The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 600 The Grand Drama Begins

Officials have two tasks, one is to transport population and resources, and the other is also to transport population and resources.

The former is sent to the rear, while the latter is transported to Qingfeng City.

Those who have no construction skills, have never served as militia, the elderly and weak, as well as women and children, are all transported to the rear for settlement.

Those who are strong or have received militia training and have a certain level of riding and archery skills are transferred to the Stone Fort for further training.

In terms of resources, the construction resources obtained by demolishing towns and villages, such as wood and ore, are transported to the front-line Stone Fort.

But the soldiers recruited from towns, fortresses and villages are transported to Conaston Fort and Qingfeng City.

The officials sent by Xu Lai are all former allies persuaded by Jimmy, and they all have the status of nobles, so there is no problem in recruiting soldiers in the city.

As for the nobles who have surrendered one after another recently, Xu Lai cannot fully trust them for a while, but he will also give them these two orders.

We will see how they perform in the future. If they perform well, they will be officially admitted into Xu Lai's bureaucracy and government affairs system.

If they perform poorly, Xu Lai doesn't mind killing him again.

It has come to this point, and he doesn't care about his reputation among the nobles.

Anyway, Xu Lai doesn't have to do it himself. Jimmy has helped him to bear countless infamy in these days.

But the natives didn't have any other punishment anyway. As Jimmy's loyalist, Xu Lai's reputation also dropped a little.

But this little reputation is completely incomparable to what Xu Lai has gained.

Xu Lai is the actual controller of the grassland at present, but he has no title, so he can't issue a war mobilization order.

Even if he can issue it, some remote villages that Xu Lai didn't conquer, and other villages and towns built by the heroes who descended, people will not listen to Xu Lai at all.

It is relatively easy to migrate only his own people. After Xu Lai killed these nobles and disobedient people, at least no one dared to disobey for a short time.

The more difficult ones are still the ones above.

Either they are in a remote area and have little information, so Xu Lai didn't show them how to kill a chicken to scare the monkeys.

Or they just don't care who you are, why do you care about my advent hero.

The former is better, as long as you send some people over, talk them over, or if it doesn't work, just chop off a few heads, and they will be obedient after all.

The purpose of clearing the countryside is to prevent the orcs from getting supplies.

Any village or town before the Stone Fort, if one village is left, it is possible for the orc army to hold out for a while longer.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, if these people stay, they will help the enemy, unless they have the ability to destroy the orcs.

Even those who are old and don't want to leave their hometown must be forced to leave.

Even if they are willing to stay and die, it won't work, because they are also on the orcs' menu. They are willing to die, but Xu Lai is not willing to help the enemy.

Besides, although Xu Lai forced them to move, he didn't care about their life or death like Aini.

Along the way, Xu Lai set up many supply stations, each of which was guarded by troops, and patrols were required along the supply stations in front and behind.

It can be said that as long as you follow the prescribed route, there is basically no danger.

Moreover, when they arrive at the rear, Xu Lai will try his best to solve the problem of food and accommodation for them, and will also distribute grain seeds and cattle and sheep to them.

Maybe some people's assets will shrink a little, but they will also get a safer living environment, and generally speaking, they will not lose money.

In order to make these preparations, Qingfeng City, which started hoarding food early, had to take out food reserves for resettlement.

Jimmy and his Knight Wind Corps were also broken up into small parts. They had to protect those officials and garrison the supply stations, which was equivalent to breaking up Xu Lai's legion.

But in any case, these people are easy to deal with after all, and the latter is more difficult.

Xu Lai knows very well how difficult the so-called heroes from heaven are.

You tell them that the orcs will come soon, and they think you are lying to them. The orcs have been repelled once and suffered heavy losses, and it is impossible for them to invade again in a short time.

Even though the fact of the great migration of the grasslands is already in front of them, most of the heroes who fell from the sky have to believe it, but they still want to ask you for benefits.

Whether you say it is for their own good, or tell them that they will be eaten by orcs if they stay here, most of the people here still don't listen.

Anyway, as long as you ask them to do this, no matter what the reason, you must pay for it.

The key is that you can't send troops to drive them away.

Because although Xu Lai has sent more soldiers to those officials, it is a bit difficult for them to attack these heroes who fell from the sky.

In the entire grassland, only two nobles have specialized abilities.

