The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 631: Post-war events

Lina convinced Xu Lai, so Xu Lai handed the task of counterattacking the stronghold to Lina.

However, the two knights had more than 6,000 people at full strength. No matter how much dry food each person carried, they could only last for a week to half a month at most.

As for the seizure in the wilderness, let alone the large amount of food and grass they lost on the grassland.

Even if they didn't lose it, there wasn't much food to eat in such a poor place as the wilderness.

Xu Lai had been there before and had plenty of experience, and he really suffered a lot there.

There were far fewer wild animals in the wilderness than in the grassland, and the key was that even the water source was unstable. Even the villages and towns where the ogres lived themselves did not have wells.

In addition, even if they brought a marching tent, they could not rest well at night, and they were neither at ease nor at ease.

After thinking about it, Xu Lai took out a space ring from his arms, which was the space ring from another dimension.

He handed the ring to Lina and said, "Keep this ring. It can be connected to the warehouse in Qingfeng City.

The warehouse has stored enough food and clean water.

If you are still short of any resources when you arrive in the wilderness, please contact me in advance. I will send them to this warehouse after I prepare them."

The function of the dimensional warehouse ring is far beyond that of ordinary artifacts, and it is even worthy of the evaluation of a super artifact.

No matter how big or powerful the ordinary space ring is, even the one with infinite space, it is not as good as this ring that can be replenished at any time.

Of course, this kind of ring needs to be used with props for remote communication.

Lina did not refuse. She knew very well how much this ring would be for their two knights.

Carrying the life and death of more than 6,000 knights on her shoulders, such a responsibility made her unable to refuse.

The ring is rich in various daily necessities. After joining Pierce's Eighth Knights, Lina and his team can head to the wilderness.

However, in order to cover them, Xu Lai also decided to let Elvy and the angel troops follow them for a while when they set out.

But that was a few days later. It would take at least 3 or 4 days for Pierce to come with the Eighth Knights.

What Xu Lai needed Lina and the others to do at the moment was to capture those orcs.

Because Elvy and the others were stationed at this large passage before, the orcs were looking for new ways out everywhere and had already run all over the mountains and plains.

Most of Xu Lai's men were recruited knights. Only the knight officers and conscripted knights who were transferred to the Knights had subjective initiative.

Some of these people were recruits who had just joined not long ago and had only participated in this battle with the orcs. They were not suitable for acting alone.

In addition, the orcs were not completely powerless to resist, so it was not appropriate to have fewer people.

No matter how his own team was allocated, it would only have hundreds of squads at most.

The knights of the Third Knights were all professional knights with independent combat capabilities. They could form an independent squad with some recruits and some logistics personnel.

Xu Lai's tens of thousands of knights only have more than a hundred teams. The 3,000 knights of the Third Knights, coupled with 3,000 logistics personnel, can also form more than a hundred teams with both combat and transportation capabilities.

Xu Lai has air superiority. Elvi and Silver Wing, Pegasus knights, can fly in the sky to guide the teams.

There are also professional reconnaissance knights like Jian Yuan, who can search out those orcs even if they hide in the mountains.

Xu Lai stayed at the front line for several days and captured thousands of orcs of various ranks one after another.

In addition to the thousands of orcs captured near the base camp, Xu Lai escorted tens of thousands of middle and high-level orcs back to the Stone City at one time.

The Stone City, which was originally deserted and only had civilians except for the warriors, is now bustling with many more people.

After agreeing to Lina, Xu Lai issued a new administrative order, requiring officials at all levels to send back the people who had been sent there before.

Of course, they finally got used to the new place, and now they have to send them back, which is really a bit of a hassle.

But it has to be done, almost half of the grassland, Xu Lai can't let these places be vacant.

The original people are more familiar with the terrain here, and the foundations of the previous village construction are still there.

It is easiest to adapt to them by moving them back.

What's more, when they moved, Xu Lai only told them to move for a period of time, and most of them still wanted to return to their original land.

In addition, Xu Lai promised to continue to subsidize them, not only to provide food supply back and forth, but also to provide materials and grain seeds for rebuilding the village.

Most people are unwilling to leave their homes and want to return to where they lived.

