The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 648 Strategic Alliance

"Beautiful little Naga Princess, Her Highness Emilia:

It has been more than two months since we last met.

In these two months, I have been thinking about you all the time..."

"I say, are you writing a letter or a love letter?" Xu Lai complained to Yu Lan helplessly.

Yu Lan pouted and said, "My dear husband, can't you see that I think the little Naga princess is quite interested in you.

You should say a few nice words to her, so that it will be easier to succeed when you ask her to do something."

Xu Lai smacked his lips. It didn't matter if he said a few nice words, but the problem was that it was a little ambiguous.

If Emilia was a human, Xu Lai wouldn't care. At most, he would sacrifice a little bit of his appearance.

Unfortunately, Emilia was a Naga, dragging a snake's tail, which really didn't meet Xu Lai's aesthetics.

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to give her enough response at that time.

Write a new one. Don't give her any hope for something that can't be done, otherwise she will be resentful and gain an enemy for nothing."

Yu Lan smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I'll rewrite it. This time, the wording will be more official, right?"

Xu Lai shook his head and said, "No need. Give the official one to her mother, and the one for Emilia will be more personal."

Although the Naga clan is cooperating with the tower, Xu Lai doesn't mind trying to pry into the corner.

Even if the corner can't be pried, at least Xu Lai and Emilia's Deep Sea Naga tribe have a very close relationship.

The two sides signed an alliance agreement and are allies.

Qingfeng City was just a city before, and it was barely a force that controlled the grassland.

Now that Xu Lai has established the Eagle Kingdom, he wants to go a step further on the basis of the alliance agreement and strive to sign an all-weather strategic alliance agreement.

The alliance relationship only stipulates that when both parties are attacked, the allies need to provide help or shelter, etc.

For example, when Xu Lai was attacked by a stronghold, Emilia personally led the team and led 3,000 Naga people to support.

However, although Naga is an amphibious creature, its walking speed on the ground is not really fast.

Moreover, generally speaking, there was no emergency in the Stone City, and the Qingfeng City did not have many troops at that time.

So this Naga reinforcements finally stayed in Qingfeng City and did not participate in the actual battle.

As for the Deep Sea Naga Tribe, Xu Lai could not support it even more if it had to fight with other aquatic tribes.

His people were either herders or recruited soldiers. Ships were needed for fighting on the sea, not to mention fighting in the sea.

At best, Xu Lai provided material assistance to the Naga tribe.

Of course, material assistance alone was enough for the Naga.

The combat effectiveness of the Naga was not weak. With enough materials, they could breed more people, enslave more fishmen, and create more and better equipment.

Relatively speaking, the Naga would suffer a little in the alliance agreement signed with Xu Lai.

However, Xu Lai had already given enough compensation in other aspects, such as the commission of 90,000 gold coins for the summoning stones of the water unicorn, but he did not pay less.

Of course, they did not take the money and did not do anything. A total of 30 water unicorn summoning stones were purchased for Xu Lai.

And the price of each water unicorn summoning stone was also compressed to 500,000 gold coins, almost half.

On the one hand, Xu Lai bought in bulk after all. According to the price of 900,000 gold coins per stone, 30 stones would be 27 million, which was really too exaggerated.

On the other hand, we have to thank the Deep Sea Tribe and the Queen of Naga.

Both of them were interested in having a deeper cooperation with Xu Lai, so they gave him some face.

That is why Xu Lai did not pay less for the commission of 90,000 gold coins per summoning stone just because the summoning stone was cheaper, and both parties signed the alliance agreement as they wished.

The Nagas mainly live in the ocean. No matter how big the Hanjiang River is, it is a freshwater river and is not suitable for the Nagas to live in for a long time.

Of course, with the physique of adult Nagas, even freshwater rivers have little effect on them.

At most, it will have some impact on the newly born Naga cubs with insufficient resistance. It is not a place suitable for Nagas to live and breed for a long time.

But for the Nagas to fight, the environment of the cold river is not much different from the sea. It is also an area with abundant water elements.

Another point is that Nagas are good at amphibious warfare.

Usually they can attack the enemy underwater. If the battle is won, they don’t have to wait for the ship to dock or get on and off the ship.

They can swim directly from the shore and chase the enemy. Multiple arms can also make them more efficient in killing enemies.