And these two nobles, one was beheaded by Xu Lai, and the other is still imprisoned by Xu Lai.

The role of heroes is really too great. Even those nobles who surrender to Xu Lai have at least a general-level panel, and their level is higher than that of ordinary heroes, but they may not win in a real fight.

The only shortcoming of the heroes is probably that they don't have good equipment. Most of them have never fought in the battlefield themselves, and have very little combat experience.

If you capture the king first, most heroes should find it difficult to stop it.

Even Xu Lai, who had been fighting almost non-stop for a year, could only be considered experienced in combat and was not worthy of the title of a master.

It's just that his attributes are too good, and he can almost always rely on his attribute advantages to crush others.

He is not as fast as others in drawing his sword, but because of his high agility, his dynamic vision is better. In his eyes, others slow down their perspective, so he can easily block.

And his high strength allows him to crush his opponents at any angle that is not convenient to exert force.

His physique gives him more opportunities for trial and error. He can fail many times, but his enemies can't withstand his attack.

Fortunately, in this world, people like Xu Lai seem to have not found a second one.

Even if other heroes are not as good as Xu Lai, Xu Lai is reluctant to send his soldiers to die.

Moreover, he has a hunch that these heroes who fell from the sky will become a bigger trouble sooner or later.

In short, it is impossible for Xu Lai to give them benefits to migrate.

Anyway, he has done his best. They can leave or not. It is best not to leave and all go to serve as military rations for the orcs.

Xu Lai was furious. He originally planned to visit all the unvisited outdoor buildings with increased attributes by teleporting.

But now he was so busy that he was on horseback almost every day, running all over the grassland, and he vomited two or three times.

But even so, he was still actively integrating the living forces on the grassland.

As Xu Lai kept running around, he gradually achieved some results.

February was a rare month of peace. Any battle that occurred in this month would result in a 10-point morale penalty for both sides.

Unfortunately, even such a peaceful month did not bring real peace.

On the grassland, there were no more flags of resistance to Xu Lai, but he still had to face many battles.

In early February, the orc scouts began to move to the grassland on a large scale.

Xu Lai had suffered a loss when someone touched the new stubborn stone fort once, so of course he could not let these scouts run rampant on the grassland again.

Taking advantage of the fact that the large-scale orc troops could not cross the Pingfeng Mountains and these scouts had almost no backup, he and Elvy led the team to hunt these orc scouts.

Xu Lai used the scout guards deployed at various intersections in the Pingfeng Mountains to constantly hunt the scouting wolf cavalry.

Xu Lai, who only led the paladins, was extremely fast. With the blessing of the speed, the wolf cavalry could not escape once they were discovered by Xu Lai.

Elvy borrowed the true vision gem from Giselle and flew low to hunt those invisible units.

Wolf cavalry is very restrained against flying units. Even if they are definitely not able to beat the Seraphim and Archangel, the wolf cavalry with magic nets can completely control the flying units with the nets.

Although Elvy and the others can still catch up quickly with the terrifying speed of the top units after they get out of control, it will waste a lot of time after all.

Moreover, the wolf cavalry is also an extremely cunning creature. Once they are caught in the net, they will immediately scatter and flee.

Elvie led the angels, and her combat power was very strong. However, her disadvantage was that she was unable to split the angels into small teams.

Therefore, using Elvie to snipe the wolf cavalry was not ideal.

On the other hand, Xu Lai led his holy dragon, which had grown into a young form. As long as he saw the wolf cavalry, he could almost kill them all with a charge.

The net was very effective against air units, but it was much less effective against ground units, especially those in charge.

What's more, the paladin was invincible. If he couldn't avoid it, he could just use the holy shield.

The holy knights could no longer be upgraded. Roland usually chose to watch the show with the holy knights, while Xu Lai rushed with the paladins.

The paladins took turns to use the holy shield to cover the net. Hundreds of paladins could kill at least ten teams of wolf cavalry a day.

The young holy dragon flying in the sky could enjoy high-level giant wolves every day, saving a lot of food for Xu Lai, and could also fly in the sky to point out the enemy's position for Xu Lai.

As the two sides gradually cooperated with each other, no wolf riders dared to wreak havoc on the grassland, which bought a lot of time for the herdsmen in the rear to retreat calmly.

