The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 613: Horses trample the camps

Xu Lai couldn't sleep today. In the past few days, although he had been taking advantage, he had also been acting with the orcs.

It wasn't until the orcs mobilized all their troops and news of the death of cattle and sheep came from the hiding cave that Xu Lai regrouped the scattered troops.

The reconnaissance eye hiding in the cave has been extinguished, but Aini's men reported that the cattle and sheep had been successfully taken away by the orcs.

Xu Lai didn't know when the orcs would deal with these cattle and sheep, but he knew that once these cattle and sheep were taken away, they would be exposed soon.

Orcs are not humans. Even if they form an army, their order is still far behind humans.

The orcs may not dare to disobey military orders, but no one from top to bottom would care about some innocuous things, such as stealing a sheep or something.

Not only orcs, but even well-trained human armies are likely to have this problem.

This is what happened with large-scale poisoning. If the time when the poison is released cannot be controlled, it will be extremely easy to leak.

Xu Lai has not yet tested the properties of the new poison. He only hopes that the poison he spent tens of millions of gold coins on will not be wasted.

In addition to Xu Lai, there were also many people who stayed awake all night on the top of the stubborn stone city.

As the leader, Elf Reina invited several Pegasus knights to take her to high altitudes.

Although the air supremacy is in the hands of the orcs, the orc flying soldiers dare not approach along the Stone City.

There are terrifying shooters here. Once the flying altitude is lower than a thousand meters, they will immediately suffer a devastating blow.

At the same time, the angel troops led by Elvi and the griffon troops led by Reina have been guarding this airspace.

The orcs also spent countless lives to test the strength of Stone City.

Sachs is not yet ready for a full-scale siege. After Stone Castle was upgraded to Stone City, the height and durability of the city walls have increased a lot.

If the city wall is not blown to pieces and the orc warriors are allowed to climb the city wall, the number of casualties will probably be extremely tragic.

Therefore, Sachs set up a temporary camp very far away, at least ten kilometers away from Stone City.

Even if you stand on the arrow tower of Stone City, you can only see the glowing fire in the camp in the distance. You can only see it more clearly when you fly into the sky.

Speaking of which, Reina is actually not as nervous as Xu Lai, because compared with Xu Lai, she has a way out.

To put it bluntly, if Xu Lai was defeated by the orcs, it would be more beneficial to her.

Because from now on, she has no restraints and can choose her own life.

However, whether you are a human being or an elf, you cannot be without conscience.

She was rescued by Xu Lai, and after he was rescued, he treated her without reservation.

Weapons and equipment, even artifacts, can be given to yourself without blinking an eye.

The same is true for the army. Xu Lai didn't even form a legion himself, and the first legion he established was completely left to her.

There was no city in the barrier camp on the grassland, so he simply left one of the twelve main cities in the underground city for her, allowing her to obtain a large amount of resources for building elf cities and the most critical barrier heart.

Reina didn't know how to repay this trust at all. It seemed that it was not enough for anything other than death.

The appearance of the elves made Reina inexplicably afraid.

She couldn't let go of her mother's family, and she would never allow her to leave Xu Lai at such a moment, so she simply used the so-called oath to tightly imprison herself.

Reina wasn't nervous at all, but worry was still unavoidable.

"General Elvy, when the battle begins, the enemy's flying troops will certainly not be affected, which is also one of the variables tonight."

Elvi, who was guarding at the side, said: "Xu Lai said that he is protected by the Holy Light Knight, so there will be no problem. He asked me to stay in the city to prevent the enemy's flying troops from taking the opportunity to enter the city."

Reina smiled and said: "Don't worry, during the day today, I have ordered all the shooters to rest.

If the enemy does the opposite, I will make it impossible for them to come back.

And since Xu Lai has appointed me as commander-in-chief, General Elvi must also obey my command. I order you to lead the angel troops and griffon troops to attack the orc army at night. "

Elvi hesitated for a moment, then said: "I'll just take the angels with me. I'll leave the griffon to you."

Griffins are not easy to come by, there are not many in the wild, and as flying soldiers, most people are reluctant to sell them.

