The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 608 The War is About to Start

It was not until the sun was high in the sky that Xu Lai lazily got up from the bed.

He had been running around outside for nearly two months, but the gains were not much. Including the battle with the stronghold flying corps yesterday, he only killed tens of thousands of stronghold units.

Dozens of paladins advanced to holy light knights, and more than a dozen archangels advanced to seraphs, which did not improve the battle situation much.

And because there were too many top-level units, most of the experience was wasted.

At Xu Lai's current level, tens of thousands of orcs were just a drop in the bucket, and the progress bar was improved by less than 1%.

The dropped gold coins and materials could not make up for the money Xu Lai invested.

What's more, because he had to rush to the scene continuously, and basically recruited units, except for the corpses of the thunderbirds that were recovered by Xu Lai, he was too lazy to even pick up the rest of the drops.

Although Xu Lai's own gains were not great, he successfully achieved his strategic goals:

He basically blocked the orcs' intelligence acquisition channels, and completed the clearing of the west of the Stone City. Even the large wild cattle and horses in this area were driven away from this area.

But even so, it is not safe.

The resources of the grassland will grow much faster than Xu Lai imagined.

Even with the help of the elf herders and the unremitting efforts of Bai Yang and others, it still made Xu Lai feel incredible that two dense forests grew in two months.

The vigorous growth of plants means that animals will be more or less accelerated. For example, rabbits with strong reproductive capacity have a litter of dozens of rabbits a week, and they grow up and mature in one month.

This terrifying speed makes it almost impossible for herbivores and carnivores on the grassland to have food.

This also means that it is impossible to completely cut off the supply of orcs.

At most, the supply of orcs can't keep up with the speed of consumption.

It's rare to relax for a long time, but Xu Lai didn't dare to relax all the time.

After receiving the news of Xu Lai's return, Reina assembled the officers of the Qingfeng Corps early in the morning and prepared to report to Xu Lai.

Qingfeng Corps has not done much in the past two months, except recruiting and training new recruits.

The morale of the entire legion has been maintained above 95 points, which has been diluted by the new recruits, but once fighting side by side with the Seraphim, it can still reach the full value of 100 points.

Although the Heart of the Castle-level Barrier used by the Stone City is a ready-made castle-level barrier, the fortress, base camp and castle all need time to build and upgrade.

Therefore, the number of elf soldiers recruited by the Stone City is not large.

However, in the past two months, the troops recruited by the entire grassland have been transported to the three places of Qingfeng City, Conaston and Stone City.

In order to avoid accidents or other losses during transportation, they are sent to wherever is close, anyway, they can be reorganized wherever they are sent.

This is a right that Aini could not enjoy before. He is only the largest noble in the grassland, and the rest of the cities, including the buildings occupied in the wild, are all owned by someone.

Aini thought about it again, but he couldn't ask others to contribute their soldiers to him unless he was willing to pay a price for it, such as spending money.

But if he didn't want to spend money, Aini could only recruit these nobles in advance when he was going to carry out military operations.

And unless it was a special case, the nobles were responsible for the troops they brought with them.

Only in the case of a war between two camps like before, would it be necessary to reorganize the troops.

However, Xu Lai didn't need it. All the cities were conquered by Xu Lai or surrendered voluntarily.

Their previous cities no longer belonged to them, but to Xu Lai.

Those who surrendered to Xu Lai voluntarily were still able to manage their own cities, and those cities conquered by Xu Lai were naturally ruled by officials appointed by Xu Lai.

Gathering the power of the entire grassland, thousands of recruited troops can be obtained every month.

Even some low-level infantry and archers can basically be advanced in high-level buildings.

According to the current speed of accumulating thousands of mid-level and above combat power in a month, it will definitely be of great benefit to Xu Lai if it drags on.

After listening to the report, Xu Lai encouraged everyone again and had lunch with everyone at noon.

In the afternoon, Xu Lai, accompanied by old subordinates such as Tahan and Yan Feng, reviewed the Qingfeng Corps and encouraged and promised a group of soldiers.

Xu Lai has always treated his soldiers well, because he loves his family and his people. There are too many things that make him proud and proud of that army.

But today is different. Today, Xu Lai needs them to die.

