too quickly, it will be easily detected by the orcs, and the captives will have to be inspected.

At that time, all the poisonous people sent over will become free lunch.

No matter from which aspect, Xu Lai could not agree to such a proposal.

After Aini was kicked, he obviously did not dare to speak randomly again.

After a while, Aini spoke again:

"If you don't agree with the plan to poison people, then you can only use chronic poison to poison cattle, sheep and livestock.

If it is just a chronic poison, it will be difficult for a collective outbreak to occur depending on the individual, and there will be a huge risk of exposure.

Moreover, people like ogres and Behemoths are similar to wild beasts and have a certain ability to resist poison.

If it is a chronic poison, it is basically impossible to kill them immediately.

The shamans in the stronghold are good at various natural spells, and detoxification is a spell that every shaman must learn. "

Xu Lai frowned and said, "All shamans must learn the detoxification technique? So, can their detoxification technique be able to get rid of any poison?"

Ani shook his head and said: "Of course that's impossible. We have been fighting the orcs for hundreds of years, and we know very well what the orcs are capable of.

Their detoxification technique can only expel some simple toxins, such as snake venom and bacterial venom among natural creatures.

Ordinary detoxification techniques have no effect on the more powerful mutated toxins, or mixed toxins prepared from multiple toxins.

However, some of their high-level shamans also have a more powerful poison-repelling technique.

I forgot its name. I only know that this detoxification technique is quite powerful and can expel basically any toxin. "

"Can any toxin be expeled?"

Aini thought for a moment and then said: "We haven't tried all the poisons, but all the poisons we have tried so far can basically be expelled."

Xu Lai frowned and asked, "Is there a poison that only targets orc genes and is ineffective on other people?"

"Orc genes? What is that?"

Xu Lai thought for a while and said: "You can understand it as bloodline, just like talent. It is something that is only passed down among orcs."

After thinking for a moment, Aini said: "Yes, yes, I originally wanted to tell you.

Creatures like orcs are very savage, so when this creature was born, it probably had a gene that prohibited predators of its own race.

To them, the flesh and blood of the same kind contains toxins, and it only affects the orcs themselves.

It's just that this kind of poison is difficult to kill strong orcs, unless they eat it to their death.

Of course, although this kind of poison generally cannot poison orcs, it would be okay if we just use it as a medicine and specially develop a poison specific to orcs. "

Xu Lai's eyes lit up and he said, "In other words, does this kind of poison really exist?"

Aini nodded affirmatively and said: "Yes, we nobles, in order to prevent others from assassinating and poisoning, we hired a lot of poison masters and assassins.

Our family has done a lot of research on orcs, but we actually have such a formula. If prepared according to the proportion, it can 100% poison the orcs, but it is ineffective against other creatures.

Moreover, because it is non-toxic to other organisms, even poison identification techniques cannot identify it unless the poison is identified separately.

Moreover, due to the influence of blood, even high-level shamans cannot completely dispel this poison. Only the purification and resurrection of priests can completely eliminate the influence of this poison. "

Xu Lai said slowly: "Since there are such things, and you didn't say anything before, is it because they are difficult to obtain?"

Aini smiled bitterly and said: "There is naturally a reason why our family has shelved this formula.

To prepare this poison, the first thing that is indispensable is the flesh and blood of the orcs, and it must be fresh flesh and blood.

This alone is already difficult to satisfy. You must know that orcs eat big-eared monsters, so low-level monsters like big-eared monsters in strongholds are completely useless.

At the very least, it requires materials such as orc warriors and wolf cavalry.

In addition, orcs are strong and strong, so to prepare poison that can kill orcs, the level of materials required is also extremely high.

Basically, in addition to the poison, preparing a poison that can kill an orc requires at least 500 gold in terms of material cost alone.

In addition, the labor required for large-scale preparation of poisons, poison masters and the like.

Moreover, after the medicine is prepared, it cannot be eaten directly by the orcs. It must be smeared on arrows and swords, or the cattle and sheep can eat it in advance and give it to the orcs.

The former is not very effective. It can only cause continuous poison damage to the orcs and increase the output, but cannot directly kill the orcs. "

Aini was still explaining, but Xu Lai said directly: "Are the other ingredients in your formula difficult to buy?"

Aini was stunned, thought about it carefully and said, "If you configure a small amount, it is certainly not difficult to buy.

But if the quantity is relatively large, it will be difficult to say, and if purchased in large quantities, the price of materials will inevitably increase. "

Before Aini finished speaking, Xu Lai waved his hand to stop him and said: "The price increase is nothing, as long as it is a problem that can be solved with money, it is not a problem.

A large amount of gold coins were just seized from your house, conservatively estimated to be several million.

Even if a serving of poison costs 1,000 gold coins, it is almost enough for tens of thousands of servings.

If that's not enough, don't you have a castle waiting for me at home? "

Aini choked immediately.

When Xu Lai captured Kaunaston Castle, he did not capture the castle immediately.

As a result, Aini was able to transfer assets in advance. Although not all of them were transferred, a lot of them were transferred.

Coupled with those that escaped outside the city and those that Aini stored in other manors and castles, it was not a small sum.

