Under the Pingfeng Mountains, the wolf cavalry of the orcs in the stronghold were the first to pass through.

And after the wolf cavalry, it was not the main force of the orcs, but the logistics force of the orcs, which was composed of a large number of big-eared monsters and half-orcs.

Although Xu Lai had killed a chieftain of a half-orc tribe before, this thing inherited the shortcomings of humans and orcs, but also inherited the advantages of both.

Among the orcs, the intelligence of half-orcs is relatively high. Generally speaking, mages, beastmasters, etc. are all from the half-orc tribe.

At the same time, compared with humans, half-orcs are also extremely powerful, inheriting the power gene and the most terrifying reproduction gene from the orcs.

Half-orcs are particularly fertile. In the stronghold, they are not as good as the big-eared monsters, even the orcs themselves.

Unfortunately, neither humans nor orcs like this race.

Orcs dislike half-orcs for being short, and humans think that half-orcs are barbaric, which leads to the extremely low status of this race, and they have become the role of hard labor and sacrifice like big-eared monsters.

Because the orcs are axe throwers, their range is completely different from that of bows and arrows.

So they usually need to bear great sacrifices and brave the enemy's rain of arrows to reach the attack position.

Under normal circumstances, the orcs will not give any cover, and the previous vanguard legion fought like this.

However, today these orcs came first, not to fight, but to transport materials and supplies, and to build a frontier base by the way to store food and grass.

The rear began to build a base, and the wolf cavalry legion and the flying legion certainly could not be stationed here doing nothing.

Ruda, the commander of the flying legion, received a reconnaissance order.

This time, the beast king Sachs personally ordered Ruda to find out the major cities west of the grassland, human settlements, large animal activity sites, and the stationing sites of large human forces.

At the same time, in order to prevent the flying legion from suffering another heavy blow that it could not afford, Sachs gave Ruda a death order.

Let him not take the initiative to fight with humans under any circumstances, even if we are outnumbered, even if we find Xu Lai patrolling alone.

Sachs knew that humans have always been cunning. The main force of his side failed to cross the mountain, and the rear base has not been built yet, and there is not even a place for temporary rest.

At this time, it is not appropriate to fight with humans head-on. It is not too late to launch a tentative battle after the main force, especially the large force of the Cyclops, is transported over.

Knowing that he has been on Sachs' blacklist, Ruda did not dare to refute at all.

In fact, even without Sachs's instructions, he would not dare to provoke humans again.

If he falls into the trap of humans again and loses part of the flying corps, even if this war is won, Ruda will never have a good end in the end.

It can be said that one bravery in exchange for a lifetime of introversion, Ruda really can't bear the consequences of bravery.

Sent together with the flying corps is the commander of the wolf cavalry, Kenlo Hag, the commander of the wolf cavalry who must be recognized by all the orcs in the stronghold.

Even Taloshi, who is good at wolf cavalry, feels ashamed in front of Kenlo Hag.

Kenlo Hag's appearance is far less fierce than Taloshi, but rather appears to be particularly restrained.

Except for a long scar on his face, there is almost no barbaric aura on Kenlo Hag.

If he takes off his beast robe, puts on a noble dress, and covers the face of the orc, he will definitely not be abrupt in the crowd.

And unlike Taloshi, Kenlo Hag's own combat ability is not that superb.

Not to mention compared with the top-level combat power of Sword Saint and Axe King, even if Taloshi is here, he can beat 3 Kenlo Hags alone.

But Kenlo Hag's position in the stronghold is second only to the two 9th-level professionals, Beast King Sachs and Great Prophet Zitar.

Prophet Zitar has to stay in the stronghold, and one of him and the Beast King must stay at home.

However, Qitar sent three of his five disciples to assist Sachs in fighting against human spells.

Among these three shamans, one was placed by Sachs next to Kenlo Hag to protect Kenlo Hag's safety.

In addition to the 8th-level shaman, Kenlo Hag also led Sachs's Frost Wolf Guard, a wolf cavalry corps composed purely of frost wolf knights.

Ordinary digs and evil wolves are not small in size, and their bodies are often more than twice that of prairie wolves.

But even so, they can only carry those short orcs, and they cannot afford to wear heavy armor.

It's not that orcs are born fearless and unwilling to protect themselves, but they have no choice.

Since they can't wear heavy armor, and even leather armor can't be too heavy, they simply give up the shield and use double swords to attack instead of defense.

