"You only give 100 gold coins for a level 7 orc. Are you kidding me?

When we bought orc slaves from you, which one was less than 500 gold coins? Buying low and selling high is not your way of buying, right?"

Wei Yihong was furious. Most of the slave traders in front of him were brought by him.

Although they quoted the price, but such an outrageous price was quoted. Wouldn't Wei Yihong have to follow these people and leave a bad impression in Xu Lai's mind?

Sure enough, Xu Lai on the side also frowned. He expected that these high-level orc slaves would not be easy to sell, but he didn't expect these people to dare to quote such an exaggerated price.

"Minister Wei, you don't do this business, so you don't understand.

The higher the level of slaves, the higher the price.

Let's not talk about the profit, let's talk about the cost first. The main cost of slaves is not the slaves themselves, but the training and management of slaves.

For orc berserkers like this, I have to hire at least several high-level mercenaries to watch them.

But such high-level orcs are stronger than ordinary orcs, but their work efficiency is not much improved.

For most slave owners, the cost performance is not high, so naturally they are not very expensive.

Moreover, the higher the level of these orcs, the bigger their appetite. Every extra day they stay in my hands will increase countless costs.

In addition, there is an increase in the difficulty of transportation. I also need to upgrade the handcuffs and shackles, and I need to hire more advanced slave trainers.

You just can't see these invisible costs, but it doesn't mean they don't exist."

The slave traders were complaining, and although there was some truth in it, Xu Lai and Wei Yihong knew that it was just a bargaining tactic.

Wei Yihong snorted coldly and said, "Haha, when you sold the slaves to us, you sold them according to their rank.

I remember that you offered more than 10,000 gold coins for a rank 7 orc sword dancer.

You sold us for more than 10,000 gold coins, and only charged us 100 gold coins. Do you really think we are suckers?"

Xu Lai really didn't know about the more than 10,000 gold coins. As a leader, he naturally couldn't care about everything.

This task was assigned to Wei Yihong and his team. Xu Lai only needed to know how much the slaves they bought cost and how much it cost.

As for the sword dancer worth more than 10,000 gold coins, Wei Yihong rejected it and would not buy it at all. Xu Lai naturally couldn't know it.

Hearing this, Xu Lai couldn't help frowning. Xu Lai didn't know how much the more than 10,000 gold coins were. Even if he calculated it as 15,000, it was still a super profit of 150 times.

With this level of profit, this guy didn't want to do business with him, but found an excuse to rob him.

"Ahem, how could that be? We are just doing business.

So, you still have some level 4 and 5 wolf riders. Give them to me along with their mounts. I can give 200 gold coins to each of these orcs above level 7.

You can't not make any profit for me. I have a large group of people to feed."

These wolf riders were captured by Lina, Yan Feng and others later.

They have wolves and evil wolves to ride, which greatly saves their physical strength and allows them to run farther without being hurt by the Judgment of Doom.

Wei Yihong glanced at Xu Lai, and seeing that he didn't speak, he asked again:

"What's the price for these wolf cavalrymen?"

"500 gold coins, how about that? This price is not low."

Wei Yihong wanted to bargain, but Xu Lai waved his hand and interrupted:

"Old Wei, stop talking. Drive this guy out and permanently ban them from entering my territory.

By the way, inform the entire grassland of my intention and tell everyone on the grassland that no one is allowed to trade with this guy or the caravan he is in.

If there are any violators, the violators and their families will have all their property confiscated and will be permanently expelled from my territory.

If someone knows about it but doesn't report it, they will also be punished in the same way."

As soon as he finished speaking, Roland waved his hand, and Naru, who had been promoted to a brave knight, directly took two great knights to hold this guy up.

"No, you can't do this to me. Don't forget, you invited me here.

Besides, you are just a mere baron. You got the upper hand by chance. Do you really think you are the king of the grassland?"

With a snap, Naru slapped the slave trader in the face.

"Shut up. If you dare to say another word, I will cut off your tongue."

Although Naru has always adhered to the spirit of chivalry, he should not forget where he grew up.

Having grown up in a bandit's den, if he wants to be fierce, there are really few people under Xu Lai who can compare with him.

Stared at by Naru's fierce eyes, the slave trader immediately shut up.

