The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 647 Naturalization in the Eagle Kingdom

Originally, Avid was extremely dissatisfied with Xu Lai's occupation of Hantan City.

No matter what, he, Avid Valentine, was standing on the front line against Hell, but suffered a backstab from his friendly forces behind him.

It is impossible to say that he had no thoughts and resentment in his heart.

However, as soon as Xu Lai came to Hantan City, he announced the expansion of the army after seeing the shipyard and the Hantan Fleet.

The second thing he did was to directly take out the cash to pay the newly established Coast Guard.

Hantan City was not rich to begin with. After the fall of the Western Empire, the resources of the entire city were basically used for shipbuilding.

Soldiers were grateful for being able to have a full meal every day, not to mention the salary, and they did not dare to ask for more.

Even the soldiers could only have a full meal every day, and it was impossible for other people in Hantan City to have a full meal.

The third thing Xu Lai did after arriving in Hantan City was to open the warehouse and release the grain.

However, Xu Lai did not open the warehouse of Hantan City. There was not much food in the warehouse of Hantan City.

Xu Lai put out the military rations of the Qingfeng Legion.

With the warehouse ring, the food supply is not a big problem, but the food in Qingfeng City was also purchased by Xu Lai at a high price.

Each soldier also carried two to three days of dry food on his back in case of emergency.

Now that the battle is basically over, we can build a camp directly outside Hantan City.

The food is directly allocated from Longan City, Wasteland City and Thorn City.

These cities have a lot of resources stored, especially Longan and Wasteland.

As heroes of the advent, Jiang Jian and his men almost instinctively built high cities and stored a lot of food.

If they were willing to help Hantan City a little, Hantan City would not be unable to support people and recruit soldiers.

Expanding the army, paying salaries, and releasing food, each measure is aimed at the huge problems that Hantan City currently has.

And Xu Lai's approach also won the hearts of the people and the army from Hantan City at the first time.

With only the existing Hantan City, it is a pipe dream to want to stop the attack from Hell, even with the Coastal Defense Force and Hanjiang.

Even with the addition of the Qingfeng Legion, it can only hold out for a little longer, and it may not even be able to hold out for a day.

Hanjiang can only stop the ground forces of Hell, and Hell also has a large number of flying forces.

Without a strong city as a rear, no matter how strong the fleet is, it is rootless and can only drift with the waves.

By then, the Coastal Defense Force will not even have a reliable rear for supply.

Therefore, Hantan City must be expanded, the city walls must be raised, the arrow towers must be increased, there must be more warehouses, more food, and it must be able to fight a long-term war.

This requires Xu Lai to invest countless resources in this city, even more than in the Stone City.

In a city that may require unlimited investment, Xu Lai will not be at ease unless he wins the hearts of the people and the army.

Xu Lai can hand over the Coastal Defense Force to Avid, who has experience in naval battles and at least knows how to lead the navy.

No matter how dissatisfied Avid was with Xu Lai, no matter how influential he was, he could not mobilize the entire Coast Guard to betray him.

Because neither the navy nor the naval forces could produce food by themselves, they must be supplied from the rear.

As soon as these three policies were announced, Xu Lai immediately received responses and cheers from the whole city.

Even Avid, who had been forced to join by Xu Lai before and had always had a stern face, now had a little more smile on his face.

He was still dissatisfied with Xu Lai, but he had to admit that Xu Lai's arrival was good for Hantan City, at least it would allow the residents of Hantan City to have a full meal for a few days.

Moreover, Xu Lai's so-called military expansion was not watered down. Of the 50,000 recruits he brought, 5,000 were immediately selected and incorporated into the Coast Guard for training.

After destroying the tens of thousands of people in Thorn City, these 50,000 recruits were no longer recruits.

The lowest level was still level 3, but most of them had been promoted to level 4, and a few had been promoted to level 5. The average level of the entire team had been raised to level 4.

Of these 5,000 people, Xu Lai selected the most elite ones.

2,000 level 5 infantry, including 1,000 heavy shield infantry and 1,000 swordsmen. Except for the officers, the best people in the entire legion were selected.

The remaining 3,000 people are even more powerful, including 1,500 level 5 sharpshooters, 1,000 level 5 armor-piercing crossbowmen, and 500 level 7 phantom sharpshooters.

After a little training to adapt them to fighting on the ship, the combat effectiveness of this force is definitely good.

