The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 629: A trap that leads to mutual destruction

The battle against the orcs can basically be declared over, and all the remaining things revolve around one theme.

Hunt down the orcs left on the grassland, clean up the battlefields, and collect spoils.

After finishing these things, Xu Lai still has more important things to do.

He wants to fulfill the promise he made before the battle, and reward and provide pensions to the soldiers of the Qingfeng Group and the mercenaries who came to the Hard Stone City to fight.

In addition, this battle with the orcs also exposed many internal problems.

The officials he appointed also need to be assessed and evaluated one by one.

Rewards and punishments should always be corresponding. Those who have made contributions should be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes should be punished. Only in this way can the enthusiasm of soldiers and officials be stimulated.

In the end, Xu Lai was extremely unwilling to be invaded by the orcs at his doorstep.

He planned to take advantage of the moment when the stronghold army had been completely stunned by him, and take the time to retaliate against the orcs.

Revenge is not to squeeze out some more oil and water from the bitter wilderness.

Even if Xu Lai really wanted to, he couldn't do it. First, he didn't have time, and second, the wilderness was too poor.

But even if he couldn't get any money out of it, and even if Xu Lai paid far more than he got, he had to do it.

After this battle, the orcs were seriously injured. Just the thousands of behemoths alone would take at least 40 to 50 years to make up.

But if these orcs were not scared, they would be let go so easily.

Once they find a chance, they will definitely think about biting off another bite of meat from the grassland.

However, you have to eat one bite at a time, and no matter how many things you have to do, you can only do them bit by bit.

The Stone City can be safely handed over to Lena, including the orc camp outside the city, supplies and so on, can all be handed over to her.

During this period, other cities have sent a lot of civilians to the Stone City.

Now the orcs have been repelled. Except for the remnants at the foot of Pingfeng Mountain, the orcs in other places have basically been cleared.

The three gaps in the Stone City have been repaired these days, and a lot of catapults have also been repaired.

The civilians are now either building new arrow towers or making catapults and ammunition for archers.

Now, these works can be stopped.

Without external threats, the Stone City does not need to be built in the direction of a military fortress.

With so many civilians, Xu Lai does not need to worry about small things such as transporting supplies.

He took Wang Chao and his logistics corps, as well as the knights, and continued to rush to the foot of Pingfeng Mountain.

Elvy and her flying troops approached without the bonus of heroes.

If she had not destroyed the orcs' flying corps before, and now there were only a few golden eagles left, she might not be able to gain a foothold.

Even so, Elvy did not directly dispatch the Angel Corps, but only dispatched the Royal Griffins to bomb when there were orcs passing up and down.

The orcs were okay in other ways, but they really had no way to deal with the bombing of the Royal Griffins.

Even if there is a camp set up behind them, let's not talk about the conflicts between the tribes in the camp.

Even if they work together and go all out, there is no good way to deal with these griffins.

The speed of the griffin's swooping is too fast. Not to mention the long-range attack on the camp, even the spells can't cover these griffins.

Elvy is in the middle of the dispatch, using griffins to guard the largest pass in the Pingfeng Mountains, and the Seraphim patrol the Pingfeng Mountains.

Most of the orcs who tried to cross the Pingfeng Mountains and return to the wilderness are scattered.

In the same way, there is no hero blessing, and there is Elvy, the angel general on their side. Any 9th-level soldiers of any race cannot be the opponent of the Seraphim.

What's more, these Seraphim are in high morale, but the opponents they need to face are guys with almost zero morale and no fighting will at all.

Only Elvy needs to be in the middle, so most of these Seraphim will not fly too far.

If the orcs were not so anxious to go home, and ran farther and climbed those more dangerous mountain paths, Elvy would not bother to care.

Anyway, those mountain paths without roads basically had more people falling to death than those climbing back.

In addition to those who fell to death, there were also those who starved to death.

It was not easy for the orcs to come, and it would not be easy for them to leave.

Sachs knew that it would not be easy for the orcs to evacuate overnight.

