The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 616 The final madness

Just as the day dawned, the gates of the heavily guarded Stone City suddenly opened, and countless militiamen and civilians poured out.

The one who rushed to the front was Wang Chao, the logistics commander of the Qingfeng Corps. He led thousands of logistics soldiers and the farmers of the entire Stone City and rushed to the battlefield.

The order was so chaotic that if the wolf cavalry suddenly appeared here and attacked, the entire Stone City would be seriously injured.

But at this moment, the wolf cavalry did not dare to approach the Stone City at all.

They did not retreat to the camp, but detoured to the east of the Stone City and broke into the rear of the grassland from the east, which is currently the territory of humans.

Xu Lai only learned this news in the afternoon. At this moment, he only had one thing to do, which was to clean up the battlefield.

The bodies of his family members have all been collected. Those who should be resurrected have been resurrected, and those who cannot be resurrected have been buried properly.

This is the advantage of having an angel army. As long as the battle can be won, the losses can be minimized.

After the entire battlefield was cleared, only a dozen people died and hundreds of people were seriously injured. Such a record can be called brilliant.

Last night, Xu Lai used more than 10,000 cavalry to face more than 100,000 orc infantry, tens of thousands of orc wolf cavalry, and tens of thousands of orc flying soldiers and cyclops.

As for the losses of the orcs, the battle report has not been released yet, and it is not possible to count them for the time being, but it is definitely not small.

More than 30 orc heroes above level 20 died, including several stronghold heroes above level 30, including Axe Monroka.

When Wang Chao and his team came to clean up the battlefield, they found more than a hundred people below level 20, including the advent heroes.

Needless to say, Xu Lai's goodwill with the stronghold directly turned into a deadly enemy. Unless Xu Lai can destroy this camp, it is unlikely to change.

But fortunately, the people he killed were foreigners, so he didn't lose his reputation. On the contrary, because it was an orc invasion, killing so many orcs gave him a big wave of reputation.

When conquering the grassland before, he accidentally killed too many of his own people, and his reputation dropped seriously. Now it has almost been recovered.

Wang Chao led people to collect all the bodies of thunderbirds and golden eagles.

These are all food reserves, which can be directly stored in the warehouse of Wanshi City, which can reduce a lot of food supply pressure in the rear.

After all, half of the people in the grassland poured into the rear. Even if Xu Lai started to store food early, it was still quite stressful to supply so many people at once.

In addition, the temple also brought a large number of believers. Luo Mingru sent a message to Xu Lai, and he had received the pathfinder knights sent by the temple.

These knights are all old acquaintances of Xu Lai, no, they should be old subordinates.

Xu Lai naturally sent a message to Luo Mingru, asking him to entertain them well on his behalf, and also try to help the believers who were transferred here, but according to Luo Mingru, this group of believers is as high as more than 100,000.

Xu Lai was naturally very surprised, but he had expected that the number would not be small, otherwise the temple would not have sent so many people to guard, and it would not have taken so long.

Fortunately, this is a magic world. Although the arable land area in the grassland area is not large, Xu Lai has opened up business channels with southern merchants.

Moreover, those southern merchants mainly rely on shipping. Even if they arrive in the grassland area, they are protected by the Naga team and will not be attacked by orcs.

It’s just that the price of food in the south is too cheap, and even if a full ship is full, it can’t make much money.

However, Xu Lai trades with these merchants with fur, which is a special product of the grassland.

This thing is not valuable in the grassland, but it is precious when transported to the south. It not only has good defense, but also can keep out the cold. It is a must-have in winter.

Therefore, these southern merchants can make a lot of money, and each of them is very active.

In addition to the corpses of thunderbirds and golden eagles, there are also many treasures on the Cyclops. The most important one is the one-eyed one that can connect to the earth, which is the treasure of the earth element.

This thing can be traded with the mages of the tower camp. It is a very popular commodity and can be used to mass produce earth elements.

Even if the transaction with the tower was not smooth, Xu Lai kept it and used it to develop advanced city walls, automatic catapults, etc., which was also very attractive.

