The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 599 Heads rolling

The scouts who climbed up the ruins continued to report the movements of the defenders and commanded the catapults to smash the defenders of Saiyue City.

The more than 1,000 civilians gathered by Baron Saiyue began to flee one after another when the city wall was broken.

At this point, Baron Saiyue and his army have been completely abandoned by the people.

Except for the knights of his own family, peripheral members, and those soldiers recruited from various buildings, who still maintain their combat effectiveness, the rest of the recruited soldiers have no will to fight.

Jimmy, who has tens of thousands of troops on the opposite side, can destroy the entire city with catapults alone.

And Jimmy can't push the catapult into the city. The nearest one is nearly one kilometer away from the ruins of the city.

At a distance of one kilometer, although the knights' charge will arrive in a moment, Jimmy has deployed 5,000 spearmen and heavy armored spearmen on the front line.

A defensive line of 5,000 people, even if it is only stacked 3 or 4 layers, can easily span about one kilometer.

The knights on our side, including those who can ride horses, are only about a hundred people.

Less than 200 cavalrymen may be able to rush in, but they will definitely not be able to get out.

It is even difficult to rush in, even if you only rush at one point, but the thousands of archers on the other side are not a joke, and you don’t know how many will be killed by a round of volleys.

However, at this point, Baron Saiyue may still have a chance if he rushes. If he doesn’t rush, he will either be buried under the catapult or his morale will collapse and he will collapse without fighting.

Either way, it is against Baron Saiyue’s chivalry.

Therefore, while the main force is still there, Baron Saiyue raised the flag and gritted his teeth to launch a charge.

As a commander, Baron Saiyue had no scruples at all. He charged alone at the front, followed closely by the knights of the Saiyue family.

The bravery of the Saiyue family finally inspired some morale. The horses followed, and the horseless infantry followed closely.

But the charge launched at this time was futile after all.

The ruins in the city seriously hindered the speed of the horses, causing the knights to still not be able to speed up after rushing out of the city gate.

And Aini, who had received the notice earlier, set up the crossbow cart, and crossbow arrows as long as the gun barrel whizzed out.

At the same time, the crossbowmen and archers were also shooting arrows with all their strength, and the rain of arrows hit the small exit at the city gate crazily.

The knights in the front row were all heavily armored and could basically ignore the attack of the rain of arrows.

But the crossbow cart with extremely high damage and armor-breaking ability was prepared for them.

The most courageous and most luxuriously equipped Baron Saiyue finally fell under the spearmen who stood up in the front row.

The horse speed that was finally increased sent him and a heavily armored spearman that he rushed to the paradise together.

Jimmy sighed. He had been leading the Knights for Earl Aini, and he had a very good relationship with most members of the Saiyue family.

Seeing this family with whom he had a very good relationship fall in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

However, he didn't dare to delay at all. In order to reduce casualties, he adopted the strategy of catapult bombing, which wasted a lot of time.

"Loren, order your troops to enter the city immediately and kill all members of the Saiyue family, regardless of age."

Xu Lai thought that the ignorant baby didn't need to be taken care of. When the time came, he would be sent to the orphanage in Qingfeng City, and it would be impossible for him to remember his childhood.

But for the children who already had their own consciousness, although Xu Lai didn't think they could do anything, he had to keep them as a warning to all other nobles.

But when it came to Jimmy, he completely ignored Xu Lai's last sentence.

In any era and any world, people always want to root out the problem. The only difference is whether they have the ability or not, and whether they are ruthless or not.

Yu Lan had previously assigned Jimi two tasks through the magic message stone.

The previous task had been completed, and the next task was to build more villages in Saiyue City.

Because Xu Lai wanted to move all the herdsmen west of Wanshibao to the rear.

Xu Lai was not Aini. Aini used the grassland people as consumables, but Xu Lai did not want to waste these ordinary people and productivity in the quagmire of war.

At the same time, Jimi also knew the reason why Xu Lai was so anxious. The grassland was about to usher in a more difficult and larger war than before.

It can be said that the reason why Jimi betrayed Aini was not only because he saw Xu Lai's development, but also because he had long anticipated that there would be such a day.

But he did not expect that this day would come so soon.

Jimi could not stay in Saiyue City for too long. Xu Lai needed to complete the unification of the entire grassland as soon as possible.

Xu Lai can do this by himself, but after unification, he cannot dispatch the resources of the entire grassland by himself.

