The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 601 Seduction and Fighting

In just one month, more than 10,000 main forces were lost, and they were all high-speed main forces.

Before, the orcs wanted to use the self-destructing bats with acceleration ability to sneak attack Xu Lai's air units, and they dispatched more than a thousand at a time.

If they were really hit by these guys, even the archangels would not be able to bear it.

Because the self-destructing bats cannot be recruited and can only be domesticated in the wild, it is not easy to increase their number. The key is that this thing has extremely low damage.

The normal attack is to throw fireballs, which can't be thrown far, and the damage is not high when thrown. The single combat capability is almost equal to nothing.

In addition to normal attacks, the self-destructing bats can also self-destruct and explode the fuel stored in the body at once.

But because it is a group attack, the damage is still not high, but the self-destruction damage belongs to the fire spell damage, which ignores physical defense.

At this time, the problem of insufficient intelligence of the orcs appeared.

They only knew that they were fighting with the archangels, and they didn't know that there was a large group of seraphim watching the show.

Seraphim is completely immune to fire damage. When he saw a group of self-destructing bats, he took the initiative to meet them, so that more than a thousand self-destructing bats did not make a profit.

After surviving the end of February, the orcs did not want to waste their own strength in vain, and the supplies and troops in the rear have been transferred to their positions one after another.

When Xu Lai saw the golden eagles, rocs, and thunderbirds flying over the Pingfeng Mountains, he knew that it was time to retreat.

These flying troops were sent by the Beast King to cover the army through the Pingfeng Mountains.

There are not many entrances and exits in the Pingfeng Mountains, and the orc warriors can still reach the grassland by crossing the Pingfeng Mountains.

However, it is impossible for the Behemoth, logistics supply vehicles, and wolf riders who are not good at climbing to cross the mountains.

The existence of the Pingfeng Mountains has prevented the orcs from launching a full-scale invasion.

Even this time, the orcs did not go out in full force. On the one hand, they must reserve some troops to guard the swamp camp.

Secondly, there is a natural barrier like the Pingfeng Mountains. The roads that can be passed are basically small roads. Even if the supply vehicles can barely pass, they will suffer huge losses along the way if they are not careful.

For a large-scale invasion, unless it can be resolved quickly and the city and land can be taken away from humans 100%, there is a high probability that there will be no return.

The existence of the Pingfeng Mountains alone is already a headache for the orcs.

If there are still harassment by the imperial army near the Pingfeng Mountains, the difficulty of passing and transportation will increase by many times.

Therefore, the Beast King sent the flying troops that can quickly pass through the Pingfeng Mountains to fly over first to drive away the imperial army near the Pingfeng Mountains and cover his own troops and supplies across the mountains.

This was originally a very correct decision, but the rough Beast King forgot to add a sentence, don't chase the enemy.

Xu Lai has been staying in the Pingfeng Mountains. In addition to wanting to eat up all the orcs' reconnaissance troops and putting on a show for the Beast King, another purpose is to harass the orcs' crossing the mountain troops.

With his attributes and expertise, even if there are less than a thousand people around him, the combat capability of the Paladin Corps is extraordinary.

According to the speed of the orcs crossing the mountain, Xu Lai basically does not need to worry too much before the orcs' infantry crosses the mountain.

However, the appearance of the orcs' flying troops forced Xu Lai to abandon this tactic.

The main force of the orcs' flying troops is the thunderbird. The main attack method of the thunderbird is the physical attack of the claws and sharp beak, but it also carries the air spell attack ability such as thunderbolt.

After all, the invincibility of the paladin is only one minute, and the number of the enemy's thunderbird troops is quite terrifying. If he is not careful, his team of less than a thousand people may be trapped here.

In addition to the flying troops, the enemy's high-level combat power, such as the powerful heroes such as the Swordmaster, the Axe King, and the Beast King, may directly cross the Pingfeng Mountain to support.

Unlike humans, orcs believe that heroes are an extremely glorious title, and only the most powerful can inherit the name of heroes.

Therefore, the heroes of the orcs pay more attention to the improvement of their own abilities, and they are often the first to bear the brunt of the battle.

Although humans also pay attention to these things, and there are brave generals and pioneers who lead the army to charge, they pay more attention to tactics, formations and strategies.

To put it simply, orcs value their own or individual strength.

Humans are better at using collective strength, which is also the key factor for humans to defeat powerful races such as orcs and demons.

