The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 645: Naval Fleet

There are many soldiers in the Wasteland City, and none of them escaped. The experience points given are much more than those in Long'an City.

After two days of fighting, there are almost no level 2 soldiers in the entire Qingfeng Corps. At least they have to start at level 3.

Of course, almost means that there are still some, but the number is completely disproportionate to the large army.

The entire Qingfeng Corps, not counting marching and rest, fought on the official battlefield for 4 days.

The auxiliary battle to clear out the servants, family servants, private soldiers and mercenaries of the powerful families also lasted for 2 or 3 days.

In the two cities, a total of about 50,000 regular troops of various types were killed, and there were 20,000 to 30,000 auxiliary troops including mercenaries.

The key is that, except for those able-bodied men, almost all mercenaries and regular troops are higher in rank than the soldiers of the Qingfeng Corps.

Basically, a level 2 soldier can be promoted if he kills one at random.

After a whole week of fighting, there are still no advanced soldiers, either because of extremely bad luck and they can't touch the enemy at all.

This is almost impossible, unless they hide at the end of every battle and really don't dare to fight with others.

After all, they are all conscripted soldiers, and the training time is short, just over a month in total.

It is normal that they can't do it in actual combat so soon.

But after a week of continuous fighting, it is still like this, which is what Xu Lai can't stand.

These people, like those soldiers who advanced very quickly, will all have their names recorded.

After returning to Qingfeng City, they can either withdraw the troops or deal with them, but it's a pity to do so.

After all, after several battle settlements, the experience of sharing profits alone can already reach the point of advancing quickly.

After a little training, they can break through the third level in a few days.

If they withdraw the troops and return to the civilians, not only will the initial investment go down the drain, but the opportunities are too few.

In any case, they were just civilians two months ago.

After thinking about it, the two cities that happened to be captured also need a large number of security guards to maintain stability.

So, Xu Lai demoted all the 300 people to security guards, and the 30 security officers sent by Aaron were responsible for maintaining the security of the two cities.

After the last two days of the clearing operation, there was no resistance in the entire Wasteland City.

Not to mention those heroes who came from heaven, even the original nobles, wealthy businessmen, and various organizations in the Wasteland City were cleared out by Xu Lai.

He had no dealings with the people of the Western Empire, and they had never communicated with each other. Instead, he had a good relationship with the former enemy of the Western Empire, the Northern Empire.

Naturally, Xu Lai had no feelings for those powerful families in the Western Empire.

If you want to completely rule these two cities, you must clear out all the original forces.

Even if they are willing to work for Xu Lai now, Xu Lai will not accept it. Even if he accepts, he can only be transferred back to the grassland.

After Xu Lai thoroughly cleaned up the entire Wasteland City, the officials sent from the grassland also took their positions one after another.

As usual, Xu Lai left a cavalry of 1,000 people for these people.

In the two cities, even mercenaries were killed by Xu Lai, and there was almost no resistance left.

Even if some gang forces dispersed quickly and merged into the civilians, the 200 level 3 security guards in each city were enough to deal with them.

Although they were defective products retired from the army, they had received training and participated in actual combat. They had no problem dealing with some small hooligans and gang members.

Therefore, these 1,000 people were almost unnecessary troops.

They were deterrents and insurance.

Xu Lai took the large troops to rest for a day and continued to go deep into the territory of the Western Empire.

If we continue forward, there are two border cities, but they are no longer directly connected to the grassland.

Flat stone roads, endless farmland and rice, and water wheels and windmills everywhere.

As the large troops approached, all the farms ran away, and no one came to harvest even the ripe rice.

Xu Lai asked Charles to take a team of knights to take back all the villages, towns, and manors outside the Wasteland City and Long'an City.

The land in the Western Empire is fertile, with a large population, many rivers, and relatively flat land. It is a good place for large-scale production.

However, the deeper you go into the Western Empire, the stronger the smell of sulfur will be.

After walking 30 or 40 miles, you can see a small town in the distance.

It is a base-level city called Thorns, which is famous for its abundant thorn flowers.

Less than ten miles east of Thorns City, there is another small town called Cold Pond City, which is built on the river at the mouth of the Western Empire.

These two cities do not belong to the Michelle family, nor are they favored by the heroes who descended.

