The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 614 The Defeated Orcs


After rushing back to his own camp, Kenlo Hag did not hesitate at all, immediately assembled all the wolf cavalry, and announced the retreat without hesitation.

"Marshal, but over there in the main camp..." The guards around him hurriedly persuaded.

Kenlo Hag looked back and saw that the camp had quietly caught fire at some point. He sighed and said:

"Killing over now will only cause greater chaos in the camp.

It's too late to save them. Try to save your manpower!"

"Why don't we go around the back of the humans and stab them in the ass." The wolf cavalry were all orcs, but they were different types of soldiers.

If the only ones attacked were orcs, big-eared monsters, or even cyclops, they would not be so worried.

But in the main camp, there are their brothers and sisters, tribesmen and friends. It is not easy for them to sit back and do nothing.

Kenlo Hag knew that he could not hesitate any longer. Either save or retreat, otherwise he would be caught up in the chaos and even the order could not be conveyed.

He scanned the area and found that except for the recruited wolf riders, all the wolf riders had pale faces, and they all seemed to be enduring great pain.

The wolf riders' camp was far away from the main camp, which certainly gave them time to organize their troops when attacked by the enemy.

But it also meant that the group detoxification spell released by the shamans just now did not shine on this place.

Fortunately, although the original shaman in the team stayed in the big tent, his disciples and grandchildren were still there.

"Insert the healing totem, we will leave immediately, this is an order!"

Seeing that there were still people who wanted to speak, Kenlo Hag had to repeat it heavily, and glared at the wolf riders who were still about to speak.

Frightened by Kenlo Hag's prestige, the leaders of the wolf riders did not dare to continue to refute.

In fact, they also knew that the wolf riders who were suffering from the pain of the poison could only exert 30% or 40% of their combat power at most.

But after all, the man in the big tent is the king of the stronghold, the dignified Beast King.

If the Beast King dies on the battlefield without helping him, it would be fine. But if the Beast King goes back alive, can they still get a good result?

But no matter what, this army is still under the control of Kenlo Hag.

And they have also raised objections. It is Kenlo Hag who insists on going his own way. Even if the Beast King wants to punish them at that time, he will start with Kenlo Hag.

Thinking of this, the other wolf riders, captains and other officers stopped talking nonsense, returned to their own teams, and led the soldiers to follow Kenlo Hag away.

In the night, Elvy in the sky had just led her angel army to kill all the thunderbirds and golden eagles patrolling in the air.

Since humans are not completely without air power, Sachs will certainly not fail to arrange air defense.

Thunderbirds and golden eagles belong to the beast units of the stronghold camp. They do not have the blood of orcs, and they will not be poisoned even if they eat meat.

But they will not be poisoned, but the half-orcs who command these thunderbirds have been poisoned.

The flying legion lost order and control, some left, some fled, some fought, and it was very chaotic.

When Ruda regained control of the flying legion and gathered the remaining recruited thunderbirds, the number was only half of the previous one.

Almost all wild thunderbirds were either killed in battle or disappeared.

Elvi, who gained control of the air, hurriedly took the griffin to join the battlefield.

However, on the ground, Tahan and his men had already rushed into the enemy's central army tent with the sacred armor of the Holy Light Knights in an invincible manner.

The bonfires and braziers that were kicked over were burning everywhere, and there were only orcs running around in the makeshift camp.

Xu Lai's first target for this attack on the camp was naturally the supreme leader of the orcs. Once the beast king was killed, the stronghold would become a pile of loose sand.

Xu Lai gave this task to Tahan, and in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of Tahan when he met the Beast King, he also assigned a hundred Holy Light Knights to lead the charge.

After Tahan cleared a clearing for him, he turned to attack the Cyclops camp.

Xu Lai was not familiar with the orc camp, but the tall body of the Cyclops was very eye-catching, and it was also the only place in the entire camp that could be distinguished.

Attacking the Cyclops, firstly, because this was the only target to find, and secondly, these Cyclops posed the greatest threat to the Stone City.

After all, the Stone City was only built for more than two months. Even though many catapults and supplies were transported from Conaston and Qingfeng City, the defects still existed.