In any case, there is still a huge gap between his own side and the soldiers in the stronghold. Every word he said today is to encourage these soldiers to die.

Therefore, Xu Lai has a little guilt, and this guilt has become his promise for a better life in the future.

"Kill one of the same level, bounty 10, kill an orc general, promotion one level, kill an orc chief, promotion three levels.

Kill an orc hero, enfeoff land, reward title."

Xu Lai himself is only a baron, it is impossible to enfeoff a title, he has neither the qualifications nor the willingness.

Although the noble feudal system is a tradition of this world.

But this tradition has always been despised by the rulers.

The previous Supreme Kings established permanent legions and permanent knights in the name of the empire in order to concentrate military forces and centralize power.

The nobles under the feudal system had too much power, which also led to the excessive dispersion of the empire's military forces, giving opportunities to camps such as strongholds, dungeons, hell and cemeteries.

However, the Supreme King did not do this for long before he died. The subsequent Supreme King had lost the threat of other camps, and the domestic backlash pressure was great, so he gradually gave up his efforts in this regard.

Xu Lai was different. He was considered an entrepreneurial generation with enough authority and strength, and the key was that he had enough excuses.

Even Jimi, the first noble under Xu Lai, has not been able to improve his status so far.

Because he is a viscount, the object of his loyalty is a baron. How can he be so thick-skinned to ask a baron to give him a fiefdom?

If even Jimi can't speak, how dare the other nobles who surrendered to Xu Lai actively or passively?

If they angered Xu Lai, Xu Lai really dared to kill their entire family and hang them all in the most prosperous areas of their respective towns.

Anyway, Xu Lai had killed many nobles before, and everyone could see that Xu Lai was not very interested in nobles.

Xu Lai was unwilling to enfeoff the nobles, but he was willing to enfeoff the land, but the owners of these lands only had the right to harvest, not the right to operate and manage.

As Xu Lai finished speaking, the neatly arranged Qingfeng Corps, which was being inspected, instantly cheered like a tsunami.

Especially under the leadership of Tahan and others, the long live made Xu Lai's goose bumps stand up.

This was not the first time Xu Lai promised, nor was it the first time to give out rewards.

Xu Lai had done everything he promised to the soldiers before, and even exceeded it, so even if he didn't move out any boxes of gold coins now, everyone believed in Xu Lai unconditionally.

This made Aini, who was also in the Stone City, look envious.

The poison master and cattle and sheep were all transported to the Stone City, and Aini, the most critical figure in the poisoning plan, was naturally secretly imprisoned in the Stone City.

Moreover, this is an elf city, and the old man of the Stone Castle who had stayed here before was not used to it. Except for the civilians mobilized from the rear, there were almost no external managers.

To put it simply, in this place, Aini could not find any help, and even could not find anyone to talk to.

Whether it was the elves who were guarding him or protecting him, there was not even a human being within a hundred meters around.

Out of trust in Xu Lai, all the soldiers believed that Xu Lai's promise would definitely be fulfilled.

At the same time, they also believed that if they died, their children and parents would never be abused.

Because in Qingfeng City, Xu Lai had specially established a Martyrs Academy to educate and take care of the families of all martyrs.

Although the Qingfeng Corps has been running around for more than half a year, the changes in Qingfeng City have all fallen into the eyes of these people.

Although the army is a closed place, it has never been a place where news is blocked.

But whether it is the family members who come to visit or the passers-by met on the march, everyone will give a thumbs up when mentioning Xu Lai, unless they are not from the grassland.

Even as long as Xu Lai appears in front of the Qingfeng Corps, even if he did not make any promises today, the spirit of the entire Qingfeng Corps can be completely renewed.

Originally, the Seraphim needed to come out to raise the morale of the Qingfeng Legion to the maximum.

However, Elvy and the others had not yet appeared, and even the holy warriors such as Roland had not played a role. Just a few words from Xu Lai had already boosted the morale of the entire legion to the extreme.

Xu Lai slowly pressed his hand down, and the cheers of the crowd slowly stopped.

"Of course, there must be punishments for rewards. This time we are facing a battle that concerns the lives of countless people in the entire grassland.

Behind us are our parents, relatives, lovers and children.

