The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 635 Imperial Palace

Theoretically, without a parliament, there can be no country.

Only with a parliament can a country be established, and a country is not allowed to have two parliaments.

The reason why the four empires of the east, west, south and north have not been able to completely break away from the empire is that except for the capital Lionheart City, the four empires do not have their own parliament.

Even if the Northern Empire was recognized by the Temple, the former Grand Duke Aled, now King Aled, still failed to build his own parliament.

This thing, in theory, will only explode if the capitals of other countries are destroyed.

Of course, there are also some special situations where it can be obtained, such as through the wishing stone, which is said to be able to pray for anything.

There are also some special altars in the wild, where you can use the sacrifices that meet the requirements to get what you want.

In addition, it is possible to explode such top-level drawings or artifacts in the top diamond treasure chest, but this depends on luck.

If you are unlucky, you may not get the parliament building from the establishment to the destruction of the country.

[Congress]: 1. Provide basic magic supplies and basic magic arrays, such as magic lamps, fireproof magic arrays, constant temperature magic arrays, etc.

2. Provide a palace construction permit, allowing the king to build a palace near the Congress.

The palace can provide additional recovery effects for the king and his wives, ministers, guards, pets, war horses, etc.

The palace can provide the king with a higher level of spell protection, allow guards to be stationed, and provide a certain number of defense buildings and facilities.

(Note: The specific magic array and facilities will be determined by the size of the palace.)

The palace can increase the growth rate of all organisms in the city by another 50%.

3. Provide national taxes: For every farmer (militia) in Qingfeng Castle, 1 gold coin will be provided as tax every natural month.

In the country you build, all commercial activities will automatically collect taxes according to the ratio you set. The current default tax ratio is: 10:1, that is, for every transaction of 10 gold coins, 1 gold coin will be automatically paid to enter the council hall.

4. National politics: Congress provides many office institutions such as the finance room meeting room, office, guard booth, propaganda room, etc.

The national policies formulated by the members of Congress can be transmitted to all parliaments, interior halls, meeting halls, village offices and other office places in the country through the national politics function after obtaining the king's permission.

5. Gathering: Congress can gather the scattered magic power within the sphere of influence of the country, and gather gold coins based on this magic power (5,000-20,000 gold coins can be provided every day, affected by the magic tide and the size of the sphere of influence, and currently 10,000 gold coins can be provided every day)

6. Capital, the city where the Congress is established will automatically upgrade to the capital of the country, and the following buildings can be upgraded or built:

1. It is allowed to build a small palace, and the construction cost is one million gold coins;

10,000 units of basic resources such as wood, ore, and steel;

1,000 units of rare resources such as gems, crystals, sulfur, and mercury;

100 units of top resources such as mithril and refined gold.

2. It is allowed to build a large palace, and the construction cost is a small palace*10.

3. It is allowed to upgrade the city wall to the capital city, with a height of at least 20 meters and a width of at least 8 meters, and reduce the ranged damage by 75%.

The cost will be determined by the size of the city wall to be upgraded and the scale.

4. It is allowed to upgrade the Cloud City to the Advanced Cloud City. After the upgrade, the 8th-level Archangel can be directly recruited.

Cost 300,000 gold coins, 5,000 units of wood, 5,000 units of stone, 50 units of crystal, and 100 units of gems.

5. It is allowed to upgrade the Champion Hall to the Champion Grand Hall. After the upgrade, 5 7th-level Knights can be recruited every month.

Cost 100,000 gold coins, 2,000 units of wood, 2,000 units of stone, 50 units of crystal, and 50 units of gems.

7. Establish a country. The power with the Congress will be allowed to establish its own country, and the king will be the leader of the power by default.

Note: If the leader of the power does not agree to establish a country, all heroes within the power range will not be able to build the Congress. Forcibly building the Congress is considered as a betrayal of the power.

8. The only thing is that you can only have one Congress. When your forces capture other Congress cities, the Congress of that city will be downgraded to Parliament.

On the contrary, if your Congress city is captured and the other party also has a Congress, the Congress of that city will also be downgraded to Parliament.