One is that there are not enough craftsmen. Once these catapults and crossbow towers are destroyed, it is afraid that they will be difficult to repair in a short time.

Secondly, there are not enough civilians, catapult operators, ammunition, etc., and they are likely to be at a disadvantage in a long-range battle with the Cyclops.

Once the Stone City is breached, the Stone City defense line will lose its function.

In the past two months, Xu Lai has bet all his resources and energy on the Stone City defense line.

If the orcs break through the Stone City defense line, the road ahead will be smooth.

In addition to not having many warriors, the major cities also have a large amount of food and population.

The Stone Defense Line can be bypassed, but it must not be breached.

The slow-moving ground troops, logistics and siege troops of the orcs must not enter the rear.

As long as these cyclops are taken down, the large force that the orcs transferred this time will basically not be able to take down the Stone City again, which is one of the insurances for tonight's night attack.

The cyclops have eaten a lot of poisoned cattle and sheep. They are of high rank, high status, and even higher temper, but their IQ is not high.

The cyclops that are not affected by the poison have not lost their combat effectiveness.

However, as a powerful long-range force, and a powerful long-range force with siege capabilities and a range far exceeding that of archers, allowing melee enemies to approach is the biggest loss.

York, the commander of the cyclops, had not had time to rush back from the big tent, and Xu Lai had already collided with the cyclops.

Tahan helped them serve as the peak arrow, and Xu Lai and his Paladins still maintained the speed of charging.

The Paladins in the front row all activated their own holy shields and became new peak arrows.

Roland was also driven to the front by Xu Lai, leaving Xu Lai's guard post and becoming the sharpest arrow.

The nearly 2-meter-tall 8th-level warhorse carried a burly knight over 1.9 meters tall, holding a lance over 3 meters long in his hand.

This is a lineup that is enough to crush the orc heavy infantry over 2 meters tall, but it is still not enough in front of the giants with an average height of 6 meters and the 7-meter Cyclops.

Even if the knights raised their spears, they could only pierce the giants' thighs.

In this regard, even Behemoths are not as good as giants, because although Behemoths are also huge, even bigger than giants, their legs are not long.

And these giants, the waist and abdomen are already beyond the reach of knights, and the vital parts such as the heart and the head are even more difficult to touch.

But even so, the huge damage caused by the charge is still like a cannonball, causing the giants to explode from the thighs and calves.

The damage caused by the god-level offensive technique and the charge is really terrifying. Even if it is not a vital part, the vitality will be taken away at a very fast speed.

But it was only this one blow. After the hundreds of knights in the front row finished charging, they quickly made way.

The giants in the back lifted the boulders and threw them at the knights.

Even with the protection of the Holy Shield, many knights were knocked down by the boulders.

The boulders did not cause any damage to the knights, but the huge force attached to them was not something that people and horses could resist, especially after losing the charge.

Xu Lai was the second wave to follow, and when they rushed over, the giants were no longer so dense.

Following behind Xu Lai was the third wave led by Naru, which had the largest number of people but the lowest strength.

Yan Feng and others did not follow, but took the archers and flew around the orcs' camp to create chaos.

The morale of the orcs in chaos would drop rapidly, and even if an officer stood up to command, it would be useless.

In addition, Yan Feng would occasionally lead the newly upgraded archers to shoot a large number of rockets, making it impossible for the orc officers to assemble their troops.

Beast King Sachs raised his own flag and brought his personal guards to act as law enforcement teams, killing countless fleeing orcs in the rear.

Under the leadership of those recruited orcs, the fleeing and chaotic orcs finally gathered under the Beast King's flag.

His flag was as effective as the Behemoth flag that Xu Lai had seized, but it had different effects.

Although his flag, which was not embroidered with any pattern, did not ignore the effect of defense, it had a huge bonus to morale.

Unfortunately, the orcs encountered poison and night attacks, and even the Beast King's own central army tent was blown away by the enemy.

There were chaos and fleeing orcs everywhere, and those recruited orcs who were never afraid of death as long as their morale was still there would actively attack the knights.

After Tahan lifted the central army tent and killed several high-level heroes and two shamans who were resting, he didn't know where to find the Beast King.