Therefore, although the retreat was already being arranged, the logistical resources were still being transported to the camp.

But in a field battle, not only did he lose most of his Behemoth Corps, but he also left the camp and the supplies in the camp to Xu Lai.

This base camp at the foot of Pingfeng Mountain was completely used for transit, although some supplies were stored.

But based on the first-come-first-served principle, most of the ogres and cyclops who had arrived earlier had taken away.

The remaining rations were not enough for the base camp defenders themselves, so how could they be distributed to the rest of the orcs.

In fact, if it weren't for the shamans like Augu, the defenders of the base camp would have run away long ago.

With Augu and his men around, Elvy didn't dare to attack the camp. These shamans were level 8 spellcasters and had the advantage of being at home.

That's why some orcs, under the guidance of Augu and his men, were able to avoid the angel troops and return from small paths and remote mountain roads.

But they didn't have enough food. If they couldn't kill wild animals to fill their stomachs, they would definitely have no chance of returning alive.

Elvy has a space ring with enough food stored in it.

Not to mention the flying troops, she can live in Pingfeng Mountain for a year or half a year, ten days or half a month, which is completely enough.

But the orcs have already run out of food. Pingfeng Mountain is close to the wilderness, and the resources are actually extremely scarce. There are not many animals living in the mountains.

Aug originally wanted Ruda to take the golden eagles to transport food, although it cannot meet the needs of most orcs.

But as long as the core figures of the orcs and the elite are not starved to death, they can quickly recover their vitality when they return to the wilderness.

However, with Sachs, Ruda may still listen to these shamans.

Now even Sachs has escaped, and almost no half-orcs on the battlefield have survived.

Ruda himself is also a half-orc. Half-orcs are usually discriminated against by orcs, but now they are almost exterminated. How can he not be angry?

Besides, they have no combat power now, and they are particularly good at flying, so Elvy doesn't want to pay attention to them.

But if they start to help transport food, it would be strange if Elvy would let them go.

Now that the orcs in the stronghold have been severely damaged, Ruda must also consider the retreat for himself and the orcs.

The orcs who have lost a large number of warriors and have been used as servants by the orcs will inevitably suffer more bullying in the future.

The flying corps in his hands is almost the last armed force to defend his race.

At this time, how could he bear to lose even a little.

Besides, although Ruda is not the orc patriarch, he is an orc hero and his status is much higher than that of the shaman Augu.

The other party is not qualified to give him orders at all. Even if Ruda doesn't listen, he will have an excuse in the future.

Later, in order to avoid Augu and others looking for other orc heroes to put pressure on him, Ruda simply took the flying corps and flew towards his own tribe.

Anyway, the legion has been disbanded, and he is free to do whatever he wants.

Without Ruda's army, the only army that can freely travel in Pingfeng Mountains, Augu and others really have no way.

Finally, they invested their limited resources in upgrading the base camp, and finally built the landmark building of the base, the escape road.

With the escape road, at least the heroes of the base can leave through the escape road.

In addition to the heroes, the three shamans can also leave by casting spells.

However, the escape road does not allow ordinary orcs without identity to go, even spellcasters such as priests are not qualified.

Moreover, the escape road has limitations. Only one person can pass through at a time, and it takes a period of cooling to use it once.

The farther you escape, the longer the cooling time.

It was at this time that Xu Lai led the cavalry and rushed to the orc base camp.

Ordinary orcs were no longer allowed to enter the base camp, and it was already crowded.

These orcs had no interest in fighting Xu Lai.

They would rather be slaughtered by the knights under Xu Lai than turn back to resist, but instead ran desperately to the mountains.

After receiving the news of Xu Lai's slaughter outside, the orc nobles in the base camp also made a fuss.

The escape route, which was originally used in an orderly manner, was suddenly snatched up by people, and no one wanted to stay at the end.

Although these days, Augu and other shamans have been arranging defenses for the base camp.

But everyone with a discerning eye knows that this base camp is absolutely undefendable and it will fall sooner or later.

With Xu Lai's blessing, those royal griffins may have already found an angle to dive.