Therefore, the entire Qingfeng Legion only has a total of more than 600 animals, not even a thousand.

Reina shook her head and said: "With less than 700 griffins, they won't be of much use if they stay here with me.

But if you take them to swoop in a wave, I dare not say there are too many, it should be more than enough to kill a few thousand orcs.

The key is now at night. The toxins combined with sneak attacks and a wave of mass deaths of orcs will cause chaos, which may have a decisive impact on this battle. "

"But this is the only air force, Xu Lai said before."

Reina said: "I am right between the orc camp and the city. With the blessing of my defensive talent, the griffins will not suffer too many casualties."

After a moment of silence, Elvi said: "This is too dangerous for you. Xu Lai left me here just to protect you."

Reina shook her head and said: "I took a few Pegasus knights to hide in the grass. Where is the danger? On the contrary, I will be noticed only if you stay by my side.

Besides, if danger comes, I can summon the giant dragon at any time and take the opportunity to escape back to the city. I don't have the magic weapon and defensive talent to die if someone touches me! "

Although she has command authority, Lena does not want to forcefully order Elvy, and the previous order was only to relieve Elvy of her responsibilities.

After all, in addition to being Xu Lai's first general, Elvi is also his woman. Her identity is completely different from that of ordinary generals.

"Ok, I see."

After saying this, Elvi and Reina fell into silence at the same time.

The two of them had a tacit understanding, and neither of them informed Xu Lai, lest Xu Lai would have any objections.

And it was not until an hour later that the sky became completely dark, reaching a state where it was completely invisible without lights.

The campfires on the orc side have also been extinguished a bit, and everyone except the patrols and night watchmen should have gradually gone to rest.

But at this moment, countless orcs in the camp began to groan.

"It hurts, my stomach hurts so much..."

Whether they are low-level orcs lying directly on the grass, or a few high-level orcs who are qualified to live in a few tents.

Or it could be the patrolling orc warriors, or the orc high-level officials still discussing matters in the military tent.

Everyone who had eaten beef and mutton tonight began to feel a dull pain.

At first, some orcs couldn't bear the pain, but gradually some orcs began to lose their health points. Even those high-level orcs with higher physiques had unbearable abdominal pain and couldn't help but cry out.

The orc camp immediately became chaotic, and even the beast king Sachs himself felt strange in his body.

Unlike other people, Beast King Sachs has a very high constitution and is extremely resistant to abnormal conditions and poisons.

Just like Xu Lai, the poison that could easily poison ordinary people to death fell on Xu Lai, but he only lost one or two hundred points of health.

Even he felt something strange in his body, and even several shamans present looked embarrassed, which shows what happened to the ordinary orcs in the camp.

"What exactly is going on?"

Sachs spoke out. The orcs present were either high-level heroes, tribal chiefs, or high-level mages.

After all, the poison Xu Lai put in was diluted and the formula was adjusted, so it wouldn't be able to kill them for a while.

"It's a highly poisonous poison. Judging from the physical reaction, it's a highly poisonous poison specifically targeted at us orcs. It's extremely difficult to deal with."

As an eighth-level shaman, Ogu still has some abilities.

I don’t know how he did it, but he actually forced all the toxins in his body into his little finger.

That skinny little finger looked extremely dark in the bright light.

Without hesitation, Ogu took out his dagger and cut off his little finger.

The shaman's healing skills were not comparable to those of the priest, but he could still find a way to heal a little finger.

However, he can use magic to force poison, but others cannot.

Moreover, the people present were all high-level officials of the stronghold. If they all fell, the stronghold would be destroyed without a single attack.

Therefore, Ogu teamed up with two other level 8 shamans to jointly release a large-scale natural spell, group poison exorcism.

The three of them are not heroes, and they do not have corresponding spell specializations. Naturally, they cannot cover everyone with their spells.

Even if the three of them are combined, this group spell can only cover a radius of about 3 or 4 kilometers, which can cover the vast majority of orcs.

The detoxification technique had some effect and drove away part of the poison, but as Augu said before, the poison came towards the orc group and could not be completely dispelled.

