The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 611 Friends at the Base

"How? Is this food edible?"

Lailaf and his party returned to the temporary base being built by the orcs very smoothly.

Although the tens of thousands of units of food he brought back were not enough to supply the army, there was still no problem in supplying the working big-eared monsters and hard laborers.

However, although the orcs themselves requested the food and grass provided by Aini, they did not have much trust in Aini.

In front of Parame, the Beast King Sachs ordered the only two shamans in the camp to cast spells together for testing.

As expected, both shamans shook their heads, indicating that they had not used magic to detect the poison.

Shaman Ogu said: "Your Majesty, no toxins have been detected in these grains."

Beast King Sachs nodded and immediately ordered people to make these grains.

Although orcs prefer meat, they are omnivores just like humans, and there is no saying that they can only eat meat.

It's just that it's impossible to grow serious food in the Gobi Desert. The food grown by humans is also a treasure that is hard to buy in the stronghold.

Thinking of the fragrant rice and the white and soft steamed buns, even the majestic Beast King is thinking about it.

"If Your Majesty is worried, it is better to distribute these grains to the hard workers and slaves first.

If my count had poisoned it, he would have poisoned these peons and slaves first. "

At this time, Master Paramei suddenly stopped him.

Beast King Sachs frowned slightly and said to Parame nonchalantly:

"The mage's suggestion makes sense. Although we trust Mr. Aini, after all, Mr. Aini cannot hand over the matter in person. No one knows what will happen in the meantime.

You should be cautious first. "

Parame remained silent and did not make a sound. Although he was a mage, after joining the orcs, he completely abandoned his dignity as a human being and as a mage.

There must be nothing wrong with this batch of food. Xu Lai just didn't want to arouse the suspicion of the orcs, so he prepared some food of all kinds.

Although staple food is relatively precious in the stronghold, there are really not many people who like to eat it, and it is easier to be discovered using these food for poisoning.

After proving that there is no problem with the food, the next step is how to transport the livestock.

The space ring cannot transport living creatures. If they are all slaughtered before transporting them, the space ring cannot hold them.

There aren't many space rings in the stronghold. Even if all the chiefs' rings are collected together, there won't be much room for meat.

The concerns of Aini and the captain must also be considered. Even with this batch of meat, the orcs' food gap is still huge.

This hidden hiding hole is extremely valuable and should not be exposed easily. The method of taking it multiple times is not feasible.

After several orc chiefs discussed it for a long time, Paramei slowly spoke:

“There are other supplies that need to be stored in the space ring, and they are not suitable for all meat storage.

Therefore, we not only have to consider transportation issues, but also storage issues after getting the meat back.

At present, our supplies are mainly used to build resting places for combatants, and it is impossible to build large quantities of warehouses.

If the cattle and sheep are slaughtered, even if they can be brought back, most of them will be spoiled.

However, live cattle and sheep can survive for a long time as long as they are roughly kept in captivity, and they do not require too many people to take care of them.

And as far as I know, Xu Lai's side is extremely lacking in detective power, and can only rely on a few detective knights, Pegasus knights and a few angels.

As long as we put on an offensive stance, we will definitely attract all their attention.

If we send people to drive those cattle and sheep back then, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As long as the hiding hole is not discovered, even if it is sensed by Xu Lai's people on the way, we only need to hold back Xu Lai's cavalry troops.

Judging from the current situation, Xu Lai's infantry regiment must not dare to go out of the city to fight in the field. Their troops are too small and they are absolutely unwilling to give up their huge advantage in city defense. "

Otherwise, the enemy would not have a traitor to be hated by others.

Although the orcs in the stronghold also hated Xu Lai deeply, it was difficult for them to cross the Pingfeng Mountains.

Secondly, whether they are orcs or half-orcs, they are completely different from human beings, and there is no way to integrate into the human living environment.

Naturally, it is impossible for them to obtain much truly useful information.

But Parame is different. Ani has long regarded the Advent Heroes as a threat. Parame has actually been responsible for collecting intelligence about the Advent Heroes for Ani.

