The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 643: First victory

Jiang Jian and his team were quite capable. After being suppressed for a long time, they did not have many troops at the beginning.

However, the higher the level of the treasure chest, the higher the level of the wild monsters guarding it, and the number was terrifying.

Even for heroes, it was not easy to challenge these high-difficulty wild monsters if they had no soldiers.

Moreover, the more troops there were, the stronger the hero's specialization effect would be.

Jiang Jian and his team then developed a set of tactics targeting the enemy's morale.

The morale of wild monsters was generally not too high, and was basically at the ordinary morale stage of 45-74.

If you find some well-equipped heroes, and let all the priest heroes treat these well-equipped heroes, and the others assist in output.

Because the people in front were well-equipped, the damage they received was not high, and the output was also high, so they could steadily hold the hatred.

With the priests treating them, basically, as long as the attack power was not abnormal and the wild monsters that could kill people in seconds when charging, even the strongest wild monsters could be slowly killed.

Since these people had organized a guild, they naturally played a lot of games on weekdays.

When going to various dungeons, the first thing is that the tank can hold on.

So these knights, with their excellent damage reduction equipment, can only scratch their itch even with the attack of the phantom shooter.

Of course, no equipment is completely free. Most of the damage they reduce is physical damage. If they have to face spells, they can only wait for death.

They just saw that there seemed to be no mages in Xu Lai's team, so they dared to rush up bravely.

However, Lena was still equipped with the forbidden magic ball, and both sides could not actively cast spells, which helped them avoid this problem.

Xu Lai himself trained physical soldiers, and the number of heroes on the other side far exceeded his own. If he used spells, it would be quite uneconomical for him.

The most important thing is that his own side must form a corps, but the enemy does not need to do so.

Those heroes, as long as they bring some soldiers, can use strategic spells.

Even if they can't learn high-level spells, just casually release a thunderbolt and kill some of Xu Lai's soldiers, Xu Lai will still lose money.

This is not impossible. In fact, when fighting against the stronghold, the mercenaries recruited by Xu Lai like to do this.

Mercenaries live in the grassland, so their riding skills are naturally not low, and the orcs generally cannot catch up with them.

Get close, release a few spells, and then ride on the horse and run. After a few trips back and forth, you can easily wipe out several times the number of orcs on your side.

The mercenaries only release ordinary spells, while the heroes release strategic spells.

If there is no way, forget it. If there is a way, Xu Lai still wants to reduce some losses and does not want to be led by the enemy.

The morale of the wild monsters is not high. As long as they survive the most difficult period, they will soon usher in a negative morale buff.

When the morale is zero and the defeat is over, the first-level militia can be sent out with confidence to slaughter at will.

Jiang Jian’s idea is actually very correct. He uses the heroes with luxurious equipment to take a wave of long-range damage.

As long as these 3,000 cavalrymen approach, those low-level soldiers who are similar to militiamen, no matter how strong the heroes leading them are, will be like chickens and pottery dogs.

If they charge and kill a few thousand people at random, the morale of their own side will surely increase greatly, and the morale of the enemy will surely decrease greatly.

At that time, even if the enemy's cavalry looks very powerful, with a strong negative buff, it may not be their opponent.

Unexpectedly, the tactics that used to be able to win every battle against wild monsters, and tens of thousands of wild monster groups have been used and won, are now on the verge of collapse after just a rain of arrows.

In the past, Jiang Jian's tactics were successful for two reasons.

First, it can ensure that the front row will not die. As long as they are not killed instantly, they can always be pulled back by taking medicine and treatment.

The second is that Jiang Jian is also generous and knows to arm these front-line tanks who are fighting for their lives first.

They ran to the grassland and ventured deep into hell. They opened countless treasure chests, and the good things they opened were basically armed on them.

Immortality plus huge benefits made these heroes willing to work for Jiang Jian, and even elected him as the city lord.

Unfortunately, the opponent Jiang Jian and his team encountered this time was not a wild monster, but Xu Lai.

Morale plus ultimate prayer, ultimate archery and the phantom archer known as the strongest archer.

Such a combination is too sharp, and more than 50 knight heroes with slightly worse equipment were killed in one round of volleys.