After all, it was something that Xu Lai spent a lot of money to build. If a few shamans could easily break it with a spell, it would be useless.

After the three shamans cast the spell, they all fell to the ground. It was Augu who still spoke:

"We have jointly released a large-scale group detoxification technique. Even though the poison cannot be completely eliminated, I think it will have a certain effect.

Your Majesty can order the other high priests and priests to plant healing totems all over the camp to see if they can use the healing effects of the totems to survive the night. "

Another shaman also said: "As long as we can survive tonight, we orcs will be able to produce certain antibodies with our physique.

Although this poison will continue to haunt me in the future, my life will no longer be in danger and a solution can always be found. "

"I'm just afraid that I won't be able to survive tonight.

This poison must have been inflicted by humans. How could they tolerate us treating it slowly? "

The last shaman spoke, and all the orcs' eyes were focused on the only mage on the field who seemed to be in trouble, Parame.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Could it be that I poisoned you? Even if I have this ability, I may not be able to poison everyone in the camp!"

The Beast King glanced at him and winked at the man below, and Axe King Monroka immediately struck down with his axe.

Fortunately, he was using the back of an axe, so he wouldn't be able to chop the person directly with the axe.

"Bi Qiman, please check the location of Xu immediately."

Bi Qi Man is an ogre high priest. Because Xu Lai bears the ogre's blood curse, his position is invisible to the ogre's spells.

"No need to check, I already heard him!"

Kenro Hag suddenly stood up, summoned the huge ice wolf outside his tent, and flew towards his camp.

The camp of the wolf riders was not in the same place as the orc army, because the wolf riders were not responsible for attacking the city, but for harassment and looting.

It was just that Kenlo Hag had to come to discuss matters every day, so he had dinner in the big tent.

At this time, he no longer cared about the guards around him, and only wanted to rush back to the camp immediately to train the troops.

But as he said just now, Xu Lai and his team had already started to move when the turmoil broke out in the orc camp.

It was just that in the first 5 or 6 kilometers, Xu Lai and his team just ran normally, and the speed was relatively slow in order to accumulate more physical strength for the charge.

When they were 3 or 4 kilometers away from the orc camp, all the knights had no worries. Led by the only 9th-level knight, they rode their horses and whipped their whips towards the orc camp.

After a few days of trembling, there were no new knights below the 4th level in Xu Lai's team, and at least they were all apprentice knights of the 4th level.

And for this charge, Xu Lai gathered all the knights' strength, not counting the high-level knights of the 7th and 8th levels, the number was more than 10,000.

Including the great knights, brave knights, heroes, rangers, paladins, holy light knights, and wind knights, there are more than 15,000 knights.

Even if these 15,000 knights are arranged every two meters, they can still form a line of more than 30,000 meters, which is a full length of 30 kilometers.

Of course, there is no 2-meter interval between the knights, and they are not all lined up in a row.

But even so, when these 15,000 knights charged, the whole earth began to tremble.

The orc camp had almost no resistance.

The only lucky thing for the orcs was that the recruited soldiers had no requirements for food, as long as they were edible.

Therefore, the precious meat was not allocated to these recruited soldiers.

Now, they have become the only warriors in the entire camp who can resist the cavalry charge.

However, due to the chaos in the orc camp and the orc commander in charge of the command was also difficult to form an effective command due to toxins and severe pain.

In addition, it was pitch black at night, and the recruited soldiers were scattered here and there, making it impossible to form an effective resistance.

In the dark night, facing the charging knights, even if there were no special circumstances, the orcs would not have an easy time.

Now, it was even more impossible to stop the charging cavalry.

Many knights didn't even have time to hand over their lances. Countless orcs almost lay directly on the grass and were trampled by the war horses and turned into meat paste.

The only place that allowed this group of knights to stay for a while was the large area in the back that was set aside for the giants to rest.

The giants who were good at long-range attacks were rushed in front of the cavalry even with the ultimate defense of the beast king.

Facing Tahan's ignoring defense and Xu Lai's god-level offensive skills, their performance was not much better than that of ordinary orcs, and it was nothing more than a few seconds longer. (End of this chapter)

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