The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 615 Great Victory

The defeat of the orcs is an inevitable trend, and human power cannot stop it.

The last straw that broke the camel's back for the orcs was undoubtedly the collective dive of the griffin troops.

Although the Beast King could no longer change the current situation, he was unwilling to let these griffins fly back intact.

As the forerunner of the Beast King's will, Axe King Monroka jumped into the griffin group without saying a word when the griffins took off.

Berserker's Roar greatly increases its own armor and attracts surrounding enemies to attack itself.

Counterattack spiral, when the enemy attacks itself, it kills the enemy by causing huge damage caused by continuous rotation.

This set of tried and tested combos also played a big role today.

The griffin controlled by the Axe King grabbed the Axe King frantically, but the claws that could split mountains and rocks could not scratch the skin on the Axe King's body.

Instead, the Axe King's continuous counterattack caused the Royal Griffin, who was protected by the defensive skill, to lose health continuously.

The damage of the counterattack spiral is extremely high. Even if it is reduced by 70% by the special defense, it can still break the defense of these griffins.

But it must be said that the special defense is a very abnormal ability.

At the beginning, Axe King Monroka used this trick to kill several paladins with amazing defense.

But now facing this group of griffins, until the duration of the Berserker's Roar ends, the dozen or so controlled griffins still have more than half of their health.

As soon as they get rid of the restraints, the group of royal griffins left on the battlefield will take off immediately.

They are not creatures that grow naturally in the wild. They don't have the idea of ​​whether to get angry or not. Even if they are beaten, they only know to execute orders.

How could Monroka be willing to let them go? He touched the stick on his waist, and all the skills he had just used were immediately cooled down again.


Another furious Berserker's Roar, the royal griffin that was about to take off was controlled again.

Monroka himself also spun like a top again, and the flame tattoos on his skin began to flow little by little, as if they were really burning.

Berserker's Fury, while reducing his own defense, greatly increased his own damage, and slowed down the attacked by 10%.

Under the blessing of Berserker's Fury, Monroka's body had countless blood marks scratched by the royal griffins.

But the lives of these royal griffins were also declining sharply under the rotating axe.

In the last two seconds of Berserker's Roar, the first dead griffin appeared, followed by the second and the third.

Seeing that the final time limit was coming, only 3 griffins fell under his axe, Monroka gritted his teeth and killed them.

The griffins that had no time to escape fell one after another under Monroka's killing.

And three consecutive killings also exhausted Monroka's mana, and he was no longer able to do anything to the remaining griffins.

As a warrior, Monroka didn't have much mana, but as a top warrior in the stronghold, he had several top-quality equipment that increased his mana.

But he released multiple skills in a row and used a very expensive refresh ball. No matter how much mana he had, he couldn't afford to waste it.

Monroka sighed, drank a bottle of large mana potion, and looked helplessly at the griffins flying away in the sky.

In any case, with the counterattack spiral and the beheading, 7 royal griffins died in his hands in a row, which was already the best record among all the orcs present.

In addition to him, even the flying axe thrown by the beast king in anger only scratched a dozen griffins, and failed to kill any of them.

But Monroka didn't know that the delay of more than a dozen royal griffins in returning to the team had long attracted Elvy's attention.

Although the griffins' cluster charge was explosive, it consumed a lot of physical strength and required a long cooling time.

After all the griffins returned to the team, Elvy commanded them to fly to the Stone City.

And she herself, without hesitation, took the Seraphim and Archangel and flew to the ground.

"Your Majesty, the situation can no longer be saved, please retreat immediately.

If you don't leave, it will be difficult for other heroes and chieftains to leave. If you don't leave, the commanders of our stronghold will be caught by humans."

In order to protect Sachs, Shaman Augu became the only surviving shaman.

Sachs frowned. The failure tonight came too suddenly. He is still confused.

But when he looked at the 9th-level knight who was galloping all the way not far away and killing gods and Buddhas wherever he passed, Sachs sighed:

"Retreat, retreat, order the entire army to retreat from different directions based on squads!"

Augu was right. Today's situation is irreversible, and his Behemoth Legion is not there.

If the Behemoth Legion was still there, perhaps he could still defeat those knights head-on and re-inspire everyone's morale.