In the bewildered camp, he could only lead the brave knights to kill all the orcs who dared to approach.

Elvy, flying in the sky, could see the battle situation more clearly.

After hesitating for a moment, Elvy gave up supporting Xu Lai. There was no situation on his side, and most of the Holy Light Knights didn't even open the Holy Armor.

Although Elvy didn't know where the Beast King was, she could clearly see that more and more orcs spontaneously gathered under a huge battle flag.

There was no need to think at all. Elvy knew what to do. She must not let the orcs get a half-minute respite at this moment.

She immediately ordered all the Seraphim to have no scruples and go all out, even if they lost a lot of experience.

Under the full-strength burst of more than a hundred Seraphim, the situation in the air, which was barely controlled by Ruda, immediately became chaotic again.

Many angels came out and killed a bloody path in the air, leaving enough space for the griffins behind them.

At this time, although Sachs had raised the flag, he did not look at the orcs who were gathering around him, but stared at the sky.

He certainly did not foresee that humans would send out their only air force, but he was always very clear about what he was afraid of.

When the not-so-bright moonlight was quietly obscured again, he subconsciously took out a scroll and released the group fire control magic.

However, what fell at this time was not the fire meteor that he had been worried about, but the dive bombing brought by nearly a thousand griffins.

In order to guard against Xu Lai's Doomsday Judgment, Sachs specially prepared a set of anti-magic suits for himself, which is more powerful than Xu Lai's previous two-piece suit.

Sachs's anti-magic 4-piece suit has a 30% chance of resisting the damage caused by spells.

Adding the 25% ultimate resistance, it is equivalent to half of the people being directly exempt from the Doomsday Judgment.

The remaining half, even if they cannot be exempted, will only bear 45% of the damage.

But this is not all, even 45%, it is not something the orcs can afford, after all, the coverage of the Doomsday Judgment is too large.

If Xu Lai sneaks over alone, he can grind them to death infinitely with just this spell.

Therefore, a large-scale flame protection array was also arranged in the camp.

Because the array has a very large coverage area, the cost of achieving good results is too high, so the array effect is relatively ordinary, and can only help everyone resist 10% of the flame damage.

But on this basis, add a fire control magic that can reduce 33% of the flame damage.

It is equivalent to a Doomsday Judgment, and the most unlucky orc only needs to bear 2% of the fire damage.

2%, Xu Lai can't kill a few orcs even if he is exhausted, and even relying on the orcs' abnormal self-healing ability, he may not even need to use healing spells.

Xu Lai has long sensed the fire protection state of the orcs, but unfortunately, he has released a dispelling magic before, and it can't dispel these effects.

This shows that this spell state is not given by any spell.

Moreover, this spell state will become weaker and weaker as time goes by, or the camp is destroyed.

Xu Lai originally wanted to wait a little longer, and then use Doomsday Judgment to make the final decision after the effect completely disappears.

Unexpectedly, a flame shield suddenly appeared on the Cyclops in front of him.

Xu Lai immediately knew that these were the orc heroes who were guarding against his Doomsday Judgment.

But it's okay, such a large-scale magic array must consume a lot of energy.

Especially since the orcs didn't know when Xu Lai would cast the spell, they needed to keep it going, and the gold coins and mana crystals invested in it would certainly not be less.

Sachs was not wrong in his judgment. The successive attacks had already put the orcs on the verge of collapse.

Even with his king's flag, some of the recruited orcs still began to flee.

You know, once the recruited orcs fled, the number of his personal guards who were transformed into the law enforcement team would increase by more than ten times, and no matter how much they killed, they could not be saved.

Therefore, the orc army at this time could no longer withstand any turmoil, and he just nipped the danger in the bud in the bud.

But when those griffins fell to the ground like meteorites, he knew that the fate of this night battle was doomed.

Sure enough, when the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, there was no complete orc around his flag.

And the low- and middle-level orcs who were not blessed by the ultimate leadership technique, whether they were native natural orcs or recruited orcs, all began to flee.

Even his law enforcement team was affected, some were killed by the griffins, and others fell into the hands of the defeated deserters. (End of this chapter)

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