It’s just that this thing has a human shape. When there is no shortage of food, no one wants to eat this thing.

In addition to these corpses, the biggest gain from the battle last night was undoubtedly the supplies transported by the orcs from the stronghold.

As the active siege party, Sachs would rather abandon some food and specially bring some siege equipment, as well as materials for assembly and repair, ammunition, etc.

With the forests planted by the elves on both sides of the Stone City, wood is not the most scarce for the Stone City.

However, the stone bombs provided by the stronghold can be used directly with a little modification or even without modification.

As for the catapults, it is estimated that they could not be taken away, so the orc officers ordered a fire to burn them all, and Xu Lai and his team did not put out the fire in time.

In the end, only more than ten catapults that could be used after a little repair were rescued, as well as a large number of mechanisms, springs and other accessories that could be disassembled and continued to be used.

And most importantly, after Xu Lai seized these facilities and brought them back to the Stone City, the orcs had no use for them.

You know, the orcs were not particularly good at mechanical manufacturing. The catapults and crossbow carts they made have two very obvious characteristics.

One is that the damage is much lower than that of the imperial catapults, and the other is that the size is much larger than that of the imperial catapults.

I won’t talk about the damage. Anyway, as long as the throw is farther than the archer, the amount of ammunition can make up for it.

But the huge scale means that it is impossible to transport it through ordinary space rings, and it is not possible to form a scale by just stuffing some of them.

It also means how difficult it is for the orcs to transport it from the stronghold to the grassland, and how much manpower and material resources are wasted.

However, the orcs' catapults also have advantages, such as rough structure, but simple assembly, extremely high durability, and not easy to break.

This can be fully demonstrated by the fact that more than a dozen catapults were rescued after a fire.

These nearly 100 catapults were sent to the battlefield, but they were destroyed without firing a single shot. Some of them even became the opponent's help. When the Beast King knew about it, he would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.

The current Beast King is more than angry that he vomited blood. Although he decisively ordered all the orcs to flee separately.

But with the IQ of the orcs, in the situation last night, it is estimated that less than half of them could return to the team by themselves after running out.

This is still the most optimistic situation. Most orcs can't find the way on the grassland even if they look at the map.

That's why, in the situation last night, Sachs still emphasized that the orcs should at least evacuate in squads.

In the stronghold camp, ordinary soldiers can't even understand the map, but the squad leaders at least have some common sense and have a certain chance of understanding the map.

However, Sachs still overlooked one point. Although about a quarter of the squad leaders in the stronghold can understand the map, they didn't issue so many maps.

The map of Sachs and his team still came from Aini.

The stronghold didn't have enough mages or cartographers, and even with the accurate map provided by Aini, they didn't make too many copies.

Not to mention the squad leaders, even the commander-level orcs couldn't get a copy for everyone.

And even if everyone had a copy, it wouldn't be of much use, because this is not a stronghold, but an endless grassland.

There are very few landmark buildings on the grassland, and the scenery is the same all around. The orcs don't have mounts, so they have to walk for a long time before they may encounter one or two buildings.

Even if they encounter it, they may not know what kind of building it is, and even if they know, they may not be able to determine the location of the building on the map.

After all, there may be a large number of identical buildings on the map.

They dared not approach the human city, and there was no one to ask.

Even for herdsmen who have lived on the grassland for a long time, it may take a long time to recognize the direction when they suddenly come to a strange place.

The orcs are even worse. The only thing they can do is to identify the direction and move closer to the west.

As for whether they will encounter human patrols in the process of moving closer, it can only be left to fate.

After half a night, they waited until noon the next day.

Xu Lai was already in full swing to transport the supplies left in the stronghold to the city, but the beast king Sachs had only waited for one-tenth of the troops to return.

At noon, the battle report finally arrived, and Xu Lai and Sachs knew each other's losses.

In the battle report, Xu Lai's side lost less than a thousand people. In addition to the team of wind knights, the rest of the resurrected warriors were also judged as losses.

Because it is a fact that the orcs killed a knight or a griffin, even if Xu Lai resurrected the person, he still had to give him the experience he should give.