In this situation, letting everyone run away first and then using the ability of tactical reorganization to quickly assemble is the way to minimize losses.

Sachs is very clear about the enemy's weaknesses. All orcs evacuate separately. Except for those who died on the spot and those who were seriously injured today, the rest should be able to escape.

However, just after Sachs issued the latest military order, an angel fell from the sky and rushed directly to the Axe King Monroka who was about to leave.

Sachs was startled and was about to turn around to save him. A yellowish light fell on the entire battlefield. It was the second strategic spell from Xu Lai, the slow spell.

After adding the magic of fire control, Xu Lai still had no interest in unleashing the Doomsday Judgment, even though the flame protection array had been destructed in various ways and had little effect.

Seeing that the group of orcs wanted to escape and had no intention of fighting, in order to maximize the effectiveness of killing the enemies, he naturally released this spell to prevent escape.

After lowering the slowness method, the speed of all the orcs dropped again, and the initiative had completely fallen into the hands of the humans.

Sachs did not immediately wait for the opportunity to cast his spell. Even if he did, he had just finished casting the spell and was still cooling down.

After everyone slowed down, Sax didn't dare to let the orc army stop, but if his flag didn't move, it was impossible for the elite orcs to move.

Seeing that the fearless knight Tahan had already rushed over at the front, York, who ran back from the Cyclops camp, grabbed Sachs and said:

"Your Majesty, run away quickly. Most of the Cyclops Legion has been killed or injured. If you don't leave, the entire Cyclops Legion will be destroyed."

In addition to York, several orc warriors responsible for guarding also followed.

Sachs was startled when he heard the news of the destruction of the One-Eyed Legion. During this moment, he was already being picked up and quickly fled towards the rear.

Sachs's royal flag is the most conspicuous symbol on the entire battlefield.

When he was far away before, Tahan had not seen it clearly, but now that he was close, he had already noticed the flag.

Mork casts an acceleration spell to dissipate the slowness effect of nearby units and add an acceleration state.

Another natural blessing continues, increasing the armor, life, and health recovery capabilities of everyone around you.

After the two spells were cast, he did not dare to stay. As a shaman, he did not move very fast, but he summoned two shadow wolves for himself.

Seeing the flag move, Elvi instinctively wanted to catch up.

The Ax King, who was surrounded at this time, used the flash of his last hope of escape that had already cooled down.

Flashing to Elvi's side, Axeman Monroka let out a shocking roar.

However, the roar of the berserker, which had always been invincible in the past, did not achieve any good results today.

Elvy is surrounded by Seraphs. Seraphs have iron wills and are immune to mind control spells.

The taunting effect attached to the berserker's roar is undoubtedly a form of mind control, and is ineffective against Elvi and Seraph.

However, it was ineffective. Axeman Monroka jumped to her side, and she really stopped flying.

It was unclear what was on the other side of the flag, but the axe-monroka in front of him was a real high-level stronghold hero.

The most important thing is that on the other side of the banner, Elvi has just seen Tahan leading thousands of knights to chase him. Whether she goes or not does not matter.

There are a large number of level 8 heroic knights under Tahan's command. In terms of killing ability, they are much more powerful than the paladins led by Xu Lai.

At this time, the orcs had no fighting spirit and no resistance. In terms of lethality alone, one heroic knight was at least as good as two Holy Light Knights.

Monroca didn't think much, he just instinctively wanted to help Sachs stop this biggest threat.

Regardless of whether Elvi or the others are under his control, as long as they can stay and prevent these Seraphs, who are the greatest threat to the Beast King, from flying away, his goal will be achieved.

Menluoka, who was surrounded by a group of angels in the middle, was not nervous.

Although he had taken the potion and the jumping equipment, which was the most critical to escape, had also entered the cooldown, he still had a trump card.

He once killed a stupid advent hero, and he had an escape route that Xu Lai had used.

It is this escape route that he has bound to the escape route in the main city of the stronghold. Once used, the whole person will be teleported to the main city of the stronghold.

By then, even if he travels non-stop, it will probably take about a month to appear on the frontline battlefield again.

However, while he was still thinking about whether to use an escape route to escape immediately, Elvi and several Seraphs had already raised their flaming swords to attack.

