The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 642: Military Training

Long'an City was originally a base camp-level city on the border of the Western Empire.

The owner of Long'an City is Marquis Michel, who ranks among the top three in the Western Empire Noble Alliance.

Marquis Michel is an expert archer, and he himself was once a famous superhero in the Western Empire.

The most glorious time was also the stage when the Western Empire was just established. The noble alliance joined forces to clear out the nobles in the Western Empire who supported the empire.

At that time, the Michelle family owned a total of thirteen cities, three of which were castle-level cities, and the remaining ten were all base camp-level cities.

The key is that the Michelle family has a monopoly on the entire border trade, so they deliberately occupy Long'an City and Wasteland City that border the grasslands.

In addition to these two cities, the Michel family also occupies several cities connected to the Northern Empire.

The cities adjacent to the Southern Empire were too far away for Michelle to control, so they were handed over to another large family.

Fortunately, the Hell Formation has taken a fancy to the land in the center of the Western Empire, especially the part adjacent to the Imperial Capital and the Southern Empire.

Although several castles of the Michel family were snatched away by the hell camp, their family could still keep a few cities.

Unfortunately, Michel and several of his heirs are the key targets of Hell, and they have all been killed by the Hell Legion.

As for the rest of the family, after losing their talents and most of their troops, the remaining Long'an City and Wasteland City were snatched away by the heroes from the sky.

Like Aini, the nobles of the Western Empire were not friendly towards the heroes who descended from the sky.

As the top three families in the Western Empire, the Michel family deliberately suppressed and exploited many heroes who fell from the sky.

Originally this was not a big deal, but under their suppression, the fallen heroes of the Western Empire either became cannon fodder or surrendered to hell.

But the Michelle family has collapsed, and the few remaining family members still dislike each other and compete for property every day.

In this case, several heroes from the sky discussed and directly gathered more people to merge into one place, and they actually captured these two cities.

Not only did they capture it, these heroes who descended from the sky, like Xu Lai, regarded these two cities as their own foundation and worked hard to manage them.

They divided their labors and cooperated to clean up all the resources near the border, including the wild monsters.

Not only those in their own territory, but also the nobles from several cities near the grassland and border were all recruited by Aini.

It can be said that the area near the grassland has long become the back garden of these heroes descended from the sky.

They even sometimes venture into hell's territory just to obtain more resources.

It means that Hell has no time to care about them now, so it really lets them grow up secretly.

Not only did they upgrade the two cities to the castle level, not only strengthened the city walls, but also built several arrow towers and more than a dozen catapults.

Unfortunately, they judged that the demons in hell were more threatening, so their limited resources were built on the other side.

Facing the direction of the grassland troops, there were only two arrow towers and two catapults, which almost meant that there was no threat.

Xu Lai has a talent for speed, but most of his fellow soldiers are low-level soldiers.

It's not that he can't lead the cavalry first, but the legion commander can't leave the legion too far, otherwise the legion will automatically disband.

If Xu Lai was in the legion and formed other heroes, they could lead the vanguard away from the legion.

Of course, you can't go too far away. It's impossible to say that you can still get the protection of the Legion even though you are hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

Xu Lai could not stay too far away from the legion, nor could he lead low-level troops to march quickly.

Therefore, their team was already closely monitored before approaching Long'an City.

After knowing that the visitor was Xu Lai, the other party actually tried to come over to communicate with Xu Lai, and even wanted to gain some benefits from Xu Lai.

It has been more than a month since Xu came to found the country, but unfortunately, these people from Long'an City and Wasteland City were not included in the invitation.

It's also very simple. People here will go to the grassland to enjoy the autumn breeze when they have nothing to do.

Normally, it would be easy to say that it had nothing to do with Xu Lai, but before the orcs invaded, all the cities and nobles in the entire grassland had surrendered to Xu Lai.

To say that we could let things go by the wayside before, but after Xu Lai founded the country, he still came to fight against the autumn wind was to provoke the entire Eagle Kingdom.

Xu Lai was worried that he had no place to train his troops. Didn't they just hit the muzzle of the gun? How could Xu Lai let them go?

Of course, even though I was not invited, my neighbors next door all founded a country, and they were the first to do so as an Advent Hero.

It was naturally impossible for the masters of these two cities who had formed an alliance not to pay attention or not care.

