The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 636 Preparations before the founding of the country

The orcs were driven away, and the horse thieves were almost wiped out under Xu Lai's cleanup.

The cruel oppression from the aristocracy, which used to be a major problem that made the grassland people live in misery, was almost no longer seen under Xu Lai's rectification.

Today's grassland has entered an unprecedented stage of political clarity. Not to mention that every family does not lock their doors at night and no one picks up things on the road, at least every family can have surplus food.

Xu Lai's food will naturally not be distributed all the time.

But as long as the local officials can implement the land policy he formulated, even if they encounter problems such as diseases, they can guarantee the minimum food and clothing.

There is not so much grain harvest on the earth, and ordinary people have no ability to resist natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Even so, there have been many prosperous times in history, although this is also related to the redistribution of land after the war.

For the grassland people, today's life is already satisfactory enough.

Even though various battles on the grassland have come one after another in the past two years, the people who followed Xu Lai have never been treated unfairly.

It has been unknown how long, the grassland herders have been hoping that Xu Lai can rule the entire grassland and let them escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Now, there is really news that after defeating the orcs, Xu Lai has obtained the recognition of the temple and the pope and wants to become an independent country in the grassland.

The news came from the mouths of those believers.

Although Xu Lai has never ruled these believers, Xu Lai is the one who re-erected the statue of the god of war.

At the same time, the temple also clarified Xu Lai's identity as a god's favored one, and clarified Xu Lai's status in the temple, second only to the pope.

Not only that, these believers traveled thousands of miles, and no matter how well prepared the temple was, it would not be smooth sailing.

Even if they bypassed the war-torn areas, they still couldn't bypass those unscrupulous nobles.

The nobles in many areas took the money of the temple, but failed to prepare enough rice, or simply used old rice bran to deal with it.

Once the war started, the farmers could not produce with peace of mind. Even if the land in this world is nutritious, food is prone to shortages.

It is true that food prices have been rising due to the war, but the temple transferred the people of the empire after all, and gave them enough silver.

Even so, many people still came to the grassland with hungry stomachs and lived a life of hunger and fullness.

Fortunately, after arriving at the grassland, they no longer had to starve. Vegetables and fruits were not guaranteed, but staple food was guaranteed to be full, and there was meat every day.

There were cattle and sheep on the grassland, so it was not too difficult to provide meat, but fruits and vegetables were extremely precious.

However, for these believers, the treatment given by Xu Lai was simply like going to heaven.

Good treatment, coupled with the blessing of faith, made these believers work extra hard to promote Xu Lai after receiving the orders from the priests in charge.

No country was established quietly.

The temple, which now fully supports Xu Lai, has long begun to quietly build momentum for Xu Lai to establish a country.

Bishop Dur personally rushed to the Stone City. In addition to being worried about the hundreds of thousands of believers, he still wanted to see Xu Lai as soon as possible so that he could hand over the blueprint to him.

Only by handing the blueprints to Xu Lai and clarifying Xu Lai's ideas can the Temple make things clear.

Otherwise, the Temple's secret push for Xu Lai to establish a country will be exposed in the future, and some conflicts will inevitably arise between the two sides.

Even if Xu Lai really wants to establish a country, it is a completely different feeling to establish a country by himself and to be pushed by others to establish a country.

At that time, Xu Lai must explore the Temple's ideas.

When he looks back and finds that more than half of the people who founded the country were devout believers of the Temple, he may have to be wary of the Temple in the future.

The Temple has the only state religion status in all the empires, and it has always been full of vision and means.

However, the bishops of the Temple did not have any other ideas at this time.

In their cognition, Xu Lai, as a favored person of God, is the embodiment of the will of the God of War.

And the Temple is the Temple of the God of War, and Xu Lai, who has the will of the God of War, is almost equivalent to the real owner of the Temple.

Therefore, the Temple builds momentum for Xu Lai in advance, and also builds momentum for the future prosperity.

However, if Xu Lai wants to establish a country, in addition to the recognition of the temple, the recognition of other countries and major forces is also very important.

If there are more forces and countries that are not recognized by the outside world, the people and forces who join the grassland country will naturally have more concerns.

