The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 644: Another victory

The enemies in Longan City were very tenacious. Perhaps they were unwilling to give up their foundation, so Jiang Jian and others fought from day to night.

There was no way. During the day, most of the infantrymen of the Qingfeng Corps climbed up the city wall and fought with the enemy.

Moreover, with the defense skills and many attributes, even mercenaries and high-level warriors who were much stronger than them found it difficult to kill these infantrymen.

But this still did not change the fact that most of those who rushed up the city wall were recruits from the Qingfeng Corps.

This wave of recruits had a good foundation. Except for some cavalrymen who came from herdsmen, most of the rest of the infantrymen came from believers.

These believers were indeed trained in combat. After only more than a month of training in the barracks, they all advanced to level 2 infantrymen or apprentice archers, crossbowmen, etc.

The best among them were even advanced to level 3 light infantrymen or level 3 archers.

However, even so, their level was still too low.

Low-level soldiers wear armor, and their defense and health may not be much worse than those of high-level soldiers.

However, without even a high-level weapon, coupled with the weak strength of low-level soldiers, they can't cause much damage to medium and high-level infantry.

Even with the blessing of the God of War, they can increase their strength by one level, but it is still difficult to break the defense of medium and high-level enemies.

Not to mention that on the city wall, Jiang Jian spared no expense to buy the entire mercenary guild, a total of 4,000 to 5,000 mercenaries.

These mercenaries have no other skills, but their ability to save their lives is still very strong.

Although they are not as willing to arm themselves as heroes, they also have one or two magic-level equipment.

The soldiers of the Qingfeng Legion generally have 2nd-level blank short swords and 3rd-level blank iron swords. Even with the blessing of god-level offensive skills, it is difficult to break the defense.

Not to mention that those below level 3, including level 3, are all low-level soldiers. When they fight with medium and high-level soldiers, they are still suppressed by their level.

However, the infantry of the Qingfeng Corps could not cause much damage.

The same was true for the enemy.

Except for some mercenaries who occasionally used skills to cause some damage, those smart mercenaries were too lazy to use armor-piercing weapons and equipment.

After all, they were only tier 2 or 3 infantry, mainly wearing leather armor and iron-studded leather armor, and they did not have much defense.

The basic defense was so little, and even with the best armor-piercing arrows, they could only break a few more points, which was a loss.

The infantry had high health points, with the statue of the god of war to increase their physical strength, the sacred blood bottle to increase their blood, and commanders at all levels took the initiative to let them leave the front battlefield.

If they were recruiting soldiers, the captains and squadron leaders would not be easy to control, and they needed to control their health points themselves.

However, they were all conscripted infantry, and at the command, the injured hid in the back by themselves.

Of course, the Qingfeng Corps was not really without casualties. After all, they were new recruits, and there were always some who were confused and blank, forgetting all the orders.

There were also some who were killed instantly by a critical hit by the mercenaries.

But in general, the casualties on our side were not heavy.

From the afternoon when we climbed the city wall until it was dark, only 500 to 600 people were killed.

Xu Lai yawned out of boredom. He was really sleepy after watching the battle for a day.

Before it was completely dark, he took the initiative to sound the retreat.

Xu Lai returned the captured city to the enemy, and even Jiang Jian was stunned.

After all, with high morale and god-level offensive skills, our side also had a huge advantage in numbers, and the city walls had been occupied long ago.

The remaining enemies all retreated into the castle.

Jiang Jian also knew that once he was surrounded in the castle, he would basically just wait to die.

But when he was about to despair, the enemies all ran away.

Of course, as the actual victor, Xu Lai was not beaten away, but retreated actively and very calmly.

The difference in this point is still huge, because in the city, apart from the bodies of the guards of Long'an City and the temporarily hired mercenaries, not even half of the enemy's body was found.

Jiang Jian on the city wall, although he didn't understand what Xu Lai wanted to do, it didn't prevent him from moving the gold coins in the castle and paying the mercenaries on the spot.

No matter what Xu Lai wanted to do, Jiang Jian had already determined that this was Xu Lai's humiliation to him.

Therefore, even if he had to spend all his family wealth and give up everything, he would do his best to embarrass Xu Lai and not let him easily seize the city.

Of course, he didn't know that Xu Lai didn't care about his ideas and practices at all.