Due to the fall of the Western Empire, except for a few heroes who surrendered to Hell, almost all the heroes of the Western Empire poured into several cities on the border.

There are nearly 500 heroes of the advent in Long'an City alone, which is not a small number.

However, a small number of enemy archers killed one-tenth of them in one volley, and they were the one-tenth with the best equipment.

The shock brought by this is really too great.

Others are far away on the city wall and may not feel it.

But the hearts of the other 50 knight heroes beside the dead knights sank to the bottom of the valley at this moment.

Because this was a charge, the priest could not keep up, and naturally had no time to treat.

Not only did they wear the best equipment, but they also specially added buffs before the charge. Everyone carried two non-conflicting treatment methods.

But at this time, most people were killed in seconds without even having time to use one method.

The remaining 50 knights had little health left. Even if they took potions to restore their health, they might not be able to survive the next round of arrow rain.

Sure enough, in less than two seconds, the phantom archers had completed a series of operations including taking arrows, aiming and shooting.

The next wave of arrow rain came earlier than expected.

Some recruited knights who came up to fill in helped them share some damage, but Giselle and the others were still mainly targeting these particularly dazzling knight heroes.

The unique luxurious equipment on their bodies allowed the enemy to distinguish them at a glance.

As tanks, each knight had a high health value, but there were not many top-level health potions, and many people's health values ​​were not full at all.

In addition, this wave of arrow rain was more targeted at them, and the number of arrows each person had to bear increased by almost one-third.

In addition to the dozens of recruited knights who fell down in this rain of arrows, most of the remaining 50 knight heroes were directly gone.

Now, the remaining dozen strongest heroes could no longer hold on. They knew that if they didn't run, they would definitely die in the next round.

There was no way. The last life-saving item, the life stone, could only replenish 500 health points, which was not enough.

And most of the companions around were missing. Even if there were recruited knights to fill in, everyone would at least bear more than half the damage.

Not to mention the extra half of damage, even the damage at the beginning was not something they could bear.

Several knight heroes hurriedly pulled the reins of their horses, trying to stop.

However, they forgot that they were in the middle of the charge at this time. Although they stopped, the friendly forces behind them would not stop.

With a bang, several knights who pulled the reins of their horses were knocked off their horses by the recruited knights behind them. Not only did they trip countless knights behind them, but they were also trampled and their lives were unknown.

The other few were smarter and knew that they couldn't stop at this time. They controlled the horses to disperse from both sides before they had time to make contact.

It didn't matter if they ran to the sides. The thousands of recruited knights behind them could only charge when they were led by heroes or generals.

The hero with thousands of knights had the best equipment and the best status, and he still had half of his health at this time.

However, he had completely forgotten that he was leading more than 2,000 knights and was just running for his life.

Those knights, of course, followed their commander and circled in front of the Qingfeng Legion's position.

As soon as they ran, Xu Lai really let them go and ordered the trainee archers and trainee crossbowmen in the formation to shoot arrows.

The attack range of these archers and crossbowmen was not far. If the enemy hid on the city wall, they would probably have to walk under the city wall before they had a chance to shoot.

However, these knights sent themselves to the archers, and some of them who couldn't turn in time were even sent to the best range of the archers.

Don’t look at these archers, they are only level 2 and 3, but with the blessing of the Angel Alliance and the God of War, the basic attack and defense alone has increased by 26 points.

21 points of attack and defense, plus the 5 points of strength of the God of War, is 26 basic damage, not counting the tactical bonus.

Add the morale buff and prayer buff, in addition to the range, the damage is comparable to the wild monster archers of level 5, 6, or even level 7.

In addition, there are more than 10,000 archers among these 50,000 people. At least 7,800 knights fell down in one round of crossbow arrows.

This is because most archers can only shoot blindly into the sky.

If Xu Lai can disperse the archers to the greatest extent and form the most advantageous shooting formation, I am afraid that a round of volleys can kill half of the knights.

The remaining half is because they are blocked by the people in front, otherwise they will also die.

On the city wall, Jiang Jian and others who saw this scene almost stared out of their eyes.

"You, help me see, are those archers really only level 2 and 3?"