But the frost giant wolves are different. They live on the top of snow-capped mountains all year round, and their size and endurance are extremely terrifying.

If a worg is twice the size of a prairie wolf, then a frost wolf is twice the size of a worg, and is even bigger than a strong warhorse.

Only this kind of giant wolf can carry a strong orc.

However, the frost wolf is still inferior to the noble warhorse, let alone Xu Lai's 8th-level warhorse.

Therefore, the frost wolf knights are also unarmored.

But although they are unarmored, they use long weapons, long-handled broadswords, long-handled hammers, and even meteor hammers or long-handled axes.

Frost Wolf Knights, like Phantom Shooters, Magic Witches, Paladins, etc., are not units that can be directly recruited, and are considered hidden troops in the stronghold.

Therefore, of Kenro Hag's 3,000 Frost Wolf Knights, only 1,000 are recruited and upgraded to level 7 Frost Wolf Knights.

The remaining 2,000 are all trained by Kenro Hag himself, including 1,000 level 6 Frost Wolf Fighters, 600 level 7 Frost Wolf Knights, and 400 level 8 Frost Wolf Warriors.

In addition, there are more than 2,000 Frost Wolf Warriors in training in the stronghold.

In addition to this Frost Wolf Knight Corps, Kenro Hag also commands more than 10,000 Evil Wolf Knights and more than 30,000 Wolf Knights.

The wolf riders he leads are all high-level knights, and he disdains to lead low-level ones.

Anyway, the other orc heroes also need wolf riders to explore the way, and in addition to him, there are several wolf rider generals in the stronghold, the most famous of which is Taloshi, who is known as the evil wolf general.

But now Taloshi is dead, so he is still responsible for controlling the rest of the wolf riders, and the total number of wolf riders should be more than 100,000.

Even these 100,000 wolf riders have not all crossed Pingfeng Mountain, and Kenro Hag only brought his own direct troops here.

The reason why Kenro Hag's position in the stronghold is so special is that he, like Lena, has a unique offensive skill.

The effect of the offensive skill is similar to that of the defensive skill, that is, in the offensive skill, each hero level gains a 1% improvement effect.

According to the information provided by the temple before, before the war between humans and orcs, the hero level of this General Kenro Hag was as high as level 36, one level higher than Taloshi, who has more troops.

Even compared with Reina, who is already hundreds of years old, his level is only 2 levels lower than when Xu Lai just rescued Reina, and this is the information from a year ago.

Even if Kenlo Hag is only level 36, his offensive skills are definitely not god-level, but they must be ultimate.

Then the attack bonus that Kenlo Hag brings to the troops is 36*1%*50%+50%, which is a full 68% attack bonus.

The effect is still not as good as the defensive skills, but the orcs are naturally stronger and have a higher basic attack power, so the bonus they get is more terrifying.

The order Kenlo Hag received was to capture humans in human settlements and collect war horses, cattle and sheep raised by humans based on the intelligence provided by Ruda.

At the same time, drive away and hunt human scouts from the ground.

The most important thing is that Kenlo Hag still needs to explore the way. Relying only on the air legion, it is easy for the cunning humans to create illusions.

Therefore, Kenlo Hag needs to lead the ground troops to test the truth.

In addition, after arriving at the grassland, Sachs had already contacted Aini.

Originally, when he was at the base, Sachs wanted to send someone to Aini's territory with Parame to negotiate with each other.

Anyway, Sachs also had to get a letter of surrender signed and stamped by Aini himself.

With this thing, he could really rest assured of Aini.

It's not that the effect of this letter of surrender is so strong, but if Aini betrayed him, he just had to throw out this letter of surrender, and Aini would definitely not be able to gain a foothold in the human world.

But first of all, Aini's reputation in the grassland has been ruined, and his collusion with the orcs has been heard even by people in other regions, and the temple has tacitly acknowledged this fact.

Such a letter of surrender, even if it is announced, is not a big threat to Aini.

Therefore, the Beast King did not pursue it too much. It would be best if there is one, but it doesn't matter if there is none.

Secondly, Xu Lai has been cruising in the Pingfeng Mountains for more than a month, and even his wolf cavalry team can't pass through, not to mention some mages who are not convenient to move at all.

The orcs in the stronghold are not good at magic. Even shamans and prophets are not good at space spells, let alone building teleportation arrays.

Even if they can pay a high price to invite some money-grubbing mages, they can only be arranged in a few extremely important cities in the stronghold.