Among them, Xu Lai, as a leader who showed his talent early, was targeted by Parame early on.

It can even be said that Aini's own understanding of Xu Lai may not be as clear as Parame's.

Parame knew very well that most of Xu Lai's troops were composed of recruited soldiers.

These recruiting soldiers are easy to use, but their flaws are well known.

In addition, although there were many heroes who took refuge in Xu Lai, Xu Lai was too cautious in using heroes.

In this regard, Xu Lai is not as confident as those traditional nobles.

Although Aini and the others are also very afraid of these descending heroes, this does not prevent them from using these heroes.

In the final analysis, traditional nobles like Aini have more trial and error costs and more people available, which can form constraints.

Xu Lai did not have enough manpower and did not have so many soldiers to sacrifice, so he was naturally cautious.

Through the analysis of previous battle reports, Parame concluded that Xu Lai would not easily divide his troops.

Because Xu Lai does not have enough heroes to support him, once he divides his troops, his strength will drop rapidly, and he may be easily eaten by the orcs.

This is why Xu Lai wants to implement the plan of strengthening the walls and clearing the country, which is to force the orc troops to attack the city. Only the city has enough food and grass.

"I don't think it's appropriate. The guy named Xu is too high-level, has too good equipment, and he also has the most powerful artifact from the Angel Alliance.

If Kenlo Hager is not sure and starts a decisive battle with Xu Lai's large army in the wild, our losses will probably be unbearable. "

The first one to jump out and object was Xu Lai's former prisoner, York.

After this guy suffered a big defeat, he was originally ranked among the top in the stronghold, but now he has fallen to outside fifth place.

The last time Xu Lai led the knights to charge in the field, he was so shocked that he completely lost the courage to fight Xu Lai.

The remaining chiefs present did not speak. Their troops either had not arrived yet, or they had just arrived and rested before they had time.

Obviously, if there was to be a head-on conflict with Xu Lai now, it would not be possible for their men to do it.

The stronghold is currently weak, so they are relatively united, but they are still reluctant to take the initiative to speak about such matters that do not involve themselves.

"Your Majesty York, what you said is wrong. You are boosting other people's ambitions and destroying your own prestige."

Parame chuckled. As Aini's envoy, he wanted to ask for help from these orcs. He had been fed up with the orcs during this time.

The orcs may not care about other things, but when it comes to the issue of face, no orc can hold back.

Beast King Sachs waved his hand and said directly: "This batch of livestock is extremely important to us, and we must do everything possible to transport it back.

At the same time, it is also best not to expose the existence of the hiding hole. It is better to ask Kenlo Hager for his opinion first.

If he is sure to entangle Xu Lai, then he will follow what the Master said.

But if Kenlo Hager is not sure, he should wait until our large army comes over.

At that time, our clan's large army will be on the side, and there is no need to hand over in the wild. We can directly ask the earl to deliver the food and grass to our clan's military camp. What dares Xu Lai do? "

The Beast King made the final decision, and no matter how dissatisfied Parame was, she did not dare to refute anything.

Soon, the time came to night. Although the orc camp could not be built in one day, with the support of the stronghold, dozens of cave dwellings were still built.

In the cave, the senior heroes and chiefs of the orcs were sitting in rows. The only difference from the past was that there was an additional human mage today.

At the meeting, Sachs briefly summarized the results of the afternoon's deliberations.

When Kenlo Hager was asked for his opinion, Kenlo Hager's eyes, which had been slightly squinting, suddenly opened their eyes and said:

"No problem, I agree with the human mage. Xu Lai and his cavalry can be left to me.

However, although we did not fight against each other today, we tested each other.

His cavalry troops are obviously superior to the wolf cavalry troops in terms of speed and endurance.

I can only be sure of a short-term sudden advance and entanglement. Once the time goes on, we may not be able to break away even if we want to.

Therefore, if we must do this, the Wolf Cavalry troops will inevitably suffer losses. I estimate that it will be at least between 10% and 25%. "

"So high?" Sachs was very surprised.

Kenlo Hager nodded and said: “Tens of thousands of cattle and sheep cannot be transported in a short time.