But since he opened his mouth, Xu Lai would not let him slander his reputation.

"Wait, since you have raised the question, I will give you a good answer.

First of all, it is indeed us who invited you here, so I tolerate your offense this time.

Sending you out of the city safely is already my greatest tolerance for you.

Secondly, you are right, I am not the king of the grassland, and I have never thought of becoming the king of the grassland."

Speaking of this, Xu Lai deliberately paused, and everyone under the steps was indeed stunned.

Then, Xu Lai said again: "But whether I am the king of the grassland or not, you just need to remember that my territory will never welcome you.

Since you have provided us with orc slaves before, which is considered to be a help to me, I will remind you in a friendly way.

In the future, no matter where you go to do business, be careful. If that place is my territory, you will be caught and hanged by the guards. "

Xu Lai's voice was not loud, but in this extremely quiet hall, everyone could hear it clearly.

Xu Lai made it very clear that he did not want to be the king of the grassland, but the meaning of his words was also very clear, that the territory in the future should not be limited to the grassland.

If these two sentences are combined, does it mean that Xu Lai's ambition is no longer something that the grassland can accommodate?

In fact, Xu Lai does not have too much ambition. If possible, he really just wants to live in peace.

But ideas are ideas. At this point, Xu Lai knows very well that if he must live in peace, it is just in his own Seeking death.

The grassland is much better than the wilderness, both in terms of resources and outdoor buildings for recruiting soldiers.

I dare not say that compared with the entire wilderness, plus the tributes required by the dungeon, the difference should not be much.

But his little wealth is simply incomparable to the huge resources of the empire.

The empire occupies the most fertile land in the world, otherwise it would not have been remembered by people all the time.

The hero who unified the empire in the future, whether it is other humans or demons in hell, will never let him go.

It can be said that once he is content with the status quo, if any war is not handled well in the future, he will will be beaten back to the time before liberation.

As for asking him to surrender, sorry, although he has been the leader for a short time, he has already gotten used to this feeling.

It is said that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality.

After being the boss for a long time, it is impossible to live a life of looking at other people's eyes.

After saying this, Xu Lai waved his hand.

Naru changed his previous ugly expression, and excitedly picked up the slave trader and threw him out of the door.

Xu Lai has more far-reaching ideas, which is undoubtedly great news for them.

As a leader, the higher Xu Lai climbs, the more they, the followers, will be. Only then can they follow and climb the stairs.

Otherwise, if Xu Lai, the leader, does not move, how can they, as followers and subordinates, climb up?

Either they stay at a lower place than Xu Lai, or they can only find a way to surpass Xu Lai, which means betrayal.

Naru would rather be an ordinary knight forever than betray Xu Lai, because he was born as Xu Lai's personal guard knight.

After throwing away the slave trader, Naru clapped his hands and said:

"If I were you, I would take the teleportation array and leave immediately, and run away before the people in Qingfeng City have time to react.

Otherwise, if the news reaches Qingfeng City, I dare to guarantee that none of you and your caravan will be able to walk out of Qingfeng City alive.

Whether it is mercenaries or civilians there, they are the most fanatical admirers of our lord.

If they knew that you dared to come to our lord to blackmail today, they would skin you alive and eat you.

If I were you, I would run away quickly, so as not to affect the reputation of our lord. "

The slave trader came from Qingfeng City. He didn't dare to say much about the actual situation there because he didn't stay there for a long time.

But he still knew some of the policies implemented by Xu Lai.

Tax reduction, kindergarten, martyrs' cemetery, removal of miscellaneous taxes, even the head tax and city entry tax were exempted.

It was precisely because of this understanding that he had the courage to ask for a high price.

Because he knew that no matter how angry Xu Lai was, he would never kill him.

Anyway, he was in the slave business, and Qingfeng City did not allow the use of slaves.

And other places were just symbolic talks, only Qingfeng City was implementing this law from top to bottom.

So, he asked for a high price and failed. There is no loss, and if it succeeds, it will make a lot of money.

Similarly, he also knew that what Naru said was the truth.

Once the news here is passed to Qingfeng City, those fanatics in Qingfeng City may really eat him alive.

For Xu Lai's reputation, Naru reminded him, but those in Qingfeng City are just ordinary people, who don't have much knowledge at all.