Because these two cities are too close to hell, and hell is on the other side of the river.

Most of the territories that originally belonged to these two cities have been swallowed up by hell.

If you can climb up the watchtower erected on the riverside, you can still see the city in the distance.

The small town on the edge has not yet been transformed into a hell city, but the surrounding terrain has undergone tremendous changes.

The originally flat land was now covered with large and small flaming mountains. The constantly flowing magma covered most of the farmland and roads.

The sulfur smell that Xu Lai smelled was spewed out from these large and small flaming mountains.

If it weren't for the big river blocking it, the army of hell might have taken down the two cities of Thorn and Cold Pond.

Hell loves fire but fears water. It is not good at swimming, shipbuilding, or fighting at sea or in water.

The name of the river is Hanjiang, which flows into the sea.

And Hantan City introduced a tributary from Hanjiang, forming a large pool near Hantan City.

This pool was originally used for irrigation, but now there are nearly a hundred warships in it.

On the contrary, there are almost no soldiers in Hantan City.

Hantan City temporarily blocked the troops of Hell with the help of Hanjiang.

However, having Hanjiang is not safe, because Hell has a lot of flying troops.

It's just that Hell is unwilling to invest its elite forces in such a marginal city.

Otherwise, the small Hantan City will not survive at all, let alone spend all its efforts to build warships.

The Thorn City behind Hantan City also survived thanks to Hanjiang, and they even provided considerable support to Hantan City.

However, in order to use the water of the Hanjiang River, Thorn City is too close to Hantan City. After Hell destroyed Hantan, it can reach Thorn City in the blink of an eye.

In order to have enough strategic depth, Jiang Jian and his team chose the most marginal city, but their relationship with Hantan and Thorn City is not good.

Most of the wild resources in these two cities have been plundered by these people.

Even the farmlands and manors outside the city are sometimes robbed.

Even so, when Xu Lai attacked the Wasteland City, Thorn City still provided 3,000 soldiers for support.

Although Thorn City is only a base camp-level city, it was established 300 years ago.

If it weren't for the fact that many soldiers were recruited when the noble coalition army went to war with the Northern Empire, Thorn City alone could have pulled out at least 70,000 to 80,000 troops.

Although only about half of them are left now, they can still provide reinforcements to the Wasteland City.

However, the Lord of Thorn City never expected that the Wasteland City, as a castle-level city, would be so desolate that it fell in just two days.

After the Wasteland City fell, the dignitaries of Thorn City were completely panicked, not knowing whether to prepare for battle or surrender directly.

Xu Lai did not give them a chance to hesitate, and did not even persuade them to surrender. He went straight to the destination and started the battle.

However, in this battle, Xu Lai only deployed long-range troops and some phantom archers.

More than a hundred phantom archers advanced, and the remaining phantom archers obviously could not take advantage of long-range shooting.

The base camp city is much smaller. Although the city wall is not as high as that of the castle-level city, and the increase is much less, it can't withstand the large number of archers.

The city wall plus the arrow tower, plus tens of thousands of archers, Xu Lai only has 700 phantoms and more than 7,000 level 3 archers, level 3 crossbowmen, 3,000 level 4 longbowmen, and heavy crossbowmen.

Except for the phantom archers who can stably suppress enemies that are several times larger than their own, the rest of the archer troops are not only weakened by the city walls, but also by the bonus of the enemy walls and arrow towers.

Of course, our side also has super defense and angel alliance, which are basically enough to offset the bonus of the city walls and arrow towers.

However, the gap in levels still exists.

The average of our long-range is less than 3.5 levels, while the opponent is more than 4.5 levels, at least one level difference.

Moreover, the enemy also has defensive weapons such as crossbows, and there are many of them, which are probably used to deal with the hell camp.

Seeing that their long-range troops can completely suppress the opponent, the Lord of Thorns City and other dignitaries finally put their minds at ease.

Of course, they don’t know that Xu Lai has no plan to formally attack the city today, but just come to test it.

Unlike Longan and Wasteland City, which have experienced civil strife, the combat effectiveness of Thorns City and Cold Pond City is still pretty good.

Moreover, when we arrived at the city today, it was already late, so after a simple test, Xu Lai called off the troops.