What's more, his space ring also always stores a large amount of gold coins to deal with various emergencies.

The millions that Xu Lai mentioned were only confiscated from the castle.

If the manors outside the city were also searched and another castle was knocked down, the assets of the Aini family alone would cost tens of millions.

This is just cash, excluding the antiques, calligraphy and paintings, decorations and the like collected by Aini.

Spending nearly ten million gold coins to poison ten thousand orcs may not necessarily succeed.

It seemed like a very uneconomical thing, but Xu Lai almost didn't have to pay for this money.

If you sell off the assets of the Aini family and save hundreds of thousands of poisons for the orcs, even if you only succeed in tens of thousands of them and poison tens of thousands of orcs, it will still be in vain.

The most important thing is that so many people died at the beginning of the war, which had a huge impact on the morale of the stronghold camp.

You must know that the morale of this world can actually affect everyone.

Moreover, the status of orcs who can enjoy fresh flesh and blood will not be low, and they are likely to be mid-to-high-level officers and mid-to-high-level warriors.

These are all mainstay characters. Let alone all of them die, even if only one or two die, it will have a big impact.

Of course, it was impossible for Xu Lai not to adopt this plan, which cost him nothing and could inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

After being angry for a long time, he finally had to face reality. Aini had to face the fact that his family property had become someone else's.

"But there is another very important question. Where are we going to get so much orc flesh and blood?" Yu Lan reminded.

This is a problem. When Qingfeng City held an auction before, Xu Lai got to know a few slave traders.

At that time, they wanted to put their slaves on the auction stage, but Xu Lai did not agree. Instead, he negotiated a price and bought all their human slaves.

Xu Lai himself could not put an end to the phenomenon of slavery. All he could do was to prevent his city from participating in the slave trade.

Xu Lai was worried about the newly established reputation of his city if he robbed those slave merchants.

But if he buys them according to the market price, then he himself will become the largest slave merchant, and it is estimated that many people will bring slaves to him.

As slave traders, those people naturally own more than just human slaves.

In fact, human slaves were not popular because they were illegal in the empire and could only be traded secretly.

There are two types of slaves that are more popular, one is orcs and the other is elves.

In addition to having a larger appetite, the former is really good at work. Not only does he have a good physique, he also has terrifying strength.

One orc can do the work of several humans, and his endurance is quite strong.

As for elves, it comes from the well-known reason that both men and women are too beautiful.

But at that time, Xu Lai only bought all the human slaves.

Because human men and women can promote population growth, and Xu Lai has conquered so many cities and has castles everywhere, they all need people who can be trusted.

Xu Lai bought them, no longer restricted their freedom, and provided them with jobs. He could be considered a benefactor after all, and it was easier to train them into his own people.

Some of them will follow Jilong to this city and be responsible for Xu Lai's food and daily life in this castle.

Whether they are orcs or elves, they are hunted by slave-catching teams from various teleportation arrays.

Not only humans are doing this kind of thing, the orcs have also done the same thing. Xu Lai also saved a lot of humans in the orc city.

Unfortunately, although they can provide a certain amount of orc slaves, the number will never be large.

Fortunately, after asking the poison master that Aini had hired, everyone knew that the flesh and blood of the orcs was just the introduction to the medicine, not the key to poisoning the orcs.

Therefore, a serving of poison does not require much orc flesh and blood, and one orc can make hundreds of servings of poison.

"Very well, then, we need to do several things simultaneously.

The first is to tightly block the news and create the illusion that Aini has escaped from prison tonight. You, Yu Lan, will handle this matter. You are a mage. If necessary, you can use magic to create chaos or illusions.

The second thing is you, Aini, immediately worry about all the assassins, poison masters and the like you can find. The treatment is easy to say. I will ask Roland to assist you. "

Roland is a Holy Light Knight, and the Paladins he leads are the most fearless of assassins and poisons.

If Aini wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, with the strength of Roland and others, they could control and kill him instantly.

“The third thing is to immediately prepare all preparations for making poison, including purchasing materials and orcs for making poison, preparing livestock for the orcs, etc.

I will leave these things to Hancock here, but one city alone may not be able to collect them all.

So I need you all to try your best to collect relevant materials as much as possible. "

Yu Lan immediately said: "I will send a message to Sister Su Ya and Viscount Jimmy later, asking them to purchase these materials regardless of cost in all the cities we control."

Elena also followed closely: "I will also report to the temple and ask the bishops of the temple to release relevant tasks in major cities, just."

But before he finished speaking, Xu Lai immediately said with understanding: "Don't worry, I will provide all the rewards for the tasks.

In addition, Yu Lan, please notify Jimmy by the way and tell him that I will only give those nobles the last three days.

If they do not surrender within these three days and hand over ownership of all territories and troops, I will purge their entire family after I capture their city.

At that time, all members of their family will be executed, no one will be spared! "

Xu Lai rarely does that kind of decisive thing, especially one that involves the entire family, possibly even minors.

But compared to what he had to face next, he had to have a complete and controllable grassland. He really didn't have time to slowly conquer them. (End of chapter)

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