Thinking of this, the slave trader didn't care about any nonsense, and hurriedly got up and crawled towards the teleportation array.

Naru snorted coldly, turned around and returned to the hall, just in time to hear Xu Lai sitting on the top seat and speaking again.

"Everyone, I don't have any bad feelings towards merchants, but to be honest, I don't have any good feelings either.

You buy low and sell high to make a profit, which is understandable.

However, can a price of a hundred times be considered normal commodity circulation? Isn't it really a robbery in front of me?

If you still quote like the merchant before, I advise you to keep your mouth shut.

In order to avoid that, we will all be embarrassed. "

Xu Lai called these merchants together, firstly to let them bid against each other, so as not to let himself suffer losses.

On the other hand, the shipment volume this time was huge, and Xu Lai did not have the time to talk to each one and contact each one.

If it was all handed over to Wei Yihong, he might not dare to make the final decision, after all, it involved the corpses of nearly 3,000 behemoths.

Who would have thought that Xu Lai brought these merchants together, but gave them room to make joint bids.

Several slave traders discussed quietly and unanimously gave such a ridiculous price.

The slave traders gave 100 or 200 gold coins, and they really wanted to make a fortune.

But looking at the current situation, even if the price was 500 or 600 gold coins, Xu Lai would not be satisfied.

Approaching those orcs, the lowest was level 4, and they would never agree to sell at this price.

However, these orcs are indeed dangerous. They are not heroes and cannot add specialization effects to hired mercenaries.

Therefore, even with equipment such as shackles, it is good for a mercenary to take care of two or three orcs.

The transportation, safety, and food and accommodation costs in the middle are indeed extremely high.

The key is the final sales. If Xu Lai only sells a few, they can contact buyers who like to hunt for novelties.

Or the more powerful buyers buy these orcs back to use as gladiators or guards.

This can be sold at a high price, but the problem is that there is not much demand.

Xu Lai got several thousand high-level orcs in one go, and they really couldn't sell them. It was estimated that they would have to keep them for a long time.

Therefore, in order to control costs, they were unlikely and unwilling to raise the price to more than 1,000 gold coins.

Since the price quoted would definitely not satisfy Xu Lai, it would be better not to say it.

Otherwise, once he opened his mouth, he would make Xu Lai angry again. Just like the man before, he would lose a lot if he was not allowed to do business in his territory.

Nowadays, the only place that is relatively peaceful is the grassland, except for the newly stabilized Southern Empire and Northern Empire.

Moreover, these merchants are also optimistic about Xu Lai, and most of them think that Xu Lai's future territory should not be limited to this.

This is a huge business territory, and as merchants, they are certainly unwilling to give up easily.

With the expelled merchant in front, most of the other merchants quoted a more realistic price.

For example, if a pair of claws of Behemoth are used to make armor-piercing arrows, at least thousands of arrowheads of excellent quality can be produced.

Although a top-quality arrow is not entirely composed of the arrowhead, the main cost must be the arrowhead, followed by the tail feathers, arrow shaft and other parts.

Ordinary armor-piercing arrows are not cheap, but armor-piercing arrows made with Behemoth claws have the opportunity to ignore more than 50% of defense.

The quality has been improved by an unknown amount in an instant. One Behemoth armor-piercing arrow is at least equivalent to ten ordinary armor-piercing arrows.

Thousands of such armor-piercing arrows are definitely worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

After deducting the cost of workers' wages, arrow shafts, tail feathers, etc., the price of 1,500 gold coins given by a pair of Behemoth claws is relatively reasonable.

Sitting on the high hall, Xu Lai personally signed one contract after another, and received a lot of gold coins.

But no one was willing to continue to quote for the more than 10,000 orcs.

Tahan Yanfeng and others are still catching orcs outside, not only near the Pingfeng Mountains, but also in other places.

Before the returning people arrive, all these orcs must be captured. By then, the number of orcs imprisoned in the Stone City will increase.

At today's trade fair, Xu Lai came out to sell a lot of supplies and also bought a lot of food.

With the help of the sea merchants in the south, rice can be sold at the price of gold.

Therefore, the food consumed by the orcs is a small matter. The key is that Xu Lai does not have so many people and energy to keep watching them. (End of this chapter)

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