Congress construction cost: upgraded from Parliament, only one can be built nationwide, the upgrade cost is 50,000 gold coins, 1,000 wood, 1,000 ore, 1,000 steel, 50 gems, 50 crystals, 50 sulfur, 50 mercury, 5 mithril, 5 refined gold.

After reading the attributes of the blueprint "Congress", Xu Lai let out a heavy breath.

He knew that Congress was very important a long time ago, until he saw the blueprint and understood the attributes of Congress, he realized that he had underestimated Congress before.

It can be said that Congress is the most important building in the entire country, no one else.

Only by having Congress can you truly become a country, otherwise you can only be a force.

Moreover, Congress can also collect commercial taxes throughout the country and issue administrative orders to all its own cities, regardless of size.

At the same time, only with the Congress, the construction of the imperial palace, the advanced cloud city and the capital-level city wall was allowed.

All these show the importance of the Congress.

That is why Xu Lai did not even pretend to refuse. Dur handed it to him, and he took it into his space ring.

"This gift is too precious. To be honest, I feel ashamed to accept it.

As you just said, they come to the grassland and are my subjects, regardless of whether they are followers of His Majesty the God of War.

It is the duty of every lord to provide them with necessary survival supplies.

However, I really cannot shirk this blueprint, so I can only put it away with a thick face.

However, I just looked at the blueprint. Buildings like the Congress can only be used after the leader of the power agrees to establish a country."

Reality is not a game, there is only one player.

Any hero, noble or any other individual, as long as he has the corresponding blueprint, can build the corresponding building in his own city.

However, the Congress is unique. If the subordinate heroes build the Congress at will without the consent of the leader of the power, won't the capital be placed in someone else's city?

Therefore, to establish the Congress, the leader of the power must agree to establish the country, which is also a reminder to the leader of the power.

Of course, Xu is the leader of the power himself, and all the nobles in the entire grassland have submitted to him.

So, he can build the Congress wherever he wants.

However, if he insisted on building the parliament in someone else's city, he would not be able to regret it if there were any problems with the parliament.

In history, it seems that no king would hand over the capital to other lords.

"That's right." Dur answered without hesitation.

However, Xu Lai didn't actually ask this question, so he had to ask the question more clearly.

"I'm talking about founding a country."

Duel smiled slightly and said, "Although I'm old, I have good ears.

This blueprint was given to you by His Holiness the Pope, and you should understand what it means.

I dare not say or promise anything else, but after you establish a country, the temple will definitely recognize the legitimacy of the country you built.

For the rest, I can't guarantee it. At most, I can help you mediate when other countries have opinions.

But you don't have the blood of the Aled family, and you don't have a marriage relationship with the Aled family.

Even if you establish a country, no nobles will respond, and you will inevitably offend the rulers of the North Empire, the South Empire, and the East Empire."

Xu Lai smacked his lips and said:

"My relationship with the North Empire is actually not bad. If I want to establish a country, will I really offend them completely?"

The East Empire has no borders with him, and its attitude is extremely arrogant. It seems that it doesn't take the other three empires seriously, nor does it take Xu Lai seriously.

It is a reality that it has long been hostile to the East Empire, and there is no conflict of interest between Xu Lai and the East Empire.

Except for the Eastern Empire, the Northern Empire has a good relationship with him, and he still needs to borrow the high mountain fortress of the Northern Empire.

Needless to say, the Southern Empire is his most important trading partner now.

Once he has a bad relationship with these two countries, at the least, diplomatic relations will be severed, and at the worst, trade will be cut off or even war will break out.

Xu Lai is not afraid of fighting. The Northern Empire has also experienced a war not long ago and is directly threatened by hell.

The Southern Empire has extremely poor combat effectiveness and is extremely far away from the grassland. If it really sends troops, it can only be at sea.

As for the sea, Xu Lai does not need to take action. Naga will not allow the Southern Empire troops to run rampant in its own territory.

The key is that Xu Lai is still the largest funder of the Naga tribe, and it only needs to help Xu Lai overturn a few troop transport ships, which is enough to give the Southern Empire a headache.

What Xu Lai is afraid of is that these two empires will cut off trade with him.

Trade is to exchange what you have. For example, the grassland is obviously short of food. No merchants from the Southern and Northern Empires have entered, so it is almost difficult for Xu Lai to obtain additional food and grass.