And without mages of the level of the Grand Mage, the stronghold cannot build a large teleportation array.

Moreover, given the relationship between the stronghold and the empire, even if there is a teleportation array, it is impossible to communicate with each other.

Later, Aini wanted to open a teleportation array with the stronghold, but he thought it was useless. First, he couldn't find a mage who was good at teleportation array for a while.

Second, the territory of the stronghold camp is not small. Even if there is one, it is unknown when to rush to the city where the teleportation array is located.

In short, the current stronghold is impossible to communicate with the grassland city. If Parame wants to go back, he can only use his own feet.

After Xu Lai blocked the Pingfeng Mountains, this has completely become a luxury, so Parame can only stay on the orc side.

However, although the Paramers have been staying with the orcs, they have always maintained contact with Aini.

Xu Lai's people are watching, and Xu Lai, the god-favored one, has sworn in the name of the god of war in front of the high priest of the temple, so Aini has no need to not cooperate.

If he doesn't cooperate, he doesn't know whether Xu Lai will be tricked to death, but Aini will definitely die.

With Aini's cooperation, and the orcs knowing nothing about the movement of the grassland, the great prophet's divinations several times also involved Xu Lai and could not see the future clearly.

Under the ambiguity, the great prophet Qitar could only give the beast king a warning, but he couldn't explain the reason clearly.

After all, predicting the future is not something that ordinary people can do. Even the prediction of the only great prophet of the 9th level cannot guarantee success every time.

This time, a person favored by God is involved, and it is almost impossible to succeed. Even if it succeeds, there is a high probability that it will be a wrong future.

Qitar and Sachs are very clear about this situation, especially since this battle also involves the fate of the entire camp.

Rather than saying that the divination gave Qitar a warning, it is better to say that it was an instinctive worry that made Qitar warn Sachs.

In either case, Sachs cannot ignore the warning of the great prophet.

Therefore, he sent Kenlo Hag to explore the way and first determine whether there is the material hiding point mentioned by Aini.

The grassland is extremely empty and there is almost no dangerous place.

The material point mentioned by Aini has almost nowhere to hide in the empty grassland, unless it is hidden in a city or village.

However, if there is such a place, Sachs does not believe that Xu Lai will not find it. If Xu Lai sets a trap, they will suffer at that time.

Even if there was a trap, Sachs didn't think that it would be Aini's betrayal, he was just worried that Xu Lai would take advantage of it.

Therefore, it was necessary to go to the coordinates provided by Aini first to take a look.

Of course, you can't go there in a big way.

They orcs didn't gain air superiority, and sending a large force there in a swagger would be easy to be discovered by Xu Lai's air force.

Secondly, if Xu Lai noticed it in advance and set a trap, the more troops he sent, the more serious the loss would be.

Kenlo Hag also understood what Sachs meant, and he took a large force and ran around following the instructions of Ruda in the sky.

In addition to implementing Sachs's instructions, Kenlo Hag also had to avoid the knights who were also outside.

After temporarily incorporating the knights of Tahan, Yan Feng, Naru, etc., the scale of Xu Lai's cavalry should not be underestimated, close to 10,000 cavalry, and the ranks were not low.

As far as Kenlo Hag himself meant, he wanted to have a fight with Xu Laipin.

Unfortunately, at this stage, Sachs strictly forbade them to fight with humans, especially when they met the supreme commander of humans.

After all, the orcs' main force had not yet arrived. Once they fought, humans would have support, but the orcs had no other reinforcements except the air force.

The same was true for Xu Lai. If there were only those tens of thousands of wolf riders, Xu Lai would also want to fight.

Kenlo Hag is good at offensive skills. He has god-level offensive skills. No one is worse than anyone else.

And compared with Kenlo Hag, Xu Lai has an extra speed ability. Even if he can't win, he can at least run.

It's just that the other side's air corps has been greatly supplemented overnight. Although not many high-level units have been seen, at least the number has increased.

Even if there are tens of thousands more air force troops to attack, Xu Lai is not too sure.

The most important thing is to fight outside. If you win, it's okay. The winner naturally has the right to clean up the battlefield.

But if you lose, the knights who died outside will most likely not be saved. Will the other side clean up the battlefield and give him a chance to collect the bodies calmly?

Therefore, the two cavalry armies could only be wary of each other and contain each other.

The difference is that Kenlo Hag secretly sent a small force of dozens of people to a mysterious location. (End of this chapter)

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