Saiyue Castle, a small fortress on the edge of the grassland, is owned by a baron who was canonized by the Aini family in a corner east of Conaston Castle a hundred years ago.

Pingfeng Grassland is in the northwest corner of the empire. Saiyue Castle goes east and officially enters the territory of the Northern Empire.

Before the empire split, this margin was not obvious, after all, it was all the land of the empire.

But Aini did not choose to join the Northern Empire camp, which offended all the nobles of the Northern Empire.

Therefore, except for Saiyue Castle, almost all the land to the east was swallowed up by the Northern Empire.

The only two affiliated villages are limited to their own villages. Once they leave the village and encounter a patrol team from the Northern Empire, they will be subject to a head tax.

The owner of Saiyue Castle is Aini's loyal subordinate. His ancestors have been knights and squires of the Aini family for generations, including Thomas, who was killed by Xu Lai, who is the blood of Baron Saiyue.

Relying on such a relationship, Baron Saiyue obtained the title of baron and helped the Aini family guard the gateway to the Northern Empire.

Going further north from Saiyue Castle is the Pingfeng Mountains, but on this section of the Pingfeng Mountains, there are magic towers built by tower mages.

If the orcs want to enter from this side, they need to invade the tower camp first. The beast king must be crazy to provoke two major camps at once.

Moreover, the towers usually occupy high mountain snowfields. They only train mechanical units and gargoyles, and the mages have to rely on trading with the empire for their survival resources.

If the orcs invade the tower, it would be like their heads being squeezed by the door.

Moreover, the stronghold is a camp with weak magic. If they rob the tower mages of their high magic environment, they will not be able to play any role at all.

Therefore, Saiyue Castle has always only needed to prevent enemies from the east. The east wall has been reinforced, and various city defense equipment are also arranged on the east.

However, today, the south of this fortress ushered in the enemy for the first time.

That direction is facing the economic and political center of the grassland, Konaston Castle.

Baron Saiyue personally sat on the top of the city wall, and behind him were dozens of knights from the old, middle and young generations of the Saiyue family.

It must be said that the Saiyue family is the closest family to the Aini family.

If it weren't for the fact that his origin was too low and the first generation of ancestors were just slaves of the Aini family, Jimmy would not have been the leader of the Knights.

However, at this time, the former leader of the Knights had already brought the army to the city and gave earnest advice for most of the day.

Among the nobles who supported Aini, only the Saiyue family could make Jimmy look up to them.

What Jimmy valued was not the loyal character of the Saiyue family, but the Saiyue family, which had nearly 50 knights in total.

This is a standard knight family. All members of the family, except for women, are almost trained according to knight standards.

Jimmy's current castle still has several knights from the Saiyue family locked up. The rest of the personal guards also have some relationship with the Saiyue family, either in-laws or colleagues.

As long as the Saiyue family can be persuaded to surrender, most of the knights who were tricked by Jimmy into going to Martell City can be recruited back.

In addition, this family has so many knights, and if they recruit a few more knights, they can form a knight group.

Knights are too important to a legion, especially the legion on the grassland.

Therefore, even if Baron Saiyue is determined not to surrender, Jimmy is still willing to continue to persuade him.

The small fortress-level city has less than 5,000 guards, including civilians. If you really want to attack, you may be able to take it in one day.

"Don't waste your breath, you traitor, if you have the ability, just climb up, and see if I kill you or not."

Baron Saiyue on the city wall, holding a crescent-shaped flag high, shouted to Jimmy Martell, who had been persuading the city for most of the day.

Before Jimmy could say anything else, the military messenger sent an urgent military order at this time.

Three days ago, Jimmy received a message from Yu Lan through the magic communication stone from Xu Lai.

It was also because of this message that Jimmy rushed to the city of Saiyue with his army without stopping, just to persuade Baron Saiyue within the three-day time limit.

As for the nobles in other places, he only sent envoys symbolically to preach in the name of Xu Lai.

To be honest, Jimmy didn't care whether they listened or were willing to surrender.

Moreover, he had persuaded many nobles to surrender. The remaining ones who were unwilling to surrender were all like Baron Saiyue, who had a bad relationship with him.