"The establishment of the Northern Empire was also recognized by the Temple.

If you have any concerns in this regard, I can ask Bishop Kemiler to go to the Northern Empire in person to negotiate for you."

Crimson Archbishop Kemiler was originally in charge of the affairs of the Northeast region and had a good relationship with King Aled.

In addition, given Xu Lai's relationship with King Aled, as long as he is willing to make a promise and guarantee not to invade the territory of the Northern Empire, the Northern Empire probably doesn't want to fall out with Xu Lai.

Others may not know the information about the orc invasion, but the Northern Empire is absolutely clear.

"As for the Southern Empire, you don't need to worry about it.

The merchants in the Southern Empire have always been unprincipled.

As long as they can still make money, they don't care what others say or do.

If the profit is enough, let them help you snatch the daughter of the Supreme King Aled. There is no problem."

Xu Lai paused and said, "Why do I want Aled's daughter? I heard that Ms. Aled is over 40 this year."

Dur shrugged and said, "What does it matter? If it weren't for this relationship, how could the Southern Empire be independent?"

Dur's tone was full of disdain for the current ruler of the Southern Empire.

But this has nothing to do with Xu Lai. He only needs to confirm that the Southern Empire will not cut off trade ties with him because of this, and he has nothing to fear.

After thanking Dur again, Xu Lai was not in a hurry to return to Qingfeng City.

Originally, he needed to go back immediately, but with this congress scroll, he still needed to make some preparations.

No matter what else, his current team cannot be directly moved to after the founding of the country.

The most important thing for a country is the king, but ministers are also indispensable.

When Xu Lai founded the country, he faced the problem of reward.

At this time, he was actually reluctant to reward his subordinates. It was not because he was stingy, but because he felt that many people's contributions were not worthy of the positions he wanted to reward.

Some people, not to mention that they had not made any contributions, had indeed just joined his forces not long ago.

If these former nobles were not given a higher position, it would not only be unreasonable, but also easily cause a backlash from all the nobles.

If he gave it to them, Xu Lai couldn't accept it, and always felt that he had suffered a great loss.

For now, one of the people who had made the greatest contributions to him and the entire grassland forces was in this city.

So Xu Lai did not rush to leave, but took his think tank Yu Lan to meet with the Lord of the Stone City, Reina, until midnight.

No one knew what they talked about, but they knew that the next day, Xu Lai took his men and sat on the teleportation array.

Reina, who was supposed to be in charge of the affairs of the Stone City, entrusted the resettlement of believers to Dur.

Three days later, the administrative affairs of the Stone City were entrusted to a strange elf woman.

Accompanying this female elf were more than a hundred green dragons.

Xu Lai had seen this elf before. She came to Qingfeng City during the auction as the elf queen's messenger.

Xu Lai had already promised to keep the Stone City as the elves' backup city.

After getting Xu Lai's permission, the elves sent a construction team and a part of the elf troops that could be regarded as reinforcements.

To be honest, Xu Lai was very moved that the elves could still send troops to support them at this level, especially the flying troops such as green dragons with excellent combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, the battle ended too quickly, so that the opponent led the elf troops to go around and around, and when they finally arrived, they had missed it perfectly.

The elves sent these green dragons here, perhaps just to protect their own people, but they set out at the beginning of the battle after all.

An elf and a human 8th-level crimson archbishop presided over the lives of humans and elves respectively. There will be no problems in the Stone City in the short term.

Rena took Xu Lai's Qingfeng Legion to Qingfeng City to participate in the subsequent reward ceremony.

The award ceremony, which was originally limited to the Qingfeng Corps, was expanded by Xu Lai to the entire grassland.

Not only Reina and the Qingfeng Corps were transferred to Qingfeng City.

The mayors of all cities in the entire grassland, the chairmen of the parliament, and high-level generals will all return to Qingfeng City to report on their work.

Xu Lai has a constant stream of intelligence from various cities.

And his think tank, plus Jilong, Naru and other consultants who have some knowledge of various cities in the grassland.

These days, they are constantly compiling various intelligence and providing their necessary opinions on the next rewards and punishments. (End of this chapter)

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