Influenced by this idea, the remaining orc nobles all lost their last grace and started fighting.

Augu and others sighed. At present, these orc nobles have fought several times.

Even if they are allowed to escape back to the wilderness, it may not be a good thing for the base.

Maybe when they return to the wilderness, these tribes will go to war again.

However, they have no choice. They are just shamans, with the right to make suggestions but not administrative power.

Unlike these orc heroes, Xu Lai did not plan to gather troops for a strong attack.

In order to facilitate the arrangement of defenses and traps, Augu and others did not even let in ordinary orcs.

It can be said that as long as the angels and griffins landed in and triggered the traps inside, most of them would definitely be killed or injured.

Even they themselves are likely to be buried together in this base camp.

The current orc base camp is basically a large bomb that can be detonated at any time, just waiting for the ignorant enemies to run into it and die together.

Xu Lai did not prepare for a strong attack, not because he realized this, but because the cavalry was not good at attacking the city.

Elvi and the others could fly in, but Xu Lai asked Elvi and the others to stay until now, so how could he bear to let them continue to rush in and fight alone.

Besides, killing one by one is too slow, how can it be faster than using spells to quickly clear the field.

Xu Lai unsheathed his long sword, and the Doomsday Blade brought a terrifying doomsday breath, summoning countless fire meteors, which hit all the orcs' heads.

Once was not enough, Xu Lai used the refresh ball and summoned it again.

Unlike the previous Doomsday Judgment, the orcs are now in chaos, and the legion has long been disbanded.

Although there are still many orc heroes here, and some have learned to resist.

But they have not formed a legion, and even if they have resistance, they can only bless the small number of their subordinates.

The real boss of the stronghold had left long ago, and most of the orc heroes who stayed at this moment were advent heroes.

They didn't have many soldiers originally, and after so many of them were defeated, there were even fewer left.

A few orc soldiers can enjoy the resistance effect, which can't affect the overall situation at all.

Moreover, if it's just resistance, even if it is upgraded to the ultimate, there is only a 25% probability of direct resistance, reducing 25% of spell damage.

Without the blessing of anti-magic treasures and the release of fire control magic in advance, the mere 25% damage reduction can't save the lives of the orcs.

Unless they are very lucky, the two doomsday judgments can trigger the 25% resistance effect.

Such a probability is only 12.5, and only 12 out of 100 orcs can resist twice.

The most important thing is that among the orc heroes present, the one with the highest resistance level is only advanced.

And this orc hero with advanced resistance has no orc soldiers under his command, and is completely a commander without troops.

There is no resistance, no anti-magic equipment, no magic to control fire.

In order to set traps, Mok and other shamans have made all the spell materials into spell traps, so that there is no fire protection array.

All the unfavorable factors originally imposed on the Doomsday Judgment disappeared completely this time.

The Doomsday Judgment finally showed its true power in front of these orcs for the first time.

The terrifying fire meteors, with the posture of destroying the world, kept falling on the heads of every orc.

Even if there are higher-level orcs and better-equipped orcs who are lucky enough to survive.

The second fire meteor that followed will definitely burn this orc into a pile of powder.

Even the orc heroes and high-level orcs hiding in the base camp cannot be spared.

Although the fire meteor was blocked by the building above, the base camp built by the orcs is a completely wooden structure.

As a base camp building, spells could only cause a small amount of damage to them, but fire can restrain these wooden buildings.

In addition, there are many orcs in the base camp, and it is a double doomsday judgment. A large number of fire meteors fell down, and finally ignited the base camp.

Although Xu Lai's spell damage was absorbed by the base camp, the magic traps in the base camp were also triggered.

The rumbling sound of explosions continued to ring in the ears of Xu Lai and others, and Xu Lai and others were stunned.

The explosions continued, and there were all kinds of strange phenomena in the sky, including fire clouds, thunderstorms, and frost.

After more than ten minutes, the explosions gradually stopped, but at this time, the base camp had been completely blown to pieces, leaving only debris on the ground. (End of this chapter)

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