The main force of Sachs's Behemoth Corps is not the 9th level Ghost Behemoth, but the 8th level Behemoth.

There is no way, even as the leader of the camp, Sachs, who lives in the wilderness, can't compare with Moril and Kerrigan who have a lot of wealth.

Many of his Behemoths have already accumulated full experience points, but they have always lacked sufficient funds and resources to advance.

If it was just a small number, Sachs could still think of a way.

However, he has more than a thousand Behemoths here, which have reached the stage of being promoted to Ghost Behemoth.

Not to mention that the advancement of more than a thousand Behemoths will cost at least 20 to 30 million gold coins, and the tens of thousands of units of crystals alone are not something Sachs can afford.

Even if Sachs emptied his family's assets, he only recruited these thousands of Behemoths. For this, he had to sell his 7th level Behemoths to other orc heroes.

Even so, Sachs still got hundreds of Ghost Behemoths.

Hundreds of terrifying beasts more than ten meters high, their claws alone are more terrifying than a whole knight plus their mounts.

If it were just ordinary behemoths, they would charge just like the vanguard corps did at the beginning, and just stab the spears slightly upwards.

However, facing such beasts, Xu Lai was somewhat guilty.

Fortunately, Giselle and the others were not slow. With the blessing of Xu Lai's speed, the speed of these phantom archers even exceeded that of these behemoths.

A thousand phantom archers, phantom arrow saints, shot a huge rain of arrows that exceeded tens of thousands of archers.

Arrows with a must-hit attribute, except for phantoms, can hit 100%.

Poor these behemoths, with thick fur and flesh, the defense was originally very high.

Now the morale is 0, and the army is in a state of disarray. Even if it is affected by the leadership technique, it will not flee, and the defense and speed are reduced by 20%.

This side was reduced by 20%, but Xu Lai went back and changed into the Angel Alliance Set and the Holy Blood Bottle. With the blessing of the Ultimate Prayer, the attack power of the Phantom Shooters increased by 20%.

Sachs couldn't bear his Behemoth being sacrificed in vain under the attack of the Phantom Shooter, so he released the attack acceleration and tried to use the speed to get out of the opponent's range.

Xu Lai didn't cast spells all the time, not to continue to release the Doomsday Judgment.

He thought very clearly that before the fire control magic disappeared, the damage of the fire spell was reduced too much.

So he changed the flame ring early and took off the Doomsday Blade, and he didn't plan to continue to release the Doomsday Judgment at all.

Seeing Sachs release the attack acceleration, Xu Lai smiled slightly, and a slowing magic directly covered him.

Sachs sighed. He originally wanted to steal a chicken hand, but he didn't use the dispersal magic to drive away the prayer effect on the human troops.

This is because the attack acceleration increases the basic movement speed by 5 points. Under the influence of the growth of Sachs's Behemoth, it increases far more than the 20% movement speed of prayer.

Of course, if you try to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice. Not only will the acceleration effect be gone, but you will also have to bear a serious deceleration buff.

Decisively tear open a scroll, still the dispelling magic that you collected before.

The light of the dispelling magic flashed, whether it was your own slowing magic or the enemy's ultimate prayer, all were dispelled.

However, Xu Lai just shrugged and tore open a scroll as well.

He was too lazy to use the advanced scroll. This battle cost a lot, and it was enough to use an ordinary attack acceleration scroll.

The 5 points of basic movement speed, with the blessing of Xu Lai's speed and morale bonus, increased extremely exaggeratedly.

Not to mention these behemoths, even if the wolf cavalry came, they couldn't outrun these phantom shooters who were at least level 7.

Sachs's behemoths continued to withstand the attacks from the phantom shooters.

Whether it was the huge Behemoth or the more terrifying Ghost Behemoth, they fell one after another under the concentrated fire of the Phantom Archer.

The Behemoths, which were incredibly expensive, fell down without any value. Sachs was so heartbroken that he could hardly breathe.

But there was no way. There was no hope for reinforcements.

The Orcs who had also escaped seemed to be planning to come to support at first, but they were completely dispersed by the charge of the brave knights led by Tahan.