As long as the Stone City stands here for one day, the orc army will not be able to bypass the Stone City and attack our families behind us.

Therefore, I hope you can swear to defend this city to the death and never retreat!"

"Never retreat, never retreat!"

The army under the castle shouted again.

They already knew that this time the stronghold was almost in full force, and the situation was more critical than the previous time.

The difference is that, in addition to fewer orc soldiers, the grassland also has temples, towers, and support from elves.

Now, although the elves have sent some people, the number is not large, and except for an ancient guardian, they are not very powerful.

Even their own soldiers have changed from hundreds of thousands of people before to the Qingfeng Legion, which now has less than 100,000 soldiers including new recruits and logistics corps.

Therefore, the situation this time is much more critical than before.

However, this time they have a more solid and large city, sufficient logistics supplies, a trustworthy and powerful commander, and relatives to protect.

"So, let me make it clear that anyone who retreats without an order on the battlefield will be beheaded, anyone who refuses to advance upon receiving an order will be beheaded, anyone who disobeys an order will be beheaded, and anyone who disobeys restrictions will also be beheaded.

At the same time, anyone who is beheaded for violating military discipline and law will be deprived of all honors and rewards.

The person himself cannot obtain the status of a martyr, and his family members cannot receive the treatment of martyr's family members.

This order is valid for everyone present, and it is also valid for me.

From today, our battle with the orcs in the stronghold has officially begun.

I will appoint Commander Reina as the commander-in-chief of this campaign, responsible for commanding and directing all battles on the front line. "

When the orcs attacked before, it was difficult to bypass the Stone Castle. At most, they sent wolf riders and flying troops to harass the rear.

Otherwise, with the Stone Castle army, once the main force of the orcs bypassed it, the Stone Castle army would definitely block the food supply route of the orcs.

And now, facing the longer and larger Stone Castle with dense forests on both sides, it is even more difficult for the orcs to cross.

Of course, the enemy's cavalry and flying troops cannot be stopped by the Stone Castle defenders alone.

Besides, Xu Lai cannot let the Stone Castle fall into an isolated situation. If he knows that there is no reinforcement, Xu Lai can't guarantee that the morale will not fall quickly.

In addition, the stone thrower The ammunition for carts, crossbow carts, and turrets cannot be sustained by the Stone City alone, and must be supplied from the rear.

On the contrary, the Stone City has a lot of food reserves, enough to feed more than 100,000 people in the city for two or three years.

There are not many people in the Stone City. The Qingfeng Legion and Wang Chao's logistics troops have a total of less than 100,000 people.

The rest are civilians mobilized from major cities, as well as recruited farmers, plus a small number of reinforcements supported by the elves, which is less than 200,000 people in total.

However, these 200,000 people are all combat soldiers and young and middle-aged people. After the Qingfeng Legion has been promoted many times, even with the new recruits, the average level is 5th level.

In addition, the more familiar Well-trained logistics troops, a large number of construction workers who are good at repairing the city walls, and a commander with special defense skills.

This city must be determined to defend, even the main force of the stronghold should not be able to take it for a while.

In the Stone City, there are also magic catapults sent by Aini before, and Xu Lai even dismantled the remaining ones in the Konaston Castle.

These catapults may not be as powerful as the tens of thousands of Cyclops, but at least the range must be far greater.

Therefore, after inspiring people, Xu Lai has nothing to explain and arrange for the Stone City.

He does not plan to stay here, and besides him, Tahan and Yan Feng The cavalry units will also leave together.

Although the cavalry will not be inferior to the infantry after dismounting, it is inevitable that their combat effectiveness will be reduced by half.

However, Xu Lai left Elvy and her Angel Corps to Reina.

In addition, the base also has a terrifying number of wolf cavalry regiments. Although Xu Lai appointed Jimmy to protect the rear, he still cannot do anything.

Considering all the circumstances, Xu Lai decided to let Reina and the Qingfeng Corps guard the Stubborn Stone City, and let Jimmy and the Knight Wind Corps serve as the reserve to guard the rear passage and support various battlefields.

Su Ya is in charge of the defense and production of all rear cities, and Xu Lai is responsible for the mobile combat part that he is best at.

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