The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 612 The End of the Orcs

While the orcs were discussing countermeasures here, Xu Lai was also very anxious.

He wanted to ask the orcs to immediately transport all the cattle and sheep back to the camp.

However, if the orcs were allowed to transport them back so easily, these guys would probably be suspicious again.

They must pay a certain price before they will believe that this is something Xu Lai really can't bear to let go.

It's similar to what Parame guessed. Xu Lai doesn't have enough reliable people, so he doesn't dare to divide his troops.

But this doesn't mean that Xu Lai has no one to use.

On the contrary, Xu Lai can mobilize far more people than Aini and the orcs.

The grassland west of the Stone City is not just a few hundred square kilometers. There are countless villages and wild animals living here.

If Xu Lai relies on himself to move and drive them away, he can't do it even if he is exhausted, and it won't take one or two months to do it.

In addition to appointing officials, more importantly, he directly issued tasks in the mercenary guild and major taverns.

There were hundreds of mercenary groups, tens of thousands of mercenaries, and the heroic teams that descended, going to every corner of the grassland to relocate and drive away the herdsmen here.

The losses of his own plan of clearing the wilds were much greater than those of the orcs. It was a method of killing 800 enemies and losing 1,000 of his own.

However, this method did force the orcs into a desperate situation.

According to the experience of the previous invasions, as long as they crossed Pingfeng Mountain, they could get a lot of food supplements on the grassland, especially various meats.

At the very least, rounding up a herd of bison could at least solve the food problem of all the orcs for three to five days.

Besides, the Gobi Desert is the most barren land in the world. The previous war consumed too much, and the Beast King could not take out too much food reserves.

So, when the orcs still did not take action on the food the next day, Xu Lai was still not in a hurry.

He just issued two tasks again in the mercenary guild and the tavern.

One is a safer reconnaissance mission, and the other is a wanted mission with a higher bounty, even higher than the reward Xu Lai promised to the soldiers.

For the former, as long as you find any intelligence related to the orcs and report it, you will get a reward.

Whether it is the location of the orc reconnaissance team, the temporary station in the wild, or even the information about the location of the base camp, you can get a reward.

And the latter is to harass the orcs at all costs.

Whether it is a sneak attack, a forced killing, or a trap.

No matter what method, as long as you can kill an orc and peel off the unique tattoo on the orc's back, you can exchange it for a large amount of gold coins from Xu Lai.

Xu Lai is not a stingy person, this has been proven countless times.

Especially this time, the bounty mission is issued, and everyone who accepts the bounty needs to be responsible for it.

Mercenaries can exchange a large amount of rewards for taking back the orc skins, and if they can't take it back, they will get nothing and bear the travel expenses themselves.

If they accidentally died outside, Xu Lai would not pay for their pensions, let alone take care of their families.

So compared with the soldiers, the rewards Xu Lai gave to the mercenaries were much higher.

But to be honest, if there was a choice, these mercenaries would rather join Xu Lai's army, because at least there was a guarantee.

In addition, Xu Lai conquered the entire grassland, took away two-thirds of the nobles of the grassland, and accumulated wealth for hundreds of years, so there was no need to worry about financial resources.

Of course, they didn't know that Xu Lai had even more harvests in the dungeon.

In the end, Xu Lai issued a task through the Mercenary Guild, with the Mercenary Guild as a guarantee, and Xu Lai's own reputation was very good, winning the trust of many people.

Therefore, many masters on the grassland appeared alone or in groups in the area west of the Stone City.

These people brought great trouble to the orcs, especially the orcs' reconnaissance troops.

There are still many creatures on the grassland. No matter how hard you drive them away, you can only drive away those large groups of creatures, such as bison and wild horses.

However, carnivorous groups, such as wolf packs and lion packs, are not numerous and are somewhat dangerous.

In addition, wild animals also have fixed territories. If they are driven away for a while, they will return to their previous territories soon.

The orcs are extremely short of food, so of course they will not let go of these meats. Xu Lai has worked hard to build a strong defense and clear the fields, and it is even more impossible for the orcs to hunt these wild animals at will.

The 9th-level knight Tahan and the cavalry archer Yan Feng each led their knights to hunt these orcs everywhere according to the information provided by the mercenaries.