It is said that it is easy to conquer a country, but difficult to defend it. There is a reason for this.

To unify the grassland, Xu Lai only needs to attack wherever there is disobedience.

To dispatch the resources of the entire grassland, at least one thing is that he must know who is the person in charge of each place and each matter, whether he is reliable, and whether the tasks can be well executed after they are assigned.

Xu Lai had no knowledge of these people before, and he had to complete these things quickly in a short period of time. He couldn't send so many of his own people, so he could only rely on outsiders.

Jimmy is a local snake, and as the first person to surrender, Xu Lai has no one else to rely on if he doesn't rely on him.

Therefore, after Jimmy finished dealing with the mess here, he had to bring enough people to follow Xu Lai to deal with the aftermath.

There are several things to do to deal with the aftermath. One is to transfer the farmers and herdsmen on the front line, as mentioned before, and let them hide in the rear to continue to engage in production work and prepare for a long-term war.

The second is the construction and upgrading of the front-line fortress. It is impossible to stop the orcs who come out in full force by relying only on the fortress-level stubborn stone fort built before.

Therefore, stubborn stone fort must be upgraded.

Xu Lai has prepared some upgrade materials, and the most critical heart of the barrier has been brought over. The money reserves are also sufficient. The only thing lacking is a large number of manpower and basic resources.

The remaining materials removed from the walls of Conaston Castle need to change the transportation route to stubborn stone fort.

Su Ya also received a notice in Qingfeng City that a large amount of basic materials, as well as all the pharmacists who can be hired and the materials on Aini's formula, are already being packed and transported to stubborn stone fort.

The first batch of experimental drugs, the pharmacist under Aini, has already made a batch.

The orc slaves have been tested, and if they only take the drugs, they will die almost instantly.

But if the drug is integrated into the meat, it will take some time for the meat to digest in the orcs, and it will take about 2-5 hours to die.

The last test is to let the cattle and sheep eat the poison first, and then throw the living cattle and sheep to the orcs.

This poison takes the slowest time, and it takes at least one day to take effect.

In addition, the poison killed instantly at the beginning of the two times, and the second time it took one minute after the poison took effect.

This last time, when the poison took effect, it tortured the orcs for nearly half an hour before killing them.

Because there are not many orc slaves, and they are also used to make poison, Xu Lai did not dare to let them go for experiments.

Two were used in each of the first two times, and three orcs were used in the last experiment. A total of 7 orcs were poisoned to death.

But of the three orcs in the last experiment, one ignored it, one asked a priest to release the detoxification spell, and the last one kept using the healing spell to treat.

The priest's detoxification and the shaman's exorcism are different. One is a holy light spell, and the other is a natural spell.

The former has a more immediate effect, while the latter is slower, but it can expel most toxins.

Although the two are not completely equal, they both use spells for treatment, so there is not much difference.

The orc who used the detoxification was effective. He lay on the ground for one more day and died on the third day.

It can be seen that this poison, as Aini said, cannot be removed by ordinary spells. It is more like a curse that has been entangled in the body of the orc.

Xu Lai knows more about the curse, because he still carries a curse on his body, and even the crimson archbishop of the temple can't remove it.

Unfortunately, Xu Lai's experimental samples are too few and the time is not enough.

Otherwise, he must prepare more samples and use the detoxification twice, three times or even more times to try.

The effect of detoxification on orcs is not obvious, but the effect of healing on orcs is very obvious.

After the first healing spell restored the orc's health to full value, the orc persisted until the 45th minute before his health reached the bottom again.

After the second treatment, he persisted for more than an hour.

The third time was even more amazing, starting from 2 hours, and the fourth time lasted for 6 hours.

By the fifth time, it was no longer possible to clearly sense that the orc's health had dropped, but it was also not possible to see the orc's health rise.

The priest in charge of the treatment said that the overall health should continue to drop, but the speed was too slow, and it would take a long time to observe before a conclusion could be drawn.

There was no sixth time, because Xu Lai and his team did not have that much time to observe, so on the third day, they were slaughtered together with the one who detoxified.

Their flesh and blood could not be reused, because these orcs' bodies had obviously developed resistance to this poison.

The efficacy of making medicine with their flesh and blood would be much worse.

But fortunately, what Xu Lai needed to prove was already in hand, which could ensure that this poison was very effective for orcs and that the method of use was also fine.

The cattle and sheep, which were also experimental subjects, were fine after three days.