These guys didn't even dare to throw away half an axe. They had no intention of resisting. They turned around and ran when they saw the knights.

But they had short legs and couldn't even run faster than ordinary infantry, let alone knights with divine speed.

The long spear of the brave knight stabbed out, and even several Orcs could be killed in one breath.

And Xu Lai, with the Paladins, continued to cover the attack of the Phantom Archer.

After being killed by the knights, countless Orcs died. How could they have the mind to rescue Sachs? They all wished they had more legs.

Sachs had no help, and he was unwilling to be slaughtered, so he turned around with Behemoth and rushed towards Giselle and the others.

But it was not easy to turn around with the huge body of Behemoth, not to mention that there were thousands of them.

As soon as they turned around, they found that the Phantom Archer, which was only 4,500 meters away before, was now 600 meters away.

The speed and agility of the two sides were too different.

In addition, the knights and archers were both extremely fast units, and the depth distance between the two sides was also long enough.

It was wishful thinking for these behemoths to meet the knights and archers before they ran out of energy.

However, the behemoths had a very high physique, which not only gave them high defense and health, but also gave them good physical strength and recovery.

If they could keep chasing, both the knights and archers would run out of energy before them.

It was this time, it would be impossible without half a day or a day.

The key was that Sachs did not have this time.

With the help of Xu Lai, the mercenaries had already entered the camp.

The camp was in chaos, and the orc tribes had already beaten their brains out, so how could they join forces to fight the enemy.

Their morale collapsed, and when they met these fresh forces, they also had no intention of resisting, and just wanted to find a gap to escape.

This was not a battle at all, it was a massacre, a unilateral massacre of orcs by humans.

The orcs fled in all directions. Mercenaries were used to fighting alone, so they each chose one or more targets to chase after without any trouble.

Seeing this, Sachs knew that the situation was over.

He no longer had any hope for the coalition forces at the stronghold, and only hoped that he could bring his precious Behemoth Legion back safely.

If he brought back these Behemoths, he would still be the lofty orc king.

If he could not bring them back, whether he and his tribe could survive was a problem.

But Xu Lai was too slippery, which made him really powerless.

With the help of Giselle and Xu Lai, the Phantom Shooter had a maximum range of more than one thousand meters.

At this distance, neither the porcupine he summoned nor his Ten Thousand Beasts could reach the opponent.

As the beast king, Sachs could also summon Behemoths and Thunderbirds. The former was meaningless, but the latter had hope of catching up.

But Sachs raised his eyes slightly to the sky and completely gave up such hope.

There was still a dark mass in the sky, the Royal Griffins and the angels were ready to land and fight at any time.

He summoned a few thunderbirds at this time, which was a waste of mana and provided experience to the archangels, which was completely meaningless.

Sachs was eager to fight Xu Lai head-on. With the defense-ignoring effect of the Behemoth and the Ghost Behemoth, any type of soldiers fighting against the Behemoth head-on would be like paper.

But Xu Lai would never give him such a chance.

He commanded the Behemoths to charge, and Xu Lai ran back with the knights and archers.

Taking this opportunity, Sachs commanded the Behemoths to flee, but Xu Lai was able to rush back with the knights and archers in time and continued to shoot, shoot, shoot.

The endless arrows made Sachs' scalp numb. There had never been a moment when he hated these long-range archers so much as today.

Originally, even if the phantom archers used armor-piercing arrows, they could not cause much damage to the Behemoth, especially the Ghost Behemoth.

It just so happens that these shooters have Xu Lai's blessing, and he is a phantom shooter with no extreme range.

In short, when Sachs wants to chase, Xu Lai will run.

When Sachs stops, Xu Lai also stops. When he stops and runs, he does not forget to shoot a few Behemoths to death.

And if Sachs wants to run, then Xu Lai and his team will chase, and they will always keep a distance and never get too close.

Sachs knows very well that Xu Lai just wants to keep consuming them like this and keep killing them.

Moreover, Sachs also knows very well that if this continues, Xu Lai will definitely succeed.

The morale of these Behemoths has collapsed long ago. If it weren't for his ultimate leadership skills and long-term prestige, the Behemoths would have been defeated like other orcs.