So many nobles, united with each other, are already a huge force. If there were more old nobles, he would be afraid of causing Xu Lai's suspicion.

As nobles of the old era, even if those people had a bad relationship with Jimmy, they would naturally stick together.

If these people walked together, even if Xu Lai trusted him, he would never give him the opportunity to lead troops and hold power.

As for the remaining nobles, if he doesn't find a way to kill them, even if he is doing them justice, do you still expect him to persuade them to surrender?

"What military order?"

"Lord, the adjutant, Prince Jilong has sent the Lord's military order, ordering the legion commander to launch an attack on the city as soon as possible.

And order you to behead all the people in the Saiyue family, regardless of gender, age, except for the ignorant babies in their cradles, after taking Saiyue Castle.

After beheading, the heads will be sent back to Conaston Castle and hung on the most prosperous streets in the city.

In addition, the Lord also asked you in the letter whether there are any difficulties in attacking Saiyue Castle. If so, please communicate with him in time through the magic message stone.

If necessary, he will use the teleporter or the spell of the space-time gate to teleport to the nearest city of his own side. "

Jimmy swallowed his saliva and said, "Are you sure that this military order was issued by the Lord?

I have reported the special situation of Baron Saiyue to Lord Xu Lai through the magic message stone before. "

The messenger shook his head and said, "It was the messenger sent by the Lord. The official document is indeed written by Mr. Gong, and it is stamped with the Lord's private seal. "

Jimmy took the official document. He still recognized his son's handwriting, but the date on the official document showed yesterday morning.

Although it was his son's handwriting, Xu Lai's seal was correct.

But in this magical world, it is really easy to forge these things.

"Go and bring the messenger. I have a few words to ask him. "

The herald took the order and left. After a while, he brought a middle-aged knight dressed as a mercenary.

The knight first introduced his identity. He was a mercenary under Hancock. This time, he was also ordered by Hancock to help Lord Xu Lai pass the message.

The same letter, with similar content, was sent to Jimmy and other nobles on the grassland who had not surrendered.

Jimmy was silent immediately. Xu Lai sent the letter and wrote the fate of the Saiyue family in the letter, obviously to warn the nobles.

This means that the fate of the Saiyue family is already doomed, no one can change it, and it must be achieved as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when the representatives sent by each family find that Conaston Castle is empty, Xu Lai's prestige will be greatly affected.

"Are those letters sent out together with these military orders?"

The mercenary shook his head and said, "All letters will be sent out at different times according to the distance.

The earliest one should be the letter sent to the Stone Castle, which will be sent out around this evening. "

Jimmy pondered for a moment, and wanted to try one last time, so he asked:

"I heard that Earl Aini has been captured by the Lord.

I know this guy Aini well, he is not a very strong noble.

If the Lord is willing to give him a chance to live, I think he will definitely surrender to the Lord.

Can the Lord give Aini a chance to persuade Baron Saiyue to surrender through the magic message stone.

If the Lord is worried, after persuading Baron Saiyue to surrender, the matter of Earl Aini will be left to me.

I will definitely give the Lord a satisfactory explanation. "

The messenger frowned, but sighed and said: "Sir, your request is a little late.

Earl Aini was captured by the Lord, but at night, Aini's old subordinates robbed the prison and took Earl Aini away. Now no one knows where Earl Aini is.

It is said that the lord was very angry and executed several suspected Aini's old subordinates in a row.

That is why the lord could no longer tolerate these people and issued an ultimatum.

The lord ordered that all Aini's old subordinates would be executed if they did not surrender within 3 days after receiving the letter, along with their entire family. "

Jimmy sighed and said: "Such an order will scare some nobles and force them to surrender.

But once the 3-day deadline is over, those hesitant nobles will definitely make up their minds and fight against the lord to the end. "

The messenger looked at Jimmy blankly, and Jimmy smiled bitterly and said: "In this case, let me fight for it one last time. "

After that, Jimmy called a messenger and asked him to throw the military order directly to the wall of Saiyue City.

However, Baron Saiyue was determined to fight Xu Lai to the end.