Jiang Jian has his own reconnaissance skills, and Xu Lai did not use the camouflage method on the troops. When he approached two days ago, he had already detected Xu Lai's strength.

He can be sure that the infantry led by Xu Lai is indeed mainly level 2 and 3.

Otherwise, he would not dare to let people attack the large formation of more than 50,000 people.

But he never thought that they would destroy one-third of the cavalry troops he had built with just a simple volley.

You know, there are many level 6 knights who he upgraded with gritted teeth, and their defense is only slightly inferior to those heroes.

The knights are very fast, but the archers are not slow to replace arrows, and soon they carried out the second round of volleys.

When Xu Lai was just sitting there, there were tactical amplification and speed effects, and almost every archer increased their agility by nearly 10 points.

The 5-point full attribute of the Angel Alliance and the God of War Statue is the most terrifying for the amplification of low-level troops.

With a total of 26 points of attack and defense and 30 points of attribute increase, even an ordinary 2nd-level apprentice archer can be instantly upgraded to the level of a 5th-level sharpshooter.

In this case, as long as the front-line infantry can control their fear, even if the enemy really rushes in, at most they can only kill a few hundred infantry in the front row by charging.

They don't even have the ability to quickly open a gap, and the subsequent cavalry that charges in may not have an output environment.

Of course, because it is the first time for a new recruit to go to the battlefield, Xu Lai dare not guarantee it, so it is better to shoot all the leaders to death.

The second wave of arrow rain, due to the sudden decrease in the number of enemies, the density was much sparse, and the hit rate was at least reduced by more than half.

After shooting 500 people to death, the third wave of arrow rain could only chase the enemy's buttocks, many of which were at the edge of the limit of the range, and even fewer people died, only more than 300.

But even so, the enemy just turned a corner in front of the big formation and was almost wiped out.

The knights who ran back in the end, plus the few surviving knight heroes, were actually less than a thousand.

Jiang Jian wanted to hit Xu Lai's morale, but not only did the enemy not die, but his own morale almost collapsed.

Fortunately, Long'an City also mainly recruited soldiers, and the number of recruited soldiers was not large.

"Go, take out all the money in the warehouse, and hire all the mercenaries from the mercenary guild.

In addition, push all the crossbow carts to the city wall, bring all the refugees up, and give them some stones each."

On the city wall, Jiang Jian made the final arrangements in despair.

Under the city wall, Xu Lai just advanced slowly, and then ordered the phantom archers to eliminate the enemy's long-range forces at a fixed point.

There are many high-level enemy archers, and with the help of arrow towers, their range is not inferior to that of phantom archers.

And with the damage bonus of arrow towers, even if the phantom archer's phantom heavy bow can ignore the damage reduction of the city wall, the damage will not be much less.

The hero in charge of the archer naturally lit up the ultimate archery. The only difference is that the phantom archer also has the blessing of special defense.

The damage reduction effect of the archer on his side is ignored by the phantom archer, and the defense level is not as good as Lena, not to mention that Lena has a special defense.

The 5 points of constitution of the God of War Statue can bring 5 basic defense and 25 health points to the phantom archer.

In addition to the sacred blood bottle, almost every phantom archer has the health of an 8th-level archer.

In this case, the number of phantom archers is not less than that of the opponent, and with the blessing of special defense skills, it is obvious that the opponent's archers fell first.

After the opponent's archers were killed or injured, the second-level and third-level archers of our side could finally advance to the front of the moat with confidence.

Right under the city wall, fire suppression was carried out on the infantry on the city wall.

Then a large number of our own infantry, led by captains such as Brandi, bravely climbed the enemy's city wall.

First the knights, then the archers, the morale of the soldiers in Long'an City has already had a negative effect.

This made the infantry of Long'an City, which was not as good as the opponent, even less able to resist.

If it weren't for heroes like Jiang Jian, who were still resisting and occasionally killing one or two infantrymen, Xu Lai might have been able to take Long'an City without injury.

However, Xu Lai had already given orders, and did not need the soldiers of the Qingfeng Legion to take Long'an City immediately.

As long as the injured soldiers can find a safe place to rest first.

After we capture Long'an City, the priests accompanying the army will provide treatment. (End of this chapter)

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