For example, indigenous nobles, major chambers of commerce, large mercenary groups, etc., will worry about whether they can trade with external forces and countries, participate in missions, and whether their noble status can be recognized.

If these problems are not solved, Xu Lai can certainly establish a country normally, but it is inevitable to make people's hearts uneasy.

You know, looking at the several wars in history, countless heroes have descended, and it is not only Xu Lai who has a conscience.

In history, there are many people who are more saintly than Xu Lai. Some of them even imitated the saints and directly exempted agricultural taxes.

Even China abolished agricultural taxes after the economic level reached a certain stage. These saints proposed this policy at this time, which is undoubtedly too advanced.

Facts have also proved that such an approach can only be short-lived.

Even if the heroes who descend, even if they choose long-lived races such as elves, cannot live for hundreds or thousands of years like real elves.

No matter how good their policies are, once these powerful heroes die, their policies are bound to collapse, and few of them even die naturally.

In this world, those who hold power are those high-level professionals, such as mages, knights, and archers, but there are no civilians.

No matter how powerful a hero is, he cannot guard against danger all the time.

Xu Lai did not exempt the agricultural tax, but reduced the tax to 30%, so that the ruling class can benefit, so that their desire to resist will not be so strong.

But to be honest, 30% is the most for now, and the first generation of the Supreme King and a group of nobles agreed on this ratio.

When Xu Lai dies, the privileged class will definitely find ways to seek benefits for themselves.

If people do not work for themselves, they will be punished by heaven and earth. This is an eternal truth.

When Xu Lai founded the country, he had already won the hearts of the people with 30% of the agricultural tax, and gained faith with the favor of the God of War.

The rest is to gain the support of those who are truly powerful.

Not all of them are needed, even if only a part of them are won over, it is enough for Xu Lai to establish a new country.

Xu Lai, who returned to Qingfeng City in advance by teleportation, has discussed with Su Ya and others for several days.

Preparations for the founding of the country and the large-scale ceremony have already begun.

Although Xu Lai did not say it explicitly, the rumors have spread widely, and the officials of Qingfeng City have heard about it a long time ago.

Xu Lai also personally issued an administrative order, ordering the local officials to arrange their work and rush to Qingfeng City before the 13th of next month.

The 13th of next month is May 13th. If Xu Lai remembers correctly, he came to this world on May 14th and spent his first morning in this world on May 15th.

Xu Lai has never established his own country, nor has he been a king. He still has some yearning and longing in his heart.

Otherwise, even if the country has so many benefits, Xu Lai must think carefully and choose an appropriate time to establish the country.

Now he has made up his mind without thinking, and he will start to promote it immediately after returning to Qingfeng City. The excitement in his heart is self-evident.

At such an exciting moment, how can he not choose a meaningful time point?

After coming to this world, Xu Lai never told anyone about his birthday, nor did he celebrate in any form.

This world has spells such as prophecy. Xu Lai has never revealed his detailed information for the sake of caution.

Later, even with the Medal of Honorary Knight, Xu Lai has long been accustomed to it.

Then, another time node that is commemorative for Xu Lai, Su Ya, and all his subordinates is the day he came to this world.

Therefore, Xu Lai set the date of the official founding of the country on the 15th of next month, which is less than a month away.

It’s just that the other work of the founding of the country has been progressing smoothly.

For the site selection of the palace, Xu Lai decided to choose the castle where he lives now.

The Congress and the palace are both heroic buildings, which can be completed instantly by spending money, so there is no need to prepare too much in advance, just clear the nearby roads and buildings.

The castle was chosen because the functions of these buildings are completely repeated. The palace is Xu Lai’s residence, and the castle is also where Xu Lai lives.

Putting them together will also delay Xu Lai and the ministers’ discussions, but the key is that it can save a lot of money.

The castle where Xu Lai lives now, just the circle of walls, can save him a lot of gold coins, as well as basic resources such as wood and ore, and rare resources.

When the castle is vacant, Xu Lai can upgrade the parliament to Congress at any time, and then upgrade the castle to the palace.

But before that, Xu Lai must completely settle many things.