The demons have lived in hell for a long time and are used to the life scene of fire everywhere. It is normal for them to hate water, but this does not mean that they can’t fight on the water.

After occupying the Western Empire, Hell captured a large number of humans. Most of them were kept as rations and sacrifices, but there were still many with certain skills who would become slaves and survive temporarily.

These people include blacksmiths, carpenters, and shipbuilders.

A cold river not only isolates the city of Hantan.

The cold river goes all the way to the Northern Empire, and there are at least dozens of towns and villages of varying sizes along the way, which are protected by this cold river.

How can Hell bear this? It is necessary to build a ship.

Even if Hell doesn't care about these small towns and villages north of Hanjiang, what about the Northern Empire? The Northern Empire also has a big river.

The Northern Empire doesn't care, but what about the Southern Empire, which has the most developed economy and the richest resources?

The Southern Empire is not only big rivers, but also has countless small rivers and lakes. The islands in the lake and the islands on the sea also have rich supplies.

Unless Hell has no idea about the rich south, otherwise, they must build ships.

Relying only on flying troops, it may be possible to take down the devastated Western Empire, but it is impossible to take down the vast Northern Empire and the South Empire with many waters.

Relying on the strength of Hantan City alone, whether it is the speed of shipbuilding or the speed of training naval forces, it is impossible to compare with Hell.

Ships are not like warriors. Even if there is no recruiting building, warriors can be recruited by population.

Even if the militia and infantry recruited are not strong in combat effectiveness, at least they can be defended by facilities such as catapults, crossbow carts, and artillery carts.

Ships are strategic resources and must be reserved in advance, otherwise they cannot be replenished immediately after consumption.

Even if cruisers are not built, long-distance gunboats will take 300 hours of work.

Ten professional shipbuilders will need at least 20 hours to build a long-distance gunboat, and they have to work without food, drink or rest.

Xu Lai can borrow Naga to help escort by signing a deeper strategic alliance agreement with Naga.

At the same time, when Naga needs help, Xu Lai, who has his own fleet, also has the capital to go to sea to fight.

The key is that Naga, as the overlord of the deep sea, basically has no enemies in the ocean.

In other words, most of the time, their tribesmen have little chance to fight.

And to grow into a high-level Naga such as the Naga Sword Saint and the Eight-Armed Naga, it also requires a lot of experience and fighting.

Just as a race that can live in the deep sea, no matter how powerful the Hell Camp is, it is impossible to harm these deep-sea races.

Unless Hell can build a submarine one day, there is almost no innovation for those demons who only know how to destroy.

Xu Lai has little confidence in his literary talent, so he asked Yu Lan to write for him and help invite Emilia and her mother.

For things like strategic alliances, the clan leader must come forward in person.

Time flies, and two weeks have passed.

In these two weeks, only one major event happened. After the Hell forces were assembled, they officially launched an attack on the former heart of the Lion Empire, Lionheart City.

The Lionheart City Congress, in the name of the Congress, issued a rescue order to all cities in the empire.

Although the Northern Empire was recognized by the Church, they did not establish their own Congress. Before the fall of Lionheart City, it was still under the Empire.

The remnants of the Western Empire, as well as the Southern Empire and the Eastern Empire, are the same.

Therefore, except for the Eagle Kingdom, which did not receive a rescue order, all other cities in the Empire camp received a rescue order from Lionheart City.

However, there were almost no cities and forces that responded to the rescue order.

According to the news from the temple, the Eastern Empire's Grand Duke Yuwen dispatched a griffin troop of more than 10,000 people.

Unlike Xu Lai's Qingfeng City, the Eastern Empire has a history of griffins for hundreds of years.

In Xu Lai's place, the highest griffin can only be upgraded to the 6th-level Royal Griffin.

In the Eastern Empire, the top-level Royal Griffin can be combined with a few knights to become a 7th-level Griffin Knight.

However, after becoming a Griffin Knight, because it carries hundreds of kilograms of knights, even if it is one level higher, its speed is far weaker than that of the 6th-level Royal Griffin.

With an additional knight, the melee combat ability in air combat has increased, but the dive attack on the ground has been lost, and the lethality to ground troops has been greatly reduced.