And he, Xu Lai, personally led the paladins and the Knights of Naaru to support the trapped mercenary groups.

The wolf cavalry of the orcs is very troublesome, and Xu Lai is not interested in a decisive battle with the orcs at this time.

At this time, the morale of the orcs is still quite high, and they are not short of physical strength.

It is better to wait for a while, wait for the poison to take effect, poison a bunch of orcs, and force them to lose morale before talking about it.

If Xu Lai wanted to avoid the battle, the wolf cavalry would charge faster but not last long.

Xu Lai, who had super speed, could easily get rid of the wolf cavalry as long as he used attack acceleration and charge at the right time.

The main thing was not to fight with the main force of the wolf cavalry. No matter how many troops the orcs sent out, what level of heroes led them, how many priests and high priests were in charge.

When they met Xu Lai, they were all destroyed like a whirlwind.

The charging Paladins and Knights are simply unstoppable and terrifying in an open area like the grassland.

Let alone ordinary orcs, even if it is Behemoth or even the Behemoth Legion, Xu Lai has the courage to charge forward without hesitation.

And Tahan, Yan Feng and others who are separated from Xu Lai will not be at a disadvantage at all.

Although they are not even generals, they only have a captain bonus, but they are not afraid even when facing orc heroes.

Even with the top defense protection, the damage bonus of the 9th-level knight and the 8th-level heroic knight when charging at the maximum speed is terrifying to more than 300%.

The enemies they encounter cannot be killed in one round of charge unless they are huge in number.

Even so, the cavalry with speed advantage is difficult to stop unless there are a large number of enemies.

Xu Lai is very relieved about this point. Both Tahan and Yan Feng are very stable people.

After clarifying Xu Lai's strategic purpose, they will not easily rush to those enemies that are not easy to deal with.

There is even less to worry about Yan Feng, because he is bringing cavalry archers, and they are fast-moving cavalry archers.

The most common people on the grassland are herdsmen, and almost every recruit who signs up for the army has a high level of riding skills.

You should know that it is much more difficult for normal people to upgrade than recruiting soldiers, and the rewards for upgrading are much less.

It is a minimum to increase the riding skills by one level for each level of recruiting cavalry archers, but ordinary people may need to upgrade two or three levels for each level of riding.

The better the foundation, the higher the combat effectiveness after reaching the corresponding level, obtaining the corresponding attributes and equipment.

Therefore, the herdsmen on the grassland are most suitable for forming cavalry units.

But Xu Lai distributes melee cavalry and cavalry archers in a ratio of 3:7, and prioritizes them in the cavalry archer team.

First, melee cavalry is easier to obtain, and second, cavalry archers are safer.

Like Yan Feng, they go out with a space ring, and the arrows stored in it are enough for them to kill tens of thousands of orcs, so there is basically no danger.

Tahan and his men led the charge, which consumed a lot of the physical strength of the horses and soldiers.

Yan Feng and his men could not only kill without loss, but also consumed less physical strength. It was just that the consumption of arrows was quite amazing, but who let Xu Lai be rich?

Xu Lai was counting on these two teams to go out and accumulate experience and quickly upgrade their ranks, so he naturally didn't care about a little bit of consumption.

Facing Xu Lai's aggressiveness, the orcs always seemed to be very restrained.

Of course, they had no choice but to restrain themselves. Although the wolf cavalry had more people, they really couldn't compare with humans in terms of harassment ability.

Even if we don't count Xu Lai's three cavalry, just the tens of thousands of mercenaries are a very large and difficult force.

These mercenaries are scattered in number, and the largest mercenary group only has hundreds of people acting together.

The mercenaries on the grassland, even if they don't have any combat skills, can't be pulled down in riding skills.

If the wolf cavalry want to hunt a mercenary, they can't do it without three or four times the number of wolf cavalry.

If the number of wolf riders is small, there is still the risk of being killed in return, but if the number is large, the mercenaries will call for support from the mercenary group or even Xu Lai.

Mercenaries are warriors with strong single-handed combat capabilities. Although the orcs are stronger, they are very risky to fight alone or even two against one.

And the constant division of troops also gradually dispersed the scale of the wolf riders, making them more chaotic and difficult to command.

Anyway, after two or three days, the grassland became a big mess, and human knights and wolf riders could be seen everywhere.