He just wanted to train more soldiers.

After all, the night was not suitable for fighting, and after fighting on the battlefield for a long time, the soldiers' physical strength and energy were exhausted.

Xu Lai came to train soldiers, not to use soldiers as consumables, so of course he had to consider the soldiers' physical and mental health.

At the same time, he didn't want to waste the daily resurrection quota, so he had to end today's battle before 12 o'clock.

Moreover, only after the battle is over can Lena change the treasure and remove the magic ball.

Without the restriction of the magic ball, the priests brought by Xu Lai have a place to use their skills this time.

Healing, resting, and advancing, and then use up today's resurrection energy before 12 o'clock.

Although there are many dead warriors, their levels are low, and resurrection is not affected by the effects of the Holy Blood Bottle and Defense, and even the 5 physical bonus of the War God Statue is not available.

In the battle with the orcs in the stronghold, Xu Lai obtained nearly 50 Seraphim, plus the Archangels added in the past few months, the number of angel legions is already considerable.

Especially the number of Seraphim has broken through the 150 mark and is heading straight for 200.

With so many angels, the resurrection volume is also amazing. The resurrection volume of Seraphim alone is close to 100,000. Together with the Archangels, it can resurrect more than 110,000 health points.

The basic health value of a level 2 or 3 infantry is about 120 points on average.

The soldiers recruited by Xu Lai have good basics and relatively high physical fitness.

But even if the average health value is 150 points, the Angel Legion can resurrect more than 700 soldiers.

Undoubtedly, such an amazing resurrection volume has brought back all the soldiers who died today.

Coincidentally, the battle report arrived at this time. The results were not very brilliant. More than 2,000 knights, more than 3,000 archers, 5,000 infantry of various levels, more than 1,000 mercenaries, and more than 4,000 militiamen and farmers were killed.

The results of more than 10,000 people are not amazing in any of Xu Lai’s previous battles.

Fortunately, this time the weak defeated the strong, using trainee infantrymen and trainee archers with an average level of only 2 to kill enemies with an average level of 4.

The average difference of 2 levels, when put on 10,000 people, is a huge experience bonus.

Xu Lai came out to upgrade, and deliberately brought the ring with unlimited gold coins with him.

At this time, he changed directly and boldly upgraded all the soldiers who could be upgraded.

In this battle, a full 8,000 people were upgraded, and more than 200 people were directly upgraded twice.

After the upgrade, it was not a direct matter. Xu Lai asked Yu Lantong to pass on his order and hand in the list of all the people who were upgraded twice.

Although the soldiers were trained this time, the soldiers could be new, but the officers leading the team could not.

Just like Brandy, he was obviously the commander of the entire infantry regiment, but at this time, he was temporarily pulled over by Xu Lai to lead the new soldiers.

There is no way. After all, recruits are recruits. When they go to the battlefield, they may not even know the front, back, left, and right. They may be so angry that they may even kill their own people.

Someone must be able to guide them, and the grassroots officers play such a key role.

However, when the Qingfeng Corps fights separately, officers can be temporarily deployed. What about the future?

So this group of recruits must be trained. In addition to the recruits being familiar with the battlefield and improving their ranks, the grassroots officers must also be able to keep up.

These more than 200 people who have advanced twice are either talented or have personal talents, such as natural supernatural powers.

Others have been trained more and have higher basic skills, such as one-handed weapons and long-range weapons with higher levels and more damage bonuses, so the damage caused is naturally high.

Of course, there are also those who are lucky, have more finishing blows, or are more brave.

In short, even if these people are just lucky and can advance twice, it shows that they have their own characteristics and are the best training objects.

And appointing them as grassroots officers will make others more convinced, not only because they have more advanced, but also because they kill more enemies.

After finishing several important tasks, Xu Lai asked Tahan to arrange knights to take night shifts, so that all the recruits could have a good rest for the night.

This time, the knight's wind was basically a nanny, escorting on the road and patrolling at night.

The recruits who had a good rest for the night launched an attack on Longan City again the next day with a brand new attitude and a higher level.

Everything was a replica of yesterday, except that the troops in Longan City today were directly reduced a lot.

So many militiamen died yesterday, and Jiang Jian's troops were insufficient, which could not form a deterrent, and he could no longer recruit strong men to defend the city.