With the conditions promised by Xu Lai, most people chose to move back.

Some people are reluctant to give up the newly opened land, pastures, etc.

Xu Lai also followed them, and what he promised before would never be counted.

Therefore, this time the return is based on the principle of voluntariness.

They are willing to come back, and officials at all levels, village heads, and town heads need to organize people and guards.

If they were unwilling to return, they would still keep the previously reclaimed wasteland. Xu Lai promised to subsidize the houses they built and continue to complete the construction.

The land, houses, etc. provided for these people to relocate back were directly transferred to the believers brought by Dur.

The arrival of these millions of believers is definitely a great opportunity for the grassland.

However, in order to obtain this opportunity, the first thing to do is to settle them.

There are millions of believers, and no city on the grassland has the ability to settle them, including Qingfeng City where Xu Lai is.

Under Xu Lai's arrangement once and for all, the construction of the city wall of Qingfeng City far exceeds the control range of the Castle Heart, which also cost him a lot of extra manpower and material resources.

But even so, Qingfeng City cannot accommodate these millions of people.

Moreover, the food consumed by millions of believers every day is extremely amazing.

Even if each person consumes only one unit of food a day, it starts at one million units, causing the profiteers in the Southern Empire to raise the price of grain by 4 or 5 times.

Dur and the others all know that this is a huge burden for Xu Lai, which is why Lina took the initiative to ask to go to the wilderness.

The temple attaches great importance to this matter. The Eighth Knights led by Pierce rode past the Stone City without entering the city to see his old friend.

Of the one million believers, Qingfeng City will keep a part of them, about 100,000 people, and then recruit some people to join the army in the name of Qingfeng Corps.

In this way, the city and the military camps outside the city can accommodate a total of 120,000 people.

The rest of the believers must be dispersed and distributed to various cities.

After calculations by Yu Lan, Ji Long and others, the believers will be filled in units of thousands of people in various cities that have moved back.

The larger cities that have been more affected by the war, such as the castle-level cities that Xu Lai has just recovered, will be received in units of 10,000 people.

Konaston Castle and Wanshi City, the only two large cities on the grassland, second only to Qingfeng City, have to bear more.

Earl Aini fought several battles, Xu Lai also fought several times, and even in the past few months, Jimmy led people to fight against the orc wolf cavalry.

Because of these warriors, Konaston Castle suffered a large population loss and took the initiative to accept more than 60,000 believers.

The Stone City is an empty city. Even if some of the people there will be some people who move back, the number of people will not be too large.

Because this is already an elf city, the battle between the elves and the undead is not going well, and Reina and the Queen of the Elf have reached a cooperative relationship.

The Stone City will take in some elf refugees, which is regarded as a kind of fire that the Barrier Camp has retained on the human side.

Xu Lai has no objection to this. Although the refugees taken in by the Stone City will not leave the Barrier Camp, they will join the grassland and become Xu Lai's subjects.

Xu Lai has not yet established a country, and it is too early to talk about subjects, but the elves in the Stone City have already pledged allegiance to Xu Lai alone.

Obviously, the Stone City in the future will be a city where elves and humans live together.

If ordinary people have a choice, they are not very willing to settle here.

However, the believers have no choice. Dur personally escorted a team of 300,000 believers on the way to the Stone City.

Of these 300,000 people, the Stone City will take 100,000, and Xu Lai plans to build two more cities for the remaining 200,000.

These two cities were built at the two ends of the forest on both sides of the Stone City.

First, it is convenient to use wood resources, and second, it can also form a horn with the Stone City.

The location of the Stone City is just in the center of the grassland, and it will definitely be the core city of the grassland in the future.

Then, it is necessary to arrange two satellite cities for the Stone City.

Coincidentally, Xu Lai broke through the base camp left by the orcs.

This base camp has an escape route and is a castle-level stronghold city.

After Xu Lai destroyed the stronghold heart, he obtained two base-level castle hearts.

With these two castle hearts, both cities can be directly upgraded to base-level cities, and it is not a problem for each to accommodate 100,000 people.