Top heroes like Sword Master and Axe King really dare and are likely to fight alone.

Xu Lai is not afraid, but there is no need to take this risk. It is not the time to fight the orcs hard yet.

Unfortunately, it is not as expected. Xu Lai does not want to fight the main force of the orcs at this time.

However, the flying troops in the sky saw Xu Lai leaving, but mistakenly thought that Xu Lai was afraid, so they chased him closely.

Xu Lai led cavalry, which is not slow, and has the blessing of super speed. If he accelerates at full speed, even the flying units can't catch up.

But after running for a while, he found that these big birds were really following behind him, so he simply didn't get rid of them.

Using the magic message stone, he notified Elvi to come and join him, and then asked Giselle to bring the fastest phantom archers to support him.

Under Xu Lai's order, Giselle did not even dare to bring the 6th-level phantom archer, but only the 7th-level phantom sharpshooter and the 8th-level phantom archer.

In the battle of Mingyue City, many people were upgraded to phantom sharpshooters and phantom archers.

In addition to the phantom archers that Reina borrowed, they were also the main force for her to capture the dungeon city.

With a very long range and terrifying power, as long as the catapults of the other side were used to fight off the catapults of the other side defending the city, it was basically a lossless crushing.

In this way, almost all the phantom archers who followed the departure were promoted.

When the phantom archers of both sides joined forces, Giselle had a full 500 7th-level phantom archers and more than 100 8th-level phantom archers.

Before they set off, Reina specially tore open an ultimate attack acceleration for them, which could last longer.

The phantom archers, who were already extremely agile, were almost as fast as the knights on the grassland. If they were forced to march, they could be comparable to ordinary knights charging.

Of course, elves are not a race known for their physique. Their physical strength is not high. If they really have to march by force, they may be down in two or three hours.

Xu Lai called Giselle and the others to come in order to try to annihilate these flying troops.

These guys are too mobile, and it's only better here on the grassland, where the terrain is flat and there is no cover.

If it turns into a hilly area and needs to take detours everywhere, the cavalry, which is ten or a hundred times larger than these flying soldiers, can't keep up with these air units.

Xu Lai is not really afraid of the orcs' infantry, wolf riders, etc., but these air forces, if used well, will become a nightmare for the human race.

This is a temporary decision. Xu Lai can't say whether it will work or not, he can only say that he will try his best.

For this reason, he constantly controls the speed of the horse, allowing the enemy's air forces to slightly surpass them, giving them the illusion that they can catch up as long as they work harder.

This is indeed the case. Xu Lai and his team ran for an unknown period of time, and the extremely huge thunderbird flying in the front was less than 100 meters away from the last knight.

This thunderbird is more than a circle larger than the other thunderbirds.

The most terrifying thing is that this thunderbird is carrying a short half-orc on its back, and its speed is not only not slow, but it can also surpass the other thunderbirds.

Xu Lai felt that this was not the maximum speed of the Thunderbird. The other party obviously did not dare to leave the main force, so it just flew in the front.

The orc on the Thunderbird quietly took out the axe from his waist.

His eyes were already fixed on the last knight.

If it was on the ground, at a distance of 100 meters, he would have thrown the flying axe in his hand.

But now he was in the sky, at a distance of 100 meters, and the target he was attacking was still moving at the same speed, so he was not very sure.

He was afraid of irritating the knights who were fleeing below, and no matter how strong he was, he could only throw one axe at a time.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, he forced himself to hold back and not let himself throw the axe.

Just to facilitate the attack on these ground knights, their flying unit was at a very low altitude, completely ignoring the figure hidden in the clouds above their heads.

The time of running had been too long, so long that the Beast King also discovered the abnormality and sent a message to the hero leading these flying units, the orc Ruda.

Although Luda wanted to kill the humans below in one go, he didn't have the courage to disobey the order of the beast king.

"My lord, they seem to have stopped."

As an adjutant, Jilong has been following Xu Lai, and he doesn't have to pay attention to Xu Lai's safety at any time like Roland did.

Xu Lai heard this and looked behind him. Sure enough, he saw that his own side and those thunderbirds and rocs were getting farther and farther away.

"Stop, stop!"

Although Giselle hadn't arrived yet, Xu Lai still wanted to try.

At least in the grassland west of the Stone City, most people, whether enemies or friends, were basically semi-forced to move to the rear.