It just so happened that many of the heroes who Xu Lai refused or even drove away defected here.

At that time, there was only one Qingfeng City in Xu Lai, and the Qingfeng City at that time was not very powerful.

In addition, they saw that Xu Lai was leading low-level troops. No matter how large the number of such troops, their combat effectiveness was relatively low.

Although the cavalry looks cool, who would use cavalry to attack a city?

Due to these two considerations, the current owner of Long'an City, Jiang Jian, the president of Long'an Guild.

He actually led hundreds of rangers under his command and just so carelessly blocked Xu Lai's path.

"Brother, I heard that you founded the country some time ago?"

Xu Lai looked behind him. There were tens of thousands of cavalry, tens of thousands of infantry, and logistical support, which seemed to be a hundred thousand people.

Even though they were located in the vast grassland, so many troops were spread out, still looking mighty and mighty, like a torrent.

Compared with them, the dozens of cavalry guards led by Jiang Jian, and the ranger troops of less than 500 people, were not even as good as the mantis blocking the car.

Xu Lai didn't know who gave them the confidence, so he simply chatted with the other party.

"I got a Congress blueprint by chance."

The other party's eyes lit up. The attributes of the Congress were not difficult to inquire.

As a person with ambition and ideals, who also got a castle-level city by chance, Jiang Jian had already inquired about the attributes of the Congress.

Apart from anything else, the income of 5,000-20,000 gold coins per day was enough to make people jealous.

Of course, the other party didn't know how difficult it was to earn 20,000 gold coins per day.

Xu Lai has nearly a hundred cities, a vast territory, a strong army, and even a statue of the God of War. Except for a smaller population, he is almost as good as any other big country.

But even so, the Congress can only provide more than 10,000 income every day.

"Brother, how did you get it? What method did you use? Tell me.

Don't worry, I know the rules. You just need to introduce your experience. How about I give you 50,000 gold coins?"

50,000 gold coins definitely can't buy the Congress, but just introducing the experience of obtaining the blueprint, 50,000 Jiang Jian believes that it is a very conscientious price.

Xu Lai was stunned, and quietly asked Yu Lan beside him: "This guy, doesn't he know what we are doing?"

Yu Lan covered her mouth and smiled: "What's so strange about this, my dear, you didn't declare war on him.

Although this guy has been sending people to our territory for years, they are sneaking around and have never had a serious conflict with us.

The ones you brought out are all new recruits, and the other party may think that you have found a good place to level up, so they followed us."

Giselle on the side heard this and said angrily:

"Okay, if we really find a place to level up, This guy followed us, probably to secretly occupy the good place we found.

Xu Lai, you say something, no matter how fast they run, I am sure to shoot two or three times, and I will keep them all. "

Xu Lai shook his head and said: "Those two are the leaders of Long'an City.

If I kill them now, maybe when the army arrives, the remaining people may just flee directly, and then where can I train the troops. "

Having said that, Xu Lai was unwilling to waste time with these people, and it was even more impossible for him to tell them how he got the Congress blueprint.

Xu Lai didn't know if the temple had any more blueprints, but once he leaked it out, the South Empire, the North Empire and the East Empire would definitely keep an eye on the temple.

If the temple took out another Congress blueprint, it would be of no benefit to Xu Lai.

Xu Lai waved his hand, and a rain of arrows fell in front of Jiang Jian and the others.

With the strength of the phantom shooter, it was impossible to shoot off the target, and it was purely because Xu Lai didn't let him shoot.

Xu Lai's meaning was very clear, but Jiang Jian seemed very surprised and asked with a puzzled look:

"Brother, what do you mean by this?"

Xu Lai waved his hand and said, "Who is your brother? Do you know that you are standing on the grassland, the land of the Eagle Country?

I heard that you would bring troops to plunder wild monsters and treasure chests at the beginning of every month.

I will give you a chance now. If you take out 10,000 experience books and 500 treasure chests now, I can forgive you for the past.

If you can't take it out, I can only go to your house to get it myself."

"You, Xu, you are too much, aren't you?"

Xu Lai sneered and said, "When you robbed other people's cities and resources, why didn't you feel that you were too much?"

Seeing that the other party was still beeping, Xu Lai said again: "If you don't run now, I will be blinded by my sword."

Although Xu Lai brought new recruits, even if there were 50,000 Zhu, the combat effectiveness was not low.