But even if Xu Lai's loss is counted as 1,000 people, the orcs' dead troops alone exceeded 30,000, and there were more than 10,000 prisoners and seriously injured who could not leave.

These 50,000 troops are naked and irreparable losses. The problem is that he should still have nearly 100,000 troops.

However, in the current camp, not counting those who just turned over from the Pingfeng Mountains, the old troops only have about 10,000 people at most.

The Thunderbirds of the flying unit were almost completely lost, but the golden eagles were not lost much. Elvi was targeting the most valuable target.

Then there is the wolf cavalry unit, which still has a relatively complete troop organization. Some have been lost in the past few days, and some were lost last night. There are probably more than 30,000 left.

Sachs has contacted Kenlo Hag, and the other party can return to the team at any time, but Kenlo Hag is planning to sneak into the enemy's rear to cause some damage.

Our side needs to accumulate strength again. At this time, we cannot let Xu Lai continue to attack our camp with cavalry.

Otherwise, the troops with almost no morale will easily be dispersed again and collapse thousands of miles away.

Sachs needed time to retrain the troops, at least to raise morale first.

So he didn't call Kenlo Hag back, but in addition to this wolf cavalry, there should be about 50,000 orc infantry, more than 10,000 hard laborers and 5,000 Cyclops.

York reported the situation of the Cyclops last night. Xu Lai personally targeted them and they were all destroyed.

But there are more than 50,000 remaining infantry corps, and there are almost 20,000 to 30,000 recruited orcs.

The morale of these orc warriors has returned to zero. If they are not recovered quickly, they will become wild monsters and have nothing to do with them.

Sachs was anxious but had no choice. He was so angry that he vomited blood and could only wait for bad news one after another.

First, the catapults, crossbow carts and the like stored in the camp were burned.

But this was an order from Sachs himself, so he was relatively calm when he received the report.

But then, the only remaining shaman, Mok, told him that he had communicated with other shamans, high priests, etc. through natural magic, but found that there were very few responses.

The base had few spellcasters to begin with. This time, Sachs brought out most of the spellcasters in the country, totaling more than 6,000 people.

In addition to the few priests who stayed on the other side of Pingfeng Mountain and were rushing over, there should have been at least 3,000 priests in the position last night.

But Mok told him that his two junior brothers, the other two disciples of the Great Prophet, had died.

In addition, most of the disciples of the three of them also died, and at least a thousand priests and spellcasters died directly.

The remaining two thousand, many of them didn't know where they were stranded, and they were trying to find a way to return to the team.

Of course, in the vast grassland, spellcasters can't compare with orc warriors in terms of physique or speed, and no one knows which direction they ran last night.

Therefore, Mok is very pessimistic about the number of spellcasters who can come back. The most optimistic estimate is that only half of them can return smoothly.

This is undoubtedly a very sad news, because even the troops who returned still had the remaining poison, and they still needed detoxification and treatment to maintain their lives.

But Sachs was powerless, so he had to send a letter to the Great Prophet for help, and let Mok lead people to quickly crack this poison.

Then, another soldier came to report that the food crisis appeared again.

However, because the troops were reduced in number, although the food and grass brought out by the army were destroyed, they could barely continue to maintain for a while.

The food and grass were gone, the soldiers and spellcasters were gone, and even the flying soldiers who relied on suffered heavy losses.

Just when Sachs thought he could not lose more.

Kenlo Hag sent someone back to report that Xu Lai had hung the heads of nearly a hundred orc heroes, including the Axe King Monkoka, on the top of the city wall of the Stone City.

Not only that, after the battle was settled, all the recruited orcs turned into white light, and Xu Lai chopped off the heads of all the remaining orcs collected on the battlefield.

The heads of these orcs were piled up into a small hill and placed in their camp last night.

After hearing the news, especially the names that were once very familiar to him, Sachs vomited blood on the spot.

After a long pause, Sachs issued a new order before dark.

Order Kenlo Hag to harass the rear at all costs and try to attract Xu Lai and his damn cavalry.

At the same time, he ordered the rear to complete the assembly within three days at all costs, even if half of the orcs were killed. (End of this chapter)

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