In other words, this grassland, for the time being, did not belong to the Aini camp, and the existence marked as Xu Lai's enemy allowed him to use the Doomsday Judgment with confidence.

But once his Doomsday Judgment was used, these flying units would immediately flee, so he only had one chance to release them.

Later, even if he could catch up with these flying soldiers, he would only be on the ground.

He can't fly, and for flying units that can easily rise thousands of meters, the Doomsday Judgment can't cover many enemies.

Originally, he wanted to use Giselle and her phantom archer to get some arrow rain to assist the output and kill more flying units at one time.

But since they want to run, Xu Lai can't wait.


Xu Lai ordered again. Even if it costs a little sacrifice today, he must keep these flying units as much as possible. Anyway, Elvy is already nearby, and the Angel Legion can release the resurrection spell at any time.

The half-orc Ruda had already raised the altitude and was about to turn around and leave.

After noticing the return of Xu Lai's troops, he decisively regrouped the troops in the air.

Xu Lai flew his own flag, but unfortunately, few orcs recognized the Knight's Wind seized from Aini.

However, there was a reason why the orcs were so hot, because this was a group of paladin troops.

It was known from Aini that Xu Lai was on the front line, and Xu Lai had a group of paladins, which was also information that the orcs had already known.

This means that the person under their feet is the newest ruler of this grassland.

If they kill him, this grassland will have almost no resistance. With such a temptation, how can Lu Da not chase him desperately?

Xu Lai turned around, which was exactly what Lu Da wanted. He waved his hand, and a large group of golden eagles, countless in number, rushed towards the knight on the ground.

As a 5th-level bird of prey, the golden eagle's claws and fangs are not inferior to those of the griffin.

Moreover, due to its huge size, the griffin is stronger than the golden eagle, but its speed and agility are inferior. In an air battle, the griffin cannot defeat the golden eagle alone.

Although the 5th-level golden eagle is of low level, there are too many of them.

In addition, the heroes of the orcs generally have the ultimate offensive technique, which only increases the attack power by 50%, but can ignore 15% of the defense and has a 10% probability of critical hit.

Fortunately, the paladins are good at defense. Even if 15% is ignored, it is still not something that the 5th-level golden eagle can break through.

However, the paladins' charge is also difficult to sprint the airborne units.

The attack power of the paladin using a one-handed sword and a shield will drop by at least 50 points.

Fortunately, Xu Lai has a stronger god-level offensive technique that can increase the attack power by 65%.

Although Xu Lai used the Doomsday Blade and failed to form the Angel Alliance, the other major accessories were all there, and the basic attack and morale attack were greatly increased.

For a level 7 Paladin, it was more than enough to break the defense of a level 5 golden eagle, so the final damage could be increased by 25%, almost achieving the effect of instant kill.

The golden eagles that covered the sky and the sun completely blocked the view above, so that Ruda could not see the situation on the battlefield at all.

After the golden eagle triggered a critical hit, it could also cause certain damage to the Paladins.

But for this level of damage, let alone the Holy Shield, a blessing and a few Holy Healing spells on each other are already the best.

The biggest contribution of this group of golden eagles is probably the consumption of the Paladins' physical strength.

It's a pity that there was no priest on the scene, otherwise they would have released a spell to restore physical strength, and these Paladins could become perpetual motion machines before they starved to death.

Although the huge group of golden eagles blocked the view, Ruda and his men were all masters of beast control.

After the death of the golden eagles, especially the screams of the surrendered wild golden eagles, even a fool should know that the golden eagles on his side are dying in large numbers.

Lu Da is not a fool. He is mentally prepared for certain sacrifices.

Xu Lai is the newest ruler of the grassland, and he leads a top-level force like the Paladins. How can he be killed so easily?

This group of golden eagles is used to consume the physical strength of the knights. The real killer is the thunderbirds that he intends to drop at the end.

However, Lu Da did not dare to let too many golden eagles die. About half an hour later, under the urging of the Beast King again, Lu Da finally reported his situation.

The Beast King is also a decisive person. He asked Lu Da to control the number of sacrifices of the flying units, and he and the support will arrive at any time.

Taking the head of the general in the midst of thousands of troops is originally the specialty of the orcs.

After knowing that Lu Da had been fighting with Xu Lai, he did not want to pursue it anymore. He just wanted to take this good opportunity to determine the outcome of this war in one fell swoop. (End of this chapter)

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