The navy and the navy are a more troublesome type of troops because there are no hero buildings that can be recruited on a large scale.

If you can only rely on your own training, the role of the long-range troops is relatively large, and if the melee troops cannot serve as sailors, the role will be much smaller.

The 5,000-man force was expanded first because the coastal defense force did not have enough ships.

And Xu Lai did not want to make do with this force, so he also assigned Lena an additional task.

Let her leave behind 10,000 level 3 warriors and archers who have not yet been upgraded, and take the remaining 35,000 troops to sweep all wild monsters and outdoor buildings within the four cities.

First, it is to obtain resources to supplement the family expenses, and second, mosquitoes are some meat, which is much more than the experience gained from daily training.

After the remaining 5,000 people are upgraded to level 5, the 9 cruisers that Xu Lai invested resources in should be almost built and can be put into use directly.

As for the newly established coastal defense force, Xu Lai will not let them sit idle.

After the salary was paid in the name of Xu Lai and the Eagle Kingdom, the morale of the Coast Guard was restored.

In addition, Xu Lai also sent Elvy and the angel army she led to the ship to escort the entire Coast Guard.

In addition, the statue of the god of war erected in Qingfeng City can now increase the morale of the entire Eagle Kingdom by 10 points and 5 points of all attributes.

The morale of the Coast Guard, not to mention that it was immediately restored to the full value, but it was also visibly improved to a high morale.

It is a bit of a waste to put the Coast Guard with high morale in the not-so-large Cold Pond.

Moreover, in the originally small Cold Pond, more than a hundred warships were squeezed in, and the remaining space had to be prepared for more cruisers, so there was really no place to train.

So, Xu Lai waved his hand and asked Avid to take more than 60 warships and start patrolling along the Cold River day and night.

There are many benefits to doing this.

First of all, it can free up a lot of space for Hantan, so that the new recruits who have just joined can have a relatively stable training space.

Secondly, there are still some villages and towns that have not fallen in the upper reaches of Hanjiang River.

After the Coast Guard begins patrolling along the river, it can deter the hell troops that fly over the river.

It can also provide appropriate help to these towns, and if there are many refugees, they can also help share the burden.

As long as there is a war, it is impossible to say that there will be no deaths. Even if there are angels who can be resurrected, there will be situations where the bodies are completely destroyed.

Cities and populations are the necessary conditions for the continued struggle.

Finally, although the Hantan Fleet was established a long time ago, in addition to the backbone that the Valentine family has built long ago.

Most of the soldiers were also incorporated after the invasion of hell.

These soldiers, in addition to operating ships and using weapons on board, are much better than the Qingfeng Corps, and have only fought two or three times in actual combat, and they are only small-scale frictions with the hell troops.

There are many wild monsters and enemies along the Hanjiang River, including on the Hanjiang River.

For example, the fishmen and the patrolling hell army.

Before, Avid was afraid of angering the demons of hell, and the few minor frictions were mainly defensive. The fleet was usually in the cold pond and would not take the initiative to provoke trouble.

But Xu Lai was different. He was also afraid of attracting the large army of hell, but he knew that the hell army had begun to gather.

If it was an attack on his Eagle Kingdom, then it would be very urgent to take the opportunity to eliminate the hostile forces near the cold river, control the river surface, and improve their own combat effectiveness.

This is also the last chance to improve combat effectiveness.

But if hell gathered together, not to attack the Eagle Kingdom, Xu Lai could also use it to contain part of hell's forces.

With only a fleet of less than 100 ships, it can only attack targets on the shore along the river, and it is probably impossible to change hell's strategic goals.

Besides, the huge cold river has a lot of resources on the river surface alone.

Even if you just pick up floating treasure chests, floating objects, drifting bottles, and explore shipwrecks, the income will not be small.

Although it is certainly not as good as the resources on land, at least it can earn enough money to pay for the wages and expenses of the Coast Guard.

Xu Lai conquered four cities, but even if he swept through the powerful and wealthy classes in these four cities, he could not extort much money.

Building Hantan City and increasing the ships of the Coast Guard are both bottomless pits, and no matter how many resources are available, they can be eaten up.

In addition to sending out the Qingfeng Corps, Xu Lai also organized refugees to form a transport team to provide food and other supplies for the Qingfeng Corps.

There is very little arable land outside Hantan City, and those farms and villages already have enough manpower.