Once I have a confrontation with them, it's okay for a short time, but if it lasts for a long time, I can only abandon part of my troops to escape.

if not. "

Having said this, Kenlo Hager paused for a moment and then continued: "The only way is to fight to the death with them."

Kenlo Hager, who has offensive talent, is not a very calm person.

On the contrary, he may be the most fanatical war maniac in the entire stronghold.

However, Kenro Hagar is more rational and determined than ordinary orcs.

And as the only commander of the stronghold camp, Kenlo Hager knows how to restrain himself.

However, once his crazy side is revealed, it is impossible to control him even if Sachs comes forward in person.

Kenlo Hager's words made Sachs hesitate again. He asked Sirulu, the half-orc hero in charge of logistics:

“How long can the food in the camp last?

How long will it take to transfer the large troops? "

Sirulu stood up and replied: "Your Majesty, with the food just delivered today, the food in the camp can last for a week at most.

It will take at least more than half a month to transfer all the troops.

If the camp wants to maintain normal operations, it must still prioritize the mobilization of logistics troops. If combat effectiveness is formed, it will be almost half a month later. "

Sachs thought for a moment and said, "What about halving the rations for everyone in the camp?"

Sirulu shook his head and said: "There is still little hope. The ration consumption of slaves, hard laborers and big-eared monsters is already halved.

If it is reduced by half again, no matter how much we urge them, it will be difficult for them to have enough physical strength to maintain their work, which is equivalent to us having to waste food to feed them.

And without sufficient facilities, not only the soldiers of the camp could not be accommodated, but also the food, grass and equipment that had been transported were not easy to handle.

In addition, there are a large number of recruited soldiers in the camp. They need to consume a fixed unit of food every day, but they are not picky about the type of food.

Unless the rations of the wolf riders and the flying troops are reduced, we must have extra food to support them. "

When Xilulu said this, the commanders of the two troops all looked over coldly.

Kenlo Hag Xilulu can't afford to offend, but he is not afraid of Ruda, who just caused a lot of losses to the stronghold.

"Ruda, have you gained anything today? I found that you all returned to the camp empty-handed."

Ruda stood up tremblingly and said: "Your Majesty, Ruda is not lazy today, nor is he reckless.

We have searched all the land west of the Stone City several times, and have not found any mobile people, villages, or other human settlements.

The two or three villages and towns that were found by chance have been abandoned by humans, and no one was found in them.

Even many good pastures were directly abandoned.

Even large wild animal colonies were not found, which must have been destroyed by humans. "

Lu Da originally wanted to report this matter alone.

Because this report obviously had no results, if he reported it in public, he would inevitably be scolded.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't escape it after all.

Sure enough, such an answer would naturally not satisfy the great beast king.

He glared at Lu Da fiercely and said:

"Keep looking for it for me tomorrow. I don't believe that the Xu guy is so powerful that he can move away half of the people and animals in more than a month. "

That being said, Sachs knew that Ruda had just made a big mistake, and he would not dare to be lazy at such a critical moment.

That is to say, it is very likely that the Xu guy really moved away half of the grassland.

Although this provided them with a vast space, it also completely deprived them of the ability to replenish supplies.

The huge physical expenditure caused by the dispersed beasts was enough to barely sustain the flying corps going out, which was already good.

Thinking of this, Sachs said: "Tomorrow we will mobilize the Cyclops and the Orc Corps.

We must transport these foods back to the camp, and everyone will cooperate with Kenlo Hag to take action the day after tomorrow.

In addition, Mr. Mage, I need you to re-contact your Earl as soon as possible.

These cattle and sheep are only enough to support us for a period of time, and we still have a huge food gap. Please ask him to find a way to send it as soon as possible. "

Palamei did not dare to object, so he had to say: "Collecting and transporting food will definitely take a certain amount of time. "

Before Parame finished speaking, Sachs raised a finger and said firmly:

"One week, within one week, I need to see a satisfactory amount of food.

In this way, I will recognize your earl as a friend of the base!" (End of this chapter)

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