Of course, this griffin troop of more than 10,000 people is not all griffin knights. There are only more than 300 griffin knights, all of whom are officers who control griffins.

To be honest, this griffin troop was not dispatched to rescue Lionheart City.

Like the Northern Empire, they could not save face for the Temple and sent a few troops to reinforce symbolically.

The Northern Empire sent a slightly larger number of troops, a total of 50,000 people.

30,000 infantry and 20,000 archers, with an average level of only 4th level, which is basically better than nothing.

The Northern Empire and the Eastern Empire at least sent people to support.

The Southern Empire, however, did not move at all. It is said that there was not even any unofficial support such as civilian armed forces.

The teleportation arrays of Qingfeng City and Hantan City had just been opened, and the Crimson Archbishop Wright stationed in Qingfeng City hurried over in person.

Xu Lai knew very well what the other party was doing, and Yu Lan directly suggested that Xu Lai take a boat to the sea to avoid the other party.

From the grassland to the imperial capital, the distance is extremely far. Even if Xu Lai, who has the talent of speed, goes out in person, it will take one or two months to arrive unless he brings knights.

At that time, all the flowers will be cold, and Xu Lai is most likely not to even get in the door.

While Lionheart City is not surrounded by the army of Hell, there is another way to enter the city, which is to fly there directly on the teleportation array.

But flying there is easy, but leaving Lionheart City is not so easy.

Once Lionheart City is surrounded, not only the teleportation array, but also Xu Lai's time and space gate will be useless.

Moreover, Kerrigan personally led the army and it is said that he mobilized millions of Hell troops. Lionheart City basically has no chance of winning.

Once Lionheart City fell, Xu Lai and the hundreds or thousands of guards he brought with him would have little chance of breaking out.

However, the Temple supported Xu Lai so much that it would be inappropriate for him to come over. He could only flee to Hanjiang, where he might be able to avoid Wright.

After thinking about Yu Lan's suggestion for a while, Xu Lai finally chose to refuse.

In his heart, Xu Lai would never send troops to support Lionheart City. He didn't have the capital to do so.

But he couldn't refuse, and didn't want to escape, so he simply met with Wright. It was better to speak out.

As expected, Wright came to ask Xu Lai to support Lionheart City.

But he also knew that it would be too late to send troops from the grassland to the imperial capital.

So, he didn't ask Xu Lai to send troops, but asked Xu Lai to go to Lionheart City to take charge of the overall situation.

The Temple only had generals, no heroes. Lionheart City was such a big city, and there were heroes and nobles who descended.

However, Wright did not trust those heroes who came, nor did he trust the dukes and marquises who stayed in the Congress.

"What are you talking about? You only trust Xu Lai, so you want to throw Xu Lai over and bury him with Lionheart City?"

Yu Lan was so angry that she almost cursed without caring about Wright's face.

Wright also knew that his request was extremely unreasonable, but he was not angry. Instead, he said with a face full of shame:

"Xu Lai, if you are willing to go to Lionheart City to take charge of the overall situation, I guarantee with my life that all the troops in Lionheart City will be under your command.

As the capital of the empire, Lionheart City is the most defensive city in the world.

And even if the reinforcements from other places are not counted, Lionheart City and Holy Angel City alone can organize hundreds of thousands of troops.

In addition to the mercenaries in the imperial capital and the private soldiers of each family, the difference in military strength is not big even if it is weaker.

With your current level and ability, you are not much inferior to Kerrigan. We also have the advantage of city defense, and there is still a lot of hope to defend Lionheart City."

Xu Lai was still silent, but Yu Lan said:

"Even if your Lionheart City can withstand the first wave of troops from Hell, the reinforcements from Hell will continue to appear. Will your Lionheart City still have reinforcements?"

In one sentence, Wright was speechless.

Yu Lan followed up with another question: "Let's not talk about whether Lionheart City can be defended. Even if it can be defended temporarily, what about the Eagle Kingdom?

If Kerrigan sends an army to attack the Eagle Kingdom directly, the kingdom will be without a leader, and the entire grassland and the believers you brought will become sacrifices to hell."

Just as Xu Lai was about to speak, another announcement came from outside the door.

But before the person announcing the announcement could finish his words, the person had already rushed in. It was another Crimson Archbishop of the Temple, Dur. (End of this chapter)

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