Hantan City, which has long lost its vitality, can't provide many jobs at all. Except for the shipbuilders, even the rich families in the city have already closed all their shops.

The locals in Hantan City have lost their jobs and need to wait for Avid and others to distribute relief food every day, not to mention the refugees pouring in.

Xu Lai established a transport team, which was also a way of providing relief through work, which was much better than receiving relief.

As for the locals of Hantan City, Xu Lai did not forget that the city needed to be upgraded, and it was upgraded as quickly as possible.

Not only the people of Hantan City, but also the people of Thorn City, Xu Lai wanted to bring them together.

Relying on the warehouse ring, a large number of resources can be transferred here.

But Qingfeng City could not withstand the consumption either, after all, it had just supported a large wave of stubborn stone city.

Moreover, building cruisers requires a large number of workers and resources, especially wood and iron ingots.

Such a large number cannot be achieved by Qingfeng City alone.

Therefore, after Xu Lai issued three orders in Hantan City, he quickly issued another order.

Although this order was related to Hantan City, it was actually aimed at Thorn City.

Xu Lai directly ordered the demolition of all buildings in Thorn City and the migration of the population of Thorn City to Hantan City.

The Qingfeng Army’s camp was built at the original location of the Thorn City to prepare for the future entry of the main force of the Qingfeng Army.

As for the resources removed from the Thorn City, they were all transported to the Cold Pond City to expand and upgrade the Cold Pond City.

Even if the Thorn City is not enough, Xu Lai is considering whether to demolish Longan and the Wasteland City.

Demolition and upgrading are both huge projects.

It just so happens that there are a large number of idle population and refugees in both cities. Putting them to work can also reduce Xu Lai's burden and security pressure.

Fortunately, Xu Lai is not short of city hearts. Thorn City directly provides a castle heart for a base camp, and Stone City also has a fortress-level castle heart.

The remaining two fortress-level ones are not difficult for Xu Lai to buy through the market in Qingfeng City.

If there are not enough castle hearts, Xu Lai can only demolish one of the two cities.

Demolition and upgrading, two important large-scale projects are carried out at the same time.

In addition, the coastal defense force patrols and training on the river, and the Qingfeng Corps sweeps the periphery.

For a time, hundreds of thousands of people in the north of Hanjiang almost all took action.

The originally lifeless place was revitalized because of Xu Lai's arrival.

Xu Lai even climbed the top of the city in person to command the expansion and upgrading of the city wall, and the construction location of the arrow tower and turret.

Although Yu Lan and others did not have to go out with the Qingfeng Corps to sweep, they were not at ease at all.

The space master of Qingfeng City has been rushing to Hantan City without stopping.

When he arrives, he will build a teleportation array as soon as possible.

But before that, the officials from Qingfeng City cannot come so quickly.

Xu Lai tried his best to transform Hantan City, and Avid also cooperated. The Valentine family provided a group of young talents to help Xu Lai.

All these people were assigned to Yu Lan by Xu Lai, and they cooperated with Xu Lai's secretarial team to change the nationality of the residents of the entire Hantan City.

Not only Hantan City, but also the officials sent by Long'an City and Wasteland City are doing this now.

The city will be incorporated into the Eagle Kingdom, and the residents in the city and the farmers outside the city will all be incorporated into the nationality of the Eagle Kingdom.

This is not only to increase the sphere of influence of the Eagle Kingdom and increase the income of the Congress, but also to integrate these Western Empire people into the Eagle Kingdom as soon as possible.

These Western Empire people didn't have much sense of belonging to the Western Empire.

A few years ago, they were just imperial people. Although the Western Empire was established later, it was just a pseudo-empire without even a parliament.

Joining the Eagle Kingdom and enjoying the citizen treatment of the Eagle Kingdom can help them to build cohesion with the Eagle Kingdom faster and earlier.

In addition, after naturalizing in the Eagle Kingdom, they can also start to enjoy the bonus of the Eagle Kingdom's War God Statue.

The Angel Alliance only reduces the morale loss when living with aliens.

In fact, except for a few cities such as the Stone City, which will live with aliens such as elves, other human cities basically will not live together.

Therefore, the Angel Alliance will play a greater role when fighting.

However, the blessing of the War God Statue is for all combat populations. Naturalizing citizens and the Coast Guard as soon as possible is also a way to increase combat effectiveness as soon as possible. (End of this chapter)

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