At this time, it had been a full six days since the first batch of wolf riders and flying corps crossed Pingfeng Mountain.

One more day, and it would be a full week.

In this week, in addition to the loss of tens of thousands of flying soldiers, the orcs lost nearly 10,000 wolf riders.

It cannot be said that there was no benefit, only some abandoned villages and towns that did not have time to transfer all resources, and the hunting and capture of nearly a thousand mercenaries.

The casualty ratio of both sides, not counting the flying soldiers, was as high as 1 to 10, and this was the result of the battle after all the masters and ambushes were set up on the stronghold camp side.

The key is that as long as the bodies of these mercenaries are not left behind and they are allowed to take the bodies back, these mercenaries can be seen again in two days.

Although Xu Lai's angels are not many, they have strong resurrection ability, and the intensity of the battle has not been high. The most mercenaries died in one day was only more than 200.

Xu Lai and his paladins can forget about it, and even the two knight armies without heroes can't be defeated.

If Ruda locked the opponent in the air, Xu Lai and the angel army would definitely come to support.

It was also in that battle that Kenlo Hag and Xu Lai had a small collision.

As expected, Kenlo Hag was completely at a disadvantage.

Thousands of 7th-level paladins with holy shields rushed into the wolf rider camp, and the own side had no power to resist except to collapse.

If it weren't for the fact that the orcs already had the long-range one-eyed army to provide cover, and there was also Ruda's flying army in the sky, Xu Lai really dared to pursue and kill them.

This wave of charge killed more than 2,000 wolf riders of Kenlo Hag, which was almost equal to the total harvest of the mercenaries in the past three days.

The most helpless thing is that because of the continuous harassment of humans, the orcs have been unable to obtain the blood food.

Although they have also hunted dozens of wild animals of all sizes in the past few days, the food reserves can still support them for a while.

But the lack of food has always been a sword hanging over the heads of all the orcs, and no one knows when it will be cut down.

Beast King Sachs can no longer wait. If he waits any longer, the morale of the orc army will be completely exhausted.

After leaving the base camp to the troops that continue to arrive in the rear, he personally led the 100,000 orc infantry who had been transferred to move towards the Stone City.

As the orc army approached, the space for activities on the grassland became less and less.

The Wolf Cavalry Corps served as the vanguard, and the Flying Corps was the support. Even if Xu Lai recalled all the cavalry troops, he did not dare to attack the army of more than 100,000 orcs.

Xu Lai's strong defense and clearing of the fields certainly prevented the orcs from getting food supplements, but also saved them from wasting time and manpower on the periphery.

The remaining cities were either abandoned or completely ruined.

The orcs sent a large number of hard laborers to recycle the resources of these ruins.

Xu Lai did not dare to attack the hard laborers who were covered by the army, but just kept confronting the wolf cavalry.

Prevent them from crossing the defense line of the Stone City and harassing the transportation and supply routes behind the Stone City.

This finally gave the orcs a chance to successfully drive away all the tens of thousands of cattle and sheep that Xu Lai had hidden in the hiding cave.

After being trapped in the hiding cave for several days, even with the spell scrolls made by the priests, hundreds of cattle and sheep still died.

These long-dead cattle and sheep were fed to the big-eared monsters and laborers by the orcs.

The laborers and big-eared monsters had no orc blood, so naturally they would be fine.

The shaman also used spells to check, and the remaining cattle and sheep were all alive, so the orcs were less vigilant.

Ten thousand cattle and twenty thousand sheep, 3,000 cattle and 5,000 sheep were slaughtered on the spot to supply all the orc warriors who needed to go to battle tomorrow.

The catapults and crossbow carts of the orcs had not been transported in time.

But among the orc infantry, there was a cyclops unit of 5,000 people. They were so powerful that no wall could be smashed by them.

However, it was these confirmed beef and mutton that caused extremely terrible damage to the orcs that night.

In order to make the poison work as much as possible, Xu Lai asked the poison masters to improve the poison formula of Aini.

All poisons will not take effect immediately, but will be delayed for at least one hour, and will become more and more serious.

Of course, this will reduce the efficacy of some of the drugs and give the orcs more time to heal.

But because of this, even if some chefs stole the food, this batch of beef and mutton was successfully eaten by most of the orcs. (End of this chapter)

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