However, if the experiment is conducted on cattle and sheep that have been fed with poison for more than 3 days, the effect will be worse.

Although these poisons are not absorbed by cattle and sheep, they are indeed not good things and will be excreted from the body of cattle and sheep over time.

Therefore, it is necessary to continue the experiment and strengthen the poison.

In order to maximize the effect, Xu Lai plans to transport all the pharmacists and materials to the new Wanshibao.

The new Wanshibao will serve as a new front line for fighting against the orcs.

A large amount of poison will be synthesized here and fed to cattle and sheep, and then transferred to the orcs through Aini.

This kind of thing is estimated to be difficult to succeed twice, so enough reserves must be prepared for the first time.

Therefore, in addition to various materials, Xu Lai is also collecting cattle and sheep, and asking Wei Yihong to send a caravan to assist in transporting them to the new Wanshibao.

As for Aini, Xu Lai certainly will not let him escape, but just create a false illusion of prison break, and he is still secretly imprisoned by Xu Lai.

Parame is at the base and cannot get detailed information on the grassland.

In addition, he was able to maintain smooth communication with Aini every day, so there was nothing wrong.

Besides, the orcs had already discussed everything that needed to be discussed. After signing the covenant, Parame would have to come back soon.

However, Aini had originally promised the Beast King that he would send his eldest son to study, but now he couldn't do it.

Fortunately, the Beast King didn't have to have Aini's eldest son, after all, this eldest son would inherit the Aini family in the future.

After Aini agreed to send his second son over, the Beast King didn't say anything. This was originally a condition that Aini proposed separately in addition to the orcs' requirements.

Aini's eldest son had been killed by Xu Lai, so of course he was reluctant to let his second son die.

Even if he was willing, Xu Lai was still afraid that sending this person over would reveal some news.

So Aini used the excuse that the grassland had been blocked by Xu Lai's army and could not be carried out, and asked the Beast King and his troops to come to the grassland to pick him up in person.

The spies on the orcs' side also learned that there was a big move on the grassland recently, and Xu Lai sent troops on three fronts, but did not delve into this issue.

On the contrary, Xu Lai's actions greatly stimulated the orcs.

In particular, Aini reported to the orcs that Xu Lai had received news of the settlement between the stronghold and the swamp, and was hoarding a large amount of food, cattle, sheep, arrows, crossbows, stones, wood and other war resources.

This is also true. There are even invisible sword masters who have approached the vicinity of the Stone Castle for reconnaissance.

If Xu Lai had not thought that the infantry was too slow, and had stuffed Yu Lan, Giselle and others into the new Stone Castle, and had been discovered by Giselle who had the True Vision Gem, they might have sneaked into the castle.

Xu Lai didn't know how much information the orcs had taken away, but fortunately the poison-making site was secretive and had all kinds of preventive measures in place.

Even the poisoners and assassins who prepared the medicine only knew that they were preparing the poison. As for how to use these poisons and who to use them on, they didn't know.

Apart from Xu Lai and the others, only Aini knew the whole picture of the matter.

Aini was only clear about the part he knew. He only knew a little about Xu Lai's specific arrangements when he needed assistance, and the rest was not very clear.

He was under constant surveillance by several people 24 hours a day. Even when he went to the toilet, he had to be accompanied by one on each side. It was impossible for him to secretly reveal information to the orcs.

Everyone was busy, and Xu Lai was even busier.

He took Jilong and the officials recommended by Jimmy to run around, using the Angel Legion to take over cities of different sizes, and then reorganized them on the spot.

He could only stay in a city for two or three days at most. Sometimes, just after he left, the officials he had just appointed were assassinated, and he had to go back to put out the fire.

In troubled times, Xu Lai used heavy punishments and ran around, but he still failed to completely integrate the grassland resources. He had no choice but to kill his way out of a sea of ​​blood.

Hundreds or even thousands of heads were hung in several grassland cities at once.

But unlike in the past, these heads were no longer civilians who were so hungry that they refused to pay taxes, but nobles and their relatives who were usually high above.

Some nobles were innocent, because the assassination of the chief executive was not necessarily at their instruction.

But Xu Lai didn't have the time to slowly search for the murderer. Once this happened, the local nobles and their families could only go to the highest place to enjoy the cool.

When Xu Lai killed so many people, the officials sent from various places were finally able to successfully carry out the tasks assigned to them by Xu Lai. (End of this chapter)

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