In the current Stone City, in addition to the migrants who arrived in advance from nearby cities, there are also caravans brought by Wei Yihong, and merchants who came here to smell the smell.

The grassland and the stronghold fought, and the merchants seemed to have disappeared in the past few months.

Now that the war has stopped, these guys have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Of course, Xu Lai, who suffered heavy losses, also needs to rely on these merchants to recover a wave of blood.

In fact, even without these merchants, Xu Lai's capital is enough to support this war.

And this battle with the orcs in the stronghold is worth it no matter how much it costs as long as it is won.

With the momentum of the orc invasion, Xu Lai can quickly unify the entire grassland.

Otherwise, the hundreds of cities on the grassland, except for a few that were won over by Jimmy, the rest must be conquered by Xu Lai one by one.

Because of the invasion of the orcs, most of the nobles did not dare to fight against the orcs, and chose to surrender directly, letting Xu Lai resist the orcs.

Now he has successfully defeated the orcs, not only slaughtering hundreds of thousands of orcs, but also seizing more than 10,000 orcs.

Now, those nobles dare not resist even more, after all, Xu Lai even directly destroyed the coalition forces of the stronghold camp, and then destroying their entire family is also a matter of convenience.

At this time, Xu Lai's dominance over the grassland far exceeded that of Aini, and truly reached the highest level in history.

Anyway, Xu Lai himself was also a low-ranking noble, so the title no longer had any say in the grassland.

For example, before, Jilong handed him a statistical report.

It clearly recorded the performance of officials at all levels appointed by Xu Lai and the nobles who remained in office during the orc invasion.

Xu Lai had just reassigned the mayors of the major cities, the political officials, military commanders, and tax officials he appointed based on this report.

Those who performed well should be promoted, those who performed poorly should be dismissed, and those who blatantly disobeyed orders should be arrested or killed.

Even the mayors of the major cities, that is, the former nobles, did not dare to resist these administrative orders issued by Xu Lai.

Even if the guards in the city were still in the hands of these mayors, as soon as Xu Lai's order arrived, they would tie themselves up.

At this time, the punishment they accepted was at most imprisonment and fines. Even if they were really executed, they could only accept it willingly.

Because no matter how Xu Lai punished, it would not harm his family, but if they dared to resist, the whole family would be burned to death without negotiation.

These merchants who came to the Stone City were very interested in the spoils related to the orcs.

They were willing to pay a higher price than the complete fur to buy the tattered leather armor worn by the orcs.

Firstly, the grassland has not produced any special products for half a year because of the war.

The merchants in the south can still get some furs from Qingfeng City because of the sea transportation.

These traditional land merchants have not been active in the past few months. Even if they occasionally come out to stroll, they have not received any good things.

Xu Lai killed more than 5,000 Behemoths. Even if most of them were recruited Behemoths, he still had 2,500 Behemoths in his hands.

The materials on Behemoths are not as famous as those of the dragon clan, and their practicality is not as wide as that of the dragon clan. At least blood, internal organs, etc. are not very useful.

However, Behemoth's fur is an extremely light and tough armor material.

Behemoth's claws are the best material for making armor-piercing weapons such as armor-piercing arrows and armor-piercing bows.

Although the effect of Behemoth meat is not as good as dragon meat, and it has a powerful role in breaking through qualifications, it is also a good material for making physical potions.

Just these behemoths, if you clean them up and disassemble them, you can easily sell them for 20,000 or 30,000 gold coins.

In addition to behemoths, there are the one eye of the cyclops, the heart of the thunderbird, the heavy weapons held by the orcs, and the kodo beasts raised.

Each of them is a good treasure that can be sold at a very high price in the three empires of the east, south, and north.

On the contrary, the orc warriors that Xu Lai has high hopes for, these merchants really lower the price.

A level 7 orc berserker is not even as expensive as a level 2 ordinary orc, how can Xu Lai accept this.

Of course, Xu Lai couldn't refute the other party's reasons for a while.

Because they said that once these orc berserkers go crazy, the whole caravan can't stop them.

But Xu Lai couldn't find orcs with a lower level here.

Those with low levels, low physiques, and poor equipment were burned to ashes by the fire of doom. (End of this chapter)

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