Even so, he can still control the Behemoths recruited from the hero building.

He can no longer control the others brought out from the Behemoth tribe.

No matter how strong the skill effect is, it cannot restrict the free will.

When the ghost behemoths like a hill fell one after another, and finally there was no one left, the recruited behemoths in the team could no longer listen to Sachs's orders.

They ignored Sachs' orders, each chose a direction, and fled in all directions.

At this moment, Sachs was truly desperate.

He would rather all these behemoths die here. Once they escaped back to the base, he might completely lose the trust of the Behemoth tribe.

Xu Lai's eyes flickered. The mercenaries could fight on their own, but his troops could not be easily separated.

He summoned Yan Feng and asked him to lead his rangers, heroes, and wind knights to catch up with these fleeing behemoths.

The archers could shoot these behemoths from a distance. Both the heroes and rangers had armor-piercing arrows.

Moreover, the archers moved quickly. Even if this was another trap set by the orcs, the archers were relatively safe.

As for the Third Knights and his Paladin Guards, they remained motionless and covered on both sides of the Phantom Archer.

The escaped Behemoth also made Sachs completely determined.

He suddenly stopped and stopped running.

Not only did he not run away, he also controlled the Behemoths to give up their positions and squeezed himself to the center.

Although Xu Lai didn't understand what Sachs was doing, he would not miss this good opportunity and immediately asked Giselle and the others to shoot frantically.

After an unknown amount of time, the light in the center of the Behemoth group flashed, and the Behemoths on the periphery collapsed instantly and fled in all directions.

At the center of Behemoth, there is a super large circle about hundreds of meters long, and there is nothing in the circle.

Xu La used the escape route before, but he had never seen the appearance of the escape route after using it.

He reacted instantly to the scene in front of him.

Sachs knew that he could not escape, so he used the escape route directly.

This thing can help him escape, but it can't help everyone escape.

At the beginning, Xu Lai asked everyone to squeeze together, and only brought back a few thousand people.

Each of these Behemoths is huge, and Sachs has to take away his personal guards. The Behemoth can only bring back a few hundred at most.

You know, Sachs's Behemoth Corps has about 5,000 Behemoths, Behemoths.

Even if many escaped and many were killed, there are still 2,000 to 3,000 Behemoths that he directly abandoned.

In fact, with the thick skin and flesh of the Behemoth, Xu Lai can't shoot for long.

It's not that the archers have no physical strength, but that they have no ammunition.

They can't afford to use up the armor-piercing arrows. When they switch to ordinary arrows, the lethality will immediately drop a lot.

At that time, a thousand phantom archers may only kill a dozen behemoths and dozens of behemoths with a volley.

Therefore, when it comes to a certain extent, Xu Lai still has to rush.

But at present, the scale of the behemoth army is still relatively large. Xu Lai is sure to win, but he is not sure that he can reduce the losses.

Fortunately, although Sachs escaped, most of his behemoth army stayed.

Without the support of Sachs' powerful attributes and expertise, these behemoths whose morale has collapsed and have almost no resistance are just a group of huge lambs.

Xu Lai waved his hand, and the knights who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward with a roar.

Elvy in the sky received Xu Lai's order and did not stay too long in this orc camp.

She led the angels and griffin troops and continued to fly westward.

After all, the orcs had already evacuated. As they flew along, they could still see ogres on the ground.

But these ogres were not Elvy's target.

The battle outside the Stone City lasted for three days and three nights. The orcs were too scattered and too fast.

Xu Lai had already divided his troops because the biggest threat was gone.

However, even though they were divided into more than a dozen teams, even Jian Yuan was pulled out by Xu Lai and led a team of paladins to chase and kill.

But even in this situation, after three days and three nights, Xu Lai and his team had consumed a lot of physical strength. When they had to go back to rest, most of the orcs were still missing.

The good news is that Elvy, under Xu Lai's instruction, had blocked the largest entrance and exit of the Pingfeng Mountains early.

Once this entrance and exit was sealed, the orcs could not evacuate quickly and in large quantities, and the huge supplies they brought could hardly be taken away. (End of this chapter)

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