What's more, Xu Lai's own headquarters still had tens of thousands of cavalry.

After being promoted to a general, Tahan has not taken action yet, and he has been eager to charge.

Jiang Jian gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Lai. Xu Lai really guessed that he was right. He didn't realize that the army Xu Lai assembled was to deal with him.

He just subconsciously wanted to get some benefits from Xu Lai. After all, they were all from the same hometown.

As the saying goes, fellow villagers pit fellow villagers, and shoot them in the back.

"Hmph, don't be complacent. Don't think you are so powerful just because you have tens of thousands of troops. You are just a bunch of rabble."

After saying that, he didn't give Xu Lai a chance to retort, and ran away with his men.

Xu Lai was not a man who was willing to suffer a loss, so he signaled Giselle and the others to come with another rain of arrows.

This rain of arrows just fell beside Jiang Jian and the others, a few tenths of a meter away, and scared them so much that they slapped their horses' bellies desperately.

Xu Lai originally thought that after being scared by him, Jiang Jian and the others should honestly defend the city no matter what.

Unexpectedly, after two days of marching, when the large army arrived at Long'an City, the enemy had already deployed their troops outside the city.

When Xu Lai first arrived, he was stunned. He really couldn't figure out where these guys got their confidence from.

The enemy's troops were not many, only 3,000 people, but they were all cavalry, and those in the front did not look simple.

Xu Lai's eyesight is pretty good. Even without the eagle eye technique, he can still see clearly clearly.

The hundred knights in the front row seemed to be heavily armored knights with luxurious equipment.

It is not easy to train a heavy armored knight. It is not easy to upgrade the level of an ordinary knight, and his skills will not improve much due to upgrading.

The key is, generally they are reluctant to buy them top-notch equipment.

As for recruiting knights, the skill level is good, but the attributes are too fixed and the equipment is blank, so there is no way to stand out.

The opponent had obviously been waiting for a long time, and before Xu could see clearly, he launched a charge.

However, the direction of their charge was not on Xu Lai's side, but on the formation formed by the Qingfeng Legion.

With Xu Lai's knightly style, tens of thousands of knights lined up on both wings of the Qingfeng Legion in order to cover the two wings and prevent enemies on the sides from disturbing them.

The front that Xu Lai left deliberately was to give the recruits of the Qingfeng Legion more combat opportunities to the greatest extent possible.

In the formation of Qingfeng Legion, Giselle quickly contacted Xu Lai and asked:

"Xu Lai, do we want to shoot?"

The main combat tasks are all given to the new soldiers. The task Xu Lai gave to Giselle and the others was to sweep away the long-range units on the city.

However, before the city wall got closer, the rebels actually took the lead in launching a charge.

To be honest, Xu Lai really didn't expect it.

The new soldiers he brought were not soldiers, but they were on the battlefield for the first time. Before that, they were just soldiers recruited by farmers.

No matter how high the morale of these guys is, they can't be relied on.

If someone were to overwhelm him from the front, there might really be a swarm of swarms fleeing, causing Xu Lai to fall short.

"Shoot, aim at the heroes in front who are wearing luxurious equipment. Shoot them all to death first."

There was no room for Xu Lai to hesitate. The knight's charging speed was too fast. Every second of delay might reduce the chance of a round of shooting, so he immediately gave the decisive order.

Now we would rather let the enemy collapse and lose a little experience than let our own army collapse.

The number of phantom shooters is not large. Of the more than a thousand phantom troops, more than 600 have been promoted to level 7 or level 8.

There are only more than 800 phantom shooters left, including the group that Giselle has just trained for more than a month.

But even if there are only more than 800 phantom archers, each person will carry an average of 3 phantom arrows per arrow, and more than 3,000 arrows will fly out.

Xu Lai raised the Prophet's Sword high, and the glory of the Angel Alliance spread to the entire army the moment the enemy launched the attack.

The phantom archer with high morale, after praying and increasing the ultimate archery skills, his power is really amazing.

Especially Xu Lai asked to focus fire on the knights in front. This round of arrows rained down, and at least half of the knights were shot to death directly.

The remaining half were all turned into hedgehogs. Unfortunately, their equipment was too good and their damage was reduced too much, so they didn't die even if they were turned into hedgehogs. (End of chapter)

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