Elvy's results were also very good.

The angels were extremely fast. Once the reconnaissance guards found the enemy, they immediately flew at low altitude.

With the help of the true vision gem, no matter whether it was the invisible orc assassin or the orc swordsman in the wind step, they could not escape her eyes.

The orc swordsman was one level higher than the human swordsman.

Although both sides had the ultimate swordsmanship, the physical attributes of the orcs were obviously more advantageous than those of humans.

However, this advantage became completely vulnerable in front of the angels.

The swordsmen and sword dancers basically acted in small scales and rarely acted together.

The ultimate swordsmanship requires space to be displayed.

If they were fighting on the battlefield, without the space to move around, they would not be as good as the heavy armored double-sword crusaders.

The Crusaders, who were in a tight formation, only needed to stay side by side and let the Sword Saint chop them with his swords. They would mechanically respond with the Sword Saint's double swords.

But if they acted alone or in small numbers, the vast grassland would be a space for them to mobilize the enemy.

Unfortunately, they encountered the top troops of the empire this time, the Archangel, who ranked second in speed among the ultimate troops of the nine camps.

Like Xu Lai, in order to increase their combat effectiveness, Elvy and her more than one hundred Seraphim almost never took action.

But even so, dozens of archangels can completely surround a small team of sword dancers and sword masters.

With the blessing of the Wind Step, the sword dancers may be able to maintain their speed advantage for a short time, but unfortunately the Wind Step has a duration.

Xu Lai is on this side of the Pingfeng Mountains, guarding it strictly.

And the scouts sent out by the orcs may not come back in ten, and the one who came back was also running for his life, and he didn't run far at all.

Let alone drawing a map, except for the valley entrance of the Pingfeng Mountains, even the map of the surrounding 30 kilometers has not been collected.

Of course, the map drawn during the last invasion can still be used.

At least, the location of the water source is unlikely to change.

And as long as the location of the water source remains unchanged, the location of the wild animal herd will basically not change, after all, all creatures cannot live without water.

At most, the human villages and towns on the grassland have changed, and they need to be re-reconnaissance.

This kind of thing is not difficult. As long as they cross the Pingfeng Mountains and the flying soldiers fly around, they can roughly understand it.

The most important thing is that the orcs need to find the exact location of the enemy.

The terrible logistical pressure makes it impossible for them to fight a protracted war, and they must fight quickly.

Then, finding the enemy's main force and annihilating it in one fell swoop is undoubtedly the fastest way.

But their own scouts can't even escape from the Pingfeng Mountains, so how can they find the enemy's main force.

They haven't even received the news that the Stone Castle has changed a lot.

The brave swordsman before died under Giselle's arrow before he could bring the news back.

The orcs who have no choice can only rely on their only ally on the grassland.

Fortunately, this ally brought them good news.

According to Xu Lai's meaning, Aini told the orcs that he had prepared a group of cattle and sheep for them, and they could send them to them as soon as they entered the grassland.

When the orcs asked about Xu Lai's news, Aini frowned and told the orcs that he didn't know.

Aini told the orcs that if Xu Lai had not been chasing wolf cavalry and sword dancers on the front line recently, he might not be able to keep his last bit of power on the grassland.

In this case, Aini said that he could not protect himself, so how could he get information for the orcs.

At the same time, Aini also told the orcs to contain Xu Lai.

Otherwise, if Xu Lai had time to deal with him, all the cattle and sheep he prepared for the orcs would become Xu Lai's military rations.

Aini's statement was reasonable and did not arouse the orcs' suspicion.

On the contrary, because of these military rations, the orcs still maintained small-scale activities every day to achieve the purpose of containing Xu Lai.

This small-scale force was basically sending them to die.

Moreover, in order to attract Xu Lai, they were all high-speed troops, either wolf cavalry, sword dancers, or small-scale flying soldiers.

Throughout February, in order to achieve the purpose of containing Xu Lai, the orcs sent orcs to die almost every day.

In a month, Xu Lai and his men killed at least 3,000 wolf riders, more than 1,000 sword dancers and sword masters, more than 1,000 self-explosive bats, and more than 300 golden eagles.

There were also nearly 1,000 orc assassins and a number of unknown orcs. The total number of kills should be more than 10,000, and there were very few recruited units. (End of this chapter)

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