The messenger held the letter high, but just as he approached the wall, he was shot into a hedgehog by the archer on the wall.

Not to mention the letter, Baron Saiyue did not allow anyone to approach the wall.

Jimmy was also very angry. Before he had time to start the battle, his side had given away a head, and the key was that he was still kind.

Seeing this, Jimmy was too lazy to use the amplification spell to communicate with Baron Saiyue, and directly ordered all catapults to be deployed for ultra-long-range bombing of the walls of Saiyue City.

Count Aini left many advanced catapults to Conaston Castle, but unfortunately none of these things could be used, and now they all belong to Jimmy.

There are not many garrisons in Conaston Castle now, but Jimmy believes that Believe it or not, no one on the grassland dares to attack the castle-guarded Konaston.

Therefore, he dismantled many advanced catapults and packed them together with the army.

After all, Jimmy was going to attack the city, so it was understandable to bring these siege equipment. Xu Lai did not say much, but asked the others to cooperate more and produce more ammunition for Jimmy to take away.

With these advanced catapults, even without the blessing of ballistics, he could launch a bombardment on Saiyue City from 10 kilometers away.

Of course, if it is ten kilometers away, without the blessing of ballistics, the hit rate is still relatively poor, and the damage will also be affected by the extreme range, and can only cause half of the damage.

But what does it matter? The opponent's catapult, even with the bonus of the city wall, still cannot attack us.

It is equivalent to the opponent can only be beaten and cannot fight back. Even if we lose more ammunition, we only lose a few gold coins.

After collecting two surrendered nobles and capturing a viscount city, Jimmy could not waste the wealth he had plundered in a short time.

The hurricanes ten kilometers away were too far away. Although most of the ammunition fell inside and outside the city, there were so many that many of them still smashed into the crowd and hit the city wall.

The fortress-level city wall was not very strong, and the south side was not reinforced.

If a place was hit twice in a row, it would almost certainly form a big pit. If it was hit three times, it would definitely break into a big hole.

If Jimmy sent the catapult within the range of the straight arrow within 5 kilometers, it would probably break it in one or two hits.

More than half an hour passed. Although it was a grassland area with extremely precious mineral resources, Jimmy on the opposite side smashed it for a full half an hour and smashed a terrifying gap in the south city wall.

That's not all. Although Baron Saiyue had already tried to disperse his troops as much as possible, more than 100 soldiers were still killed, and more than 300 were seriously injured, not counting the minor injuries.

Baron Saiyue had no idea that the grassland economic center, political center, and reinforced castle-level city wall in his mind had been torn into pieces by Xu Lai.

While most of them were transported to Qingfeng City, many were made into ammunition for catapults on the spot.

With Jimmy's ammunition reserves, he would not run out of ammunition even if he continued to bombard for another half an hour.

However, it was meaningless to continue to smash, because the walls of the small town opposite had basically been blown to dust.

The crossbow carts, catapults, etc. on the top of the city were difficult to transport in a short time, so they were all left on the city wall by the soldiers, and now there was no movement.

Not to mention the crossbow carts and catapults, even the defenders ran to a place 500 meters away from the city wall, just waiting for Jimmy's troops to enter the city for hand-to-hand combat.

However, Jimmy, who had a much larger number of troops than the enemy, did not launch a charge.

He only ordered all catapults and crossbow carts to advance 5 kilometers and continue to bombard Saiyue City.

After bombing a tricycle, he ordered to move another kilometer and then bomb another tricycle.

Blocked by the ruins of the city wall, even though the distance was shortened a lot, the hit rate and lethality were greatly reduced.

In the city, the soldiers of Saiyun City can use houses and other shelters for defense.

Dozens of catapults threw out a round of ammunition, and countless houses collapsed, but not many soldiers died from the stone throwing, and even less than half of them were buried by the houses.

When they advanced to only 3 kilometers away from Saiyue City, Baron Saiyue and his men had no way to retreat.

Countless stones destroyed countless shops and houses.

Soon everyone found that as long as Saiyue and his army were not allowed to get close, the stones would not fly, so Saiyue and his men were naturally rejected by the people. (End of this chapter)

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