After the battle, Xu Lai was healing his wounds and resurrecting his wounds.

On the other hand, in Thorn City, more than a thousand archers who died in the battle today were completely dead.

Many of the remaining ones were also injured and might not be able to recover tomorrow.

But Xu Lai did not pose much threat to the city, but gave the lord of Thorn City hope.

In any case, Thorn City has been passed down for more than 300 years. The lord was really unwilling to give up Thorn City.

Moreover, after all, the difference in military strength between the two sides was not big. He could still recruit mercenaries, but Xu Lai needed to supply from the grasslands hundreds of kilometers away.

Although Wasteland City and Long'an City had been taken, it was not so easy to organize a transport team so quickly.

Xu Lai's supply pressure was not great at all. After Lina came back, she had already returned the warehouse ring to Xu Lai.

After the battle every day, Xu Lai could even get hot and fresh food directly from Qingfeng City through this ring.

This is why Xu Lai brought nearly 100,000 soldiers but not many logistics troops.

If it was a battle of attrition, Thorn City would not be able to outlast Xu Lai.

Moreover, if it was just a long-range shooting, Xu Lai would not even lose corpses.

If there were no accidents, no matter how many people died, they could be resurrected. Anyway, the more than 600 archers who died yesterday evening were all resurrected at night.

The next morning, the dozen or so catapults that had been smashed down were also brand new, with fresh stone bullets, flying onto the wall of Thorn City.

The process of conquering Thorn City is much more difficult than conquering the other two cities.

Xu Lai is unwilling to lose his own troops. Even if the catapults are broken, they can be thrown into the warehouse and someone in Qingfeng City will naturally pick them up.

But once more than 600 archers are killed, Xu Lai will order the troops to gradually withdraw from the battle.

After that, there will be basically no other battles on this day.

Xu Lai does not take the initiative to attack, and the people of Thorn City dare not go out of the city to fight, so the two sides are in a stalemate.

Anyway, there are more and more advanced phantom archers on Xu Lai's side, but there will also be more and more archers who advance to level 4 longbows.

By the way, the archers on the city wall can also be raised to a higher level to gain higher experience.

Although the archers who died on his side were resurrected, experience must be given.

But compared with Xu Lai, the archers lost in Thorn City are basically permanent losses, and they will also lose a lot of morale.

Although they basically only fought for one or two hours a day, they could slowly make up for the lost morale in the remaining time.

But after all, the losses on their side were increasing every day, while the enemy was resurrecting every day, which made people despair.

Except for the morale of the recruited troops, it was difficult to continue to improve the morale of the rest of the army no matter how they encouraged it.

Finally, after a week, even the hired mercenary archers had died or run away, and the long-range force on the city wall was finally no longer suppressed.

After losing the long-range force, the infantrymen who had been suppressed for a long time finally launched a charge on Thorn City.

After a week of continuous bombing, the walls of Thorn City, including the city gates, had long been blown up.

The infantrymen did not need to climb the walls, as long as they used ladders to build on the moat, they could rush into the city directly.

Infantrymen were much harder to kill than archers, and after their levels were gradually improved, they could completely crush opponents one or two levels higher than themselves with the blessing of god-level offensive techniques.

On the other hand, the soldiers of Thorn City had no fighting spirit at all. Even when recruiting soldiers, their morale was only about 20 or 30 points, and they were basically ready to collapse.

At this time, the Lord of Thorn City, with his relatives and officials in the city, knelt on the ground.

Xu Lai narrowed his eyes and ordered to kill them all, leaving no one alive.

He did not like to be a tyrant, but Xu Lai still had use for their heads.

All the heads of these people were sent to Hantan City.

Xu Lai wanted to persuade Hantan City to surrender, because Hantan City’s navy was extremely lacking.

He told Tahan, who was responsible for transporting these heads, that surrender would be fine, but those who resisted stubbornly would be killed.

As a result, Tahan only brought more than a hundred riders to the foot of Hantan City, and the city gate was directly opened. The Lord of the City surrendered directly with all the soldiers and civilians in the city.

Xu Lai directly captured a naval fleet with 120 warships of various types, 5,000 infantrymen, and more than 15,000 archers without bloodshed. (End of this chapter)

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