One is the system issue after the founding of the country, and the other is the issue of rewards when the country is founded.

The former is related to the foundation of a country, and the latter is related to whether the current and future talents are willing to follow him, Xu Lai.

A stingy boss who is unwilling to share cannot make a big cake, because from beginning to end, only the boss is willing to work hard.

Even the most black-hearted boss in the world has to give employees something, otherwise who can help you work for free.

When Xu Lai returned to Qingfeng City, he first ranked the merits of all those who surrendered to Xu Lai with Yu Lan, Su Ya and others based on all the information previously compiled.

The first place is naturally Su Ya, Rena, Giselle and Tahan.

However, when these people are rewarded according to their merits, the national system must be involved.

The system of successive empires has always been a feudal system, at most adding something else to the feudal system.

For example, the Lion Dynasty added the concept of a central army on the basis of the feudal system to consolidate the dynasty's rule.

Xu Lai is unwilling to use the feudal system because the rights of the king and the parliament are equal in the feudal system.

That is, the nobles can use the parliament system to limit the king's rights.

For example, when the king wants to recruit soldiers and collect taxes indefinitely, the nobles can use the parliament to prevent such unreasonable demands.

Of course, the king's basic rights can still be guaranteed.

For example, how many times a year to collect taxes is a reasonable range. After it is determined, the parliament and the nobles must comply unconditionally.

For example, the king has the right to recruit nobles to fight for him when necessary. As long as certain conditions are met, the noble must respond to the call.

Xu Lai is not afraid of any parliament now. He will not recognize any of the original nobles in his territory.

There is no time to establish a parliament for the new nobles.

The key is that after the enfeoffment, the power of the nobles is too great and too easy to get out of control.

Apart from other things, Xu Lai has not unified the grassland for long. He just ordered the migration of herdsmen. He didn't know how much of the food and other materials he distributed along the way were embezzled.

Xu Lai not only had the reports submitted by Jimmy, but also the secret reports submitted by Jian Yuan.

Jian Yuan was a professional in intelligence and was loyal enough to Xu Lai. It was perfect for him to be in charge of the intelligence department.

The two pieces of intelligence confirmed each other, and it was basically unlikely that there would be false cases.

It's just that Xu Lai didn't have time to deal with them now. After they came to Qingfeng City, it wouldn't be too late for him to take action to set an example.

This matter alone was enough to make Xu Lai dare not directly apply the enfeoffment system.

However, apart from enfeoffment, he really couldn't find any other good way to win over those who really held power.

Even if he switched to the ancient feudal system of China, Xu Lai had to understand this system well enough, and others had to accept it.

Unfortunately, neither of these two conditions can be achieved. Xu Lai knows nothing about it except for some superficial knowledge from TV and novels.

If he puts it up reluctantly, it will only make him look like a dog instead of a tiger, and become a laughing stock.

This is a fact that cannot be changed. I believe that those who came before have thought about changing this system.

But they all face the same problem as Xu Lai, coming to this world alone and suddenly forming a force.

Xu Lai will only be here for a year next month, but he has already reached the point of founding a country.

With such a foundation, how can it be stable, and he is simply unable to change the overall situation.

Apart from anything else, as long as he dares to mess around, everyone will directly resign at the founding ceremony, and Xu Lai will be at a loss on the spot.

There are hundreds of cities on the grassland. Even if only ten managers are sent to each city, where can he find these thousand people?

Moreover, even if all ten people are heads of departments, what can they do without their own team?

How many people will it take to bring a team? Xu Lai can't change so many people.

No one can take charge. No matter how strong Xu Lai is, he can only destroy, not produce.

Therefore, the new system must be accepted by these people, but it must also satisfy Xu Lai himself.

"My dear, the fiefdoms of the nobles you want, as well as the corresponding grain harvests of these lands, have been calculated.

According to your decision, it is all based on the production efficiency of the farm, 24 hours of full staff, that is, 100 units of grain per day.

However, we are in the grassland here, and grain planting is not subject to bonuses, so nothing else is calculated."

Xu Lai took the account book handed over by Yu Lan and found that the records and calculations were extremely detailed, and he was immediately overjoyed. (End of this chapter)

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