However, most of the mercenaries still abided by their duties because Jiang Jian paid them generously.

After losing more than 10,000 people, the city wall was easily captured today, and before nightfall, even the castle of Longan City was taken down.

If Jiang Jian could concentrate his forces and defend the smaller castle, he might be able to hold on for a few days without Xu Lai's high-level troops.

However, he could not let go of the small benefits of the outer wall, but he did not want to defend the wall without long-range weapons, even the strong men could not catch it.

As a result, a group of people died on the wall, who were not many in number.

When the mercenaries saw that things were not going well, most of them ran away before entering the castle, and the remaining small part could not make any waves.

Xu Lai had already established a country and became the king of a country.

The king has the right to start a war. During the war, killing heroes in the same camp will not reduce his own favorability and reputation.

As early as when he was under Longan City, Xu Lai declared war on Longan City and Wasteland City.

Therefore, Xu Lai was no longer as cautious as before.

The heroes who were willing to surrender were only imprisoned in the dungeons and arrow rain of Longan City, and those who refused to surrender were directly killed on the spot.

As for the hero's space backpack, Aaron and others also provided Xu Lai with an excellent solution.

All you need to do is strip the heroes of their equipment, then tie their hands and feet so that they can't take things.

The things in the space backpack can be controlled by the mind, but they must be used in conjunction with the action of taking things.

Otherwise, the things in the space backpack may fly away at any thought.

After using shackles or something to tie up your hands, no matter how many props there are in the space backpack, they are useless.

After taking Long'an City, Xu Lai rested for two days on the spot, and at the same time hunted down all the mercenaries who participated in the battle and their mercenary groups.

They may have fought for money, but after all, they attacked Xu Lai and could be considered enemies.

Two days later, Xu Lai left a cavalry regiment of 1,000 people, waiting for the security guards and other officials sent by Su Ya in the rear.

He took the large army and continued to march towards the Wasteland City.

The plot of the Wasteland City is similar to that of Long'an City.

Xu Lai still used the catapult to smash the arrow towers and catapults on the city wall.

Then sent the phantom archer to eliminate the opponent's long-range troops.

Finally, sent the rest of his own archers to the city wall for long-range suppression.

Send infantry with siege ladders to climb the city wall and fight the enemy at close range.

Not enough soldiers of the Qingfeng Legion, although they have experienced two battles, more than 10,000 have been promoted, and the average level has also been raised to level 3.

But the troops of the Wasteland City are more than those of Long'an City.

After all, the Wasteland City had a few more days of preparation time, recruited and purchased more soldiers, and accepted some remnants of defeated soldiers who escaped from Long'an City.

They even borrowed a reinforcement from another city that was not controlled by the descending hero.

But even though the number of warriors was nearly double that of the people in Long'an City, their fighting spirit was much lower than that of the people in Long'an City.

Before it got dark, at dusk, the enemy not only lost the city wall, but even the castle was abandoned.

Seeing that the enemy was about to be defeated, Xu Lai decisively called off the troops and gave them a night of rest.

The next day, Xu Lai sent troops to block all the gates of the four directions of the entire Wasteland City.

The Wasteland City army, which was completely blocked from retreating, had to either surrender or fight with all their strength with the determination to die.

Either way, Xu Lai could accept it.

If they surrendered, the heroes would be locked up, and the ordinary soldiers would be either incorporated or returned to the people to supplement the population.

If they recruited soldiers, they would be incorporated directly to increase their own strength.

If they did not surrender, it was also okay, since they were leveling up anyway, and Xu Lai was afraid that people would run away and lose their experience packs.

As for the madness that arose from the will to die, it did cause some trouble for Xu Lai.

Mainly because even if the spellcasting was restricted, the heroes had some life-saving skills, such as alchemical bombs, advanced summoning stones, magic scrolls, etc.

Unfortunately, even if some soldiers were blown to pieces and had no chance of resurrection, it was still within the range that Xu Lai could bear.

As the saying goes, kindness cannot lead the army. Xu Lai has been leading the army for so long, and he is no longer the ordinary boy who could not bear any sacrifice.

Of course, Xu Lai will not give a good end to those who dare to do this.

Even if they kneel down and beg for mercy, he still has their heads cut off and hung on the city gate as a warning to others. (End of this chapter)

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