Berserker Roar is certainly a powerful control skill, but this skill also has flaws.

That is, when taunting the enemy, the caster cannot perform other actions except counterattack, such as blocking, dodging, etc., and must withstand the enemy's attack.

Of course, when the Berserker Roar skill is activated, it will also bring a very high armor bonus to the user, so that the user will not be afraid even if he is naked.

But Menluoka really didn't expect that the damage done by these angels in front of him would be so shocking.

Ax King Munroka was also in the camp before, and it was he who escorted Beast King Sax out and regrouped.

This also means that Munroka has already fought against the knights led by the fearless knight Tahan before.

Originally, this was nothing. Munroka, whose upper body was naked, had a low body defense. Even if his defense was reduced by 30% due to the fearless knight's leader trait, it wouldn't be much.

But this crucial 30% defense is particularly important when fighting against Elvi and the Seraphs.

Especially these Seraphs, they also have Xu Lai's god-level offensive bonus.

Therefore, even if the damage is cut by 50% by the ultimate defense spell and falls on Munroka, the 25% final damage bonus still has to be calculated.

Munroka looked at the swords inserted into his body in disbelief. He couldn't believe that after receiving the blessing of the berserker's roar, he would still die in just 4 basic attacks.

Axe King Monroka died with his eyes wide open. He didn't know that the opponent he faced, although not a hero, was equipped with top-level equipment that was no less than his.

With the god-level offensive skills and the characteristics of the fearless knight, even if he wore a top-level defensive equipment, he might not be able to save his life, let alone a berserker's roar.

What's more, at this time, Elvy also had the assistance of more than a hundred other Seraphim.

Unlike Monroka, Elvy was not surprised at all about killing Monroka, but calmly collected the relics of this high-level hero.

Unlike the other orcs, the orc hero carrying a big axe in front of him was of a very high level and had excellent equipment.

Obviously, this must be a hero with a high status among the orcs, and his drops cannot be left in this chaotic battlefield.

Elvy was very confident in Tahan, and it was night after all. There were lights lit by orcs or other knights in the camp, and there were also flames constantly lit by Yan Feng and others.

Therefore, from the sky, the camp in front of them could be seen clearly.

But even Elvy was not sure that she could find the orc team that had disappeared into the darkness and had not lit torches or used any lighting equipment.

This night attack really lasted all night.

However, including Xu Lai, they did not kill people all night, but chased deserters all night.

At the critical moment of life and death, these orcs finally became smarter and knew to run in all directions.

Xu Lai and his team could only chase in all directions. After finally chasing and killing an orc team, when they returned to the orc camp, the rest had already run very far.

Basically, the orcs killed by Xu Lai and his team were concentrated in the first half of the night.

The orcs killed by all the people in the second half of the night were not as many as those killed in the first half of the night.

And the results of the later battles could only rely on luck.

Except for Tahan, who rushed out of the camp first and had a clear goal, Xu Lai, Yan Feng, Naru and others could only randomly catch up with a group of orcs.

Later, Xu Lai's troops became more and more scattered.

Charles, who was promoted to cavalry captain for his military exploits and led the Wind Knights, was ambushed by the Frost Giant Wolf Group.

Not only was the whole army annihilated, but the whole group could not even gather a complete corpse, and Xu Lai had no chance to revive it.

The fact that the Frost Giant Wolves could calmly destroy the corpses of Charles and others also proved that the orcs had recovered and reorganized the force to counterattack.

So far, Xu Lai no longer divided his troops to avoid being defeated by the enemy one by one.

After attacking the camp for one night, most of the dead were resurrected by the angels, including the griffins and the knights killed by the orcs.

The orcs in the camp all thought that they did not grow four legs to escape, and they had no time to stay and destroy the corpses.

Therefore, although there were more casualties during the attack on the camp, except for a few unlucky knights who were blasted to pieces by the high priest, most of them were resurrected.

When the final statistics were taken, the number of casualties in the entire army did not exceed ten, less than one-tenth of the number of the Knights of the Wind.

At this time, Xu Lai would certainly not continue to divide his troops and give others the opportunity to kill his own soldiers. (End of this chapter)

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